Aufhebunga Bunga

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:21:54
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The global politics podcast at the end of the End of History. The period in which Western liberal democracy was held to be the final form of human government is now over. Were charting whats emerging and what comes next. With help from a range of contributors, we scan the globe to understand the politics, economics, and culture of the new era. Fortnightly. Produced in Brazil/UK/South Africa/USA. By Alex Hochuli, Ben Fogel, Philip Cunliffe, George Hoare.


  • Excerpt: /120/ Damaged Beyond Repair ft. Anton Jäger

    28/04/2020 Duration: 11min

    On the end of Left Populism.   This is a sample. For the full episode, subscribe at   Friend of the podcast Anton Jäger joins us to discuss the fate of Left Populism, investigate the response of the Left to the ongoing Coronacrisis, and question whether we're really witnessing the end of neoliberalism. We refer to his recent piece in Damage magazine, in the readings below.   Did Left populism ask the right questions but get the wrong answers? Are the next three years going to see the blossoming of the 'Well, Actually' Left? Or is the stage set for the triumph of covid corporatism?   Readings: It might take a while before history starts again, Anton Jäger, Damage Are we all covid communists now?, Philip Cunliffe, Medium

  • Excerpt: /119/ Reading Club: Digital Socialism

    24/04/2020 Duration: 04min

    On whether new tech can help build decentralised socialism. Reading Club episodes are for $10+ patrons. Sign up: We discuss Evgeny Morozov's New Left Review essay, Digital Socialism? The Calculation Debate in the Age of Big Data. A useful companion to this (mentioned by George in the episode) is a lecture given by Morozov, that can be found at the bottom of this page. Thanks for all the questions, they are addressed in the last third of the episode. 

  • Excerpt: /118/ Three Articles: Covid

    21/04/2020 Duration: 02min

    This episode is for subscribers only. To hear the full thing, go to   In this latest Three Articles, we discuss responses to Covid-19.   Articles Virus lays bare the frailty of the social contract, Editorial, FT Herd Immunity is Epidemiological Neoliberalism, The Quarantimes We’re on the Brink of Cyberpunk, Kelsey D. Atherton, Slate

  • /117/ Against The Virus ft. John McAfee

    14/04/2020 Duration: 37min

    On freedom in coronavirus times. John McAfee joins us to address the lockdown, privacy and armed insurrection. Plus: why he prefers Fidel to Che, and how it came to be that his US presidential campaign HQ is in Havana, Cuba. Subscribe:

  • /116/ Mr Bunga Goes to Washington (1) ft. Nick Frayn

    07/04/2020 Duration: 01h21min

    In the first of an occasional series of episodes on the US presidential election and the Left, we talk to Nick Frayn, a volunteer with the Bernie Sanders campaign in New England. How have things gone on the campaign trail? What is next for the Democratic primaries delayed by the corona outbreak? Can Bernie regain ground in the primaries against Joe Biden? How will the corona crisis impact the Democratic primaries? Readings: How the coronavirus pandemic is disrupting the US Democratic primary calendar, FT Biden Wins Coronavirus Primary, The Atlantic Joe Biden sweeps key primaries and moves closer to nomination, The Guardian

  • Excerpt: /115/ Singapore Shangri-La ft. Lee Jones

    31/03/2020 Duration: 04min

    This is a sample. The full episode is available by subscribing at Singapore is held up as a free-market utopia: rich, orderly and clean. But the reality is quite different. Why does Singapore exert such a magnetism for neoliberals, when its reality strays from orthodox prescriptions? What and who made this model 'global city', and how does its communist and anti-colonial past lead to its hyper-capitalist present?

  • Excerpt: /114/ Reading Club: The Light That Failed

    27/03/2020 Duration: 03min

    This episode is for our $10 and up patrons. Go to for access. On the end of the Age of Imitation. We discuss Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes' The Light That Failed: A Reckoning and their arguments for why liberal democracy stopped being the model to follow - in Eastern Europe, Russia and even the USA. Thanks for all the questions, they are addressed in the last third of the episode. 

  • /113/ Globoville ft. Richard Williams

    24/03/2020 Duration: 01h13min

    On global cities.  Global cities flaunt themselves to global capital and are shaped by it. They are self-conscious and eager to transmit 'globalness'. But why? And how has the city under globalisation been reshaped? What is the role of money and power - not to mention sex and culture? And does the sameyness of global cities now mean that medium and small cities are where we should be looking for cultural and political change?  Subscribe to our patreon for original episodes:

  • Excerpt: /112/ Ideologies of the Near Future

    17/03/2020 Duration: 05min

    On political conflict over the next decade This is a subscriber-only show. Sign up at We debate what ideological contestation is going to look like in the next 2/5/10 years. Will liberalism adopt Silicon Valley solutionism? Does the centre-right become fully nationalist? And the far right have a future if that happens? And where does the left go next?

  • /111/ Big Money Talk: The Case for MMT ft. Bill Mitchell

    10/03/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) has been hailed by some and scorned by others as offering a new framework to understand the financial system. But what is specifically 'modern' about MMT, and how does it differ from rival accounts of the financial economy? We talk to Bill Mitchell, one of the leading proponents of MMT, who gives us an introductory rundown, plus tells us why the Japanese economy is unfairly maligned and explains what the future has in store for MMT as its inexorably advances against orthodox rivals.     -> Our earlier episode with Doug Henwood, a critic of MMT, can be found here: Episode 68  -> The episode with Bill Mitchell's co-author, Thomas Fazi, is here: Episode 38   Readings: Reclaiming the State, Bill Mitchell and Thomas Fazi (book) MMT Has Been Around for Decades. Here’s Why It Just Caught Fire, Ben Holland & Matthew Boesler, Bloomberg An MMT response on what causes inflation, FT What you need to know about modern monetary theory, Gavyn Davies, FT MMT Is Already Helping, Pavlina R.

  • Excerpt: /110/ Three Articles: De-democratising

    03/03/2020 Duration: 05min

    In this latest Three Articles, we discuss American democracy and those who pretend to save it or undermine it.  Sign up for access to the full episode: Readings: It’s time to give the elites a bigger say in choosing the president, Julia Azari, WaPo Michael Bloomberg: Smirking Id Of America’s Elites, Matt Purple, The American Conservative Bernie Sanders Was Right to Talk About Wage Slavery. We Should Talk About It, Too., Alex Gourevitch, Jacobin

  • /109/ Bunga Goes Ballard ft. Simon Sellars

    25/02/2020 Duration: 55min

    On Applied Ballardianism. Is it J.G. Ballard's world? Bunga talks Ballard with Simon Sellars, author of a new book on the great British sci-fi novelist J.G. Ballard. Urban decay, social breakdown, consumerism as social control and the Interzone.  Opening passage is taken from Ballard's 2000 novel 'Super-Cannes'.  Reading: Applied Ballardianism, Simon Sellars, Urbanomic  Subscribe:

  • /108/ Coronageddon? ft. Mark Honigsbaum / Lee Jones

    11/02/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    On pandemics, panics, and China. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus is yet another new epidemic to appear on the scene this century. What accounts for their increasing frequency, and who decides if an epidemic is classed as a pandemic? More importantly, what governs that choice? The WHO and the whole intergovernmental management of health has 'securitised' these questions. Are they privileging the free flow of capital over public health? And what of China's draconian response and lockdown of Wuhan - is it effective? And who will bear the blame if things go wrong? Might Coronavirus become a threat to Xi Jingping and the Chinese regime? Readings:  ‘Rumormonger’ Doctor Who Raised the Alarm Says He Has Coronavirus, Sixth Tone 'Hero who told the truth': Chinese rage over coronavirus death of whistleblower doctor, The Guardian The Free Market Isn’t Up to the Coronavirus Challenge, Leigh Phillips, Jacobin Locked-down Wuhan and why we always overplay the threat of the new, Kenan Malik, The Guardian Coronavirus: nature

  • /107/ Ireland’s Return to History ft. Colin Coulter

    07/02/2020 Duration: 01h18min

    On Ireland's elections. With Sinn Fein riding high in the polls, are we looking at an upset? Is this a populist upsurge in Ireland, finally, more than a decade after the start of the crisis? We discuss what Ireland's 'end of history' was like and how the 'Celtic Tiger' economy sustained it; and look at how the country was the EU's "model prisoner" of austerity. Are there new stirrings? And what are the prospects for unification? Readings:  Mary Lou McDonald could take Sinn Féin into the political mainstream, Jason Walsh, The New European This Month’s Elections in Ireland Are a Historic Opportunity, Michael Taft, Jacobin The End of Irish History, Colin Coulter et al., Manchester UP (Edited book; pdf)

  • Excerpt: /106/ The Endless Scrolling of Cinema ft. Maren Thom

    04/02/2020 Duration: 01min

    On film in 2019/20.    This is a sample only. For the full episode, sign up at   We saw yet more sequilitis the past year, the endlessness and onwardness of contemporary cinema. So what were the worst films of the year and did their badness represent something wider? If 2018 saw the arrival of Trumpian cinema, what did 2019 bring? Has there been a backlash against 'woke' cinema criticism centred around representation? And are streaming services having an effect on how we view cinema? 

  • Excerpt: /105/ The Lorax & the AK-47 ft. Leigh Phillips

    28/01/2020 Duration: 06min

    This is a sample. For the full episode, subscribe at On ecofascism. Both the shooters in the Christchurch and El Paso massacres were declared 'ecofascists'. Now, a new governing coalition in Austria brings together Greens and the hard right in an unconventional union. How does Malthusianism link the far right and ecology? What are the dangers of 'lifeboat politics', and how can the Left resist this logic? Is the Green New Deal a solution? Readings: Eco-fascism: The ideology marrying environmentalism and white supremacy thriving online, Sarah Manavis, New Statesman First as Tragedy, Then as Fascism, Alex Amend, The Baffler Austria’s new government includes the pro-environment Greens. That’s a first., The Washington Post Why White Supremacists Are Hooked on Green Living, Sam Adler-Bell, TNR What Is Eco-Fascism, the Ideology Behind Attacks in El Paso and Christchurch?, Luke Darby, GQ Only a Green New Deal Can Douse the Fires of Eco-Fascism, Naomi Klein, The Intercept

  • /104/ The Aristocracy of Finance ft. Alexander Zevin

    21/01/2020 Duration: 01h17min

    On The Economist and the contradictions of global liberalism. Alexander Zevin joins us to discuss his work on the 176 year history of the magazine that has accompanied liberalism's global expansion. Has it just reflected the world or has it actually influenced politics? How has The Economist balanced democracy against the interests of finance and the needs of empire? And is the magazine suffering from N.O.B.S.?  Subscribe: Running order: (06:02) Overview & early days (29:52) 19th century & empire (34:18) 20th century, esp 1930s and '40s (48:08) End of the Cold War and NOBS (01:02:19) Liberalism & its enemies  

  • Excerpt: /103/ Three Articles: The Future!

    14/01/2020 Duration: 04min

    This episode is for Patrons only. Go to for access. On forecasts for the next decade.   In this month's 'Three Articles' - in which we each bring to the table a key article to unpick and unpack - we take apart mainstream predictions of the future, over the next decade, the next couple of years, and 2020. Readings: 25 Ideas That Will Shape the 2020s, Various, Fortune Boris Johnson is reinventing one-nation Conservatism, Bagehot, The Economist Forecasting the world in 2020, Various, Financial Times

  • [UNLOCKED] /77/ CaliBunga: Tech, Drugs & Capitalist Soul, Pt. 2

    07/01/2020 Duration: 01h24min

    On drugs and mental health.  In part two, we chat about recreational drugs and mental states in a Hollywood bar with friends of the podcast, Amber A'Lee Frost and Alex Gendler. But mostly, we delve deeper into capitalism and depression with the 'States of Wellness' group at UC Irvine (Catherine Liu, Thomas Williams, Michael Mahoney, Benjamin Kruger-Robins). #CaliBunga is a special multipart series on the Californian Ideology: the seemingly paradoxical hybrid of New Left and New Right ideas - the synthesis of hippies with yuppies, all tied together with the promise that technology might liberate us. Thanks to UC Irvine School of Humanities for sponsoring this series.

  • /101/ UK Election: A Disaster Foretold

    16/12/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    On how Labour lost. Was it Brexit that did for Labour? In what sense? What now for the British Left - and for democracy? Running order: (02:40) Opening chat (05:15) The electoral map, the generational divide (21:46) Class (33:52) The leadership and the media (48:10) Holding our prediction to account (53:30) Reaction of various Labour factions  (01:03:10) Future of left-populism Readings: How class, turnout and the Brexit party shaped the general election result, Financial Times The Failure of the Left to Grasp Brexit, Michael Wilkinson, Verfassungs Blog Anti-politics & the last gasp of British Labourism, Tad Tietze, Left-Flank Hate to say it, but #BrexitWouldveWon, Alex Hochuli Don’t blame Corbyn or Brexit: Labour failed to rage against the hated political system, Adam Ramsay, openDemocracy Subscribe:

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