Airing Pain



Airing Pain is the online radio programme and podcast from Pain Concern ( month we bring together people with chronic pain and top specialists to talk about resources that can help.You can listen to Airing Pain every Tuesday and Sunday at 8pm via Able Radio (, with all episodes available on demand here and on our website ( subscribe via iTunes and podcast apps to get the latest progs delivered straight to your mobile.Pain Concern is a charity registered in Scotland SC023559


  • 26: Transforming Pain Services: Joining up pain management and involving the patient

    14/02/2012 Duration: 29min

    The relationship between doctor and patient is crucial in managing pain. In this programme we look at how the British Pain Society’s newly launched Pain Patient Pathways Project should improve the way health professionals manage chronic pain conditions. We’ll hear from a patient about her varied experiences with health professionals and from doctors involved with treating pain about the importance of patients getting involved in the treatment of their own condition. In this programme: Douglas Smallwood, British Pain Society Dr Mark Ritchie, GP, Swansea Kevin Geddes, Director of Self Management with the Long Term Conditions Alliance in Scotland Dr Martin Johnson – Royal College of General Practioners’ UK Champion in chronic pain; on the executive committee for the Pain Patient Pathways Jean Smith, patient #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 25: A Heads-Up on Migraines

    30/01/2012 Duration: 29min

    Nine out of ten people report a lifetime history of head pain and 2012 has been designated the Global Year Against Headache by the International Association of the Study of Pain. Paul Evans finds out more about migraines from Dr Giles Elrington of the National Migraine Centre in London. We also hear from people who live with chronic migraine about their experiences, what triggers their episodes and the treatments they’ve tried, and Heather Sim tells us the steps to take to get referred to a migraine clinic. In this programme: Dr Giles Elrington, Medical Director, National Migraine Centre, London Heather Sim, Chief Executive of The National Migraine Centre Patients including: Keri Bucholz, Emma Williams and Chris Whitehouse. #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 24: Exercise and Managing Pain

    13/01/2012 Duration: 29min

    Paul Evans takes the plunge with Daphne Wood of Pain and Able to find out more about how swimming combined with the Alexander Technique can help people with persistent pain conditions. Physiotherapist and Pain Concern expert advisor Paul Cameron answers listeners’ questions on issues from dehydrated spinal discs to losing weight to reduce pain. In this programme: Daphne Wood, Pain and Able  Paul Cameron, Pain Specialist Physiotherapist, NHS Fife #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 23: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

    03/01/2012 Duration: 29min

    Paul Evans talks to Sunny Boshoff about her experience of complex regional pain syndrome and learns more about the causes of the condition from Dr Bill Macrae. We also hear from him and Dr Joan Hester about their work counselling and treating patients requiring limb amputations, including the use of the Visual Feedback Mirror to help those who have phantom sensations in their amputated limb. In this programme: Sunny Boshoff, patient Dr Bill Macrae, retired (formerly Ninewells Hospital, Dundee) Dr Joan Hester, Consultant in Pain Medicine, King’s College Hospital, London  #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 22: Pain Support Groups and Facial Expressions

    16/12/2011 Duration: 29min

    People with mental illness and chronic pain often find it difficult to access the treatment they need. Specialist nurse Valerie Conway talks about her work in providing carers with the skills to better look after people with Alzheimer’s and dementia who have pain. Measuring pain through facial expressions is one way in which health professionals can become more aware of the needs of those who are unable to verbalise their experience. Professor Jeffrey Mogil tells Airing Pain about his work measuring pain responses in the facial expressions of mice and how this could help in understanding human pain and in finding new drug treatments for pain. We also hear from Sue Clayton about how sharing her experiences and getting pain management advice at a pioneering chronic pain support group in the eighties helped her put her life back together after post-surgical pain. In this programme: Valerie Conway, Clinical Lead, NHS Community Services Chronic Pain, Kent Prof Jeffrey Mogil, Professor of Pain Studies,

  • 21: Opioids and Managing Pain in Remote Areas

    01/12/2011 Duration: 29min

    In this programme we hear about the challenges facing people with chronic pain in isolated parts of the country and how a pain management programme in the Highlands is helping such patients. Dr Cathy Stannard clears up some of the misunderstandings surrounding opioids and explains when they can and can’t help with chronic pain and the possible side-effects of taking them. In thsi programme: Jackie Milburn. Clinical Nurse Manager, Chronic Pain Service, NHS Highland Dr John Macleod, Consultant Anaesthetist, NHS Highland Dr Cathy Stannard, Consultant in Pain Medicine, Frenchay Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 20: The Social Costs of Pain

    17/11/2011 Duration: 29min

    Pain has a huge impact not just on individuals but also on society, healthcare systems and the economy. Airing Pain takes a look at how the International Association for the Study of Pain’s Declaration of Montréal and EFIC (the European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters) are working to drive pain up the political agenda. We interview experts in healthcare policy and chronic pain treatment as well as patient groups at EFIC’s European Societal Impact of Pain symposium for their views on how the way society and the medical profession respond to pain could be improved. In this programme: Dr Beverly Collett, Consultant Pain Medicine, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust Dr Brian McGuire, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, National University of Ireland, Galway Gina Plunkett, Chairperson, Chronic Pain Ireland Prof Dr. Michael Zenz, President. DGSS. Dept of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy. Ruhr-University Bochum #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainCon

  • 19: Family Therapy

    03/11/2011 Duration: 29min

    Pain can sometimes seem like an ‘uninvited guest’ or ‘intruder’ into family life. In this programme we look at the strain pain places on all personal relationships and how family therapy can help. Clinical psychologist Dr Elaine McWilliams talks about the impact of pain on the sexual and intimate side of a relationship, and she and family therapist Jan Parker also explain the effects of pain on the parent-child relationship. Psychiatrist Dr John Rolland explains how a ‘resilience approach’ can help families to move forward together. In this programme: Dr John Rolland, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of Chicago and Co-Director, Chicago Centre for Family Health Jan Parker, Association for Family Therapy Dr Elaine McWilliams, Consultant Clinical Psychologist #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 18: Growing Older with Pain

    23/05/2011 Duration: 29min

    Pain has often been seen as an inevitable part of getting older. Airing Pain listened in to a panel of experts at a ‘Growing Old with Pain: Innovation, Creativity and Development’ conference in Edinburgh to hear how pain treatments can dramatically improve the quality of life of older patients. The importance of family and carers taking an active role in the management of elderly patient’s pain is highlighted, along with the importance of raising awareness of the best treatments for pain in older people among health professionals. We also hear the inspirational story of Michael and Rosemary Morrison who together have rebuilt their lives around their chronic back pain and the benefits of using computers and computer games to access information and exercise. In this programme: Michael and Rosemary Morrison, Pain Association Scotland Ron Marsh, Patient Dorothy-Grace Elder, ex MSP, campaigner Dr Beverly Collett Prof. Dennis Martin, Director of Centre for Rehabilitation Sciences, Teesside University Profess

  • 17: Primary Care and Pain in the Brain

    10/05/2011 Duration: 29min

    Airing Pain was at the launch of the British Pain Society’s Primary and Community Care Special Interest Group where we heard from healthcare professionals who are working to improve the management of pain conditions in the UK. The crucial role of GPs in recognising and treating pain was especially emphasised. Plus, is pain all in the mind? Paul Evans learns about the science behind pain in the brain and the exciting studies being done by Prof Irene Tracy and her team at the Oxford University Brain Imaging Unit. In this programme: Prof Richard Langford – BPS president Dr Martin Johnson – RCGP clinical champion for pain management Dr Mark Porter – Celebrity GP and journalist Prof Irene Tracy – Director of the Oxford university brain imaging unit Ms Ann Taylor – Pain community centre, Speaker at event #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 16: Power over Mind and Body

    28/04/2011 Duration: 29min

    Pain management programmes teach people with pain the strategies they need to live as full a life as possible. Paul Evans talks to patients and professionals at Astley Ainslie Hospital in Edinburgh to hear their uplifting approaches to pain management. The programme focuses on the way that mind and body work together, with psychologists playing as important a role as physiotherapists. It looks at how tackling negative thoughts and patterns of behaviour are as crucial as dealing with the physical aspects of pain. We also get an insight into the amazing benefits of hydrotherapy for those in pain, helping people to take the first step towards getting back into exercise. In this programme: John McLennan – initial assessment of patient Leanne Nicholas – clinical psychologist’s approach, thought strategies David Gillanders – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Nuno Fereira – ACT and its effects Margaret Kerr – hydrotherapy and how it works Lorraine and patients – hydrotherapy in practice #AbleRadio #

  • 15: Effective Communication: Patients and professionals

    28/04/2011 Duration: 29min

    Communication is fundamental to the relationship between patient and healthcare professional. In this programme Airing Pain looks at this issue from both the patient and doctor’s point of view. Psychologist David Craig of Glasgow comments on his communication skills training DVD for chronic pain professionals. GP Mark Ritchie explains how depression and chronic pain can be linked, and gives advice on how patients can prepare for medical consultations, using the memory aid: Ideas, Concerns, and Expectations. And finally, we hear from a number of patients about how they effectively broke down any communications barriers with health professionals in order to gain the most that they could from their consultations. In this programme: Dr David Craig - Chronic Pain Communication Skills Dr Mark Ritchie – Depression and chronic pain Marion Beatson – Speaking to a psychologist Ron Marsh – Relationship with health professionals Michael Morrison – Relationship with health professionals #AbleRadio #AiringPain #Pai

  • 14: Recent Developments in Nerve Pain and How to get a Good Night's Rest

    28/04/2011 Duration: 29min

    Paul Evans meets Edith Mowatt who has nerve root pain and hears how she has learned to manage her condition and about her experience of spinal cord stimulation. We hear a doctor’s view on these machines from Dr Steve Gilbert, and how they can also be used to treat complex regional pain syndrome. Dr Candy McCabe tells us more about this condition, as well as the use of mirrors in therapy for phantom limb pains. Finally, Professor Mark Blagrove and Dr Nicole Tang explain how pain affects sleep, and how a good night’s rest with the help of cognitive behavioural therapy can ease pain symptoms. In this programme: Edith Mowatt – Nerve root pain Dr Steve Gilbert, Queen Margaret Hospital, Fife Prof Candy McCabe – Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, phantom limbs and Mirror Therapy Prof Mark Blagrove – Sleep and pain Dr Nicole Tang – CBT and sleep #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 13: Culture, Epidemiology and Back Pain

    28/04/2011 Duration: 28min

    How do culture and religion affect the way we experience and manage our pain? Dr Shilpa Patel, Dr Sue Peacock and Sir Michael Bond talk about the relationship between cultural background and pain. Also in the programme: Dr Steve Gilbert answers questions from people experiencing back pain; Phil Sizer of Pain Association Scotland provides advice on pain management programmes; and we learn about the epidemiology of pain and hear from Generation Scotland about how their study of pain in the Scottish population can help with the identification of risk factors. In this programme: Prof Blair Smith- Generation Scotland Prof Sir Michael Bond – Pain management in developing countries Dr Steve Gilbert – Q+As on back pain Phil Sizer – Pain Association Scotland Dr Shilpa Patel – Cultures and pain Dr Sue Peacock – Cultures, gender and pain  #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 12: Trigeminal Neuralgia, Pelvic Pain and Cannabis

    28/04/2011 Duration: 29min

    Paul Evans looks at the often uncomfortable subject of pelvic pain and how both women and men can get help. Dr William Notcutt, expert on medicinal cannabis use, talks about the potential for pain relief, side-effects and future possibilities of the controversial drug. Nicky Jones tells her story of living with trigeminal neuralgia, with Jillie Abbot and Prof Joanna Zakrzewska providing more information. In this programme: Dr Steve Gilbert – Q+As on back pain, Pelvic Pain in Men Dr Natasha Curran- Pelvic Pain Dr William Notcutt- Cannabis and Pain Prof Joanna Zakrzewska- Facial Pain/Trigeminal Neuralgia Jillie Abbott- Trigeminal Neuralgia Nicky Jones- Living with Trigeminal Neuralgia #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 11: Music and Knitting

    28/04/2011 Duration: 29min

    Paul Evans gets a knitting lesson when he visits the Stitchlinks group in Bath, where people use craft activities to manage their pain. Betsan Corkhill and Dr Mike Osborn talk about the medical science behind it, while the knitting group talk about their own experiences. We also meet Dr Laura Mitchell who subjects volunteers to pain tolerance testing to see how music can help relieve feelings of pain. In this programme: Betsan Corkhill- Stitchlinks Dr Mike Osborn- The Science of Stitchlinks Stitchlinks Members- Their Experiences Dr Laura Mitchell- Music and Pain #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 10: Young People in Pain

    28/04/2011 Duration: 29min

    Paul Evans visits the Centre for Pain Services at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases at Bath to find out about the pain management programme there. Clinical Director Dr Lance McCracken explains how the programme helps people get on with their lives and we meet the patient group to learn about their experiences in living with pain, what brought them to Bath and the things they’ve learned during their time on the programme. We also hear about how the team at Bath provide specific services to younger people and how pain affects their families and sleeping habits. In this programme: Bath Patient Group- Their Experiences Dr Lance McCracken- Pain Management Programme Dr Hannah Connel- Young People and Pain Sam Barton-Growing up in Pain Jan Barton- Personal Story #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 9: Relieving Pain: TENS and acupuncture

    28/04/2011 Duration: 29min

    We take a look at the role of the pain specialist nurse in the community, eavesdropping on two consultations given by Kathryn Nur at her nurse-led clinic at Tenby Cottage Hospital, Pembrokeshire. We hear how Kath helps her patients, learning about what TENS machines are, how to use them and how they can help those in pain, how acupuncture can also help, and the importance of listening to what the patient has to say. On the contentious issue of how little training medical students receive on pain matters – fewer hours than vets – Ann Taylor from the faculty of pain medicine at Cardiff University talks about a web service that may go some way towards redressing the imbalance. In this programme: Kathryn Nur, pain specialist nurse for Hywel Dda Health Board in West Wales Ann Taylor: Faculty of Pain Medicine, Cardiff University. #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 8: Work and Benefits

    28/04/2011 Duration: 29min

    In the wake of the government’s introduction of the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) which will see all people already on incapacity benefits reassessed for their ability to work by 2014, Airing Pain discusses benefit reforms as well as how work affects those living in pain and how they can stay in, or get back into, work. Chris Main, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Keele University, and Elaine Heaver of the Bath Centre for Pain Research take us through the evidence showing the health benefits from being in work and explain how GPs now give ‘fit notes’ as well as sick notes. Paul Watson gives some advice on how to stay in work and talk to your employer and Dr Shilpa Patel talks about the barriers faced by unemployed people with chronic pain. In this programme: Elaine Heaver- Getting Back to Work Research Prof Chris Main- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Dr Shilpa Patel- Barriers to Work Prof Paul Watson- Q+A #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

  • 7: Exercise and Improving Mobility

    28/04/2011 Duration: 30min

    Airing Pain visits the Frenchay Hospital Pain Clinic in Bristol where we hear from staff and patients. Paul Evan sits in on a consultation with physiotherapist Pete Gladwell and hears the advice given to one patient about how to increase her mobility and exercise without causing flare up. We learn about how to talk to your health professional and the different ways of assessing pain. Also covered is how well funded Pain Care is by the health services, and the patients at Frenchay tell us their stories of living with and managing pain. In this programme: Dr Cathy Stannard – Pain Specialist Pete Gladwell – Physiotherapist Sister Rose Marriot – Pain Nurse Ron Watt – Patient Mrs Margaret Howdle – Patient #AbleRadio #AiringPain #PainConcern

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