What Is Going Om



On OMTimes flagship radio show, What Is Going OM, veteran broadcaster, author, and media consultant, Sandie Sedgbeer conducts thought-provoking interviews with inspirational authors, artists, musicians, teachers, scientists, speakers and filmmakers who are working at the point where spirituality and science meet consciousness at the very Edge of OM.Listen Live every Thursday at 7 PM EST on http://omtimes.com/iom


  • Buddha’s Diet with Dan Zigmond And Tara Cottrell

    04/11/2016 Duration: 56min

    Buddha’s Diet: The Ancient Art Of Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind With Dan Zigmond And Tara CottrellAired Thursday, 3 November 2016, 7:00 PM ETThere’s a lot we don’t know about the Buddha. For one, the real Buddha as thin. And before he became the “Enlightened One,” he was a pampered prince named Siddhartha. He tried starving himself in his quest for inner peace, but found that extremes brought him no closer to enlightenment. Instead, he sought a “middle way” between unhealthy overindulgence and unrealistic abstinence. The instructions he gave his monks about eating more than 2,500 years ago were surprisingly simple.Fast forward to today. Cutting Edge scientific research tells us something Buddha knew all along; it’s not what you eat, but when you eat that’s most important. You don’t need to follow the latest fads or give up your favorite foods. You just need to remember a few guidelines that Buddha provided – guidelines that, believe it or not, will help you lose weight, feel better, and stop obsessin

  • The Bosnian Pyramids Revealed with Dr. Sam Osmanagich

    28/10/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 27 October 2016, 7:00 PM ETAccording to the latest evidence, everything we thought we knew about pyramids and the ancient civilizations that built them is wrong. In 2005, anthropology professor “Dr. Sam” Osmanagich discovered the first pyramids on European soil—the lost pyramids of Bosnia. After many thousands of hours of archaeological digging, sample testing, radiocarbon dating and several scientific conferences, this discovery shows that our view of the ancient past needs to be changed. The Bosnian Pyramids are the biggest and oldest pyramidal structures on the planet. Despite obstacles from cultural, media and political establishments, this project has grown to be the most active archaeological site anywhere, and yet, many well-known names in the archeological community still refuse to acknowledge that the Bosnian Pyramids are real. What are they afraid of?Dr. Semir Osmanagich joins Sandie to discuss the Bosnian Pyramids, and share the riveting evidence he’s uncovered about their age, purp

  • Biomimicry with Janine M. Benyus

    14/10/2016 Duration: 56min

    Biomimicry – What We Can Learn From Nature Can Save Our World with Janine M. BenyusAired Thursday, 13 October 2016, 7:00 PM ETNature is far more wondrous that we think – in fact, as scientists across the globe are proving, the natural world is full of hidden design clues that can save our world. Biomimicry is a revolutionary new science that analyzes nature’s best ideas – spider silk and prairie grass, seashells and brain cells – and adapts them for human use. In her seminal book, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature, science writer Janine Benyus reveals how nature is offering real solutions to human design challenges that can help us save our world– from creating toxin-free materials, to developing waste-free products and systems, to building entire cities that function like Redwood forests.Topics will include:* What leaves can teach us about gathering energy * What spiders can teach us about weaving fibers * What chimps can teach us about healing ourselves * And much more…About the Guest Janine M. Beny

  • The Four Elements of Success with Laurie Beth Jones

    07/10/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 6 October 2016, 7:00 PM ETWhether at work, at home, or at play, we all depend on others. The relationships we make – whether in a billion dollar organization or a family – are as basic as fire, water, wind, and earth.In her book, The Four Elements of Success, best selling author, speaker, coach and trainer Laurie Beth Jones unlocks the ancient wisdom of the elements of creation and marries it with a modern personality theory to provide powerful new possibilities for collaboration, change, and success in all our relationships.About the Guest Laurie Beth JonesLaurie Beth Jones is an internationally recognized best-selling author, speaker, coach, and trainer. Her business books written from a spiritual perspective, have received global recognition for the sound, time-proven principles contained within. As a speaker and trainer, she has been invited to present to presidents of countries and companies, business teams, government and the judicial system, churches and ministries, service organization

  • Bloodline Of The Gods - Are Your Ancestors Extraterrestrials?

    30/09/2016 Duration: 56min

    Bloodline Of The Gods – Are Your Ancestors Extraterrestrials? With Investigative Author And Tv Regular Nick RedfernAired Thursday, 29 September 2016, 7:00 PM ETAre some of us the products of extraterrestrial tinkering? Were the gods of ancient civilizations really aliens? In his latest book Bloodline of the Gods, renowned researcher and investigative journalist Nick Redfern unravels the mystery of the human blood type and lays out scientific evidence that aliens are among us; at least 10% of the population is descended from an ancient alien civilization that has manipulated the human blood type.In this program, Investigative author and TV regular Nick Redfern joins joins Sandie Sedgbeer to discuss why the rare blood type Rh Negative points to mysterious human origins.About the Guest Nick RedfernNICK REDFERN is the internationally renowned author of more than 30 books including The Real Men in Black; The NASA Conspiracies; The Pyramids and the Pentagon; Contactees; and Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind, and h

  • The Nine Waves of Creation with Carl Johan Calleman PhD

    23/09/2016 Duration: 57min

    Aired Thursday, 22 September 2016, 7:00 PM ETIn the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden development the ruling scientific paradigm has not been able to explain. These changes correspond with the activation of new Waves of Creation emanating from the center of the universe that influence human thinking. From the Big Bang to the present, these Waves guide the evolution of the universe and, through their holographic resonance with the human mind, profoundly shape revolutions in religion, technology, economy, and social consciousness.In his latest book The Nine Waves of Creation, Carl Calleman explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how these Waves allow us to understand the shifting eras on Earth as well as the possibilities of the future. He describes how, prior to the activation of the 6th Wave in 3115 BCE, our social systems were based on a unified cosmic order, but the hologram of this Wave shifted society to an all-consum

  • Emily’s Gift

    02/09/2016 Duration: 50min

    Aired Thursday, 1 September 2016, 7:00 PM ETOn April 3 2010, Emily Rose Shane was killed by a suicidal driver on California’s Pacific Coast Highway. She was just thirteen years old.Out of the devastation, grief, and horror at the senselessness of Emily’s death, her parents, Hollywood producer Michel Shane and his wife Ellen were inspired a beautiful tribute to their youngest child.Emily had been diagnosed with learning and processing issues and was lucky to have the outside help needed to help her reach her best academic potential. In honor of her memory, Ellen and Michel founded a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity, the SEA (Successful Educational Achievement) Program, which provides one on one mentoring/tutoring to struggling middle school students like Emily, who could not otherwise afford this type of support. The only “fee” to SEA program participants is to perform an act of kindness for every mentoring session.In this episode, Michel and Ellen will discuss:* How one copes with the devastating challenge of losing

  • Lessons in Life from a War Child with Chaker Khazaal

    12/08/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 11 August 2016, 7:00 PM ETRegardless of our race, culture, creed, or where in the world we live, all humans have one thing in common: we all face the possibility of having to face a misfortunate or tragic event in our lives.The fact is, wherever we live—east, west, north or south, small town or urban sprawl—none of us are immune from natural disasters—fire, flood, hurricanes, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, and tornadoes are possibilities that can threaten, devastate, and transform our lives in an instant.For the more than 60 million refugees living in our world today, however, tragedy and misfortune have transcended possibility to become brutal fact.At a time when the narrative of world events contains so much hatred, barbarity, and inhumanity, how do we hold on to the decent human values we were raised with – like compassion, support, respect and love?How does a human being who has been driven from their home, separated from their family, divested of all their belongings and deprived of all

  • Finding Stability In Unstable Times

    05/08/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 4 August 2016, 7:00 PM ETThe world is changing. While there is nothing new in that, what appears to be unsettling for many is the sudden acceleration of the pace at which change is taking place.Unfortunately, where many are feeling it most keenly is in the economics, institutions and societal structures.Many have been exposed to humanity’s changing nature through a generation of children who are either on an evolutionary fast track or have popped in from somewhere very different to Earth.From finance, technology and information, to geopolitics, the environment, and the mass movement of individuals displaced by war, poverty, and violence on an unprecedented scale—structures and systems that once seemed solid, true, and dependable are now showing themselves to be anything but.Nothing makes sense any more, nothing is behaving in the way it should. Our external world is changing much faster than our existing belief patterns, mindsets and emotional reference points are able to accommodate, and it’s

  • Don’t Be A Jerk with Brad Warner

    29/07/2016 Duration: 56min

    Don’t Be A Jerk: And Other Practical Advice From Japan’s Greatest Zen Master with Brad WarnerAired Thursday, 28 July 2016, 7:00 PM ETBRAD WARNER, bestselling author of books like Sit Down & Shut Up and Hardcore Zen, isn’t your typical Zen master. And his latest book the enclosed advance reading copy of his upcoming new book Don’t Be a Jerk: And Other Practical Advice from Dōgen, Japan’s Greatest Zen Master isn’t your typical book about Buddhism.The Shōbōgenzō: The True Treasury of the Dharma Eye is a revered 800-year-old Zen Buddhism classic written by a Japanese monk named Eihei Dōgen. However, despite the tremendous respect his teachings have earned over the years, many consider the book difficult to understand and rarely read.A student of The Shōbōgenzō for thirty years, Warner has referenced Dōgen in the six previous books he’s written about Zen practice. Now, in Don’t Be a Jerk, he presents a radical but reverent paraphrasing of Dōgen’s work for modern times in plainspoken language that’s also entert

  • Lessons From The 12 Archangels

    22/07/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 21 July 2016, 7:00 PM ETIt’s a story that is becoming increasingly common: an individual in a quintessentially left-brain profession has an experience that transforms their lives, their outlook, and their occupation.Belinda J. Womack is a scientist by training, with dual master’s degrees in microbiology and environmental science who was was was called into service by the 12 Archangels while working in a medical university laboratory. Today, she has an active spiritual counseling practice, working with the 12 Archangels, to support couples, families and individuals with seemingly impossible problems to solve.According to Belinda, the 12 Archangels of the Central Sun (Soul) of the Universe are all-powerful and all-loving that created Earth, an amazing schoolroom established so that Oneness (ALL THAT IS) can dream a dark dream and experience the reality of fear and the illusion of being separated from the Creator.Belinda’s new book, Lessons from the 12 Archangels is a treasure chest of channeled

  • The Virtual Reality Solution with Luca Bosurgi

    15/07/2016 Duration: 56min

    The Virtual Reality Solution to Ending Depression, Fearfulness, Addiction, Co-Dependency and More with Luca BosurgiAired Thursday, 14 July 2016, 7:00 PM ETUntil now, all the buzz around Virtual Reality has been about its entertainment and gaming applications, and even a bit of meditation. But now for the first time, there’s a Virtual Reality product that actually helps people achieve an emotionally free, high performance, happy life – through a proven psychologically therapeutic self-help technique called The Bosurgi Method™. This process, using guided meditations, releases a person’s co-dependency on outside approval – creating emotional maturity and psychological independence. Co-dependency can take the form of:* Low self-esteem, self-judgment and never feeling “enough” * Wanting to find one’s happiness, love and approval in others (parents, lovers, spouses, friends, society, etc.) * Fearfulness including being afraid of rejection, fear of making life’s big decisions, reluctance to move forward, work life m

  • Living Sensationally with Prof. Winnie Dunn

    08/07/2016 Duration: 56min

    Living Sensationally – How Understanding Our Senses Can Transform Our Relationships And Our Life with Prof. Winnie DunnAired Thursday, 7 July 2016, 7:00 PM ETWe all want to live a satisfying life, but what that means to you may be quite different than what it means to others in your life.For example, how do you feel when you bite into a pear…wear a feather boa…stand in a noisy auditorium…or walk past a perfume counter in a department store? Some people love the grainy texture of a pear, while others shudder at the idea of this texture in their mouths. Touching a feather boa might feel luxurious and sensual to you, while others will bristle at the idea of all those feathers brushing on the skin. And strong scents or noisy, busy environments will energize some people, and overwhelm others.Now imagine the tension and stress it could cause to your relationship if your partner needed to wake up to to bright lights, loud music, and the aroma of strong coffee to psyche them up for the day, while you required a slow,

  • Sacred America, Sacred World: A New Blueprint for the Evolution of Humanity

    01/07/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 30 June 2016, 7:00 PM ETAs the 2016 election approaches, America is spiraling into a dysfunction that threatens us all, including our allies around the world. The two-party system, sprung from the aims of democracy, has become violently divisive, almost to the point where there are two Americas, each at the other’s throat. America is being pulled apart, and every citizen feels the pain from this profoundly. When did political discourse become a boxing match? How did America, founded on the highest of principles of justice and freedom, get so far off course? And, most importantly, is it too late to repair the damage and get back on track?In this episode, political strategist, social innovator, entrepreneur, and founder and CEO of The Shift Network, Stephen Dinan, joins Sandie to discuss why the evolution to a truly sacred America is not an idealistic, ungrounded dream; it’s an evolutionary imperative.About the Guest Stephen DinanSTEPHEN DINAN was a senior staffer at the institute of noetic scie

  • Dear Human - A Love Letter To Humanity

    24/06/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 23 June 2016, 7:00 PM ETA few years ago, writer Courtney A. Walsh posted a meme on Facebook… The first words were “Dear Human.” It went viral and has been seen more than 20 million times. It’s been called a love letter, a manifesto, a poem, a battle cry, and it has literally been shared and commented on by millions of people around the world. Shared by Elizabeth Gilbert, tweeted by a Khloe Kardashian, read in yoga classes, pinned in cubicles across the globe, used in wedding vows, discussed in radio interviews, featured on blogs, and translated into several different languages.In this episode, Courtney A Walsh joins Sandie to discuss her refreshingly candid, hilarious and insightful follow-up book Dear Human, A Manifesto of Love, Invitation and Invocation to Humanity, in which she blows up old programs and conditioned ways of thinking and asks us to embrace our glorious messiness, to love to the best of our ability, to continue to learn and grow, to be willing to show up AND get out of the way

  • The Secret to Living a Passionate Life with Janet Bray Attwood

    03/06/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 2 June 2016, 7:00 PM ETWhat does it mean to live a passionate life? Exciting, fulfilling, thrilling, on fire, purposeful, turned on, motivated, entertaining, easy, fun, unstoppable. It’s a life aligned with destiny.We all know we’d like to feel our life is purposeful. We all want to be passionate about what we’re doing, to be excited about how we spend our days, to love our life and to feel we’re making some valuable contribution. But how do we create all this if we don’t know what our real passion is?In this episode best selling author of “The Passion Test,” written with her former husband, best friend and business partner Chris Attwood, Janet Bray Attwood joins Sandie to share the secrets that have helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world live a passionate life.Among the topics they will be delving into:* How to find your top passions * How to create “Markers” which are guideposts that prove you’re living your passions * How to undo limiting beliefs that may be preventing you

  • The Mysteries and Magic of Damanhur

    20/05/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 19 May 2016, 7:00 PM ETNestled in the alpine foothills of Piedmont, Italy. Is a highly evolved, United Nations-award-winning eco-society called Damanhur that values spirituality, individual and collective growth, contact with nature and all the forces of the spiritual ecosystem. It has 40 years of experience in sustainable international “community living” and advanced spiritual and technological exploration of human potential.Designated by the United Nations as a model for a sustainable future, Damanhur is a center for research and practice of medicine, science, and advanced spiritual and technological exploration of human potential.Renowned worldwide for its extraordinary underground works of art dedicated to the reawakening of the divine essence in every human being, Damanhur’s Temples of Humankind are considered by many as the “Eighth Wonder of the World”.Join Sandie and Damanhur Ambassador and teacher, Crotalo Sesamo as they discuss:Music of the Plants – How Human Interaction Changes Plant

  • The Awakened Family with Dr. Shefali Tsabary

    13/05/2016 Duration: 56min

    The Awakened Family: A Revolution in Parenting with Dr. Shefali TsabaryAired Thursday, 12 May 2016, 7:00 PM ETParents naturally want what is the best for their children—so why do so many “tried and true” parenting approaches seem to backfire and tensions between parents and their children seem only to be increasing? In The Awakened Family: A Revolution in Parenting, Dr. Shefali Tsabary, author of the New York Times bestseller The Conscious Parent, presents a transformative new approach to parenting, one that focuses not on how we can change our kids—but on how we can change ourselves so that we can become our children’s biggest supporters and resources.This week, Dr. Shefali joins Sandie to discuss how we can combat the conditioning of a culture that sets parents up to fail and move to a new parenting paradigm which allows our children to be their best and truest selves.About the Guest Dr. Shefali TsabarySHEFALI TSABARY, Ph.D., received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Columbia University. Specializi

  • It’s Never Too Late To Begin Again with Julia Cameron

    06/05/2016 Duration: 56min

    It’s Never Too Late To Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and BeyondAired Thursday, 5 May 2016, 7:00 PM ETJulia Cameron has inspired millions with her bestseller on creativity, The Artist’s Way. In It’s Never Too Late To Begin Again, she turns her eye to a segment of the population that, ironically, while they have more time to be creative, are often reluctant or intimidated by the creative process. Cameron shows readers that retirement can, in fact, be the most rich, fulfilling, and creative time of their lives.When someone retires, the newfound freedom can be quite exciting, but also daunting. The life that someone had has changed, and the life to come is yet to be defined.In her latest book, It’s Never Too Late To Begin Again, Julia Cameron shows readers how cultivating their creative selves can help them navigate this new terrain. She tells the inspiring stories of retirees who discovered new artistic pursuits and passions that more than filled their days—they nurtured their souls.

  • A New Look at Money with Tracy Smith

    29/04/2016 Duration: 56min

    Aired Thursday, 28 April 2016, 7:00 PM ETMoney… Money… Money… Few words have as much power to stir up our emotions and trigger fear, anxiety, distress, shame and insecurity—and, yes, sometimes even shame—within us as money.The fact is, regardless of how old we are, or how much—or little—money we have, there is rarely anything mature in our attitude towards money. Why is that? Perhaps it’s because our beliefs about and attitudes toward money are inherited from our parents very early in childhood, which means that the majority of us have a 6-year-old subconsciously operating as our Chief Financial Officer.What stops many people from getting their creative gifts out into the world is not lack of motivation, spirit or drive; it’s their relationship with money. Money is at the heart of every decision we make in our lives… and it doesn’t have to be a struggle! Money can be an amazing facilitator, transformer, and force for good. And we can change the beliefs we hold about it if we are willing to step out on a limb

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