George Digianni Health And Wellness

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 71:41:19
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Former trainer to Dennis Rodman, Mark Cuban and Michael Dell, George DiGianni is no ordinary fitness professional. George founded 21 Day Body Makeover ( and Genetic Direction (, a leading provider of genetics-based personal health management programs. Both companies currently operate to help customers with unique goals.With over 25 years of experience as a leader in the health and wellness industry, George DiGianni is passionate about helping others transform their lives and achieve profound positive change through personal and professional development. Author, talk show host, and behavior modification and wellness coach, George is a widely sought after speaker who empowers international audiences to redefine who they are and what they can accomplish.


  • Pros & Cons of different exercise routines

    22/01/2018 Duration: 41min

    Dr. Webster and I are discussing the pros & cons of different exercise routines. The best combinations for fat loss, endurance, strength, power, quickness, muscle growth, injury prevention, etc. And for the avid exerciser who exercises at least exercise 5 days per week I will present my 6 week exercise challenge: Example: Day 1 Treadmill incline 12 speed, 12 incline, 12 seconds, 12 X Day 2 Weight training using multiple joints. chest press, squat press, pulldowns etc. For all of your supplement needs, 20% off and free shipping that cost less than buying on Amazon visit

  • 5 Fitness Fables that could set you back in 2018

    13/01/2018 Duration: 45min

    Each new year comes with an overload of information about what to eat, how to exercise and the best way get back on track in your fitness routine.   The University of Scranton says 92 % of people who make a New year resolution will fail while only 8% will succeed.   How can we overcome this repeating narrative?   James B. LaValle, R.Ph., CCN, is an internationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author and board certified clinical nutritionist, naturopathic doctorate with more than 30 years of clinical experience.     LaValle is best known for his expertise in metabolic and integrative medicine, with extensive background in natural products, lifestyle drug/nutrient depletion and uncovering the underlying metabolic issues that keep people from feeling healthy and vital.

  • Pain Management Concerns and Alternatives

    17/12/2017 Duration: 42min

    In this episode we talk about: Purdue Pharma pled guilty to criminal consumer fraud in 2007 for lying about the addiction risk of their opioid medications and paid a fine of over $600 million but no one went to jail. Doctors receive, on average, less than two hours of education on pain in medical school 40% of visits to primary care physicians are for pain Americans spend over $34 billion annually out of pocket for alternative medicine because they want safe, effective care and health insurers rarely pay Doctors, fearful of prosecution for over prescribing are not prescribing pain meds anymore. Millions of people are addicted to opioids, hundreds of thousands dead.  Now they're being abruptly cut off and offered nothing to replace it.      

  • Ketogenic Diet

    09/12/2017 Duration: 43min

    We're about to complete yet another year of failed attempts to lose fat or be as fit as you'd like.  A real eye-opener is when you realize it may not all be your fault.    Medication, stress, poor diet, toxic less than optimal working organs, are all reasons it's difficult for people to lose fat and feel good while having the energy to exercise.    In this episode Dr. Rudman and I discuss how receiving a shot helps with fat loss. What's in this syringe that can make you lose fat? Is it safe? Are there studies backing it?   And why the Ketogenic diet doesn’t work for everyone.  The new YOU going into a New Year   Receive 20% off and free shipping on all of your supplement needs.  Visit, click "other supplements" tab for  20% off and free shipping for professional grade sups.   We're less expensive than going to Amazon

  • Resistant Starch

    04/12/2017 Duration: 40min

    Have you heard of Resistant Starch?  Most starches are broken down into sugar, however, Resistant Starch resists digestion and increases the amount of fat we use for energy, better insulin sensitivity, improves digestion and strengthens immunity. However, does this fly into the face of science of info we are suppose to follow to lose fat?  We'll discuss more about that point later in the show. What is starch? What foods contain starch? When we see "carbs" listed on a food label is starch a part of (or all of) that? Why might starch be a problem for weight loss? What happens when we fry starch (fries)? What is Resistant Starch? Which foods contain it? What does Resistant Starch do for digestion and what are the other health benefits?   Third segment: Resistant Starch (RS) and weight loss Hot vs cold starch- how does this effect resistant starch? If we let machines and ovens do the digestion for us, we are left with highly digestible starches. Not good for glucose control, stayi

  • Histamine Intolerance

    18/11/2017 Duration: 41min

    You’ve heard of lactose intolerance, but have you heard of histamine intolerance? A misdiagnosis could inflame the real problem. If you are experiencing Hypertension
, Dizziness, Headaches, 
Irregular sleeping pattern
,Arrhythmia (accelerated heart rate), Anxiety Nausea and vomiting, Flushing, Abdominal cramps
, Hives, Fatigue, Watery eyes, you could be dealing with a histamine intolerance:  My guest Sherry Torkos, B.Sc.Phm., R.Ph., is a pharmacist, author, who graduated with honors from Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science in 1992. Since that time she has been practicing holistic pharmacy in the Niagara region of Ontario. Torkos has won several national pharmacy awards for providing excellence in patient care. Your body’s inability to breakdown the over can lead to chronic health conditions, that could be lifelong issues.” Here are some questions I address with Sherry: Food Allergy or Intolerance?  How can we identify the difference between the two? What causes A histamine intolerance How can we iden

  • Vitamin B6 and B12 Supplements Appear to Cause Cancer in Men

    12/11/2017 Duration: 44min

    Vitamin B6 and B12 Supplements Appear to Cause Cancer in Men the National Institutes of Health notes, “Vitamin B12 supplementation appears to have no beneficial effect on performance in the absence of a nutritional deficit.”  ​In this episode we discuss the importance o how to look at a study and what makes it credible. These publications ​are misguiding people as usual. W​hat's missing from this study?  Should we put all focus on every study published? Have you ever wondered why a product or protocol is touted as good for us one year, and the next it's the worst thing imaginable?   Let's become advocates for our own health and bring what we researched to specialists for their input. Journal of Clinical Oncology, researchers reported that taking vitamin B6 and B12 supplements in high doses (like those sold in many stores) appears to triple or almost quadruple some people’s risk of lung cancer. Key words here, (like those sold in many stores) In 2009, the researchers reported in the Journal of the American M

  • Gut Health

    04/11/2017 Duration: 41min

    Science showing being over fat may not be your fault minus poor choices.    Dr Tim Church Said, "your body has more microbes than human cells." The human body is teeming with microbes. A number that gets bandied about is that there are 10 times as many bacterial cells as human cells inside you.  You are born bacteria-free People are born without bacteria, and acquire them in the first few years of life. Babies get their first dose of microbes as they're passing through their mother's birth canal. Bacteria can be good and bad for you You're probably aware that while some germs can make you sick, others are important for keeping you healthy and fending off infections. Sometimes, the same bacteria can do both.   PROBIOTICS The recognition that bacteria can be good for you has spawned something of a craze in probiotic supplements, consisting of live microbes purported to bestow health benefits. Many people take them after a course of antibiotics. But do they actually work? @dfwticket #weightloss #microbiome 

  • Health Fact or Fiction

    29/10/2017 Duration: 41min

    In this episode, Dr Webster and I dispel myths to keep you safe and on track to your health goals. Here is just a few snippets we will address.  1. Fact or fiction? Being vegan doesn’t prevent heart disease   2.Fact or fiction? ALA helps remove fat from your liver and regulates glucose homeostasis   3. Fact or fiction? It's best to eat a banana or pineapple before bed to sleep better   4. Fact or fiction? A keen sense of smell can make you fat.    We need to know the best and most accurate health information coming into the holiday season.    To have the best chance for success we will dispel the latest news in magazines and mainstream media

  • The Unsexy Vitamin

    22/10/2017 Duration: 42min

    Dr Webster and I will discuss a topic often overlooked that is rarely included in a multi vitamin and never discussed on my show. It's mostly known for its blood clotting properties. People on blood thinners Coumadin or warfarin are told to avoid this essential vitamin. Being low or deficient on this vitamin can potentially lead to heath issues, lead to thickening of the heart in adolescents which could lead to heart problems later in life. Especially in those who take vitamin D. Other properties include: immune function, bone building, regulates cell growth, cardio protection. What is this elusive nutrient? Which food is it in?

  • Mayor Price

    15/10/2017 Duration: 41min

    A 2009 report by the state comptroller estimated that obesity cost Texas businesses $9.5 billion that year and warned that the problem was getting worse. Well-Being Index Gallup survey – 35 percent of Fort Worth residents have a body mass index of at least 30  30% of the Fort Worth population is overweight. Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price isn't having any of that.  How much do parents play a role? how influential are children when it comes to eating healthy? She has an affinity for being healthy and injecting this focus into the community as well as her staff. FitWorth | She also discusses the Blue Zone Project Fort Worth |   Side note: my new book Potentially You has been released on Kindle.  Bringing twenty-seven years of entrepreneurship as a trainer and behavioral modification consultant and coach. I share stories from my past bring and awareness to impediments preventing us from having the success we desire.  If you truly want to stop sabotaging

  • Dr. Visits and Costs

    07/10/2017 Duration: 42min

    We will look at the most common reason people visit a doctor.    Who pays?    How can you decrease your bills by choosing the right doctor for your concern?   Dr Webster discusses the rise in healthcare cost since 1970.  Some factors driving this increase? The second and third most likely reason to visit a doctors office are joint pain and spinal disorders. why are people seeking an MD instead of a chiropractor? Is chiropractic better at caring for certain conditions than is an MD? What about costs?   Is chiropractic cost effective?  And what does that mean to be cost effective rather than simply effective?

  • Whistle Blower Dangers in Poultry

    30/09/2017 Duration: 41min

    Free range & organic chicken only require a small space to roam on the side of a fenced in barn. Their food is inside the barn with 100,000 birds walking in each other's feces and they rarely move more than a few feet.  Chicken and turkey, no matter how you raise them, have to eat grain.  They cannot get enough nutrition from grass & bugs to ever achieve growth or meat quality necessary to get to the grocery store. Poultry expert putting his neck on the line exposing the truth Roger Renfro, (name changed to protect his identity) has 2 degrees in animal science, he’s a Professional Animal Welfare Auditor, certified to perform inspections for Humane Farm Animal Care across the U.S. and Canada, and working on a dissertation in microbiology.   He focuses on feed & vaccines to poultry companies and has published papers on microbiology & animal welfare in peer reviewed scientific journals, and has researched extensively on Salmonella. His doctoral research involves sampling and analyzing live po

  • IV Infusions

    24/09/2017 Duration: 41min

    Dr Brian Rudman IV nutrient therapy can heal the body much faster than taking pills. Myers Cocktail, developed 30 years ago by Dr. John Myers can be a catalyst to help people recover from migraines, hangovers, fibromyalgia, depression allergies, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, crohn’s disease cardiovascular diseases, parkinson’s and more. How? Sounds like quackery Dr, Rudman will discuss history IV nutrients John Myers, MD Why IV nutrients vs oral?

  • What the health

    16/09/2017 Duration: 42min

    The documentary, What The Health attempts to dismantle all benefits of meat products using their idealistic perspective for us all to become vegan. These producers and interviewer had the opportunity to present the truth and expose the foundations that are supposedly helping people who are in desperate need in their health. Here are a couple of things to consider: First, anybody can say anything they want about anything or anyone.    Second, people are easily influenced and more inclined to believe an accusation or what they hear that justify's  their opinion because it supports their story. Then they become angry and lash out at others who don't align with their ideals and opinions.   While there are some disturbing truths in What The Health, their claims about eggs being dangerous and diabetes being caused by meat, not sugar is ludicrous. They even promoted a doctor who used sugar and carbs to heal people many years ago. Dr Webster, Dr Rudman and myself will shoot holes in this documentary with facts usin

  • Hair Loss

    10/09/2017 Duration: 41min

    Dr, Rudman MD Formula Wellness  60% of hair loss sufferers would rather have more hair than money or friends. Almost half (47%)  of hair loss sufferers would spend their life savings to regain a full head of hair. Hair loss can be sign of something bigger- side effects of medications, too much testosterone (or DHT), autoimmune disease, low thyroid, high thyroid, severe vitamin deficiency.  (not to mention stress, anxiety both of which can cause full blown baldness) Hair takes months to grow - like fingernails its good look back at overall health and nutrition - with additional things that affect it negatively. Dr Rudman will also discuss the different theories about the causes of hair loss and the problems/benefits of medications, topicals, injections, and surgical procedures available to treat hair loss What is stem cell/microionized fat injections (ALMI procedure) and can it replace a hair transplant?  

  • Number one reason why people have trouble losing weight

    28/08/2017 Duration: 40min

    Maynon Ballow and Dr Webster share the number one reason why people have trouble losing weight even if they exercise and eat well. We'll also discuss 5 ways to boost testosterone naturally 1 How does gastric health contribute to obesity and weight loss resistance? Is there a proven link between GI health, inflammation, obesity and disease such as Diabetes? To replace those lost nutrients and aid in your weight loss efforts I am giving $50 off of our micronutrient test and 20% off of all professional grade supplements with free shipping when you click on "Other supplements"

  • Medical Wellness Assessment

    19/08/2017 Duration: 42min

    Is your doctor testing for sickness/medical diseases or how to keep you well? Are you aging faster than you should? Are you increasing your cancer risk What are you doing that may be lowering your testosterone?  How would you know the answer to these questions without a thorough medial assessment? What is a thorough medical assessment and why are most doctors not performing these in their offices? Dr. Brian Rudman MD from Formula Wellness  board certified Anesthesiologist since 1997 and taken his 20 years experience with the medical and surgical problems that patients face into a new role that focuses on preventing illness and preserving wellness.   He says, there is a missing piece - treating and preserving wellness is something that we as a medical community can be doing better, especially as the outside environmental threats continue to make it more difficult to stay "Well". Website: Dr Rudman's test can even show whether you're predominantly a carb burner vs fat burne

  • Career Purpose

    12/08/2017 Duration: 40min

    Employers spend a lot of money training employees which can cost much more money to the employer if the employee leaves within 6 months.  Employees are not aware of what their employee is thinking and how satisfied they are with their job and culture.    Tracy Timm is a Yale grad in behavioral psychology and a human capital advisor for dallas’s fastest growing companies. She's a coach for executives and young professionals and been an entrepreneur and business owner since 2014 She's promoting her one-on-one coaching and The Nth Degree Academy online course that launches in December (11th)   Tracy said, "Employees who scored low on “life satisfaction” stayed home from work 1.25 more days per month than those with higher scores, adding up to about 15 additional days off per year."    Depression and obesity are the top two chronic health conditions driving health-related costs for employers.  87 % of employers are committed to workplace wellness and 73 % offer a wellness program And a survey

  • Defying the odds of a debilitating disease

    05/08/2017 Duration: 40min

    Coach Scott Nady offers hope against insurmountable odds as a parent, coach and career professional, sure to motivate you to succeed in your desired goals   How would your significant other react if you told them you wanted to take a 90% pay cut to follow your passion and coach HS football? How did an unwanted diagnosis of his child impact him to change course and defy all odds? Scott has a remarkable story sure to tug on your heart, kick you in the pants, and hopefully help you to persevere more easily through your own challenges with a new perspective when comparing your fat loss, over-all health, relationship and career challenges with his. Scott offers comfort for parents who may be feeling hopeless or helpless, and people in search of following their passion.   

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