Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 132:39:07
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This podcast is for all the forbidden information kept from you by various agencies and organizations obligated, paid, forced, intimidated, and coerced to keep you on the path of drugs for anything and drugs for everything. Its our intention to deliver up to date research and analysis of all alternatives for the restoring and restructuring of a healthy, viable, and active lifestyle. Youll learn forbidden health secrets you aren't allowed to know, forbidden protocols and lost knowledge, how you can become your own forbidden doctor, and learn to heal yourself! You will not hear these things anywhere else!


  • 164: The Relationship Between A Healthy Spine & A Good Pain-Free LIfe

    05/03/2019 Duration: 37min

    This week Dr. Jack shares deep wisdom and some fascinating anecdotes from his role as NUCCA Board Certified chiropractor in his own clinic he shares with Mary and his son Dr. Josh Stockwell.    Very few people consider how critical (and rare) proper spinal alignment is to our overall well-being.   The stunning array of related, cross-referenced physical and even psychological symptoms connected to our spinal column are legion. Dr. Jack speaks from the front lines of spinal alignment, and shares the life-changing impact the right adjustment at the right time can make on every one of us.   Tune in for some refreshing knowledge from a preeminent NUCCA Board Certified chiropractor on his area of primary expertise.

  • 163: Enzymes - The River Of Energy

    26/02/2019 Duration: 36min

    The body’s ability to produce enzymes decreases dramatically in our 30’s. But does it have to?   This week Dr. Jack dives into the energy production mechanisms found in our bodies. There are roughly 5000 enzyme reactions so far identified in the human body. Within this framework, enzymes do the heavy lifting in providing us the energy we need to live our lives.    But these catalyzing agents in our bodies operate within narrow parameters. It’s easy to disrupt the energy production cycles of our bodies. With careful analysis it’s becoming clear that our chemical-laden lifestyles may be having a much more profound impact on even the most basic chemical processes in our cells, than scientists suspected.   Tune in to learn why the "drugs for everything” epidemic in our medical industry, and our scorched-earth pesticide use is disruptive to critical living processes, in subtle ways we are only beginning to understand. Is there a way forward? 

  • 162: On The Edge of Order & Chaos

    19/02/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    The natural state of our bodies hovers between total order and chaos. This week Dr. Jack and Mary talk about how life itself fits into the puzzle of order and chaos in our universe. Human life and human health are fraught with difficult choices affecting the order within our own lives.    We are not victims of our childhood or the lessons of life that moved us from order to chaos. We are empowered to seek the order of a deliberate and healthful life.    Much like the catalysts involved with the earliest life emerging from lifelessness, catalysts are all around us, as in our gut health we always talk about and even in the decisions you make about life and love. Everything you do catalyzes the energy that exists with other people. When this state is in balance, there is only peace and love.   Tune in and follow through the implications of owning your own catalyzing moments, and the moving away from chaos into healing, light, and love.

  • 161: Acute Problems

    05/02/2019 Duration: 46min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary cover a myriad of different acute conditions we all face, but rarely deal with in the safest, most effective manner.    From fevers, stomach pain, and topicals burns, to gall bladder pain and depression, and many others, doctors often prescribe pain killers, antacids, antibiotics; basically a perfect collection of what not to do.   Instead of leaning on the lazy conventional wisdom of the medical establishment, tune in to learn some insightful, forbidden remedies for common, but acute conditions we are all bound to face at one point or another. You’ll be happy you did!

  • 160: You Have Been Duped And Brainwashed By Medical Propaganda

    29/01/2019 Duration: 46min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary ask a few simple questions, to help identify whether we, all of us, have been brainwashed into complacency by some of the more popular myths of modern medicine. The reality is, when it comes to foundational healing, or even understanding the root cause of much disease, modern, western medicine is not going to get you there. At managing symptoms, with expensive, monthly drug subscriptions, the US is second to none. But preventing illness in the first place?    We continue to wallow in ignorance. Tune in to see if you can spot the blinders you may have to the inadequacies of our system, and what can be done.

  • 159: Does My Newborn Really Need The Hep B Shot?

    22/01/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    What happens when modern medicine forces us to choose between infectious disease and chronic disease? This is far more than an academic question as we dance around the topic of infant immunization. This week Dr. Jack and Mary ask some serious questions about the science and the business of infant immunization. Hepatitis B has very specific protocols for high-risk scenarios, yet this vaccination is routinely given to newborns. Why have we gotten to this? Tune in to hear all about modern medicine’s take, from Mary’s personal experience just weeks ago, to the myths of herd immunity driven by market forces instead of good science.

  • 158: What Do Oncologists Make On Chemotherapy?

    08/01/2019 Duration: 48min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary take us on a startling journey through the history of chemotherapy. Talk about crazy-making! When exactly did we decide we should poison cancer patients? And what sort of measures of success were put into place to justify this wild strategy?   Part luck, and part deception, chemotherapy showed amazing promise because of the accident of what specifically it was tried on first. But we now know that chemotherapy is prescribed for all kinds of cancers, when it’s definitively only proven to be effective for a limited class of “soft” cancers, such as Hodgekins and leukemia.   There are always exceptions, and the engines of commerce have driven chemotherapy to the top of the treatment plan, with the false hope it can bring to millions of cancer sufferers, often regardless of prognosis. So this begs the question: how much does chemotherapy actually cost? And why is it nearly impossible to find this information?   Dr. Jack and Mary are on the case, and you will be stunned by what they found

  • 157: Ten Reasons To Skip The Flu Shot

    23/12/2018 Duration: 54min

    It’s flu season! Guess what that means... Yes, we are bombarded by messaging in all quarters to get a flu shot. Never mind how ineffective it’s been two years in a row. Never mind the aggravating impacts of the adjuvants used to attack our immune systems. This week Dr. Jack and Mary review the research around the bad science and big business of annual flu shots.   For most healthy adults, the choice is to risk a bout of the flu or continue piling on years of metal accumulation in the body, including the brain (and still risk catching the flu!)   Tune in to learn not one reason, but 10 reasons why you should skip the flu shot this year.

  • 156: Forbidden Understanding About Your ADHD Grandchild

    18/12/2018 Duration: 55min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary tackle the difficult topic of ADHD. There are so many misconceptions about children with ADHD, that it’s worth discussing a topic that covers far more than simply diet.   And this topic hits close to home, as Dr. Jack and Mary’s grandson has been diagnosed with ADHD, and they have personal experience working with this often frustrating set of behaviors.   As a society, we get it consistently wrong when it comes to ADHD, partly from stigma, and partly from our own intuitions, which can be reliably inaccurate.   Tune in to cut through the fog of ADHD. There may be real hope for dramatic improvements in your child or grandchild, but it will take knowledge, patience, and empathy.

  • 155: What To Do When You're Really, Really Sick

    11/12/2018 Duration: 01h36s

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary have some shocking stories from real-life patients in their clinic. We know most physicians out there are well-intentioned, but with a medical system fraught with conflicts of interest, limited to managing their symptoms, and under the direct influence of the pharmaceutical industry, patients often find themselves with little recourse to follow what they believe is a one-way street instead of an understanding of how to heal foundationally.   As we compiled the list of very, very sick people, what keeps emerging is a pattern that constantly reveals a culture of ignorance and misunderstanding regarding the natural healing processes of the body. Though modern crisis care constantly saves millions of people every day, there remains a powerful healing tool that has yet to show up in the modern health care area.    To reveal this missing piece of the healing puzzle is the mission of the Forbidden Doctor. The patient's stories in this podcast episode reveal the shortcomings of modern heal

  • 154: Inflammation - Curse or Savior?

    13/11/2018 Duration: 33min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary take on the myth of inflammation. Everywhere you turn, doctors and patients are panicking about any inflammatory reaction. But there is a big difference between acute inflammation, which is critical and healthy, and chronic inflammation, which is a disaster. What are those differences, and why does one beget the other if we are not careful? The role of nutrition cannot be understated when we identify inflammatory response, and the role of nutrition is central to the chronic condition we should actually be worried about.   Tune in to learn about the science of inflammation, and the worst culprits leading you down a dangerous path.

  • 153: Asthma and Bronchitis

    06/11/2018 Duration: 52min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary take on the common wisdom of the medical establishment when treating two serious respiratory maladies.  The rate at which asthma events and bronchial infections have grown over the last 70 years is an astonishing, hidden tragedy in our national discourse. Dr. Jack and Mary review early, terrible treatment options for the respiratory system, and alarmingly show how we've gotten no wiser today.

  • 152: Depression and the Brain

    25/10/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    Have we been kidding ourselves and misinterpreting the data regarding magnesium and it’s role in depression? This week Dr. Jack and Mary take a look at century-old research into magnesium and depressive disorders on their journey to a fateful study in 1985, that may have changed everything. For many years, magnesium’s proven effects on the brain and cerebral-spinal system were brought into question by dubious science that had mistaken blood levels of magnesium, with the actual, critical magnesium to measure.  The key is not magnesium in the bloodstream. It’s magnesium in the brain! Tune in to find out why there is a huge difference between these magnesium levels and what they mean for clinical depression and many other cerebral-spinal disorders, and what we all must do to increase the amount of magnesium getting across the blood-brain barrier.

  • 151: Autoimmune Diseases and Forbidden Cures

    15/10/2018 Duration: 35min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary delve into autoimmune function and dysfunction. With an 80-year scandal in the making, researchers are actually starting to come around to the role specific organ and glandular extracts might play in a myriad of specific conditions.   Once again, nearly 80 years after Dr. Royal Lee first reported precisely this type of phenomena in his research in the 1940’s, we see that this ancient, forbidden wisdom must be reconsidered in modern medicine, specifically with new research in immunity and DNA reactions to particular tissue types.   The autoimmune process is vastly complicated. As we grapple with the terms auto-antigen and auto-antibody, and what Dr. Lee predicted toward the end of his life, we see there is synergy long before modern medicine was ready to deal with this truth.   Tune in to find out how to put this forbidden knowledge to use in your own diet.

  • 150: GAPS Quick & Easy

    08/10/2018 Duration: 27min

    This week Mary and Dr. Jack celebrate 150 podcasts! Thinking through the best topics for this milestone, the Stockwells decided they need to talk GAPS. Not just any GAPS (we’ve covered this topic in several terrific podcasts over the last two years) but specifically how to realistically heal with a GAPS diet, which can seem daunting to the inexperienced. No process is valuable for your health that you cannot achieve in your own life. And with years of clinical experience on this very topic, it was time to share some tips and tricks with the world.   As you’ve heard us say many times, the quest for good nutrition is never easy, but tune in for some ways to get your own inner healing underway, with some simpler processes and methods.   Your health is worth it. Check this out!

  • 149: Strokes - Prevention & Recovery

    02/10/2018 Duration: 50min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary talk through the science of strokes, including the different kinds of strokes and variations on the nutritional implications of each kind. From the terrible advice given to nearly every single aging patient, to our malnourished systems struggling on their own as we age, we are creating a perfect storm for a surge in stroke events in the US.   And survival can mean many different things.   Surviving a stroke is the first step, but how we nourish our brains and bodies after a stroke will make all the difference in how successful recovery can be. These heartbreaking events can disrupt and ruin lives, but it’s within our power to minimize the risk and maximize our chances of recovery. The bleak future doctors explain you are facing after a stroke is only from a medical point of view. In this podcast, we explain the forbidden alternative possibilities that are real and available to you.    Tune in to learn some simple drug-free solutions to decrease the odds of a stroke, and what to do

  • 148: Bringing Ageless Thyroid To The World

    18/09/2018 Duration: 32min

    In this podcast, Dr. Jack & Mary are announcing the birth of something that has been in the works for over two years! Finally! Everyone is going to be introduced to this amazing product! This week Dr. Jack and Mary are finally unleashing their perfect thyroid supplement to the entire world. What has been celebrated and embraced here in the US is now poised to make a big splash on the world stage! Four million people will hear about this tomorrow! Be the first to listen in! We are very excited. And to celebrate, we decided to offer an introductory deal, the likes of which have never been seen before with Forbidden Doctor! Some of you have heard our story. Many others have joined us in recent months. We have an amazing story to tell you, and an amazing opportunity for serious seekers of Forbidden Knowledge. Tune in for this remarkable story.

  • 147: Dr. Jack Is On A Roll

    11/09/2018 Duration: 24min

    This week Dr. Jack takes us into the gut. Imagine a place in your body where an infectious onslaught is constantly introduced, day-in, and day out, and you are imagining your own digestive system. No wonder as we age, we all seem to have gut-related issues, at least after meals, if not chronically.   Anywhere your body meets the external environment all around us, it is going to be the most susceptible to nutritional-based malfunction. Current estimates are in the 1600’s for the number of bacteria so far discovered in the human digestive biome. Not all bad, but certainly not all good. And in the middle of all of this sits your own nutrition profile. How healthy and nourished is your own gut?   Ultimately the quest for superior nutrition has never been easy. It certainly isn’t today.   The difference between being healthy and being vulnerable to your environment is entirely dependent on your guts microbiome and what it does with the food you eat. Tune in to hear Dr. Jack pull these ideas together into a cohe

  • 146: Fatty Liver Disease

    04/09/2018 Duration: 41min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary talk about fatty liver disease.   The liver is an amazing organ, responsible for numerous critical functions in the body. But one of the downsides is how much of the toxins and sugars we consume every day have to be processed, filtered and eliminated by this workhorse organ.   What was once thought to be a disease exclusively of alcoholics is turning into a full-blown medical crisis across all populations.  When it comes to the liver, you may as well be binge drinking with the amount of carbs and sugars we consume.   Tune in to find a better way to think about this most vital of organs and why fatty liver disease is on the rise.

  • 145: Hysterectomy

    28/08/2018 Duration: 55min

    This week Dr. Jack and Mary talk about an all too common topic in their clinic. What can we do nutritionally, for women who are considering a hysterectomy as well as those who have undergone hysterectomies and are now suffering from numerous related symptoms? What type of care can we offer for a woman facing the choice of surgery, and possibly the removal of her ovaries? It’s one of the most permanent decisions women can make about their fertility and their health. And as usual, our drug and surgery-crazed medical establishment treats ovaries like tonsils when what most women really need is a reset of their health, and a nourishing of their bodies. Tune in to learn about alternatives to this very permanent procedure.

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