Analysen Und Diskussionen Über China

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 89:24:09
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MERICS-Analysen in deutscher und englischer Sprache zum Anhören: Das bietet der Podcast von MERICS. Wissenschaftler und Gäste des MERICS besprechen und analysieren Entwicklungen und Ereignisse in China.


  • Hanns W. Maull and Thomas des Garets Geddes on China and the WHO

    18/05/2020 Duration: 25min

    The World Health Organization is an indispensable institution in the fight against pandemics. In dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis the WHO and its director general Tedros Adhanom have provided and disseminated important and critical information for dealing with the virus, but were also criticized – not least by US president Donald Trump – for acting to slowly in the early stage of the crisis and being too close to China. MERICS Senior Policy Fellow Hanns Maull and Junior Analyst Thomas des Garets Geddes look at the relationship of the WHO and China, how it has affected the response to COVID-19 and how Taiwan complicates this picture even further.

  • Matt Ferchen on China as a development actor

    24/03/2020 Duration: 28min

    China’s engagement as a development actor is seen as controversial, especially in the West. While the Chinese leadership portrays development as a solution to almost all problems both domestic and foreign, some Western observers see China as a bad actor in developing nations. How does the Chinese concept of development differ from ideas in the West? What are the aims of it and what are – often unintended – outcomes? And what can recipient nations do to shape Chinese engagement in a way that really profits their country?MERICS expert and Head of Global China Research Matt Ferchen joined us in the studio to discuss these and other questions. In his view, Europe can play a bigger role in offering sustainable development options as an alternative to China.

  • Noah Barkin on US sanctions on tech exports

    25/02/2020 Duration: 23min

    Europe is increasingly being put in a tight spot between its biggest trading partners China and the US. Especially in view of the upcoming 5G network expansion, the latter has put pressure on the EU and European countries to exclude the Chinese tech-company Huawei from European networks. China, on the other hand, has hinted at economic consequences should Chinese companies be banned. While this dispute remains unresolved, new conflicts are already on the horizon as the US gears up to sanction the export of sensitive technological equipment to China. The MERICS experts podcast looks at how the US puts pressure on the EU, what areas are affected, and what options the EU has in balancing the demands of China and the US?These and other questions are tackled by Noah Barkin, journalist and former Visiting Academic Fellow at MERICS. In his view, the EU and European member states should take a careful look at countries already engaged in the difficult act of balancing both superpowers. The conversation was led by Joh

  • Victor Shih on the coronavirus outbreak and the authoritarian state

    19/02/2020 Duration: 33min

    Since several weeks, China is struggling with a severe coronavirus outbreak. China’s regime and its leader Xi Jinping are facing huge criticism in handling the crisis – both internally and internationally. Given this situation, questions arise on how an authoritarian state deals with such a crisis. Can China control an epidemic from the top down? What are the political and economic impacts? Where are potential pathways to instability? And what are currently the most important factors for stability in China? Which measures has the CCP taken so far and do they demonstrate strength or weakness of the system? How much time is left if it doesn’t want to fall from power? And what is at stake for Xi Jinping?In this episode of our MERICS Experts podcast, Victor Shih, one of the leading experts for elite politics in China, Associate Professor at the University of California, San Diego, and editor of the recently published book “Economic Shocks and Authoritarian Stability”, discusses these and other questions at stake

  • Pradeep Taneja on China and the Indian Ocean

    17/02/2020 Duration: 26min

    China is increasingly active in the Indian Ocean – be it through trade, port calls or research activities. This development is watched closely by the countries in the region and beyond. How do these states respond to this shift? How does this activity impact China’s relationship to India? And should it concern the European Union? To answer these and more questions I was joined by Pradeep Taneja, former visiting academic fellow at MERICS and fellow of the Australia India Institute and an Associate of the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, both at the University of Melbourne, Australia. The conversation was led by Johannes Heller-John, communications manager at MERICS.

  • Shen Dingli and Jagannath Panda on China-India relations

    29/01/2020 Duration: 35min

    January 29, 2020The relationship between India and China, while fraud with difficult issues like border disputes, has been on a positive trajectory. After a low point in 2017, when Chinese and Indian forces faced each other in a border standoff, president of China, Xi Jinping, and prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, have met twice for informal meetings. In 2020, both countries celebrate 70 years of official diplomatic relations.Jagannath Panda, Research Fellow and Centre Coordinator for East Asia at the Institute for Denfense Studies and Analysis (IDSA) in New Dehli, and Shen Dingli, former executive Dean at the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University and Vice President of the Chinese Association of South Asia Studies, take a look at the current and past relationship between China and India and wage a look ahead at opportunities and challenges in the coming years. Johannes Heller, Communication Manager at MERICS, asked the questions.This podcast was recorded on the sidelines of the MERICS C

  • Bertram Lang on International Civil Society Organizations and China

    16/01/2020 Duration: 36min

    January 16, 2020What are the implications of China’s growing global influence for the future work of International Civil Society Organizations (ICSOs)? How can organizations – such as Oxfam, Amnesty International, Save the Children or Transparency International – deal with China, Chinese partners and the Chinese Communist Party?In this episode of our MERICS Experts podcast, Bertram Lang, author of the recently released “Sector Guide” on China that was written on behalf of the International Civil Society Centre, is discussing these and other aspects of ICSOs and their relationship to China with Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich, Director of Communications at MERICS.Mr. Lang says that “against the recent backdrop of China’s human rights record, I was surprised how much will there is within International Civil Sociey Organizations to find ways of engaging and cooperating with China”

  • Mareike Ohlberg: „China hat sich gegenüber Taiwan verkalkuliert“

    08/01/2020 Duration: 17min

    08. Januar 2020Am 11. Januar finden in Taiwan die Präsidentschafts- und Parlamentswahlen statt. Nach jüngsten Umfragen könnte Präsidentin Tsai Ing-wen ihr Amt verteidigen. Der Ausgang der Abstimmung dürfte entscheidenden Einfluss auf das zuletzt ohnehin belastete Verhältnis des Inselstaates zur Volksrepublik China haben. Präsidentin Tsai Ing-wen hatte während ihrer ersten Amtszeit nicht immer ein glückliches Händchen bewiesen. Nach der Niederlage bei den Lokalwahlen im November 2018 war sie als Vorsitzende der Demokratischen Fortschrittspartei zurückgetreten. Warum ihre Aussichten bei den anstehenden Wahlen dennoch so gut sind, diskutieren Mareike Ohlberg, MERICS-Expertin und Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich.

  • MERICS Lunch Talk on the future of Hong Kong

    20/12/2019 Duration: 56min

    December 20, 2019With no end in sight to nearly seven months of political tension, Hong Kong’s role as a financial hub crucial for the prosperity of China’s economy is being put to the test. The special administrative region’s economy has suffered as travelers avoid the city and locals cut back on retail spending. Yet the financial sector appears to remain relatively unaffected. But the protests have led to a stricter political environment. Economic liberties that once gave the city its special standing are increasingly at risk of being undermined. Listen to a panel discussion recorded just after the Hong Kong District Council elections with Hong Kong Legislative Councilor Hon. Charles Mok, Hong Kong based economist Alicia Garcia-Herrero, MERICS expert Max J. Zenglein and MERICS CEO Frank N. Pieke. The event was moderated by Claudia Wessling, head of publications at MERICS.

  • China as a major actor in climate policy – Preview

    12/12/2019 Duration: 01h21s

    December 12, 2019The international community is currently holding its 25th Conference of Parties in Madrid to negotiate climate protection targets and measures. As the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China is a major player in the discussions on how to achieve effective action for climate protection. One day before the China Renewable Energy Outlook 2019 was presented in Madrid on December 12, China’s role in climate policy was the topic at a MERICS Lunch talk. The panel included Carolin Schenuit (Team Leader for System and Market Integration of Renewable Energies at the German Energy Agency, dena) and Lars Møllenbach Bregnbæk, partner at Ea Energy Analyses (Ea). Both were also involved in drafting the outlook together with the Chinese think tank China National Renewable Energy Center (CNREC). Nis Grünberg, analyst at MERICS and expert on state-owned-enterprise reform in the energy sector, completed the panel. They discussed the challenges faced by China in its energy transition and ways in which China c

  • Sascha und Michael Storfner: Berichterstattung aus China

    10/12/2019 Duration: 59min

    10. Dezember 2019Gemeinsam mit ihren zwei Kindern erlebten die beiden ARD-Journalisten Sascha und Michael Storfner den Alltag als Korrespondenten und als Familie in Peking. Anhand von Filmbeispielen berichteten sie in der China Lounge über ihre privaten und dienstlichen Reisen nach Xinjiang, über Überwachung im Alltag sowie über das Aufkeimen der Proteste in Hongkong. Immer wieder haben sie sich mit großer Begeisterung auch den „Chinesen auf der Straße“ gewidmet, den „bunten Themen“, wie sie in den Redaktionen genannt werden. Das Gespräch führte Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich, Leiterin Kommunikation am MERICS. Einen gekürzten Mitschnitt hören Sie jetzt im MERICS Experts Podcast.

  • Rui Ma on China’s fast-changing internet industry

    22/11/2019 Duration: 38min

    November 22, 2019China leads the world in the number of unicorn startups, many of which are e-commerce and other Internet-based businesses. New e-commerce platforms are emerging alongside established players, such as Pinduoduo, the group buying platform that trails only Alibaba in number of users and has become one of China’s five most valuable Internet companies. TikTok owner Bytedance recently revised its revenue target for 2019 to 120 billion RMB, from an earlier goal set late last year of 100 billion. At the same time, the US-China trade dispute is putting relations between China and Silicon Valley under strain. Angel investor and entrepreneur Rui Ma shared her insights into the fast-changing ecosystem of China’s Internet at a MERICS Lunch Talk in November. She talked about the companies to watch, the biggest trends, including the rise of rural users and live e-commerce, among other topics with MERICS experts Kristin Shi-Kupfer and Rebecca Arcesati. Listen to an edited version of the discussion in the MER

  • Peter Gries: How do Germans feel and think about China, and why?

    08/11/2019 Duration: 18min

    November 8, 2019How do Germans feel and think about China, and why? What are the primary ideological drivers of their views? And how do they differ from other European partners or the US? In this episode of our MERICS Experts podcast, Peter Hays Gries, Lee Kai Hung Chair and Director of the Manchester China Institute at the University of Manchester, where he is also Professor of Chinese politics, is discussing these and other aspects of China’s perception in Western countries with Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich, Director of Communications at MERICS.

  • Chen Xiangming on the China-Europe Freight Train

    31/10/2019 Duration: 34min

    October 31, 2019Since the first China-Europe freight train reached Duisburg from the megacity of Chongqing in southwestern China in 2011, the number of trains and routes have multiplied to various and frequent services. The trains carry containerized goods between Chinese cities and major European urban centers. The China-Europe Freight Train (CEFT) is part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its Go West Strategy. What kind of opportunities and challenges will the implementation of the China-Europe Freight Train (CEFT) face? What local impact will it have? In this episode of our MERICS Experts podcast, Chen Xiangming, Professor at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, is discussing these and other aspects of the BRI with Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich, Director of Communications at MERICS.

  • Max Zenglein: „Noch ist das Wirtschaftswachstum im grünen Bereich“

    24/10/2019 Duration: 10min

    23. März, 2019Chinas Wirtschaft ist im dritten Quartal so langsam gewachsen wie seit 27 Jahren nicht mehr. Das Wirtschaftswachstum lag bei 6 Prozent, im bisherigen Jahresverlauf bei 6,2 Prozent. Handelskrieg, schwächelnde Binnenkonjunktur und eine steigende Verschuldung nennt Max Zenglein, Leiter des Programms Wirtschaft am MERICS, im Gespräch mit Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich als Gründe für Chinas nachlassendes Wirtschaftswachstum. Er und sein Team haben gerade wieder die aktuelle Ausgabe der MERICS Economic Indicators erstellt, die vier Mal im Jahr erscheint:

  • Abdul Abiad on the US-China trade conflict and its impact on Asia

    18/10/2019 Duration: 23min

    October 18, 2019Growth prospects in developing Asia are dimming. Slowing activity in major advanced economies, the ongoing US-China trade conflict, and a sharp downturn in the global electronics cycle necessitate a reassessment of the region’s outlook. How much will Asia’s growth slow? How might the trade war evolve, and how is it affecting countries in the region? In this episode of our MERICS Experts podcast, Claudia Wessling, Head of Publications at MERICS, talks to Abdul Abiad, Director of the Macroeconomic Research Division of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila. Abiad was in Berlin to present the ADB’s Asian Development Outlook 2019 Update.

  • Gregory Chin: “The AIIB is more than a China-only story“

    08/10/2019 Duration: 25min

    October 8, 2019The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) provides financing for public and private infrastructure projects for Asia, but also beyond. When the AIIB was launched in January 2016 with 57 founding members, many observers argued that it will become a Chinese dominated bank instead of a multilateral one: For the first time a new multilateral development bank championed by China – with Beijing sitting at the center of the table, setting the agenda, defining the priorities, making the rules.Almost five years later, the AIIB has progressed faster than many expected and counts 100 members already. In the latest episode of the MERICS experts podcast, Gregory Chin, a former Canadian diplomat and Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at York University (Canada), talks to Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich about the AIIB, potential new members, and China’s priorities.

  • MERICS China Dispute: 70th anniversary of PRC - Can the CCP deliver its China Dream?

    01/10/2019 Duration: 58min

    October 1, 2019On September 26th, MERICS hosted a China Dispute on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. Leading experts from Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Canada discussed if the CCP - after 70 years of rule and facing intensely challenging domestic and international environments - can deliver its “China Dream”, create a more just and equal society, and reestablish the social contract between the leadership and the people?Kristin Shi-Kupfer, Director of Public Policy and Society at MERICS, moderated the debate featuring Sarah Eaton (Professor for Transregional China Studies in the Institute for Asian and African Studies at Humboldt University, Berlin) Christian Göbel (Professor of Modern China Studies at the University of Vienna), Andreas Møller Mulvad (Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen and MERICS director Frank N. Pieke.Before the panel discussion, Shi-Kupfer talked with MERICS research associate Nis Grünberg about the latest MERICS China Monitor on Party-state r

  • Adnan Aamir on BRI in Pakistan “Change has been nowhere near what was expected”

    25/09/2019 Duration: 25min

    September 25, 2019The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is often referred to as the flagship project of China' Belt and Road Initiative. However, five years into the project, “change has been nowhere near what was expected,” says Adnan Aamir, founder and editor of the Pakistani online newspaper Balochistan Voices. So far, the Pakistani chapter of the BRI neither solved the energy crisis nor did it create new industries, jobs or opportunities for Pakistani companies. Pakistan's new government, in office since August 2018, is now reviewing some of the far reaching BRI contracts. Claudia Wessling, Head of Publications at MERICS, talked to Adnan Aamir for the latest episode of our MERICS experts podcast.

  • Mikko Huotari zu Merkels Chinareise: China ist politisch und wirtschaftlich extrem gefordert

    02/09/2019 Duration: 13min

    2. September 2019Vom 5. bis 7. September besucht Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel zum 12. Mal in ihrer Amtszeit China. Sie wird dort u.a. zu Gesprächen mit dem chinesischen Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping und Ministerpräsident Li Keqiang zusammentreffen. Angesichts der anhaltenden Proteste in Hongkong und dem Handelsstreit zwischen China und den USA fällt die Reise in eine für Beijing äußerst angespannte Zeit. Und auch zwischen Deutschland und China sind Misstöne zu vernehmen. Wie ordnet sich der Besuch in diesen Kontext ein? Darüber spricht Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich, Leiterin Kommunikation, mit Mikko Huotari, dem stellvertretenden Direktor des Mercator Instituts für China-Studien (MERICS).

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