Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk



Shawn Shewchuk, the #1 results coach in the country, is here to inspire, inform, and connect entrepreneurs and high achievers. This show is focused on YOUR actual, measurable results.


  • 34: Dan Deigan: Less Talk, More Action

    25/06/2018 Duration: 38min

    No matter what anyone tells you, success is not an easy thing. You will never find that short cut to the financial life you want. If anyone tells you it’s easy, or won’t take much time: run. They are selling you on a scam. To be a success you need to work, and work hard. But not just in business, in everything.  Don’t show up and just get by. Whether it’s at work, or with your family, success comes from putting quality into every moment you have. The best way to do that is to put everything into actionable steps. Don’t just aim for the big overall goals, break it up into smaller goals that you can easily tackle. And most importantly, you don’t have to do it alone. Although you can’t make it easy, you can make it easier by bringing in someone who has been there and done it. A coach will make your life so much better by helping you avoid pitfalls they’ve gone through. To go further into this, I have brought on yet another amazing guest: Dan Deigan. Dan Deigan serves as an inspiration to others. His energy,

  • 33: Heather Ramsey: How to Be a Legacy Entrepreneur

    04/06/2018 Duration: 33min

    For full show notes and resources for to “Listen more deeply, and act more instinctively on what you hear when you listen.” (Click to Tweet)   I know you’re familiar with the word entrepreneur. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be here. But have you heard of a legacy entrepreneur before? A legacy entrepreneur essentially takes entrepreneurship a step further. They want to make a lasting impact on the world to make it a better place. Maybe they want to do something to help the environment, to help those less fortunate, whatever it may be - their charities will outlive them. On today’s episode of Results Radio, we are joined by an amazing coach and mentor that ONLY works work legacy entrepreneurs: Heather Ramsey. That’s right, you have to be the cream of the crop if you want her to work with you - as her vision is to help those who are selfless. She gave some amazing insights on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur in any field, and the mindset you need to have to get there. Bu

  • 32: Mark Kenny: How to Become and Educated Investor

    21/05/2018 Duration: 35min

    View full show notes, resources, and more at Have you wanted to invest in Real Estate, but you’re worried about the risks in market changes? The first thing I want to address, is that there is always risk in everything. You can’t let risk hold you back, because there is no such thing as a guarantee. But secondly, there is a solid investment strategy that can be less likely to be impacted by market fluctuations: Multi-Family Real Estate. Everyone needs a house, and when it comes down to multifamily housing is one of the safest choices. Not everyone can afford a mansion, and not everyone is ready for a single family home.  Nearly everyone who wants to be on their own, or or is just starting a family, lives in a multi-family home.  To dive further into the topic, I bring you one of the best mings out there when it comes to real estate: Mark Kenney. Mark Kenney is a seasoned real estate investor, entrepreneur and founder of Think Multifamily. Mark started his real estate career o

  • 31: Ted Miller III: Are You an Entrepreneur or Just a Manager?

    07/05/2018 Duration: 34min

    There’s a lot of people out there who call themselves entrepreneurs, but they aren’t. They’re glorified managers. If you’re doing all of the heavy lifting in your company, and just reacting to circumstances thrown at you, you aren’t a real entrepreneur. You need to take control of the business, not run the business. Take the time to lift your head, and look at the larger picture. Work on developing strategy, and playing to your strengths. You, ultimately, want to have a business where if you disappear for a week or two it will continue to run without any problems. When you’re integral to the day to day operations, you’re still just working a job. Being “too busy” is often times really just being inefficient. To dive further into this, I brought you a very special guest: Ted Miller III. After working with 25,000 entrepreneurs from 24 different countries, Ted Miller IIII has realized there were not 25,000 reasons the business owner would get stuck and stop growing. Just like you would expect, he heard the same

  • 30: Ryan Long - How to Master Your Field and Overcome Adversity

    23/04/2018 Duration: 31min

    “You have to become a bigger, stronger version of yourself.” I get so many people telling me how hard it is to get started. That things don’t just come easy for them like it seems to for others. The truth is, it doesn’t come easy for anyone. It looks easy because you are looking at masters of their craft. They have already struggled, you just weren’t there for it. For something to be easy, you have to put in the work. You have to overcome the adversity that comes along with that personal growth. That doesn’t mean you have to sit in a corner and beat yourself up until you get it right. Instead, you can seek out someone who has already been there. You can get their advice, and uplevel your skills even faster. On this episode of Results Radio, I bring you someone who has dedicated themselves to helping others boost their skills no matter what industry they are in: Ryan Long. Ryan is an entrepreneur and speaker who came from a troubled and impoverished background. He suffered through abuse from his birth father,

  • 29: Greg Reid; How to Properly Use the Law of Attraction

    09/04/2018 Duration: 32min

    SHOW NOTES: YOURRESULTSRADIO.COM/29 “It’s the action in the law of attraction that makes our dreams come true.” - Greg Reid One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “Shawn, I’m just starting out, how to I become successful?” The problem with this question is that most people don’t even know what success is. Success is different for everyone, and it’s based on your goals. The first place you need to start is looking at where you want to be. You need to set a clear, specific goal. Don’t try to chase after too much. Don’t try to be a rock star, a movie star, a CEO, and a chef all at the same time. You’ll never be a success at any of them. Pick that one thing you want to be the expert in and follow that. Then you can know the secret to success: not giving up. We all know people who stopped a few credits from a degree. Who decided not to push their passions, and watched in envy as their peers became a success. Just when you feel like you can’t do it anymore. Just when you feel like there’s no point and you a

  • 28: John Arnott Sr.: The Simple Shift to Entrepreneurship

    26/03/2018 Duration: 29min

    Show Notes: “People buy the person, they don’t buy the project.” - John Arnott Sr. Today it seems like everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. They think they can take the skills they’ve developed at their J O B and start their own business. In reality, starting your own business is far more than just working directly with clients. If you’re the one always working on every task of every project, you’re not an entrepreneur. You’re just a freelancer. To truly be an entrepreneur you need to spend as much time working on your business as you do in your business. It’s not just enough to know how to do the work - you need to know how to manage others to do the work. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by John Arnott Sr. John is 76-year-old entrepreneur who has built his own incredibly successful digital marketing company because, not because he had to but because he wanted to. He’s learned to take his expertise and turn it into a passionate business that’s designed to help those who

  • 27: Darren Jacklin: Building Business Relationships in Person

    12/03/2018 Duration: 33min

    SHOW NOTES: YOURRESULTSRADIO.COM/27 “I don’t compete, I just dominate the space.” - Darren Jacklin Many people want to hide behind a computer and get rich. That’ll only get you so far. The truth is you need to build real relationships in person. Most deals aren’t made online, at least not the big ones. The biggest deals are always made between to people, one on one. Social media is a tool, and can get you to that face to face interview. If you are serious about being an entrepreneur and not just doing it as a hobby, you can’t be afraid to get out there. Do whatever it takes to get face time with your potential customers and investors. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by one of the most inspirational people I know: Darren Jacklin. Darren was told he was special, and not in a good way. He was put on drugs like ritalin and told he would be everything but a success, because he didn’t follow the rules. As it turns out the rules you learn in school aren’t what it takes to be successful. They teach you

  • 26: Stefan Aarnio: How to be a Successful Real Estate Investor

    26/02/2018 Duration: 34min

    Show Notes: “In one way or the other people need real estate if they want to retire.” - Stefan Aarnio I’ve known so many people over the years who call themselves a real estate investor. When you try to ask how many homes they invest in, they mumble and dance around the subject. This isn’t investing. Flipping one or two houses doesn’t make you an investor. If you want to be an investor, you need to commit. You need to be serious and go all in. The good news is this isn’t something you have to do alone. You don’t have to go into the trenches and hope for the best, you can reach out and get help make sure you reach the success you want. In the end, investing in things like real estate has a huge pay off. But you really need to commit and be decisive. On this episode of Results Radio, we are joined by Stefan Aarnio to discuss his journey as a real estate investor and the pitfalls he sees others go through. Stefan Aarnio is an award-winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and wi

  • 25: Jason Greschuk: How to Find Your Success and Happiness

    12/02/2018 Duration: 33min

    Show Notes: “Your vision is going to compel people to want to work with you.” - Jason Greschuk (Click to Tweet) So many times people build businesses for the wrong reason. They set out to focus on financial gain without a goal in site, or a purpose to what they are doing. Both of these things are very important. If you want to have freedom in your life, you really need to know your finances. You need to know that number you need in order to achieve the freedom you want. On top of that, you need to know what problem you are trying to solve for people. Knowing this will help you find your purpose. It’s important to know YOUR purpose, not someone else's. If you aren’t pursuing that then people are either going to find out that you are a fake, or you are going to achieve burnout. It’s this relationship of finding your goal and your purpose that will put you on the path to happiness and success. On this episode of Your Results Radio we are joined by an expert in helping people find their en

  • 24: Paul Kazanofski: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started in Business

    29/01/2018 Duration: 32min

    Show Notes: “If you over analyze things you’ll never get from point A to point B.” - Paul Kazanofski (click to tweet) A lot of people think that success is something you are born into. That the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. That’s simply not true. There’s no reason that anyone can’t come from a terrible neighborhood and end up in a mansion. The trick is to shift your mindset. So many people have a scarcity mindset that keeps them back. People are afraid to get out there and do things. I hear so many excuses that they don’t have the right tools to get started, or that they don’t know how to get started. If you want to get started, get out there and meet people. Learn as you go with the end goal in mind, because if you have excuses to wait then it’s simply never going to happen. On this episode of Result Radio we are joined by a true Rags to Riches story, Paul Kazanofski. Paul was born in a poor family to immigrants who escaped a communist country. He grew up in one of the worst

  • 23: Will Moreland: How to Achieve Clarity, Accountability, and Results

    15/01/2018 Duration: 30min

    Show Notes: “You can make the choice that you won’t allow your start to determine your finish.” - Dr. Will Moreland (Click to Tweet) So many times in business I come across entrepreneurs that are only trying to serve themselves. They spend so much time trying to sell their service or get others to sign up for their products that they don’t really listen to the customer. If you want to become successful you need to shift your mindset. Stop thinking about yourself, and start thinking about them. Do whatever it takes to be of service to your customers. When you come across someone who needs something you don’t have, help them find what they need. Connect them with the right people. Make their life easier, and you’ll find that they will feel indebted to you. They’ll come back to you time and time again, and your selflessness is what will create a loyal customer for the rest of your life. On this episode of Results Radio, we are joined by Dr. Will Moreland. Dr. Will is a highly sought after

  • 22: Monica Kretschmer: Stepping Into Entrepreneurship

    01/01/2018 Duration: 30min

    Show Notes: “You have the ability to reinvent yourself every single day.” Many people hesitate when it comes to starting their own business and becoming an entrepreneur. They often times let their worries get in the way, or listen to other people tell them why they shouldn’t do it. Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone, and it may not even be for you. If it’s something you are thinking about, though, it probably is for you. The key to being successful is having a plan and knowing when the time is right. To answer the latter first, it’s all about intuition. You will know when the time is right, you’ll have that feeling and that desire. It’ll be hard to sit at a desk in a typical J.O.B. You’ll feel ancy, have a hard time listening to people tell you what to do when you know deep down inside what’s really best. You’ll feel the need to be heard and appreciated. When that happens it’s time to take action. Be prepared to work harder than you ever have before. Build yourself a support netw

  • 21: Melissa Krivachek: Reframing Your Mindset To Make The Sale

    18/12/2017 Duration: 25min

    Show Notes: “You have to ask for it. If you don’t ask for it, you’re never gonna get it and therefore you’re never gonna be successful.” - Melissa Krivachek Sales is a tricky concept. The negative connotation it gets in today’s world is undeserved. All it is is a conversation where you ask for something at the end. But we have this preconception of the used car salesman in the polyester suit corralling us into his office to sign papers. But that's not what sales is. Sales is something different. It's the opportunity for you to be you. While yes, there is the inevitable ask for the credit card at the end of the conversation -- the reality is we flinch at this part because we’re trained to not ask for the things we want. We grow up fearing our parents saying no, so we end up as adults, unaware of the ways to ask without feeling like the used car salesman. You just have to be aware of your strengths are and if you're bringing them to the conversation. If you’ve struggled with sales, you’r

  • 20: Dr. Ivan Misner: The Biggest Networking Mistakes Most People Make

    04/12/2017 Duration: 29min

    “The #1 trait of a great networker is a good listener.” Show Notes: We all know the importance of networking, but chances are you are doing it wrong. Networking doesn’t mean you should go out, shake hands with a hundred people, tell them your name, and give them your business card. That’s not networking - that’s cold calling. True networking is a giving relationship. It means really making a connection with people and helping them. Let me give you an example of bad networking. Most people go to a networking event to sell. No one goes to buy. That’s not networking. You have to go out there, listen to others, and help them. Put them first and they’ll want to help you in return. If you’re not out to put them first you’re going to seem sleazy, pushy, and self centered. In fact studies have shown that extroverts are the worst people at networking. Introverts show all of the best traits of a great networker. They listen, they care, and they make recommendations. On this episode of Results Ra

  • 19: Alex Courson: Your Safest Bet in Any Economy

    20/11/2017 Duration: 31min

    Show Notes:   “There is no golden treasure waiting for you, you have to go get it.” - Alex Courson (Click to Tweet) It’s a common belief that there is a safe choice in life. That taking “good job” means you’ll have security for the rest of your life. The truth is there is no such thing as a safe job. Just because you are hired in a government position or as a teacher doesn’t mean you’ll have a job in two years. Growing up I was taught we would always need teachers, and today teachers are getting the worst end of the stick. Millennials growing up were taught to go into IT. That computers were the way of the future, and that there was good money in it. Now the first Millennials are getting older and discovering that finding a new IT job after you are 30 is nearly impossible. The only way to guarantee you will keep working is to work for yourself. Even if a business goes under, you can always start another. And another. And another. You don’t even have to wait for one to end before y

  • 18: Fong Chua: Risk Management

    06/11/2017 Duration: 30min

    Show Notes: “If you want to succeed in something it’s best to surround yourself by people who have already succeeded.”  - Fong Chua (Click to Tweet) The biggest thing that hold anyone back from getting the success and results they want is fear. It’s really amazing at how much fear can control us. So many people are afraid to take risks. They are scared they will lose everything, that things won’t happen the way that they want. But you can’t let fear control you. We take risks every day. When you first started driving it was scary. Every time you get in a car you risk getting in an accident, but it doesn’t hold you back anymore does it? If you need more help overcoming your fears, here’s a tip: stop hanging out with negative people. Lots of people will give you bad advice, saying not to do something because it could blow up in your face. Instead, don’t share your ventures with them. Surround yourself by people who are already successful in what you want to do. Question them, take t

  • 17: Darren Jacklin: How to Attract Success

    23/10/2017 Duration: 44min

    Show Notes: “In the beginning people are going to call you crazy.” - Darren Jacklin (Click to Tweet) In today’s environment it’s easy to be surrounded by doom and gloom. Social media feed, news, everything seems to focus on the negative side of life. Surrounds yourself by this will have an impact on your professional life as well as your personal life. What you should do instead is put yourself in positive environments. Surround yourself by people smarter and better than you, who are successful in the areas you want to be in. In the real world it’s not about what you know, and it’s now about who you know. It’s about who knows you. Most importantly, continually invest in yourself. Keep learning, because when you stop learning you stop earning. It’s like the old saying, rich people have big libraries and poor people have big TVs. One of the best ways to invest in yourself, and really grow you education is by hiring someone who’s already been there. Someone with the experience to get you

  • 16: Jacki McLenaghan: The Speakers Retreat

    11/10/2017 Duration: 36min

    Show Notes: “Every time you are standing on a stage, you have a responsibility to serve.” - Jacki McLenaghan (Click to Tweet) The number one fear in the world is public speaking. People fear getting up on a stage more than they do death. How crazy is that? If you want to be an entrepreneur and business owner you have to learn how to speak. It’s a far better way to make an impact by getting in front of a group, rather than doing it one by one. No matter what your industry, there’s chances for you to speak and gain more customers. Unfortunately, however, the only way to get good at it is to actually do it. You can prep for weeks or even months, but without being in front of actual human beings you’ll never truly know what works and what doesn’t. Luckily there is a safe way to do this, without getting in front of high end clients on your first try. Our guest on today’s special episode of Result Radio is Jacki Mclenaghan. Jacki has created a retreat just for public speaking. It’s a great w

  • 15: Josh Hinds: Simple Steps to Living the Big Life

    09/10/2017 Duration: 30min

    Show Notes: “Living big means taking actions every single day towards your intended destination” - Josh Hinds (Click to Tweet) Have you ever wanted to accomplish something but can’t quite find the right way to do it? Do you have ideas sitting on your shelf because life gets in the way? You aren’t alone. Many people want to do something great, and know what they want to do. Sometimes excuses get in the way, like I’m too old now, I have kids to take care of, and many other things. When it comes down to it, your excuses just cover up for bad strategy. I’m not goign to say stop making excuses and do it. I’m going to say make a plan, with action steps you can take daily, and don’t give a chance for excuses to come up. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by Josh Hinds. Josh is an amazing coach and speaker who has overcome some of the biggest challenges that can be thrown at someone. Download this episode today to hear great advice on how you can stop dreaming and start doing, no m

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