Financial G-spot



Robyn Crane is on a mission to help millions of people reach a place of ecstasy when it comes to their money and their relationships.People get crazy when it comes to money. Some people avoid talking about money altogether putting all their energy and passion into arguing when it should be going to much more pleasurable places. Sound familiar? Maybe you think youre not any good. Maybe it makes you nervous, stressed or scared. Maybe youre great with money and all the pressures on you, because your partner is clueless. From handing debt and getting on the same spending page to learning how to have practical discussions to get the money magic you both crave. Robyn Crane helps couples hit the financial G Spot.


  • 021: Step Up & Make More Money

    09/04/2015 Duration: 29min

    Two years ago, Elisha lost her job. She’s employed again, but making HALF the salary. She owes the IRS money and is struggling to pay her bills. She could give up and blame the economy, blame her boss, or blame the job market — BUT SHE DOESN”T! Instead, Elisha is ready to ‘Step Up & Make More Money.’ Watch to find out what she’s willing to do to get ahead again and transform her life!

  • 020: Effective Communication About Money

    02/04/2015 Duration: 28min

    Money problems ruin marriages every day. And it doesn’t have to do with the amount of money you have. In fact, in this episode, Jon realizes that he and his wife communicated better about money when they were broke and struggling. In order for Jon to breakthrough his income ceiling, he first must effectively talk about money with his wife. Robyn gives away a secret strategy to effective communication, called the 1-CHAT weekly format. If you’re in a relationship or want to be in one—You won’t want to miss this!

  • 019: How to Be Debt Free

    26/03/2015 Duration: 31min

    Joey, makes his 3rd appearance on the Financial G-Spot with news that he is DEBT FREE & has TRANSFORMED his life! Here’s the recap: Joey had borrowed $3800 from his friend, Frank and it was ruining their relationship. Joey wasn’t making enough to pay the bills, nor pay back Frank— but he continued to drop hundreds of dollars each weekend at bars and on gambling. But now, Joey is a changed man. Watch the episode to see his TOTAL TRANSFORMATION! This man demonstrates the true meaning of doing WHATEVER IT TAKES! See the transformation for yourself as Joey celebrates how he was able to make more money, pay off his debt in full, save money, and even improve his relationship with his wife. And his friend, Frank is overjoyed to get his money back so fast, and maintain his strong friendship with Joey. This is a MUST SEE! (If you haven’t seen the previous episodes, watch “Stop Blaming & Take Responsibility” and “Paying Back Debt to a Friend” NOW!

  • 018: Overspending Addiction Fiasco

    19/03/2015 Duration: 30min

    Fonda has dug herself in a hole so deep that she can’t see any way out. After losing her job in 2011, and getting a part time job with a fraction of the income, Fonda has lost her home and is currently in $800,000 of debt. Though she feels completely stuck and unhappy with her situation, Fonda continues with her spending sprees, as if she’s lost all hope for the future. It’s not too late, Fonda, but you need to make some serious changes in your beliefs and behaviors to turn your life around!

  • 017: The Trick Your Financial Advisor Won't Teach You

    12/03/2015 Duration: 30min

    Jen, a stand up comic claims that ‘she’s broke’ and doesn’t know why. This episode interlaced with silliness and valuable content will entertain you and help you make more money, spend less money and keep more so you can grow it. Robyn teaches you how to uncover you “Money MaSK”, how much you MAKE, SPEND & KEEP. This exercise alone, when done consistently can transform your financial situation. A typical financial advisor will help you invest what you already got. This money management strategy can help you have more to invest and so you can make money work for you!

  • 016: Love & Money Series - Part 5

    05/03/2015 Duration: 26min

    Millionaires, Michelle & Jeffrey Slayter, my dear friends, demonstrate a successful merge between two individuals coming together to build an enterprise. Both inherently strong financially even before meeting, have come together to amplify their impact. In this rare interview, you will take away key distinctions of what creates a successful partnership with money.

  • 015: Love & Money Series - Part 4

    27/02/2015 Duration: 35min

    Special guests Deborah and Paul Finck have not one set of twins, not two sets of twins, but THREE SETS OF TWINS! And somehow, they have managed to have both LOVE & MONEY. Find out how they went from $150,000 in debt to MILLIONAIRES while keeping their passion alive and maintaining an awesome family lifestyle. Paul’s successes include moving multi-millions of dollars in Real Estate, and over $15 million in informational products in the last 6 years. He has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNN Live, The Jane Pauley Show, The Montell Williams Show, Channel 8 and Channel 11 News, Parents Magazine (June 2005), and most local newspapers in his home state of Connecticut.

  • 014: Love & Money Series - Part 3

    19/02/2015 Duration: 28min

    Amanda and Jairek Robbins, best selling authors, lifestyle entrepreneurs and newlyweds travel around the world helping people achieve RAPID results and create their ideal lifestyle. Robyn brings this loving and powerful couple to the Financial G-Spot to give you specific tools you can use immediately to have a phenomenal relationship that lasts. Jairek and Amanda are entertaining, engaging and just plain wonderful. Don’t miss this episode! Their tips and advice are invaluable. Check out the free gift at

  • 013: Love & Money Series - Part 2

    12/02/2015 Duration: 28min

    Loren Slocum, internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and a mom of 4, joins Robyn to talk about LOVE & MONEY. With 25 years of experience working closely with Tony Robbins, Loren too knows how to capture an audience. She tells personal stories of vulnerability and triumph, and gives you great strategies how you can have both LOVE & MONEY. Get free transformational tips at

  • 012: Love & Money Series - Part 1

    05/02/2015 Duration: 28min

    Money kills relationships. It’s the #1 cause of divorce. Most people fight about money or ignore it—but it doesn’t have to be this way! All month long, I’m bringing on special guests to help you learn the secrets to having both LOVE and MONEY. Part 1 features, Trevor Crane, host of Greatness Quest (and my husband and best friend). Whether you’re in a relationship now or not, understanding the rules of LOVE and MONEY is a must to help you have a passionate relationship that lasts. Join us and get money and relationship tips during our special ‘Love & Money’ series this month. To get the 4 Keys To A Richer Relationship:

  • 010: Fifty Shades of Money

    22/01/2015 Duration: 27min

    Rogue and Paulie come on the show for business advice, but business is just one of the many issues the couple is having. Robyn not only discovers that they’re romantically involved, Paulie reveals that she’s bisexual and in another relationship with a woman. Money affects everything and everything affects money. If they don’t face the real issues, they’ll be losing in business, in life and in love.

  • 009: Play Big & Make More Money

    15/01/2015 Duration: 26min

    Michael Six Muldoon, a magician, entrepreneur, and TV personality joins Robyn on the Financial G-Spot. At 26, he’s already appeared on the Food Network, CBS, and MTV. It seems like he has a lot going for him, but he’s actually been playing small, fearful of taking risks and totally indecisive.

  • 008: Money & Marriage - Oh Brother!

    08/01/2015 Duration: 24min

    My brother, Alan (who is a total goofball) comes to the Financial G-Spot with his fiancé, Ryan. In between their nutty-banter (and random moments of making out) they have some serious questions about ‘money and marriage.’ Since Money Issues are the #1 cause of divorce, they are right on the money to get this stuff sorted before embarking on a life-long love affair.

  • 007: Money & The Holidays

    18/12/2014 Duration: 23min

    In this fun episode, Robyn hits the streets of New York City to talk to people about money and the holidays. Robyn quickly uncovers people’s unique rules and beliefs about buying gifts – which don’t always make much sense. Get great money saving ideas for holiday gifts and become aware of your own beliefs about money and the holidays, so you can see how your beliefs or rules may be holding you back.

  • 006: You Are Not Your Parents

    11/12/2014 Duration: 29min

    In this special episode, Robyn interviews her parents about their beliefs about money and talks about how it impacted her own life. Your parents most likely influenced your beliefs about money, but you don’t have to blindly inherit their beliefs. Watch the patterns that Robyn’s parents run and learn how Robyn made a conscious decision to overcome her own money issues.

  • 005: Paying Back Debt to a Friend

    04/12/2014 Duration: 31min

    Joey and Frank return to the Financial G-Spot for more help. Joey’s trying to find ways to pay back Frank the $3800 he owes him, but he’s sabotaging his own success. Discover what Joey needs to do to motivate himself to make more money and learn how Frank can best influence Joey to hurry up and pay off the debt fast, before the tension worsens!

  • 004: A Permanent Credit Repair Solution

    27/11/2014 Duration: 25min

    Jack, a man in his 40s is still paying for money mistakes he started making back in college. Caught in a seemingly endless cycle of debt and terrible credit, Jack came to Robyn looking for ways to improve his credit. But he quickly learns that improving himself was the fastest way to turn his life around. Watch Jack transform as he discovers how he can overcome his money issues and change his financial destiny.

  • 003: Invest in Yourself First

    20/11/2014 Duration: 24min

    In this episode, Robyn teaches you that laser focusing on what you want gets you exactly that. She also meets with Maria, who is over 60 and has less than $10,000 to her name. And she’s considering investing half of it to help others. Helping others is great, but first you always need to help yourself.

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