Aufhebunga Bunga



The global politics podcast at the end of the End of History. The period in which Western liberal democracy was held to be the final form of human government is now over. Were charting whats emerging and what comes next. With help from a range of contributors, we scan the globe to understand the politics, economics, and culture of the new era. Fortnightly. Produced in Brazil/UK/South Africa/USA. By Alex Hochuli, Ben Fogel, Philip Cunliffe, George Hoare.


  • /396/ Enough Carnations? Portugal Decides, ft. Catarina Príncipe

    27/03/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    On Portugal's elections, 50 years since the revolution   Catarina Príncipe, a long-time activist on the Portuguese left and a doctoral student of political economy, is back on the podcast to talk through what happened as Portugal went to the polls. How does Portugal see itself, with regard to Europe, and its own history? How did the right-populist Chega party break through amid high turnout? What kind of anti-politics did Chega bring to the table? Is there nostalgia for the dictatorship? How did immigration become an issue in a country where emigration is the big problem? What is going on with Portugal's huge housing crisis? Why has the EU disappeared as a political issue, 10 years on from the peak of the crisis? Bungacast is expanding, with new regular contributors, partnership with Damage magazine and more. Read about it here or see the video. Links: In Portugal’s Election, the Center Left Struggles to Hold On, João Murta & Guilherme Rodrigues Europe After Brexit, Bungacast live event, ft. Catarina P

  • /400/ The Political Oppositions of the Next Decade ft. Frost, Gourevitch, Liu, Phillips

    27/03/2024 Duration: 01h59min

    On what comes next: in politics, ideas, economy, subjectivity   To commemorate seven years of the podcast and four-hundred episodes, we got all our new Contributors in to examine the oppositions and tensions that we think will characterise the next decade. We say hello to Amber A'Lee Frost, Alex Gourevitch, Catherine Liu, and Leigh Phillips.   For all Bungacast shows, including our Contributors, the Damage magazine episode, Reading Club and more, go to     Politics Right-populism: insurgency or incorporation The Left: engagement or reclusion Multipolarity: opportunity or restriction War: inertia or action Industry & Economy Work: precarity or militancy Green Capitalism: industry or austerity Tech: exhaustion or enchantment Ideas & Art Truth: the image or the word Belief: reason or romanticism Individual & Society Subjectivity: vulnerability or resilience Sex: liberation or puritanism Sociability: virtuality or embodiment

  • /399/ From ADHD to Let Me Be (Emotion Sickness, pt III) [sample]

    22/03/2024 Duration: 15min

    On the withdrawal from hyperpolitics and hypermodernity.   [Patreon Exclusive]   What comes after a decade of populism? Alex Hochuli talks through his new essay in Damage, issue 2. This is episode is the third part of our Emotion Sickness series on the politics of feelings. Click here for part 1 and part 2. If we are disengaging from politics, what is the associated feeling - resentment or resignation? Why are our times "hypermodern" – and why is this exhausting? What can the examples of the 'great resignation', 15-minute cities, and postliberalism all tell us about the ways people are withdrawing from modernity? Why do we need to decelerate to save modernity? How might we gain control of time? This episode is in partnership with Damage. Bungacast subscribers ($7+) automatically get a digital subscription to the magazine. Go to   Links: Damage issue 2: "Deinstitutionalized" (subscribe for Alex's essay + more) /365/ It’s So Over (Again) ft. Ryan Zickgraf (see also the lin

  • /398/ Emotion Sickness: The Politics of Feelings (II) ft. Ashley Frawley (sample)

    19/03/2024 Duration: 14min

    Part II of the series: on therapy and vulnerability.   [Patreon Exclusive: subscribe at]   Sociologist Ashley Frawley (and COO of Sublation Press) is back on the podcast to talk about her new book, Significant Emotions. What is behind the seeming rise of public emotionalism and the focus on mental health? How was “happiness” a policy concern – and when did it disappear and why? What’s going on with universities and their focus on the mental health of students? Is there much emotion about, in a romantic sense of deep feeling? Or is it emotion ersatz, instrumentalised, superficial, sentimentalised? How does affect polarise politically Left and Right? Can we solve the crisis of subjectivity by focusing on the self? And who is the Big-Ass Subject? Links: Significant Emotions: Rhetoric and Social Problems in a Vulnerable Age, Ashley Frawley, Bloomsbury Sublation Media Ashley's YouTube channel

  • /397/ Reading Club: Imagined Communities (sample)

    15/03/2024 Duration: 26min

    On Benedict Anderson's classic Imagined Communities.   [Patreon Exclusive. Subscribe:]   Originally published in 1983, Anderson's account of the origins of nations is one of the most cited books in English in the humanities. In what ways does this diverse and inventive book still explain the world? How is imagined different from imaginary? Did nations emerge first in Latin America? Does Anderson's account of print capitalism still apply – and is it more valid than ever? Are we really in a post-national era? Does Anderson underestimate the political side – the project of achieving your 'own' state? Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (pdf)   The Reading Club this year is dedicated to three themes: the rise and fall of nations; intellectuals and the public; Russia: past and present.

  • Big news: Bungacast is getting bigger, better

    12/03/2024 Duration: 02min

    Turbulent times, ideological confusion. Politics is back, but it's stranger than ever. All the more reason for unflinching critique of the current moment. That's why Bungacast is expanding. Regular contributors are coming on-board: Catherine Liu, Amber Frost, Alex Gourevitch, and Leigh Phillips   We're partnering up with Damage Magazine   There'll be many more exclusive episodes – see   And a new Reading Club, with new themes!

  • /395/ A Coup From Within the Computer ft. Benjamin Studebaker (excerpt)

    05/03/2024 Duration: 17min

    On media and the Millennial Left.   [Patreon Exclusive: for full episode, subscribe at]   Continuing the retrospective on the millennial left's failures, we invite political theorist Benjamin Studebaker back on. We discuss: Was left-populism a media event?  Was the Millennial Left just a moment in internet history? Having bought into the internet's possibilities, can we abandon it? Does it make sense to speak of a "millennial" left?  Faced with so many dead ends, do we need to "go monastic"? Links: The Millennial Left as a Moment in Internet History, Benjamin Studebaker Omelets with Eggshells: On the Failure of the Millennial Left, Alex Hochuli, American Affairs. Additional comments on Alex's Substack 

  • UNLOCKED /382/ Death of the Millennial Left ft. Chris Cutrone

    27/02/2024 Duration: 01h29min

    On the missed opportunity of the 2010s.   Chris Cutrone of Platypus joins us to talk about his collection of essays, The Death of the Millennial Left. We discuss: Why define it as the "Millennial" Left? Was the anti-Stalinism of leaderless protests a good thing? Did the talk of "winning" from 2015 onwards represent maturity? Should the turn to a more public, statist capitalism make us more optimistic? How will the 'lawfare' used against Trump play out? Links: The Millennial Left is dead, Chris Cutrone, Platypus The Death of the Millennial Left: Interventions 2006-2022, Chris Cutrone, Sublation

  • /393/ Emotion Sickness: The Politics of Feelings (I) ft. Nina Power

    20/02/2024 Duration: 01h10min

    On the politics of emotions and emotionalism.   Philosopher Nina Power (an editor and columnist at Compact Magazine) kicks off this series by talking to us about anger, hate, and evil. Do we complain too little or too much? Should we be more repressed? Political passions were meant to be dead. Has anger overtaken apathy? Should we hate our enemies? Is that okay? Has contemporary society become hysterical? Why does everyone want to be a victim today? How does this relate to self-interest? Is evil a psychological concept? For part two, subscribe at Links: What Do Men Want?: Masculinity and Its Discontents, Nina Power, Penguin Books Nina's columns at Compact Magazine Political Ponerology, Andrew Lobaczewski, Red Pill Press (pdf)

  • /392/ The Biggest Country No One Talks About (II) ft. Michael Vann

    16/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    On Indonesia's new president and the End of History.   For the full episode:   Michael Vann, Indonesia expert and history professor at Sacramento State, joins us to talk through the election results. How did Prabowo go from wannabe fascist dictator to cuddly populist grandpa? Why is Jokowi "Indonesia's Obama"? What is Indonesia's Trump/Hunter Biden ticket? What's up with the $32bn new capital being built in Borneo? What is the Museum of Anticommunism, and how successfully has Indonesia's ruling class rewritten its history? Plus: why is metal so popular in Indonesia? Links: Suharto’s Old Guard Is Still Calling the Shots in Indonesia, Michael Vann, Jacobin Shadow Puppets and Special Forces: Indonesia’s Fragile Democracy, Michael Vann, The Diplomat (on police v military clashes) Indonesia state apparatus is preparing to throw election to a notorious massacre general, Allan Nairn, The Intercept Prabowo's 'fashy' 2014 campaign video Prabowo's 'cuddly' 2024 persona /391/ The Bigg

  • Excerpt: /391/ Aufhebonus Bonus - Feb 2024

    13/02/2024 Duration: 18min

    On our '1914 vibes'. And your questions & comments.    [Patreon Exclusive]   We discuss the parallels between our age (the end of globalisation, the threat of war) with the end of the Belle Epoque in the early 20th century. What might Lenin have to teach us?    We then turn to your questions and comments on: Palestinians as surplus population Peripheral countries as 'imitators' Whether Brexit has led to greater political accountability Why Ridley Scott sucks Why contemporary art sucks Bonapartism and techno-populism Romanticising dead workers - and old social-democrats Esoteric knowledge about how the world *really* works Readings: Lenin's Lesson for Western Liberals, Philip Cunliffe, UnHerd Why the Tories Are Blowing Brexit, George Hoare, The Northern Star    

  • /390/ The Biggest Country No One Talks About ft. Vedi Hadiz

    09/02/2024 Duration: 55min

    On Indonesia: a country without a Left.   Foremost scholar of Indonesian politics and political economy, Vedi Hadiz of the University of Melbourne, joins us to talk through the country's politics in advance of the elections next week. What was the authoritarian order that followed the 1965 anti-communist massacres? How did the Asian financial crisis lead towards democratisation – and how did the old oligarchy manage to retain much of its power? How has Indonesia become "Islamified", and what is "Islamic populism"? How do class and ethnicity/religion interact in Indonesia? Who speaks for the "downtrodden"? Is the upcoming election a contestation between oligarchic populisms? Links: /121/ Those Murdering Bastards ft. Vincent Bevins, Bungacast Marketing Morality in Indonesia's Democracy, Vedi Hadiz, East Asia Forum The demise of the left and the Islamisation of dissent in Indonesia, Vedi Hadiz, Melbourne Asia Review (video) Indonesia’s 2024 Presidential Election Could Be the Last Battle of

  • /388/ Betting on Bukele (I) ft. Nelson Rauda / Juan Rojas

    06/02/2024 Duration: 01h19min

    On El Salvador and mass incarceration.    Nayib Bukele, El Salvador's president, has just been re-elected on a landslide. His trademark policy is a state of emergency and the locking-up of tens of thousands of suspected gang members. He also made Bitcoin legal tender. What is 'Bukelismo', will it last, and will it spread?    First, we talk to Nelson Rauda, an editor at investigative outlet El Faro about the mood in El Salvador, what the state of emergency has been like, who the main gangs are and whether Bukele has secretly been negotiating with them, and what opposition there is to Bukele's subversion of democracy and civil liberties.    Then, Juan Rojas, Latin America columnist at Compact Magazine, joins us to discuss why such 'mano dura' (iron fist) policies have failed elsewhere but why they continue to appeal across the region – including among the poor and working class.    For part two, subscribe at   Readings: El Salvador’s Bitcoin Paradise Is a Mirage, Nelson Rauda, NY

  • /387/ Get Fungal to Save Culture ft. Lias Saoudi (Fat White Family)

    30/01/2024 Duration: 01h10min

    On how to respond to conformity.   Lias Saoudi, frontman of the British band Fat White Family, joins us to talk about rock, popular culture and contemporary unfreedom. We discuss: Why are the kids taking less drugs? Can we respond to our nihilistic times with nihilistic art? What is the nature of conformity today? How to challenge conformity without sneering at the masses? Is there a romantic revival going on? Why is Lias interested in Ivan Illich? If living cheaply in big cities is now very difficult for artists, will something new emerge from the provinces? Links: Ten Thousand Apologies: Fat White Family & the Miracle of Failure, Lias Saoudi & Adelle Stripe, White Rabbit Books Punk's spirit is broken, Lias Saoudi, UnHerd Is modern medicine making us sick?, Lias Saoudi, UnHerd Forthcoming album: Forgiveness Is Yours /353/ Bunga Sells Out ft. Jason Myles - on music and the spectacle /359/ Apollo Gets High ft. Benjamin Fong - on drugs in America

  • Excerpt: /386/ Reading Club: Globalisation (III & IV)

    29/01/2024 Duration: 18min

    Double episode! On Giovanni Arrighi's Adam Smith in Beijing.   [Patreon Tier II & III Exclusive]   We wrap up the 2023 syllabus by taking on the second half of Arrighi's book, in which he analyses the over-reach and decline of the US empire, and whether China's rise and role in world affairs presents a different model, one that might be more peaceful. We discuss: How important was the neo-cons' Project for a New American Century? What were the long-term consequences of the Iraq invasion? What do we make of Arrighi's theoretical account of imperialism and the tension between territorial and capitalistic logics? Did the USA represent a "world state" after WWII, and how did it fail? What is the world-historic meaning of China’s development? Do we buy Arrighi’s attempt at a Smithean vision of inter-civilizational harmony? Links: Adam Smith in Beijing:Lineages of the Twenty-First Century, Giovanni Arrighi /305/ Techno-Feudal Unreason - on 'political' capitalism and plunder /250/ Oil & Disorder ft.

  • /384/ Millennial Rule ft. Amber A'Lee Frost

    23/01/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    On Dirtbag and the Millennial Left.   Bungacast regular Amber A'Lee Frost is back to talk about her new book, Dirtbag — part memoir, part critical essays on millennial socialism. In this episode we discuss: Why "millennial"? Does it make sense to talk in generational terms? What are the left's "perversions" as Amber sees them? 'Occupy' was all leaderless, horizontalist crap. Why did Amber stick around? Bernie Sanders did not leave an organizational legacy – why? After the failure of left-populism, in US and Europe, was it all worth it? At we continue discussing the problems of DSA, as well as look forward to the US election and ask whether there's a vibe-shift at Davos.  Links: Dirtbag OK Bunger! The Problem of Generations (5-part Bungacast docu-series on generations)  

  • /383/ Stare into the Abyss with Us ft. Juliano Fiori

    16/01/2024 Duration: 01h25min

    On what comes after human rights.   Juliano Fiori, essayist and director of Alameda Institute, joins us to talk about catastrophism and organising around "the end". We discuss: What was humanitarianism, and why was it the "last utopia"? What does humanitarianism look like in an era of multipolarity? Does Western liberal democracy have any gas left in it? What should we defend? What politics are generated by the prevailing sense of anxiety and melancholia? If modernity is over, do we need to reject all progressivism? And how do we orient around catastrophe without falling into the trap of emergency politics? Links: "Notes on our Melancholy Present" in Amidst the Debris: Humanitarianism and the End of Liberal Order, Juliano Fiori Towards a strategic catastrophism - a radicalism for catastrophic times, Juliano Fiori About Alameda

  • Excerpt: /382/ Death of the Millennial Left ft. Chris Cutrone

    09/01/2024 Duration: 16min

    On the missed opportunity of the 2010s.   [Patreon Exclusive]   Chris Cutrone of Platypus joins us to talk about his collection of essays, The Death of the Millennial Left. We discuss: Why define it as the "Millennial" Left? Was the anti-Stalinism of leaderless protests a good thing? Did the talk of "winning" from 2015 onwards represent maturity? Should the turn to a more public, statist capitalism make us more optimistic? How will the 'lawfare' used against Trump play out? Links: The Millennial Left is dead, Chris Cutrone, Platypus The Death of the Millennial Left: Interventions 2006-2022, Chris Cutrone, Sublation

  • UNLOCKED: /373/ Take a Stand: Be Neutral! ft. Lily Lynch

    02/01/2024 Duration: 01h23min

    On NATO expansion and the end of neutrality   Previously a Patreon Exclusive. For more like this, subscribe at   Lily Lynch is back on the pod to talk about Northern and Eastern Europe and growing hawkishness. We discuss: Why did Sweden and Finland give up decades of neutrality - and why now? What happens with an enlarged alliance in light of the conflict in Ukraine? How does the current moment compare to the apogee of the Non-Aligned Movement? Why were the realists right? How is tech mythology helping to build 'digital nationalism'? Why is there beef over grain between Poland and Ukraine? And what the hell are the "skin suit of social democracy" and the "Waluigi of neutrality"? Links: Joining the West, Lily Lynch, Sidecar The realists were right, Lily Lynch, New Statesman The EU’s great power delusions, Lily Lynch, New Statesman Guns, grain, and history, Lily Lynch, New Statesman Tech-Mythologies, Lily Lynch, Sidecar Imperfect Unity, Lily Lynch, Sidecar

  • /381/ Contemporary Art: Inane Spectacle & Pompous Discourse, ft. JJ Charlesworth

    19/12/2023 Duration: 01h26min

    On contemporary art.   Critic and editor at Art Review, JJ Charlesworth, joins us to talk about why so much contemporary art is bad. We discuss: Why is art no longer about beauty? Are we stuck between art that is either superficial or hyperpolitical? Why has there been a turn towards the mystical and irrational in art? How are ideas of the indigenous and the ecological represented in art today? Is there a romantic revolt against reason and is it new? Links: Criticism, Art and Theory in 1970s Britain: The Critical War, JJ Charlesworth The Return of Magic in Art, JJ Charlesworth, Art Review Gabriel Massan’s Decolonial Games, JJ Charlesworth, Art Review The naked truth about Marina Abramović – her ‘art’ is a joke, JJ Charlesworth, Telegraph

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