White Hall Umc



White Hall UMC is a passionate local church dedicated to casting nets, making disciples, and changing the world.


  • The BIG Five: Money Matters

    18/09/2017 Duration: 22min

    Money Matters-- Acts 4:32-37 What are gifts? Where do our financial gifts fit in with our spiritual journey? Guilt must not be our motivation for giving. Give in response to God’s love you’ve received. Give in response to God’s grace that is remaking you. Give because you love God so much, that you can’t help but give, and you’re excited to offer these gifts back to God who is the ultimate source of all of it!

  • The BIG Five: The Priority of Presence

    11/09/2017 Duration: 23min

    The Priority of Presence--Hebrews 10:23-25 Do we really need to go to church… every Sunday? Can I get to know Jesus without being involved in the church? Do you have to go to church to be a Christian? Just like a fish doesn’t have to be in water to be a fish. What happens to that fish when you take it out of the water for too long?

  • The BIG Five: The Path of Prayer

    05/09/2017 Duration: 23min

    The Path of Prayer Matthew 6:5-13 Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? Make prayer a priority. Prayer is a nonnegotiable essential for the journey of discipleship. Do we believe that prayer can affect a situation? Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers. Amen

  • FAQ: Does All of this Really Matter?

    28/08/2017 Duration: 21min

    Does all of this really matter? Ephesians 3:14-21 “Does all of this really matter? I thought faith is just a private matter. Is this church stuff really necessary?” You bet your eternal life it does! When we grow as a disciple, we know the unknowable! We are filled with the fullness of God. We see impossible possibilities! We imagine the unimaginable! We accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine to the glory of God in Jesus Christ!

  • FAQ: What about hypocritical christians, preachers, and organized religion?

    21/08/2017 Duration: 18min

    Romans 7:13-25 What about hypocritical christians, preachers, and organized religion? Why would I want to attend church when the people rarely act anything like the Jesus they profess to follow? Churches seem to regularly be quarreling, splintering apart, advocating hate and discrimination, and harshly judging everyone around them. These are not messages that draw unchurched people to want to join. Why would I want any part of this dysfunction and brokenness?

  • FAQ: How do I Reconcile Science and Miracles?

    14/08/2017 Duration: 22min

    How do I reconcile science and miracles? Acts 28:1-10 Unfortunately, many Christians assert that modern science and biblical miracles/religion are opposed the one another.They tell us we must choose science or God. Can science and the Bible coexist?

  • FAQ: Who Wrote the Bible?

    07/08/2017 Duration: 21min

    2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Who Wrote the Bible? How was the Bible written and when? Was it dictated by God word for word in King James English? Is the Bible perfectly worded and inerrant? Is the Bible historically factual or true? What does it mean to say, “All Scripture is inspired by God?” What about biblical authority? We must ask tough questions, in order that we might find, tough answers. In no way, does bringing our hard questions to the Bible, disrespect, dishonor, or show irreverence to the Bible or to God. We approach the Bible with our questions precisely because we respect, honor, and value the Bible and the lifesaving truths it contains. What’s your question?

  • FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

    02/08/2017 Duration: 23min

    Frequently Asked Questions Genesis 32:22-31 This sermon time was spent answering questions about God, faith, or the Bible turned in during worship from the congregation.

  • God's Heroes have Hope.m4a

    26/06/2017 Duration: 21min
  • Heroes of Biblical Proportions: God's Heroes have Courage!

    12/06/2017 Duration: 21min

    God’s Heroes Have Courage--1st Samuel 25:23-35 We need the compassion of Jesus to see the broken, desolate, and long forgotten No Man’s Land places and the courage of God to make us brave enough to go there! Jesus comes into the no man’s land places in our heart that we may go into the no man’s land places in the world! It’s time to be a hero!

  • Heroes of Biblical Proportions: God's Heroes have Power

    07/06/2017 Duration: 17min

    God’s Heroes Have Power-(Pentecost)-Acts 2:1-21 May that Holy Spirit of fire give us some holy disruptions and holy discomforts and drive us out of our holy hideout and into our community.

  • AWAKEN: Sent

    31/05/2017 Duration: 22min

    Has your life been changed by your relationship with the son of God? Then you have a message of good news to share. You are the messengers, and that's the message!

  • AWAKEN: The Air We Breathe

    24/05/2017 Duration: 14min

    The Air We Breathe: Acts 17:22-31 If God can create more stars in the cosmos than we have grains of sand on earth, then God can surely resurrect lives and change the world through each of you, through all of us!

  • AWAKEN: When the Going Gets Tough

    15/05/2017 Duration: 19min

    When the Going Gets Tough; Acts 7: 55-60; This movement of the People of the Way of Jesus Christ grows because every single one of us are equally empowered by the Holy Spirit to share the good news and live out our faith.

  • AWAKEN: Spreading Like Wildfire

    08/05/2017 Duration: 20min

    Life is too short and too hard to try to make it alone. But thanks be to God, we aren’t alone. God will never ever forsake us or leave us. And God has placed us here in this community of faith, surrounded by brothers and sisters who love us and care for us, brothers and sisters of faith, on whom we can fully rely when times get tough.

  • AWAKEN: Going Viral

    01/05/2017 Duration: 18min

    We are here today because Peter's 1st message of good news virally spread all the way to us 2000 years later with 2.2 billion people responding to the good news today and following the way of Christ. Now that’s lasting power, and is just the beginning!


    26/04/2017 Duration: 21min

    AWAKEN to imPOSSIBILITIES Acts 2: 14; 22-32 Our God specializes in doing the impossible, and we are living proof, witnesses, to this impossibility. Easter was just the beginning!

  • AWAKEN: A New Reality

    17/04/2017 Duration: 18min

    EASTER: “A New Reality” John 20:1-18 We gather this day not to celebrate the death of Jesus on a cross. We gather to celebrate the death of death, the death of sorrow, the death of fear! Because he is risen! He lives that we will find the new reality of life in him and be resurrected with him.

  • The Way: The Other Way

    10/04/2017 Duration: 13min

    The Other Way--Luke 19:28-40 This moment on this road for Jesus feels both like the end and the beginning. Such are so many moments of our lives. A pilgrimage may reach its destination but the hope, the wisdom, the lessons learned along the way have offered a new starting point for us. What have we learned and what transformation–what “other way”–are we called to in the name of right relationship in our lives?

  • The Way: The Free Way

    04/04/2017 Duration: 21min

    The Free Way--Philippians 3:4b-14 New paths are possible through freedom in Christ. Yes, we will strain against adversity–such is life. But new life is always possible. New horizons are ours through relationship with God and with each other.

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