Forest Spirituality With Julie Brett



Interviews and talks with Julie Brett from Forest Spirit Jewelry, exploring nature, spirituality and creativity.


  • Damh The Bard on Druid Camp and Music

    27/09/2019 Duration: 45min

    In this episode I talk with Damh The Bard about his trip out to Australia this year to be a part of Druid Camp in the Adelaide Hills. We talk about the processes that went behind the workshops and rituals of the camp, about Australian Paganism and Druidry, and about how he finds inspiration with his music. It's all about listening for that song of the land and waiting to hear it's call. I really enjoyed this interview! I hope you do too.  You can find more about Dave via his website: He is also the host of the OBOD podcast Druidcast which you can find on all good podcast apps, or here on his website: Thanks again Dave!

  • Louise Hewett and The Pictish Spirit

    08/08/2019 Duration: 01h47min

    In this episode I speak with Louise Hewett who is the author of the Pictish Spirit series of fiction novels. The books explore the ethics of intimacy and sexual politics, looking at many challenging themes that explore discussion around the acceptability of cultural norms. It covers feminism, the sexualisation of violence, sexuality and relationships, as well as being set in a very Pagan community of present day Adelaide. While exploring these political themes, Louise also explores the reality of Pagan life in the spiritual experiences of everyday people in ritual, meditation, healing and open awareness. The books are enormous and a real outpouring of Louise's inspiration. They are full of poetry and musical lyrics and she has also inspired musicians within the Pagan community to put her words into their art. The interview also includes some of these tracks. Purchase the first book of the Pictish Spirit series, 'Mist' at Book Depository or Amazon.  You can find out more about Louise's work on Facebook throu

  • Imbolc in Australia

    07/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    In this episode I discuss my experiences with Imbolc, moving house, planting trees, starting our veggie garden and the metaphor of planting seeds and preparing for the return of growth and flowering in the land. As we align ourselves with the energies of the seasons we find peace within. This episode is part of a series I have been making this year, so if you'd like to listen to one from another time or festival, check out my full playlist.  I live in the Upper Blue Mountains of New South Wales in Australia.  Read more about the wheel of the year in my book Australian Druidry.

  • Bardic circles, writing and WA Druidry with Tina Merrybard

    12/07/2019 Duration: 47min

    In this episode I have a chat with Tina Merrybard who is a Druid grade OBOD member from Western Australia. We talk about Bardic circles, writing, musical instruments, and WA Druidry. I love how the talk had a theme of how we can find out greatest connection to Awen by simply showing up to do the work.  You can find Tina's You Tube channel Keechpeach here: You can find out more about her books here: You can learn more about OBOD Druidry at: And you can find out more about my book Australian Druidry at:  Here is some information about Twrch Trwyth the Boar

  • Winter Solstice in Australia

    02/07/2019 Duration: 21min

    This is part of a series of wheel of the year episodes I have been making where I share what I'm experiencing in the turning of the seasons, and share ideas about how we can feel more connected to the land. Find out more at or in my book Australian Druidry: connecting with the sacred landscape. 

  • Kacey Guy Stephensen on Music and Druidry

    03/06/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    In this episode I speak with Kacey Guy Stephensen, about his music, Druidry, and how his spiritual journey has been a part of the process. He's a member of The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD) and this comes up a lot in the talk. You can find out more about OBOD and their courses at  Find out more about Kacey and his music at his website Follow him on Facebook at Find him on Spotify and iTunes under the name KC Guy. Find his Bandcamp releases here, also under KC Guy:  

  • Paul Corcoran on OBOD, QOBOD and other things

    08/05/2019 Duration: 01h28min

    In this episode I have a chat with Paul Corcoran from Ireland. We made friends as we both have done video episodes of 'Tea with a Druid' for the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD). We get started talking about that experience and then have a long conversation about all kinds of things! Paul helps run the Queer OBOD (QOBOD) Facebook group so we also get into gender and sexual identity politics within Druidry, among many other things. It was great to have a chat with him. I hope you enjoy our long rambles. You can watch the Tea with a Druid episodes either at the OBOD Facebook page here: Or on You Tube via Philip Carr-Gomm's channel: You can find the QOBOD group here: You can find my blog and more information about Australian Druidry here:

  • Samhain in Australia

    02/05/2019 Duration: 19min

    In this episode I talk about my observations of the wheel of the year as we turn through Samhain, the last harvest, beginning of the winter, and time for honouring the ancestors. It includes a short meditation on the three ancestors.  If you'd like to learn more about creating your own wheel of the year or Australian Druidry, you can find a copy of my book, 'Australian Druidry: connecting with the sacred landscape' by Julie Brett at all good book sellers.  Read more about Australian Druidry at 

  • Matt Stone and Christian Druidry

    06/04/2019 Duration: 27min

    In this episode I have a chat with Matt Stone who is a Christian Druid. In Druidry we try to be inclusive and accepting, and though many people in Druidry might call themselves Pagan, there are many others who identify instead as polytheist, agnostic, atheist, or even combine their Druidry with other paths like Christianity or Buddhism. I hope you enjoy listening to another facet of the world of Druidry and what the practice is like for Matt.  Matt mentions the resources on Christian Druidry on the OBOD website. You can find those here:

  • Peace Festival/Autumn Equinox in Australia

    24/03/2019 Duration: 20min

    In this episode I discuss the Autumn Equinox, my experience of it as a time for foraging and collecting, moving within and peacefulness. Also looking at the nature of the darkness and meditation of what is hidden within us. Read more at Or discuss it at Druids Down Under on Facebook

  • Philip Carr Gomm on SHOBODA

    18/03/2019 Duration: 41min

    In this episode I talk to Philip Carr Gomm who is the current Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids (OBOD). We speak about the Southern Hemisphere OBOD Assembly held near Wellington in New Zealand. Our discussion of the diversity of Druidry leads the discussion to adaptation practices, the experience of feeling 'at home' anywhere in the world, or opening up to presence and the sense of wonder at the new. We also talk about the psychology behind that, as well as many aspects of pilgrimage and travel. We also talk about what it's been like for him to pass over the role of Chosen Chief to Eimear, and what this means for him personally.  He's an incredibly interesting, genuine and nice person and it was wonderful to have a chat with him about these experiences. I hope you enjoy it too! You can find out more about OBOD at You can read Philip's blog and find out more about him at You can find my blog and information about my book at   T

  • Eimear Burke on SHOBODA

    13/03/2019 Duration: 58min

    In this episode I have a chat with Eimear Burke who is the Chosen Chief in-training for the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD). We met at SHOBODA in January - the Southern Hemisphere OBOD Assembly - that was held near Wellington in New Zealand and hosted by the Grove of the Summer Stars. We chat about cultural diversity in Druidry, language and storytelling, connecting with the land and making good relationships and friendships to foster cultural awareness of the First Nations. Her insights on the Irish language and culture, my experiences in Australia, and our shared experience of New Zealand guiding the talk. I also ask her about what it's been like for her moving into the role of Chosen Chief, how that came about, and in what ways she hopes to add to the course and the order in her time in the role.  She's a lovely person and it was wonderful to have a chat with her!  I hope you enjoy having a listen.  Find out more about Eimear's work here: Find out more about OBOD and

  • Lughnasadh in Australia

    05/02/2019 Duration: 15min

    In this episode I talk about my experience of Lughnasadh and the Storm Festival, the cycle of the light child as needing to shake out the sillies and dance in the rain, the need for keeping a nature diary for your own area, checking out the agricultural cycles near you, making the most of the harvest, enjoying the symbolism of apples, and looking forward to the end of the fierceness of summer's heat.  I hope this helps you to negotiate your own way through the wheel of the year. There will be more discussion about these ideas on Druids Down Under Facebook group. We'd love to hear your thoughts too! You can get a copy of my book 'Australian Druidry' at The Book Depository, and many other book sellers.

  • Druid Camp, and other adventures with Adrienne Piggott

    01/02/2019 Duration: 41min

    In this episode I talk with Adrienne Piggott from the Wind Harp Seep Group, and Spiral Dance, about Druid Camp, the English Ale, and events in between.  Music is: The Dreaming, by Damh the Bard, and 'Goddess of the Southern Land' by Spiral Dance. Find out more about Damh the Bard at: Find out more about Cerri Lee at: Find out more about Kristoffer Hughes via: Find out more about Spiral Dance here: Find info about Druid Camp and the English Ale via Spiral Dance's website:  Hear my interview with Adrienne about the English Ale back in 2016 here:  Find out more about OBOD here:         

  • Summer Solstice in Australia

    18/12/2018 Duration: 16min
  • E24: Deepsea Lights

    31/01/2018 Duration: 01h10min
  • E23: Oracle Walking

    14/11/2017 Duration: 13min
  • E21: Oli and Permaculture

    16/05/2017 Duration: 45min
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