Jody England



Jody England is the visionary behind the creation of Untamed You, Understanding your Soul Medicine Path, and Host of the Wild Soul Medicine Radio Show.


  • Yearning, Longing, and Alone

    01/03/2017 Duration: 56min

    Greetings, Sister,Last Thursday, I graduated 42 beautiful, potent, courageous Souls from their 9 month long journey of Becoming.I graduated right along with them.Like a proud mama, reveling in their liberation and devotion… I celebrated Our accomplishment.It was a gloriously strong finish.And then…Meh.Instead of basking in the spaciousness of a newly opened schedule and wide open energetic field, I have found myself in an ever deepening Malaise.Amidst the distractions of a home under major reconstruction and the return of my moon after several months hiatus, I have been curious about what This is.Dreams of destruction, death, disconnect.Lurking feelings of nothing “turning out” and general gloom and doom.I’ve been keeping it to myself.Who wants to Be With this? Who even could be with this?I kept waiting for it to pass, but then here comes Wednesday and a Wild Soul Medicine Radio episode. Calling Me On The Carpet to turn toward The Thing.To invite it Closer.So I — So We, Can see.Sitting here in the Womb of my

  • We are the Weavers, We are the Web

    22/02/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    Greetings, Sister,The Power of Two.To. Too. Two.Connecting, joining, unifying.One thing leading to the next and the next.Two is the number of the Divine Feminine. Our Sacred Mother.How fitting that yesterday, on 2.22.2017, we continued the second of our two part Wild Soul Conversation on Liberating our Wombs: Healing from Abortion.If you haven’t caught up from last week, you can do so here.Today we dive in for a Deeper Cut.Searching for the wisdom inside of these initiatory experiences and the tendrils of patriarchy still insidiously woven through the web of our mythos.Standing together as we step forward from the shadows and claim our fundamental role as Stewards of the portal of All of Life.Our Brave council of Wild Souls showed up for Us again way of Sacred Example.Here are some highlights to listen for:(05:40) Creation and Destruction(14:55) Mommy-Guilt(20:20) Double Binds(40:00) Complicitly Claimable(58:30) The Prison Built Around a SproutThey came, to vulnerably share their experiences in service of Us

  • We are the Flow, We are the Ebb

    15/02/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    Greetings, Sister,The tide of the Divine Feminine is rising. She is making Her Return in big and small ways across the planet.Did you happen to witness the holy spectacle of Beyonce in full-on Goddess Glory, taking center stage at the Grammy’s on Sunday?The Great Mother in golden awesomeness proclaiming, “If we are going to heal, Let It Be Glorious.”Yes.More, please.Since the election I’ve had an idea gestating inside of me.As I watched the escalation of misogyny and entrenchment of the patriarchy… as the already repressive and archaic laws against women’s reproductive health and lives began to be targeted and ratcheted up by the new regime, my Ancient Source-eress began to stir.The long dormant dragon wanting to Breathe Fire and burn it all down.Ages and ages of silence and repression, abuse and oppression. The ignorance and violence unchecked and unfettered.It is a lot to bear.And this time there is more at stake than ever before.We don’t have time for retribution.Reparations can never be made for all We ha

  • Resistance

    08/02/2017 Duration: 01h30s

    Greetings, Sister,My newsfeed has been inundated with the latest outrages over cabinet appointments and confirmations, incendiary tweets and attempts to catalyze, mobilize, and join The Resistance.Score keeping of “wins” and “losses” - A court ruling on the injustice of a particular executive order counted as a Win and the impending abolition of the department of education (and an obviously incompetent figure head to preside over its demise) tallied in the loss column.People tracking every move, press conference, piece of legislation, media slight, infringement and loss.It’s a lot to keep track of. It feels like a barrage to my system.Not because I don’t have the stamina or wherewithal for fighting.I do.I’m made for it, actually.And have spent most of my life doing it.Rather, it feels like a drain to me because it doesn’t seem to be fully energetically aligned with The Mission.The spectacle of Devolution is so compelling, so mind-blowing that it creates its own gravitational pull that sucks us into the fan bl

  • Now

    01/02/2017 Duration: 56min

    Greetings, Sister,I am back. Freshly returned from my adventure in Costa Rica and integrating the expansion and teachings from that place into this place.My journey there was both simple and complex. Surprising and predictable. A mixed bag of All of Life.I have no idea what it all means and have been sitting this morning in the inquiry of what to share and what to hold close for now.It feels so abrupt to be returning to “civilization.”Especially since the cocoon I was in there feels much more civilized than my own country and our planet as a whole these days.I told a friend this morning, “It feels like the world is doing a super fast, double dutch jump ropey thing and I don’t know exactly how to re-enter… or if I even want to.”But I DO want to BE with you.Perhaps I’ll share some experiences from my journey or ponderings about what might be next.All I know for sure is to begin with where I am. Now.So I invite you to join me there.In the peace and infinite possibility of Presence.It might be the most revolution

  • La Medicina

    28/12/2016 Duration: 56min

    Greetings Sister,As we arrive on the shores of the last Wild Soul Medicine show of the year, I find myself in a contemplative and celebratory state.Not only are we bringing the year to a close, we are also completing the final year of a nine year cycle.With her sharp eyes and ability to turn her head in all directions, Mama Owl beckons us to See where we have been and cultivate our ability to discern where we are going.It is a momentous time to be alive.New invitations, opportunities, and paths will begin to present themselves, as the seeds of a New Age are tended and planted into their various fields of possibility.We are tasked with Listening with our Whole Being to where we are being Called and when.Finding the clarity and courage to Wait for right timing and alignment, to go Inward and steady our old habits and impulses as we make room for Sacred Yes.On Wild Soul Medicine radio today, I’ll be holding space for Conclusion.Coming together in Honor of our walk of 2016 and in curiosity of where our Vision beg

  • Wild Soul Conversation with Vera de Chalambert

    21/12/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Winter Solstice is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere.The shortest day and longest night of the year. The beginning of Winter. A time for reflection, as we embrace The Darkness and reconnect with the depth of our Inner Truth.In the midst of the tumult of violence and uncertainty echoing through our planet - a call for Stillness.Following our own North Star to a sanctuary of peace and shelter from the storm.As we grow in our spiritual work, we expand in our ability to Experience the honesty of Darkness.Dissolving our egoic constructs that would label dark or light as good or bad or have us reaching toward preference of one or the other.Sitting at the crossroads of a heart opened to Goddess, we Return to the Knowing of All Of Life.Dark and Light.Oneness.The center point of all Creation.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today, I am honored to share this sacred space of unity with another wise sister on The Path as we continue our series of Medicine Conversations.You may know her work from either of her two Kali-

  • Wild Soul Conversation with Samantha Sweetwater

    14/12/2016 Duration: 01h03min

    Open me to Higher Wisdom and More Love.That is the prayer of my heart.I continue to feel and listen, feel and listen.Riding the waves of Change as they buffet and cleanse my Being.New Consciousness is showing itself to me. Ancient Awarenesses making itself Known.I am grateful and willing.I am Witness to the Great Unfolding and the tenderness of the moment.Each of Us finding Her Way - sometimes angry, despairing, loving, fighting, praying, losing faith, and finding it again.I will continue to hold this space as Sanctuary for All Of Life.Welcoming Every Experience of What is So for each woman who brings her Wild Soul here.This week we continue our series of conversations with the Wisdom Sisters of my Heart.Vast, multi-dimensional women who are doing their work while holding space for a planet in Transition.Offering perspective, opening our hearts and minds to sit in council with One another - to hear and be heard, to see and be seen, to love and be loved.What the hell IS all of this? What is my role? What is yo

  • Wild Soul Conversation with Ali Shanti

    07/12/2016 Duration: 01h06min

    Greetings, Sister,Inspiration is brewing. And fire.I am feeling The Call.To DO something.It is emerging in and through me as Goddess takes the wheel and I surrender wholly to Being Used.After several weeks of being deeply internal - listening, dissolving, grieving, raging, and re-membering, I finally connected with a couple of my wisest sisters this week.My Soul had been hungering for it. A perspective on what is happening, a soft place to lay my tender heart and open to wisdom I Trust from women who are vast and multi-dimensional. Women who are doing their work while holding space for a planet in Transition.It was just the Medicine I needed.Although we are seeing different things and navigating the tumult of our own shadow work, there is strength in sharing perspectives and comparing notes.What the hell IS all of this? What is my role? What is yours?What are you seeing? What does it feel like to be where you are?What are the prayers of your heart?This access to a Truth bigger than myself is opening doors and

  • Coherence in the Chaos

    30/11/2016 Duration: 58min

    Greetings, Sister,I come to you this week with Clear Eyes and a Clear Heart. Integration week was highly potent for me. I went all the way Inward and allowed myself to be dismantled and re-membered.Communing with Goddess as she In-formed my purpose and prepared me for surrendering the totality of my Being to Her Use.Wherever you are on your journey right now, whatever level of action, reaction, despair, or hopefulness you are in at the moment… there is Food for you here.Soul Medicine for you and for Us.As we swirl in the chaos of civilization-level reorganization, we are faced with conflict and division, terror and rage, anxiety and malaise.Have you noticed how nearly every conversation you’ve been having lately feels like you are speaking a completely different language from those around you? Even friends, sisters, partners, members of your tribe, mentors and teachers, institutions you have previously been in Resonance with and trusted for guidance - are no longer places you are finding wisdom and comfort?Di

  • The Peace of Impermanence

    16/11/2016 Duration: 44min

    Greetings Sister,I invite you today to join me in a space of rest.In between feeling your feelings, working your shadow, tracking the latest disastrous cabinet appointments or egregious environmental catastrophes in the making, or organizing a protest, a rally, or a call to action…There is a place for you to find respite.After giving myself over to the throes of rage and despair for the better part of a week, and removing myself from TV and social media - exchanging with the outside world only on an "as required" basis, I was called into a tentative yes of a seemingly pointless nature.My daughter turns 13 in a couple of weeks and has been begging me to redo her bedroom.I was putting her off and had been pretty sure I wasn’t going to do it (because: not sure we are going to still live here, just did her room a few years ago, costs more than I want to spend, other priorities I have for the house, and… all the reasons.)But then at the beginning of a long weekend with no plans and the prospect of more wallowing i

  • Refuge

    09/11/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Oh, Sister,What a week. So much moving through Our collective.Tender hearts, systems on alert, woundings front and center.On Wednesday, I showed up in the rawness of my reaction.Every fiber of my Being rejecting the IS-ness of this.I saw this coming — and I still hate it.Intensely.In the time since, I have continued to process, vent, grieve, and surrender.Pulling myself away from media, engaging with others as little as possible.Allowing myself to metabolize the depth of my egoic rebellion at What Comes Next.As a Seer and a Griever, I am still a visceral NO to the platitudes of coming together, and calls to take action, and move into excitement about the fire this can light under Us.I am where I am. There is much to reconcile.And I will continue to Be With it all. Honoring every nook and cranny of the stuckness, rage, hopelessness, and revulsion.If you are still in that place too, there is Wild Soul Medicine for you in the replay from this week.Use it to open the floodgates of what you have yet to process.A p

  • Standing Up, Standing Down

    02/11/2016 Duration: 56min

    Hello Sister,As the turbulence, violence, uncertainty and conflict grows on every front, it is tempting to step away and avert our eyes and ears - or alternatively, to get pulled into the fray. Putting our boots on the ground, shaking our fists in the air, shouting against the injustice of it all.Standing in this Liminal Space amidst one inciting event after another, letting go of the comfort of our former ways of existing and knowing, and not yet seeing clearly where and how a New Way will emerge…Our Brothers and Sisters at Standing Rock, our neighbors, families, and sisters divided over the latest scandals and accusations making headlines in the current political race.There are many fronts enticing Us to be distracted by The Spectacle.In our discomfort inside of the Space In Between, we search for Meaning. We jump to create Truth rather than allowing it to emerge.It is easy to lose Trust that there is a Sacred Plan running in and through every river, pipeline, candidate, election cycle, and nation.I get it.

  • Permission

    26/10/2016 Duration: 55min

    Greetings Sister,After slowing all the way down and dropping fully into the Pointlessness of last week, I find myself gently, tentatively coalescing at the edges of my Being.I have been resting deeply and giving myself permission to be Still.Following my inspiration down some rabbit holes of darkness and then riding a comet tail up toward the light.Allowing myself to be shifted, lifted, flipped and twisted into whatever areas of awareness made themselves known in a moment.There has been learning, healing, emotion, confusion, digestion, retention, release, and surrender.A Wild Soul experience of life.I feel rich with depth and alive with awakeness.Not yet pointed toward anything to DO, but just slowly, quietly FEELING all the feels.I have revisited some dark and shadowy places from my past this week and the Medicine from them still feels fresh in my system.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week, we dropped in to explore the wisdom of these windows of opportunity for healing and Wholeness.As the transmission unf

  • Pointless

    19/10/2016 Duration: 42min

    Hello, Sister,This e-mail is a hard one to write. All of the words I have used or might use seem trite, overwrought, or inane.I’ve already consulted the dictionary and thesaurus five times in just the first sentence.Looking for meaning.The irony is not lost on me.I am in a space I can only describe as Point-Less.Not depression or existential angst… but actually just totally and utterly Without A Point.In this place, all of my previous motivations, orientations, and justifications no longer have meaning.Devoid of direction or purpose, newly attuned to this Now moment, I find myself in a gap.Of Nothingness.Every possibility existing simultaneously with none of them.I pondered taking this week off from Wild Soul Medicine Radio.I didn't know if I could be relied upon to present anything other than an exclusively myopic viewpoint. (So if you having a point relies on me having a point, maybe you should skip tuning in for this week's show).Otherwise, you are welcome to Be With me in this space of the formless.Highli

  • Sacred Sarcasm

    12/10/2016 Duration: 01h03min

    Some shit has happened, some things are intense. There are some important lessons in them and blah, blah, blah…And, also, I’m over it.(At least for this week.)I could tell you all the challenging things that have gone down since my Awakening Revelation last week, but I don’t feel like it.I feel like having fun.Making fun, actually.Humor is my FAVORITE way to move energy.There is nothing better than some Sacred Sarcasm to remind yourself of the Cosmic Joke we’re all in on.One of my favorite playmates in the realm of edgy hilarity is my long-time friend, Jane Ashley.Jane and I have known each other for years and she has a particular genius of tickling my fancy in all the right ways.As a trained psychotherapist and publishing maven, she marries east coast direct with veteran spiritual warrioress, and has a Gift for spotlighting the absurd and irreverently illuminating the point behind the point.She ENTERTAINS me. Endlessly.Join us on Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week as we lighten our load and let ‘er rip.You’l

  • My Kind of Oneness

    05/10/2016 Duration: 57min

    Greetings, Sister,On my way to Costa Rica, I began a love affair with Adyashanti. As I was reading a collection of his talks in his book, Emptiness Dancing, I found myself underlining nearly every section.Captivated by his description of his experiences leading up to his Spiritual Awakening and the words he used to name the things that fall away as One gets close to Waking Up, I was smitten.I had been experiencing all of those same things my Self.I could feel I was close to something, and there was much relief at hearing a kindred Spirit speak about it with such Resonance.For the next 10 days I dropped into the deepest womb of Becoming.A crucible of awe-inspiring beauty, excruciating attunements, mind bending expansion, and ultimately My Own Kind of Oneness.It was decidedly more Wild Soul than Adya’s.No sitting quietly on a cushion and then suddenly realizing God’s Presence in Every Thing.No Transcendent realization that it is all so very simple. No blinking my eyes and suddenly finding myself in the innocen

  • Quantum Presence

    21/09/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    I have just emerged from a deep cocoon of quantum melting, upgrading, and systemic restructuring in the most potent portal of Grace, Love, and Sisterhood.These sacred spaces of being held and met at our most fundamental levels are such a requisite piece of our Becoming.The seamless Seeing of your most tender parts, and Soul lullabies singing your latent potential into Being.Essence activating Essence.Each fractal of the One synergistically harmonizing then marrying and accelerating the spin of the other. Dissolving all limitation and obliterating familiar ways of knowing.Days after She left to return to her coast of the country, I am still reveling in the Magik and discovering Who I Am now.In this moment.And so much of this shift is still alive and forming inside of me. I don’t know what words (if any) I have for it yet.But I desire to be with you. And with Her.On Wild Soul Medicine today we will reconvene.To see what is So.If you’ve been listening to the show for awhile, you have made Her acquaintance befor

  • Enough

    14/09/2016 Duration: 52min

    Greetings, Sister,Pleasure, desire, expansion and dissolution… I’m following the breadcrumbs of my Soul’s Evolution while being fire hosed with a deluge of creativity, downloads, old patterns and shadows to revisit, and new possibilities too many to number.It is intoxicating. And dizzying.And this morning it led me to a conceptual inquiry around the idea of Enough.Not in the way you might think. I’m not trying to shut this down.In any way.In fact, my wonderment was about dissolving the concept of Enough altogether.It is fraught with limitation and puritanical renunciation. I am considering making a case for letting go of it as a guiding principle altogether.Annnnnndddd…. it happens to be a primary manifestation of the core wounding of my primary Soul Medicine Path.In other words - there is possibly (likely) more here than meets the eye.So, I’m slowing my roll just a bit to circle in this investigation.A lot is already revealing itself and I invite you to join me for some Wild Soul Medicine today as we explore

  • Bonfire of the Vanities

    07/09/2016 Duration: 56min

    Welcome to The Burn. No, I don’t mean Burning Man… (although a big salute to our Sisters who braved the Playa for community, expansion, and epic personal expression.)What I mean is the Bonfire of the Vanities we currently find ourselves sitting in the center of.Ego dissolution is the name of the game at the moment, and it is both unprecedentedly liberating and also crushingly daunting and disconcerting at the same time.It feels like we are being asked to give up SO MUCH.If I’m not THIS thing, THESE ways, THOSE familiarities - Who Will I Be?When I admit that a whole chunk of my identity is actually now obsolete, how do I not condemn myself for having gotten it WRONG all these years?Is there ANYTHING we get to hold onto as we get melted down and alchemized into (fingers crossed) a Higher Version of ourselves?Lessons in Dying is our Wild Soul Medicine for today.As we attempt to humble ourselves, let go again, and surrender into the intensity of the unfoldment…We can hold on to each other.Standing here together w

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