Trading Justice



Control Your Financial Future


  • Trading Justice 545: Are we heading towards stagflation?

    18/09/2023 Duration: 01h31min

    Welcome to episode 545 of the Trading Justice podcast which is brought to you be the letter S. The dreaded stagflation word is creeping its way back into the market lingo after this week’s economic inflationary data and the Justice boys break down the current macro environment. Along those lines, the brothers analyze a “Top 10” list of reasons a recession might be coming down the line. What are the things the boys are worried about the most in the coming months? What should we be looking for? One thing we might all be looking for is higher commodity prices and the Justice boys analyze what has been a good trading environment recently. The macro backdrop might be a little sticky, but this podcast is enjoyable and informative!!! So sit back and get your macro on as you enjoy another edition of the Trading Justice podcast!!!

  • Trading Justice 544: Lets talk Energy

    11/09/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    Welcome to episode 544 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys talk oil. Energy has been something the boys have been way ahead of the market on the last couple months and the brothers talk the recent run up in oil. Does it have more room to go? What is behind the latest move? The brothers break it all down. The Justice brothers also discuss the coming week of catalysts after last week’s reprieve. What are the important events for the week? Where do we stand at from a technical standpoint? A few informative and enlightening podcast to start your week right! As you have come to expect. So sit back and know that we will never cut production to boost prices as you enjoy another episode of the Trading Justice podcast!

  • Trading Justice 543: September Effect

    04/09/2023 Duration: 01h23min

    Welcome to episode 543 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice Boys kick off the month of September talking about the developing “Stock Pickers Market.” This market is quietly becoming an excellent stock pickers market and the Justice brothers discuss what a Stock Pickers Market is and the importance of you developing your stock picking skills. Speaking of September, the month doesn’t have the greatest month for historical returns. What do the boys think about September seasonality? How much credence do they put into it? The brothers also discuss the potential of consumer staples stocks continuing their slide, what bears need to get it right this time, oil’s continued strength and the impact of China’s recent actions on commodities prices. So sit back and relax from your post Labor Day barbeque as you listen to another fantastic episode of the Trading Justice podcast!

  • Trading Justice 542: BRICS & Jackson Hole

    28/08/2023 Duration: 01h45min

    Welcome to episode 542 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys break down the eventful week in the market. Quite a week it was and we could do a separate podcast on three separate events from last week! First, Nvidia reported earnings and smashed estimates as expected but didn’t see any follow through on the gap up. Can we take anything from this? What does it mean for larger AI sentiment? BRICs had their big summit and invited a few more nations to the BRICs party. This has stoked a lot of headlines on “Death to the Dollar” and even more dramatic headlines. Matt breaks down a history of BRICs and the trends that have occurred in the last 15 years. The brothers discuss the significance moving forward. Also we had a little event at Jackson Hole last week where Jay Powell…well he used words in the English language but hardly provided any clarity or one might argue leadership. The Justice brothers have a lively discussion on this topic. A jammed pack podcast that you won’t want to miss. So sit back

  • Trading Justice 541: Its a Macro Moment

    21/08/2023 Duration: 01h33min

    Welcome to episode 541 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys break down the new bear market. Ok, it isn’t a new bear market but you sure would think it looking at the number of puts being bought and news headlines out there! Are bears setting themselves up for short-term pain this week? The Justice brothers break down the current oversold conditions. There are no shortage of catalysts this week between Jackson Hole, Nvidia earnings, ongoing developments out of China and the BRICs summit. What do the brothers expect out of each of these areas this week? What Jay Powell will show up this Friday? Will it matter? The brothers break it all down in the colorful and information style that you are accustomed to. All this, yields, Bitcoin, gold and much more so sit back, get your Jackson Hole drinking game ready and listed to another amazing episode of the Trading Justice podcast!

  • Trading Justice 540: The Battle of the 9s

    14/08/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    Welcome to Trading Justice Podcast episode 540 where the Justice brothers bring it in another jam-packed podcast. The bears have had a little control lately but will it last? Matt and Mark break out the current technical environment and the “Battle of the 9s.” Falling moving averages on the daily chart. Rising moving averages on the longer-term trends. What are we looking for to help determine who wins this battle? The Justice boys break it all down. Yields have been rising lately putting pressure on stocks. With the economic calendar upcoming do the boys see any relief? The boys give their thoughts. An amazing podcast covering a tricky time in the market so sit back, grab a drink and listen to anther fantastic episode of the Trading Justice podcast.

  • Trading Justice 539: AAPL v AMZN

    07/08/2023 Duration: 01h51min

    Welcome to episode 539 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice brothers break down a very busy week in the market. Fitch downgrades the U.S., Apple and Amazon release earnings, the bond market goes crazy…it was quite the week to say the least! The Justice boys break it all down in the colorful fashion that you are accustomed to. Earnings season is finishing up…where do we stand? What letter grade does Matt give it? Inflationary data is out this week as well…will some of the shine come off the bullish inflationary apple this week? So much to talk about. So much to discuss. Let’s do it in another triple AAA rated Trading Justice podcast!  

  • Trading Justice 538: Lets Talk GDP

    31/07/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    Welcome to episode 538 of the Trading Justice podcast which is brought to you by the number 3.5. 3.5% is the forecast of the Atlanta Fed’s GDP now model for the coming quarter for GDP growth. This is a surprise number dropped on the market on Friday and has ramifications for all areas of market. The Justice boys break down the ramifications of an accelerating economy that will put the “recession is coming” conversation to rest for the foreseeable year. Gold, currency, tech, small-caps, oil, cyclicals, bonds…the Justice Boys break it all down in this jam-packed podcast episode. So, sit back and pick your favorite adult beverage with higher than 3.5% content and enjoy another episode of the Trading Justice podcast!!!

  • Trading Justice 537: Smells like Rotation

    24/07/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    Welcome to episode 537 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys talk earnings, rotation, and a sneaky busy week ahead. There is certainly a “rotational feel” to the market as we end the week with cyclical areas outperforming and having some nice potential setups as we head into the coming week. What will it take for this rotation to take two or three legs up? The brothers discuss and identify some stocks that might benefit in the coming week. Rotation into one area often comes at the short-term expense of another and the Justice boys talk about what growth areas need in order to reenergize themselves this week after volatility to end the week. Can Microsoft and Google earnings do it? What about META? The boys dive into all the key events for the coming week. Where are we with earnings at this point? Matt breaks down the data. All this and gold analysis and much more in a jam-packed edition of another amazing Trading Justice episode!!!

  • Trading Justice 535: Earnings Season

    10/07/2023 Duration: 01h46min

    Welcome to episode 535 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys talk a little earnings. Earnings season is quickly approaching us and Mark interviews Matt on why earnings are important, how to measure earnings season success, how traders look to trade earnings season and analyzing the themes that emerge. Earnings season can be the source of a lot of action and you certainly want to be prepared! The Justice boys will certainly help you do that in this podcast. Before the earnings discussion the boys spend a bit of time discussing the interesting technical development in the market. Will it be a continuation pattern or a reversal pattern? How should you approach this week and what should you be looking for from a technical perspective. The brothers break it all down. This and much more including the yield spike, golds curious behavior and much, much more in a jam-packed episode of another Trading Justice podcast.

  • Trading Justice 534: Wh Bulls are Winning

    03/07/2023 Duration: 01h48min

    Welcome to episode 534 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys discuss “Why Bulls Won the First Half.” This is a very informative discussion between the Justice brothers…with tidbits you just don’t get anywhere else. Its why you listen! AI, apocalypse postponed, liquidity surges, Frat Boy Powell….it is all broken down in this special episode. In addition, the boys discuss the coming two weeks. Both the boys are on board with a continue bullish victory and break it down in the Market Skyline segment of the podcast. Bulls won the first half, you win every week listen but proper posture was killed forever by Jay Powell this week so sit up, show that posture and listen to another fantastic episode of the Trading Justice podcast!!!

  • Trading Justice 533: Decision Week

    26/06/2023 Duration: 01h30min

    Welcome to episode 533 of the Trading Justice Podcast where the Justice boys talk retracements. It’s decision week in the market as we head into a light news week with a number of varying pullbacks in play in different areas of the market. Which ones will hold? Which ones will confirm? Better yet, what should you be looking for to tell? Matt breaks down the anatomy of a retracement and applies it to current market conditions. In addition, the boys go over the week that was and the week to come in the Market Skyline before breaking down a hypothetical cage match between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. Who wins this fight? Who wins the Tesla vs Meta legacy battle? The boys share their opinions. So sit back and listen to a podcast that will last longer and be more enjoyable than your average Russian coup as we present another fantastic episode of the Trading Justice podcast!

  • Trading Justice 532: Fed Pauses

    19/06/2023 Duration: 01h23min

    Welcome to episode 532 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys analyze the major events from the week before. The Fed and the ECB both had meetings last week and Matt has a few less than pleasant words to say about The Fed. Does anyone believe what The Fed says anymore? Interesting setup on gold heading into the next little stretch and the Justice boys break it down. The brothers also talk a little 0DTE and the impact it is having on the market in celebration of their new day trading course that they are releasing this week. A fun podcast with a few trading ideas to boot…just as you have come to expect out of the Justice brothers. So sit back, prepare your drinking game for Powell’s upcoming testimony before Congress and enjoy another edition of the Trading Justice podcast!

  • Trading Justice 531: What is Day Trading

    12/06/2023 Duration: 01h13min

    Welcome to episode 531 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys break down a very busy week ahead for the market. A Fed meeting, inflationary reports, and a slew of economic reports on Thursday create no shortage of market catalysts this week. The Justice boys break down their thoughts on the week, how to tactically approach it and what narratives the market might be talking about when the dust settles Thursday afternoon. Should be quite a week! The Justice boys also have been busy in developing a Day Trading Mastery course that they are holding a live event on June 19th to promote. Day trading can be such an amazing world with skills that can help all types of traders. The boys talk about this innovative course at the end of the podcast and some of the basic principles taught in it. It is quite a jam-packed podcast…but you have come to expect nothing else, haven’t you?! So sit back and get ready to enjoy another episode of the Trading Justice podcast!

  • Trading Justice 530: Are Cyclical areas rotating?

    05/06/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    Welcome to the Trading Justice Podcast where the Justice Boys talk about “The Next Trade.” The markets have been all about AI and growth sectors this year with almost all the market gains coming from these sectors. Is it time for a little bit of rotation into well…everything else? The Justice Boys break it down and make a case why the “Next Trade” is likely one involving the cyclical areas of the market. For the broad market to take the next leg up it needs more participation then just “The Magnificent Seven.” The Justice boys lay out there arguments why small-caps and cyclicals (particularly energy) are do for a little catch up if this market is going to make any reasonable gains from here. The Justice Boys have been pretty good at these broad market calls over the last year…come listen to their argument and see if you agree! It is great podcast episode so sit back and plan your next drink as you listen to anther fantastic edition of The Trading Justice podcast!

  • Trading Justice 529: Semicondutors on Fire

    29/05/2023 Duration: 01h20min

    Welcome to episode 529 of the Trading Justice Podcast where the Justice Boys dive into AI and semiconductors. The story of the week was the amazing, stunning, and breathtaking revenue guides out of Nvidia and Marvel technologies late last week. This truly caught the market off guard last week as it became apparent that AI was not just a hypothetical thing in the future…that is happening right now. The boys dive deep into the world of semiconductor companies and AI in general in this podcast. There is also some political theater happening over the weekend in Washington with the debt ceiling. President Biden and Speak McCarthy reached a tentative agreement on the debt ceiling but what hiccups could unfold in the coming days? The boys dive into the scenarios. One scenario that we are sure of, that you with enjoy this episode of the podcast so sit back and enjoy as you listen to another episode of The Trading Justice podcast!!!  

  • Trading Justice 528: Generals are Leading

    22/05/2023 Duration: 01h16min

    Welcome to episode 528 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys dive into the different themes that can impact the market this week. The conversation gravitated often towards the cyclical areas of the market as tech has had a monster run (a little overextended heading into the week perhaps?) but cyclicals have barely participated. As the NASDAQ has clearly broken resistance and set new 52-week highs what will it take for the S&P 500 to do the same? Probably a little cyclical participation!!! In addition, Matt talks about retail earnings which were a little concerning and what he is looking for in that area of the market while Mark discusses his new found love for cash flowing regional banks. All that and debt ceiling chatter, a new 0DTE disturbing trend, AI and much, much more! One disturbing trend that you will never encounter is blocking that time each week for the Justice boys so sit back and enjoy another episode of the Trading Justice podcast!!!

  • Trading Justice 527: Debt Ceiling

    15/05/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    Welcome to episode 527 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys talk debt ceiling! The market is about to enter a little lull the next few weeks without a Fed meeting, earnings season, or major economic reports to focus upon. That sets the stage for it to obsess and hyper sensationalize the upcoming debt ceiling debate! The debt ceiling played a major role in 2011 and in typical Trading Justice fashion, the boys dive back into history to see what we can learn. What roll did technicals play? What are the parallels to today’s situation? How should one position themselves ahead of the coming market drama? The boys break it all down in an entertaining and informative podcast…as you would expect. So sit back and know that we will never default on you as you listen to anther fantastic episode of the Trading Justice podcast!

  • Trading Justice 526: Searching for a Theme

    08/05/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    Welcome to episode 527 of the Trading Justice podcast where the boys break down the market themes in the market! As earnings comes to an end, Matt gives the overall earnings a grade in the C/D range but both Mark and Matt both agree that even this poor grade is a win for the bulls. C’s get degrees!!! AI, a Fed pause, Mega-cap results, a recession that seemingly never comes…the bulls have some ingredients to work with but do the boys feels this is a bullish environment or more of one of stability and cash flow. Listen to find out. Not every theme working for the market right now is positive as issues in the banking system and the return of stagflation certainly create a sloppy backdrop to say the least. Of course, gold is discussed as well as we head into an inflation report card week with CPI, PPI and inflation expectations on tap. One thing for certain, is that you will always get an A from us on your report card so sit back and enjoy another episode of the Trading Justice Podcast!!!

  • Trading Justice 525: Its a Big Cap Market

    01/05/2023 Duration: 57min

    Welcome to episode 525 of the Trading Justice podcast where the Justice boys do what they do best…break down the top news stories driving price action! While recession, inflation, stagflation, and The Fed will undoubtedly fight for the market’s attention in the coming months, right now it is all about earnings season. Big cap tech certainly stole the headlines this week but was the reaction warranted? How are earnings overall doing this season? Are we seeing broad participation in all the sectors? Matt breaks down all the data and the boys do a look ahead at the coming week. Gold is also holding an interesting short-term support level as we start the week. How will the upcoming debt ceiling fight play into gold? This in addition to look at commodities, crypto and the upcoming Fed meeting in another jam-packed podcast episode. However companies do this week in earnings, you can expect this podcast episode to beat the top and bottom line! So sit back and enjoy another episode of the Trading Justice podcast!!!

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