Love God Love One Another



Presenting the audio recordings of Messiah Lutheran Church, Yorba Linda, CA. Listen now for fresh, inspiring, and instructional messages. Discover ways to live out your mission to Love God Love One Another. Visit to connect and learn more.


  • Hear O Israel - The Cradle that Holds the Christ Child

    05/11/2023 Duration: 24min

    Free people need guidelines, principles, and advice to live well. What posture is needed to hear the Lord? The Bible (old and new testaments) point to the answer: Jesus. Follow him with an extravagant, committed, undivided love including conscience, heart, essence, soul, and vitality (might or strength). When we strive this way, we can become a community orientated toward morally correct decision making, ethical values, and full of energy for life. #love #action #messiahyl

  • Reformation Today

    29/10/2023 Duration: 19min

    The Reformation was a pivotal moment in the protestant church. Even as an anniversary could commemorate what happened some time ago we take a moment today to once ago listen to the words of Jesus seeking wisdom and inspiration for our own journey into a more inclusive, compassionate, and grace-filled faith. #reformation #today #messiahyl

  • Build Your House on the Rock

    22/10/2023 Duration: 21min

    Jesus teaches us the many blessings of the acts of faithfulness. Invited to live aligned and trusting in Him, we find ourself on solid ground. In coastal California, we eyewitness how the wise build their house on a foundation of rock rather than sand. This concept is worldwide universal to building a faith and life on, and in, Jesus. #Beatitude #BuildYourHouse #OnTheRock #messiahyl

  • French Fries

    15/10/2023 Duration: 16min

    Would you be generous enough to share a french fry with someone who bought them for you? This simple story and analogy is a means for understanding our relationship to God—the provider of all things related to our life...including french fries. Generosity is a cheerful act of worship, thanksgiving, and love for God, our provider. #frenchfries #generousliving #messiahyl

  • Mercy, Mercy, Me - Upside Down

    08/10/2023 Duration: 16min

    Of course, you can choose to be anything you want!...choose truthful, compassionate, and merciful. Learning to live that way isn't an overnight transformation; rather a lifelong intention. Mercy "received" is the state of our condition. Thanks be to God for this grace!...and the reciprocal chance to show compassion to others. #ripple #mercyme #mercyyou #transformed #messiahyl

  • Hunger and Thirst - Upside Down

    01/10/2023 Duration: 21min

    Are you living the good life?...experiencing the good life is found while learning to live by God's values. The kingdom of heaven is not just a place after death; it is also on earth when we do God's will. When we hunger and thirst for God's righteousness (wanting to have things right) we discover both our shortcomings and God's forgiveness. Aware of our blessings, we can operate similarly—offering blessing and grace to others. #TheGoodLife #Hungering #Thirsting #JesusSaves #messiahyl

  • Humility is Not Weakness - Upside Down

    24/09/2023 Duration: 18min

    What are you looking for in life? listening for in a leader? Is meekness top of list? Jesus wants us to question the prevailing cultural narrative that equates power and control with success. He wants us to realize there is an alternative to the pursuit of dominance and power, pride and arrogance. Jesus challenges to an alternative way of living. #DoHumble #ShowStrength #BeMore #messiahyl

  • Blessed Be - Upside Down

    17/09/2023 Duration: 22min

    The list of people who are blessed (poor in spirit, mourning, meek, insulted, persecuted, and lied about) seems opposite what our society and culture might call "blessed." Jesus teaching in the Sermon on the Mount seems UPSIDE DOWN. Thankfully, it is not contrary, but it takes a new worldview to see it (a lens of God's grace). #Blessed #Happy #Privileged #messiahyl

  • Power of the Past and Hope for the Future

    10/09/2023 Duration: 14min

    Celebrating 60 years of loving God and loving one another, we look forward to the future with hope! We will never change the world by going to church, we will only change the world by being the church. We must embrace a transformative mindset to adapt to the issues of today and serve others in meaningful and relevant ways. Despite a changing future, we can be steady—Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. May hope and love sustain us together. #60Years #AllAboutLove #LoveGod #LoveOneAnother #messiahyl

  • What Good Will It Do?

    03/09/2023 Duration: 23min

    Striving to see things from a divine point of view helps us gain perspective. We can "get it" in one moment and then totally miss the bigger opportunity God is curating. We can get distracted easily by striving to win the game of life. What will it do to gain the whole world and lose your soul? Living generously for the benefit of others helps us become who we were made to be. #InChrist #YouHaveEnough #Relationships #GiveLove #messiahyl

  • Greater Freedom

    28/08/2023 Duration: 18min

    Our society elevates toxic pride and self-sufficiency. The pull is substantial! Trusting in God is "easier said, than done." Casting our anxieties on the Lord is not a sign of weakness; rather, this act of acknowledging a need for help and receiving grace is the very practice that brings peace to our seeking soul. Embracing daily moments of stillness with God leads to greater freedom and awareness of God's provision for our needs. #NotAlone #GreaterFreedom #CastingAnxiety #messiahyl

  • Holy Humor

    20/08/2023 Duration: 17min

    Laughter is a beautiful and universal language that brings joy into our life. (Ecc 3:4) Our capacity to feel deeply and empathize with others is a gift from God...and the very nature of God. Holy humor is good medicine and balm for our souls. Laughter brings a shared camaraderie and we should practice it often! #HolyHumor #GiftOfLaughter #messiahyl

  • Love My Enemies? - Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Selfie

    13/08/2023 Duration: 20min

    In a world crying out for transformation, the key is loving those who God loves—seeing every person as a fellow bearer of God's image—even those who personally oppose or align themselves against us or God. Radical grace received helps us stand in the gap and strive for alignment with God's moral imperative to love and allow redemptive power to flow through us. #OurJourneyTogetherIsShort #LoveYourEnemies #messiahyl

  • What Does My Neighbor Look Like - Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Selfie

    06/08/2023 Duration: 20min

    How open and aware are your eyes and heart for the needs of others? The Christian imperative is to live-out love for others. We are saved by a faith that integrates good works to serve Jesus. We serve Jesus by serving others...who are are one and the same! #Neighbors #LoveOverFear #messiahyl

  • Who is My Neighbor - Lover Thy Neighbor As Thy Selfie

    30/07/2023 Duration: 25min

    Jesus demonstrated his love by giving His life for us. In the Good Samaritan parable, Jesus teaches us to love our neighbor as God loves us. But who is my neighbor? If you were down in the ditch, who would you not expect to help you out? If you were the one on the road, who would you be least likely to help? Focused on the good news, we realize God loves everyone, especially people we don't think deserve it. Everyone is welcome, even us! #WhoIsMyNeighbor? #messiahyl

  • It is Not All About Me - Love Thy Neighbor As Thy Selfie

    23/07/2023 Duration: 19min

    When does eternity start and end? We often talk about eternal life as the time after we die. If eternity started before we did, we are living in eternity today. The big question is: "Are we living now in an eternal relationship with God?" Are we living God's values? They are "Love God, love others, love yourself"....but, importantly, I am third. #NotAboutMe #GodsHandywork #messiahyl

  • God's Amazing Adventure - VBS

    16/07/2023 Duration: 15min

    If Jesus were in our world today, what would He see? On a journey of faith, the bible's Phillip told Nathaniel: "Come and see!" Like us, Jesus accepts Nathaniel just as he his, where he is at, in his place of disbelieving doubt. See the world as Jesus does. Share this welcoming message with others. #ComeAndSee #messiahyl

  • Living - Dying, Rising, Serving, Living

    10/07/2023 Duration: 26min

    How you spend your time, how you spend your money, what you think about will affect what's important to you. Thoughts often become actions, actions become habits, and habits shape our character. Try a 60-day challenge to invest in a spiritual practice to grow closer to God. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." #intentional #living #messiahyl

  • Serving - Dying, Rising, Serving, Living

    02/07/2023 Duration: 25min

    The desire for freedom is universal...if something, misunderstood. The true nature of freedom is not best served by asserting rights of personal freedom, but, rather, liberated freedom that allows openness to serve God and others in gratitude. It is transformative and rewarding because it is fully aligned with how we were created. #serving #messiahyl

  • Dying and Rising - Dying, Rising, Serving, Living

    25/06/2023 Duration: 18min

    We all mess up! Despite how great our failure is, God's grace is abundantly greater. We are made in the image of God with great capacity for love. We don't sin wildly because forgiveness is easy. We are part of a faith community and we belong to God. We are transformed and, therefore, live in response to newness of life—dead to the power of sin. Our failures are made right through the redemption of Jesus Christ. #dying #rising #newlife #BeWhoYouAre #messiahyl

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