Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

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LIVE WED 12 PM ET/11AM CT/10MT/9PT What if you really can have it all?  Noreally? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we playfully explore topics from money to magic, healing to wholeness, creation, relationship, business and more. Theres no place we wont go, nothing too wacky or weird in the quest to live as grand a life as possible. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of opposites attract and the result is true synergistic power.  Partnered in love and in business, theyre taking co-creation to a whole new level. Join Megan and Suzanne for Love, Life, & All Things Weird, where we will talk about living a life thats inspired, overflowing, and completely awesome.   Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer


  • Be YOU and Heliotrope. Say What! What’s That?


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Originally, the word heliotrope applied to various plants whose flowers turn toward the sun.  For example, a sunflower will move its face from East to West to take in as much sun as it can as the day turns to night. So we’re asking you to tune into who you truly BE and do the same thing.  What if you turned your face to the sun, received the trees, and allowed the ocean waves heal you.  What if you turned towards lightness and ease? What if you didn’t have to take the hard road or the road less traveled but instead were chaperoned by the universe down your perfect path, laughing, dancing and playing all along the way. Join us LIVE from the North Shore of Oahu as we inspire you to embrace the juiciness and goodness life has to offer.  Learn tools to heliotrope mo’ better and claim your inspired life. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and con

  • Are You Pissed Off or Potent?


    For the last few months, we at Love, Life and All things Weird have noticed a strange phenomenon.  A steady increase in feelings of intensity; like a rocket ready to launch.  Maybe some of you can relate?  Have you been feeling fit to be tied; downright uncomfortable? When our potency is expanding it can feel a lot like anger, edginess, and feeling like you’re gonna to blow.  And since we’ve been taught that’s bad and wrong, we tend to go to war with this energy. We deny it, minimize it, suppress it and fight with it until it comes out sideways. But what if this energy is asking us to TURN IT UP? Join us as we explore the implant of anger and what it means to put on your “Step the F Up” shoes and Turn It Up! Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Life is Hard and Then You Die


    I know we risk sounding blasphemous putting it out there that “LIFE IS EASY”.  The first thing that comes to mind for me is “what about all the pain?”; A loved one who just put down her cherished cat, a client on the brink of their 2nd divorce, a friend worried sick about her rebellious teen. And the list goes on and on.  Story after story. Globally, locally, in our own family. And yet, what else is possible?  If we weren’t so conditioned to learn through hardship, pain, and struggle, could we rewire our brains to learn through joy, love, and connection? What if easy was a choice away?  And by choosing it over and over, we built the muscle so that no matter what happens, we saw it through the lens of ease. And by fundamentally changing our filter, we attracted more ease into our lives. What if joining us and exploring this controversial topic was a choice that opened you up to more easy and more LIFE? Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun

  • Receiving is Believing


    The old adage “Seeing is believing” was turned on its head by Wayne Dyer to “Believing is seeing.” Well here at Love, Life and all Things Weird we’re going to turn it around yet again. We’re convinced that to open your receiving, you must first believe.  So many of us have been waiting for things to show up in a specific way and then we will “believe.” When you truly drop into receiving everything (without points of view or judgment) you become the witness to the Miracle; and the magic that the universe offers us every single day.  And wow, what a joyful universe that is. This week we will dissect what we mean by receiving.  And what it takes to first believe, and then receive. Would you like to Unveil Your Magic? YourMagicIsCalling! Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Stop Asking Stupid Questions


    Your quality of life is a direct reflection of the quality of questions you are consciously or unconsciously asking. Most people don’t have a clue they are walking around with a real magic wand at their disposal that has the power to change anything! The good news and the bad news is that this power is working whether we are conscious of it or not. If you are unaware that you are asking stupid questions like “why is this happening to me?” then you might be wondering why there are so many fires to put out. If you know how to ask possibility affirming questions you will begin to notice magic and miracles everywhere. Join us live to learn how to craft questions can change anything. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Practical Magic


    We’ve been talking about magic for a month now; what it is, how to activate it, and what to do when it disappears.  This week, we want to get a bit more practical by exploring more of the how to’s. Ever wondered how to engage the intelligence of the universe on your behalf? Are you curious about how to create the inner and outer environment that invites magic? Are you ready for the everyday tools you can use to practice being that energy in your life? Join us for a double dose of practical magic, you won’t regret it! Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Dude, I Lost My Magic!


    Most of us play Hide and Seek with our magic. We have these amazing moments where seemingly everything in the universe aligns; the heavens open to magical synchronicity resulting in AHHHHHH!!! And then in a nanosecond we’re back in the crapper of UGGGGGGHH!!! When we doubt magic, not only does magic disappear, so do we!  (Since that is who we BE!) Join us as we share some tools to end the hide and seek game so we can truly live from the magic we’ve always been. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Here's the link for our workshop next week: Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Activate Your Magic


    Join us LIVE from TUSCANY as we continue our magic series with a special Magic Activation Process, your MAP to more potency and play! After attending Maestro in Rome, we will be full of magic, mischief and fun.  And although we don’t know what will be possible, what we can tell you is…you WILL want some of it! Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Create a Future like Magic


    Most people try to create their future from either the past or the present which by its nature is extremely limiting.  What if you could tap into the greatest possibility of your future and create from there.  Wouldn’t that be fun?  And Magic? Join possibility pirate, Megan (and her sidekick Suzanne), as we explore what your life would be like if you created from pure possibility. Learn the tricks to creating an expanded future that’s not limited by your past. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • What is Magic? (Live from Rome)


    The definition of magic is “The art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces.” It’s about you tapping into the powerful force inside you that’s often invisible but totally indestructible.  It’s about connecting to the force of creation where joy and creative expression is the norm and inspired living is possible every single day. Isn’t it about time you opened up to this powerful force in you? Join us LIVE from our magical adventures in Rome as we clear your cynicism and resistance to the magic you BE and begin to explore what’s truly possible when magic comes to play. P.S. Join us Aug 19th & 20th for Unveil Your Magic in SLC.  Details here: Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Claim your FREE anniversary gift here: Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and co

  • Play, the Anecdote to Adulting ~ with Megan and Suzanne


    When we’re small, we hear messages like “Grow up” and “Be Responsible”.  And so we do…and then as adults we’re told to “reclaim our childlike wonder” and “get curious and play.” But for those of us who have jumped into the deep end of adulting (to behave in an adult manner) and can’t find our way to shore, playing is easier said then done. Join Megan, a master at play, and Suzanne, a recovering adult, as we make a strong case why play is indispensable in a “Having it All” life. Together let’s uncover how you uniquely play, what questions to ask that will create a spark, and learn from the play master herself as she reveals the secrets to a lifetime of fun! Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Claim your FREE anniversary gift here: Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • The Serious That Keeps Us Furious


    You need not look any further then Facebook to see people getting serious and furious about a variety of topics; politics, parenting, our Earth, consciousness, etc. etc. In these arenas, good and bad, right and wrong run the show.  Where are you playing this out in your life? If you find yourself saying similar things about a situation over and over, if a problem feels very real and you must “fix it”, if a situation feels very black and white, you are in persona. And we’d urge you, is this persona really creating greater? Tune in to the show to get real tools to open your awareness, and lighten up the density of serious in your world. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Claim your FREE anniversary gift here: Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • This is Serious!


    Ever feel like there are some places in your life where you get stuck in serious?  Absolutely believing your money problems ARE overwhelming, that your chronic pain is no joking matter, and that world drama or family drama is just too much? What If staying in serious was exacerbating the situation?  What else is possible if you were to infuse a bit of play, space, and light into your world? Join us we take the serious to the silly and have a ton of fun doing it. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Claim your FREE anniversary gift here: Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Is it Time to Fire Your Guru?


    We’re dedicating June as the month we take the serious to the silly and the sacred to no significance. After 20+ years of being in the consciousness conversation we’ve noticed that the metaphysical types get uber serious about this stuff.  (Including us!) This month we take the sacred cows to the pasture starting with the idea of the all-powerful guru/coach/mentor. We have a special guest, Mahat – Ma - Bob, chiming in on this very important subject.   You won’t want to miss it! Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Claim your FREE anniversary gift here: Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Are you Creating your Body & Biz from Judgment or Joy?


    What would it be like to create and experience our bodies from a foundation of joy? What if we could create our businesses with the delight of a child building a fort? “For some reason, we are truly convinced that if we criticize ourselves, the criticism will lead to change. If we are harsh, we believe we will end up being kind. If we shame ourselves, we believe we end up loving ourselves. It has never been true, not for a moment that shame leads to love. Only love leads to love.” Brene Brown Join us as we clear your judgment so you can experience more joy. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show: Claim your FREE anniversary gift here:

  • Breathing New Life into your Body & Biz


    Creating a vibrant, healthy body and biz takes real effort doesn’t it?  Daily consistent action, big investments of time and no guarantee that all of that effort is going to pay off (especially in the ways we want). Sometimes it gets to the point where you want to throw in the towel. Instead, why not breathe new life into your body and biz.  It might be easier then you ever imagined! What if you absolutely knew that your body and biz had your back? What would be different in your world? Are you simply working your body and biz or are you letting it work for you? Intrigued? I Double Dog Dare you to join us and infuse new energy into your life! Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Your Body & Biz are Talking: Are you Listening?


    For some of you, this idea seems really weird.  Ummm…Welcome to Love, Life and All Things Weird. Everything has consciousness including our body and biz. And yet, we dynamically shut off our awareness when it comes to our bodies and businesses. What if you could turn up the volume and actually listen to what your body and business are asking of you?  How would that contribute to your vitality, happiness, money, connection and so much more? Come learn how you can tune into these energies for change and magic. What else is possible with your body and biz that you never imagined was possible? P.S. Don’t forget to get your Backstage Pass to Megan’s Double Dog Dare Challenge to infuse play and creativity into your body and biz.  Click here for the details: Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:  https:/

  • Your Body & Biz; Strange Bedfellows?


    What’s your body got to do with your business, you ask?  How about everything? We create our business for our bodies; to feed them, clothe them, and take them on vacation.  In fact, a lot of us have a business so we can be of service to other bodies (clients, friends, and family). And yet, we create separation and either/or with our bodies and business, which can create exhaustion, neglect, and competition. What can your body contribute to your business that you’ve been unaware of? What can your business contribute to your body that you’ve been unaware of? Join us to explore how to find the AND with your body and biz.  Identify and clear unhealthy patterns and create more ease and flow in your life. P.S. Don’t forget to get your Backstage Pass to Megan’s Double Dog Dare Challenge to infuse play and creativity into your body and biz.  Click here for the details: Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our f

  • Time to BE the Change


    Did you know that change is an energy that begins way before the physical “proof” shows up? What if you could tap into that energy and ride the wave of change, trusting that the things you are asking for actually ARE changing now in this moment. What if change was just about a 1% shift and a willingness to never give up and never quit? What would be possible now? What if YOU are the magic of the change you and this world have been seeking? Isn’t it time to BE the change now? Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

  • Broken Promises of Change


    Have you been doing your inner work like a good boy or girl? Have you invested in coaching and trainings and read the books and haven’t gotten the results you were wanting or that the coaches and workshops promised? It sucks, right? If feels defeating, limiting and like there’s fundamentally something wrong with you. Hold on a minute though. What if that wasn’t true? What if something else is going on here? Join us as we reveal a BIG reason why you don’t get the change you’ve been hoping for and clear the shite that’s been blocking you. Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer Join our fun Facebook group where we give additional tips and tools and continue the conversation after the show:

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