Meet Ellen: Get The Key To Health & Happiness



I was given a copy of Ellen G. White's The Ministry of Healing book at a health expo hosted by the Apollo Theater in Harlem on September 19, 2015, and the trajectory of my life has been forever changed. Now it's time for YOU to meet Ellen and be transformed by the 8 Laws of Health outlined in The Ministry of Healing and presented in the "Meet Ellen: Get the Key to Health & Happiness" podcast.I am Marci Kenon, IFPA-certified personal fitness trainer and lifestyle coach. In a previous life, I was a music journalist who contributed to Billboard magazine and interviewed giants including Diana Ross, Donnie McClurkin, Kirk Franklin, Russell Simmons, Jay-Z and Daymond John. Those moments pale when compared to the privilege to introduce author Ellen G. White and her timeless health message delivered in The Ministry of Healing book, the focus of the Meet Ellen podcast.Ellen G. White, co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, wrote The Ministry of Healing over 100 years ago, and its pages continue to illuminate the path to health and healing today. This daily podcast (Monday-Friday) features every word of the book with commentary from a variety of experts on and enthusiasts of topics including spirituality, natural remedies, vegan diets, pharmaceutical drugs, addiction, ministry, family, natural resources, food supply/distribution and how they impact our lives.In the "Blue Zones" study conducted in 2004 to identify a demographic and/or geographic area of the globe where people live measurably longer lives, the Seventh-day Adventists of Loma Linda, CA were one of the five acknowledged Blue Zones." The way of life observed by these Adventists stems from biblical principles and the 8 Laws of Health presented by Ellen G. White in The Ministry of Healing. In 2014, Smithsonian Magazine named her one of "the 100 Most Significant Americans of All Time."Much of the wisdom of the natural health movement today has its roots in the divinely-inspired writings of this eloquent and poetic woman with a third-grade education.With so much information about health, nutrition and exercise at our fingertips today, why are so many Americans suffering from lifestyle illnesses? Because change is simple, but it is NOT easy. We often go around and around the wilderness like the Israelites, never quite getting the victory we are promised.So as we venture through the treasure trove of wisdom in the pages of The Ministry of Healing and pick the brains of a host of esteemed guests, we will also provide evidence-based, actionable strategies to build new and edifying habits that lead to the transformation we all seek in different areas of our lives. Ellen G. White recognized that health goes beyond the body, mind and spirit; she offers guidance on dress, the home, rearing children and thriving in the workplace. Its time to enter the Promised Land of peace that comes from living consistently in divine obedience. That truly is the KEY to health and happiness. This journey goes beyond the podcast. Go to the Meet Ellen website and join the Facebook group and newsletter. Get support, offer encouragement and keep abreast of live events including health expos and seminars where we can meet face-to-face. Until then, LIVE BETTER and DREAM BIGGER!


  • EP 022 Meet Ellen GUEST Charelle Sydonie Pierre, Medical Missionary

    23/02/2017 Duration: 27min

    Charelle Sydonie Pierre recently graduated from  the very first youth Medical Missionary training in New York in 2016. Charelle uses  her passion for a healthful lifestyle, natural beauty and haircare to encourage others in their wellness journey. She combines spiritual and physical aspects of wellness in her presentations and points others to Christ as she motivates individuals to care for their temple as God intended. Today's text is from chapter 5, "Healing of the Soul" pp. 62-65 in the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing, the focus of the Meet Ellen podcast.  

  • EP 021 Meet Ellen GUEST Tim Gittens Pt. 3 of 3

    22/02/2017 Duration: 21min

    In the last episode of the “Financial Health & Happiness” series, financial literacy and money management educator Tim Gittens suggests that we minimize the transfer of wealth to increase our own financial wellness. He recommends we pay less attention to image which is often the impetus for people with limited means to overspend. He concludes that we focus on discipline in the financial-area of life, and that discipline can be learned and practiced. The text for episode 21 is from chapter 5, "Healing of the Soul" pp. 59-62 in the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing, the focus of the Meet Ellen podcast.

  • EP 020 Meet Ellen GUEST Tim Gittens Pt. 2 of 3

    21/02/2017 Duration: 25min

    Tim Gittens considers teaching financial literacy and money management a hobby. In this episode he continues to discuss the benefits of giving, the blessing of tithing and the wisdom of deferred gratification-particularly for those living paycheck to paycheck. Tim also warns of pitfalls like payday loans and “so-called” sales that drain the resources of those already struggling. The text for this episode is from Chapter 5, "Healing of the Soul" on p. 56 of the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing, the focus of the Meet Ellen podcast.

  • EP 019 Meet Ellen GUEST Tim Gittens Pt. 1 of 3

    20/02/2017 Duration: 28min

    Tim Gittens considers teaching financial literacy and money management a hobby. In this episode he discusses the benefits of giving, the blessing of tithing and the wisdom of deferred gratification-particularly for those living paycheck to paycheck. Tim also warns of pitfalls like payday loans and “so-called” sales that drain the resources of those already struggling. Today's text is from Chapter 5, "Healing of the Soul" of the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing, the focus of the Meet Ellen podcast.

  • EP 018 Meet Ellen GUEST Brother Larry Fleming Pt. 3 of 3

    17/02/2017 Duration: 31min

    Brother Larry Fleming, long-time Adventist and founder of Little Lad's Bakery, shares stories of the influence The Ministry of Healing has had on secular society over the years. The author of the classic natural health book Back to Eden was impacted. The producer of the China Study, the creators of the "Forks Over Knives" documentary and the "originator" of the Hallelujah Diet all have been influenced by this little know book with its 8 Laws of Health that were the divine inspiration of a woman named Ellen G. White. The text is from Chapter 5, "Healing of the Soul" on p. 51 in the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing.

  • EP 017 Meet Ellen GUEST Brother Larry Fleming Pt. 2 of 3

    16/02/2017 Duration: 27min

    Imagine being an 11-year-old boy who has decided not to eat "unclean meat" anymore watching as your mother places ham straight out of the oven onto the table. Little Larry's father cut a piece of ham and put in on top of all the food Larry had willing put on his plate. Larry ate all around the ham and then the moment came for him to stand up to his father...

  • EP 016 Meet Ellen GUEST Brother Larry Fleming Pt. 1 of 3

    15/02/2017 Duration: 30min

    Brother Larry Fleming tells some incredible stories of the impact of The Ministry of Healing and Ellen G. White in this episode and series. His own journey into a nutrition-focused  lifestyle started when he was 11 years old and his grandmother showed him God's dietary guidelines in the Bible. Brother Larry, a strict vegan for many years, feels as though the Adventist community is burying the rich heritage of Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing and the  8 Laws of Health while the world is recognizing the value of the divine revelation given her over 100 years ago. Today's text is from "The Touch of Faith, chapter 4, p. 46-48 in the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing.

  • EP 015 Meet Ellen GUEST Viki Radden Pt. 3 of 3

    14/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    Viki Radden, U.S. food policy expert, chats about solutions to the challenges of feeding an exploding world population. Co-hosted by Chef Babette of Stuff I Eat restaurant in Inglewood, CA. Text from The Touch of Faith, Chapter 4 in the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing.

  • EP 014 Meet Ellen GUEST Viki Radden Pt 2 of 3

    13/02/2017 Duration: 27min

    In the series "All About the Benjamins" U.S. food policy expert Viki Radden continues her insight into our food supply, soil, water, and urban farming. Radden touches on how convenience foods evolved and became millstones around the waistlines of Americans. Text begins on p. 41 of chapter 4 "The Touch of Faith" in the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing. 

  • EP 013 Meet Ellen GUEST Viki Radden Pt. 1 0f 3

    08/02/2017 Duration: 30min

    In the first of episode of "All About the Benjamins," food policy expert, Viki Radden discusses her background in food and shares some of the history of the industries and government agencies that play a part in the explosion of health issues like diabetes, asthma, cancer, and high blood pressure that plague Americans today. The bottom line is that it's so often about the "bottom line" and executives of corporations and government agencies have not counted the costs. This series is co-hosted by Chef Babette of Stuff I Eat vegan restaurant in Inglewood, CA. The text for this episode begins Chapter 4 "The Touch of Faith" on p. 38 and ends at the top of p. 41 in the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing.

  • EP 012 Meet Ellen GUEST Edwin McBride Pt. 3 of 3

    07/02/2017 Duration: 25min

    Medical Missionary Edwin McBride has been an Elder for over 40 years and currently serves at the Newbrighten SDA Church in Staten Island. In the last of this three-part series entitled "Jesus Christ: Our Example," McBride discusses the process Jesus used in taking care of people's physical and spiritual needs. Today's text concludes Chapter 3 "With Nature and with God." See full bio/show notes at the Meet Ellen website.  

  • EP 011 Meet Ellen GUEST Edwin McBride Pt. 2 of 3

    06/02/2017 Duration: 27min

    Medical Missionary Edwin McBride has been an Elder for over 40 years and currently serves at the Newbrighten SDA Church in Staten Island. In the second of this three-part series entitled "Jesus Christ: Our Example," McBride discusses the process Jesus used in taking care of people's physical and spiritual needs. Today's text concludes Chapter 2 "Days of Ministry" and begins Chapter 3 "With Nature and with God." See full bio/show notes at the Meet Ellen website.  

  • EP 010 Meet Ellen GUEST Edwin McBride Pt. 1 of 3

    03/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    Medical Missionary Edwin McBride has been an Elder for over 40 years and currently serves at the Newbrighten SDA Church in Staten Island. In the first of this three-part series entitled "Jesus Christ: Our Example," McBride discusses the process Jesus used in taking care of people's physical and spiritual needs. Today's text is from Chapter 2 "Days of Ministry" on p. 28, second to the last paragraph in the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing. See full bio/show notes at the Meet Ellen website.  

  • EP 009 Meet Ellen GUEST Heather Evans in Pt. 3 of 3

    02/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    Heather Evans,  registered nurse of 30+ years, current hospital administrator, and natural health educator finishes breaking down the "8 Laws of Health". When these natural laws are wholeheartedly applied to one's life, healing and health can quickly follow. Today's text is from Chapter 2 Days of Ministry p. 25, the last paragraph. In the Harvestime Books' edition of The Ministry of Healing.

  • EP 008 Meet Ellen GUEST Heather Evans Pt. 2 of 3 of a series entitled "8 Laws of Health"

    01/02/2017 Duration: 29min

      Heather Evans, registered nurse of 30+ years, current hospital administrator and natural health educator breaks down the "8 Laws of Health" in this three-part series. Evans goes into detail about each law and how these simple principles can be applied daily.  When these natural laws are wholeheartedly incorporated into one's life, healing and health can follow. Today’s text is from Chapter 2 “Days of Ministry” p. 22, second to the last paragraph in the Harvestime Books’ edition of The Ministry of Healing. N.E.W.S.T.A.R.T. -Nutrition Exercise Water Sunshine Temperance Rest Air Trust (in God)

  • EP 007 Meet Ellen GUEST Heather Evans Pt. 1 of 3

    31/01/2017 Duration: 30min

    Heather Evans, registered nurse of 30+ years, current hospital administrator and natural health educator breaks down the "8 Laws of Health" in a new three-part series. Evans goes into detail about each law and how these simple principles can be applied daily.  When these natural laws are wholeheartedly incorporated into one's life, healing and health can follow. 

  • EP 006 Meet Ellen GUEST Eden Lifestyle Pt. 3 of 3

    30/01/2017 Duration: 33min

    The St Juste family lived in their van for months after quitting their 9 to 5 jobs and taking over a lawn care business to make end's meet. A few years later, they own and operate a 22-room home in Pine Bush, NY that serves as a lifestyle center. Prepare to take notes as brothers Ezra and Monet testify as to how a huge leap of faith and a move from Miami, Florida to Pine Bush, New York paid off for these Spirit-filled, young missionaries!

  • EP 005 Meet Ellen GUEST Eden Lifestyle Pt. 2 of 3

    27/01/2017 Duration: 29min

    EP 005 Meet Ellen GUEST Eden Lifestyle/ Part 2 of a three-part series entitled "Young & About the Father's Business." Eden Lifestyle is a family ministry comprised of three brothers, a sister and a wife: Ezra St Juste,Monet St Juste, Kalina St Juste, Renoir St Juste, and Jenee St Juste. These health missionaries range from 21-28 years of age and have already dedicated their lives to Kingdom work full-time. They seek to continually grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to take the everlasting gospel to the ends of the earth, through gospel medical missionary work. In this episode, the eldest brother Monet joins Ezra in breaking down the methods of the greatest Medical Missionary who ever lived: Jesus Christ. They elaborate on how Eden Lifestyle follows his example. The brothers also share techniques that aid in the process of health transformation, citing prayer as the number one tool. On Feb. 5th, the family opens a 22-bed lifestyle center in Pine Bush, NY. Today's text is from Chapter One-"Our

  • EP 004 Meet Ellen GUEST Eden Lifestyle/ Part 1 of a three-part series

    26/01/2017 Duration: 30min

    Eden Lifestyle is a family ministry comprised of three brothers, a sister and a wife: Ezra St Juste,Monet St Juste, Kalina St Juste,Renoir St Juste, and Jenee St Juste. These health missionaries range from 21-28 years of age and have already dedicated their lives to Kingdom work full-time. They seek to continually grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and to take the everlasting gospel to the ends of the earth, through gospel medical missionary work. In this episode, 21-year-old Ezra tells their story of struggles, sacrifices, victories and miracles as they aid people in making lifestyle changes for healing and health. Today's text is "Our Example" p. 10, the last paragraph in the Harvestime Books’ edition of The Ministry of Healing.

  • EP 003 Meet Ellen-GUEST Jerrmain Clarke Part 3 of 3 "Diseases of the Egyptians"

    25/01/2017 Duration: 28min

    In EP 003 and the conclusion of the three-part series "Creator's Masterpiece," Jerrmain Clarke focuses on and breaks down the biblical "Diseases of the Egyptians" that plague God's people even today. This lifestyle consultant and educator presents some natural solutions in this episode. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." God has given us all we need. He promises protection with obedience to His Natural Laws presented in the Bible and Ellen G. White’s The Ministry of Healing, the focus of the Meet Ellen podcast. Today’s text is from Chapter One “Our Example” pp. 8-10 in the Harvestime Books edition of The Ministry of Healing (00:55-06:59).

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