Two comedians look at a small town, what makes it tick, and a murder that took place there. In depth research, horrible tragedy, and the hosts' comedic spin on the whole thing. New episodes every Thursday!!
#400 - The Bad Seed - Eureka, Utah
30/06/2023 Duration: 01h13minThis week, in Eureka, Utah, a man who started getting arrested at age 10, was in prison by 15, and participating in a very well known riot/murder while behind bars. Once he gets out, he's predictably primed for violence, and ends up committing the horrifically cold murder of two innocent people. These murders involve awful cruelty, and heartlessness, but the murderer claims "he's not a monster", while begging the court for mercy. It's a terrible tale, of an awful person!!Along the way, we find out that you may just fall into an 2000 foot open mine shaft while taking a stroll, sometimes behavior actually can be predicted, and that some people just seem to be born evil!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#399 - Titanic Insanity - Port Angeles, Washington
29/06/2023 Duration: 02h49minThis week, in Port Angeles, Washington, when it looks like the story is going one way, it takes a complete left turn into unexpected, and shocking cold bloodedness. When a woman is found, dead, in an overturned car, it becomes obvious that this woman didn't die in this accident, but was murdered, and put into the car, to make it look accidental. The story from the killer is part guilt from an earlier death he had a part in, and trauma from seeing the movie "Titanic" that haunted his every thought. Will he be found insane??Along the way, we find out that any town where people pee on each other doesn't sound very good, that even a doctor can lose track of their condition, and that some crimes truly do go unpunished!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#398 - I Just Needed To See Blood - Liberty, New York
23/06/2023 Duration: 01h10minThis week, in Liberty, New York, a sitcom like living arrangement turns out to not be such a hilarious situation, when a mother, her grown daughter have a middle of the night confrontation that seemingly starts over loud music, dancing, and possibly witchcraft. But it ends with with one of the most horrifying murders we've ever covered, and accusations of evil spirits, that needed to be freed! Also, a disturbing confession that will leave anyone that hears it shaking their head!!Along the way, we find out that the town of Liberty is VERY into the 4th of July, that you shouldn't tell someone you think is a witch to stop dancing, and that sometimes the reasons for a crime can be crazier than the crime!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#397 - Stunning Brutality, Shocking Stupidity - Dumfries, Virginia
22/06/2023 Duration: 02h44minThis week, in Dumfries, Virginia, the disappearance of a young boy, from his neighborhood produces an underwhelming police response, and the loss of vital evidence that allows an obvious monster to continue to roam the streets. This results in him, unsurprising doing it again. But this time, it's much worse. He's had the time to arrange his sick fantasies, and plan out something truly awful. And he says there's more... Will he finally be held accountable??Along the way, we find out that reggae & wine probably go very well together, that some police departments didn't know that dogs can smell things, that real life monsters do exist!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James &
#396 - Sifting Through Suspects - Rock Hill, South Carolina
16/06/2023 Duration: 01h12minThis week, in Rock Hill, South Carolina, what appears to be a person, taking their own life, turns out to be anything but that. It's actually a cold blooded, terrifying murder that occurred when someone slipped into a home, in the middle of the night, without forcing entry. There are several guilty looking people, but when they finally figure out the true killer, it's more disturbing than anyone could've thought!!Along the way, we find out that some people didn't want the railroad, that DNA has come a long way in 30 years, and that you some people are ALWAYS in sales mode!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotif
#395 - Not Answering The Call Of Duty - Foster, Rhode Island
15/06/2023 Duration: 02h52minThis week, in Foster, Rhode Island, a beef between some teens, and a local police officer kicks off a wild story that leads to multiple murders, prison, lawsuits, calls of small town corruption, and a huge outcry from horrified townspeople. The killings are so brutal that a bigger motive would seem to be in play, but that's not how it turns out. Instead, it looks to be a petty person, doing some very terrible murders! Will there be any justice, in the end? Along the way, we find out that Rhode Island used to be a lot different than it is, today, that a badge is not a license to perform your version of vigilante justice, and that under a car seems to be a phenomenal hiding place!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#394 - The Sudden Passion Of Boobs - Nassau Bay, Texas
09/06/2023 Duration: 01h10minThis week, in Nassau Bay, Texas, did a lesbian affair between two housewives set off a series of events that culminated in a completely different woman, killing her husband, in a public place, in front of many witnesses, and even a video camera, because of his obsession with another woman's "puppies"? Will all of this lead to no prison time? An absolutely wild tale of accusations, truths, desire, and rage! Along the way, we find out that anyone is allowed on a public street, that dentists are very horny, and that "sudden passion" is a legal defense for murder in Texas!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, A
#393 - The Neighborhood Monster - Arkansas City, Kansas
08/06/2023 Duration: 02h47minThis week, in Arkansas City, Kansas, a very smart, and popular college girl disappears, and family, friends & police look at one young man for answers, and find even more than they bargained for. They find a person who has been a menace since elementary school. From peeping on neighbor girls, to stalking, and borderline kidnapping, to chasing children in the streets, trying to hit them with belts, when he's not trying to fight old ladies. But this act of awful bloodthirsty violence goes well beyond what anyone could have expected!! Along the way, we find out that Kansas & Arkansas shouldn't be in the same name, that Subway really needs to rethink their hiring processes, and that it's hard to feel bad for someone, who feels no empathy towards others!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Spo
#392 - The Face Of Evil - Nowra, New South Wales, Australia
02/06/2023 Duration: 01h09minThis week, in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia, a couple with a very happy, and seemingly perfect life, unknowingly has a plan set in motion against them. This plan is formed by a jealous friend, who wants to live their life, so the plan is to kidnap, and murder these people. The results are absolutely brutal, imaginative horror movie type of killings that leave everyone in the area very shook up. Are these people in jail forever, or out, and living amongst the kangaroos?Along the way, we find out that Australia seems to be a mix of Florida & Arizona, that different people are willing to kill for different reasons, and that you shouldn't be cheap with your gasoline!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#391 - The Family Death Curse - Vaughan, Mississippi
01/06/2023 Duration: 02h49minThis week, in Vaughan, Mississippi, a well known, and liked family, who appear to have a multi generational death curse, just disappears. This prompts hundreds of law enforcement officers to search for miles around, and has locals on the edge of their seats. When they do find a suspect, the motive is definitely not worth this kind of carnage, but sometimes a little thing can send family against family!! Along the way, we find out that ghost towns can still have some people living there, that you never know who might be mad at you, and that there is no escaping a death curse!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spot
#390 - Too Fat To Kill - Ramsey, New Jersey
26/05/2023 Duration: 01h09minThis week, in Ramsey, New Jersey, a woman hears her boyfriend being murdered, over the phone, but by the time police get to him, it's too late. The focus lands on a family member of an ex, but that man says that he couldn't possibly have committed this murder... because he was "too fat to murder"! This gets even crazier at trial, including lying family members, wiretaps, insane internet searches. And, of course, a parrot!!Along the way, we find out that parrots are a sign of impending doom, that you shouldn't stop for a burger, on your way to do a murder, and that no one is too fat to be a killer!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports!
#389 - The Legend Of Curly's Cheese - Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
25/05/2023 Duration: 02h41minThis week, in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, a terribly bloody, and awful murder scene is found in a home's finished basement. A very inefficient murder weapon is found, under the body, and detectives believe everyone was home when it happened. We find out that this has been a troubled household for a long time, and detectives try to decide whether a blood thirsty drug dealer, a random hook up, or the cheese making husband did this horrific crime. The trial is surprising, and then it gets even weirder!!Along the way, we find out that this town is obsessed with trolls, that it's normal to be upset that your spouse is cheating, but it's not normal to stab someone 50 times, and nearly cut their head off!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#388 - A Wild Night At The Trailer Park - Cameron, Missouri
19/05/2023 Duration: 01h08minThis week, in Cameron, Missouri, an angry man, upset by his wife leaving him, and moving into a trailer with another man, decides he needs a plan. At first, his plan is to win back the heart of his true love, but it quickly becomes a plan involving a shotgun, and a single wide trailer. This all spills out into a neighboring trailer, where another violent showdown occurs. This is just a wild, bloody mess!!Along the way, we find out that every small town in the US has a "Freedom Festival", that trailer doors aren't very sturdy, and that when going on a bloody rampage, at least stab the people that you're actually mad at!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other s
#387 - The Rantings Of A Serial Killer - Clarksburg, West Virginia
18/05/2023 Duration: 02h44minThis week, in Clarksburg, West Virginia, police receive several letters, and a 2 hour audio tape, from what appears to be a serial killer. He claims at least 6 murders, and several fires, and police start to put together that he may be telling the truth. This is confirmed, when bodies are found in different locations. But is he lying about some other murders, or is he actually hiding even more? A wild story, directly from the mouth of a serial killer that would have left anyone who listened, a bit disturbed!!Along the way, we find out that Italians used to live in West Virginia, that people sound a lot more dumb, when they misuse big words, and that no matter how much you dig, you might not find all the bodies!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#386 - Cheers To My Killer - Whitewood, South Dakota
12/05/2023 Duration: 01h11minThis week, in Whitewood, South Dakota, a crumbling relationship is certainly not helped by a five year affair, but everything looks like it will work out just fine. Until, one night, when one of the pair is left with a gaping chest wound, and the other is left with quite a tale to tell. Including a wild night, complete with hot tub violence. Was it self defense, or a cold blooded, premeditated murder?? Along the way, we find out that you don't want to kick a service animal out of your restaurant, that violence is in the eye of the beholder, and that you should always raise a glass to the person who is about to kill you!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other
#385 - Lust, Blood, Cruelty & Snakes - Lothian, Maryland
11/05/2023 Duration: 02h39minThis week, in Lothian, Maryland, what appears to a horrifically bloody, but pretty standard murder/suicide, until some very strange evidence comes to light, followed by some kinky evidence... Then, text messages that blow the lid off the entire plot. A cruel, disturbing & calculating plan begins to emerge. One that manipulates some very vulnerable people, and ends up with a double murder, and three people almost getting away with it!Along the way, we find out that Mutton Bustin' has no borders, that strange pets seem to breed strange murders, and that you don't mess with a biker chick... even in her sleep!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crim
#384 - Dismembering Grandma - Trail Creek, Indiana
05/05/2023 Duration: 01h09minThis week, in Trail Creek, Indiana, an unhappy woman uses her teenage sons as her her personal murder squad, forcing them to kill both their father, and grandmother. They almost get away with it, too, considering they almost did a perfect job of disposing of grandma, using everything from a chainsaw, to a deep fat fryer to try get rid of the body. Where they finally end up getting rid of the remaining parts is certainly one for the record books! A truly insane case!!Along the way, we find out that hanging out in the "blistering cold" doesn't sound very festive, that you can talk a teenager into any horrible plan you might have, and going AWOL from the Navy to try to help dispose of your grandmother's dismembered corpse is not a great decision!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#383 - The Brutality Of Strawberry Shortcake - West Wendover, Nevada
04/05/2023 Duration: 02h38minThis week, in West Wendover, Nevada, a smart, popular high school student vanishes into thin air, and a huge team of volunteers begin to look for her. When she's found, the scene is so terrible, that even the most seasoned detectives have nightmares. As the case unravels, police wonder why this happened, and think her ex-boyfriend is the culprit... but did he do it alone?? These questions haunt everyone involved, until two startling, but different confessions put the whole thing into perspective!!Along the way, we find out that slam poetry is for cowboys, too, that just because you break up with someone, doesn't mean that you won't have to see them again, and that love can cause confessions!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#382 - Who Tasted The Blood? - Salem, New Hampshire
28/04/2023 Duration: 01h11minThis week, in Salem, New Hampshire, three drifting young men decide to murder some young women, after extensive viewings of the movie "Scream", and a healthy binging of meth & booze. Their plan turns out to be tragically successful, after luring two teenagers to the local hangout spot, and committing some unforgivably brutal acts. Will they make a clean escape, or end up huddled in the attic of a cabin, while police close in??Along the way, we find out that New Hampshire really wants you to think they have an american stonehenge, that teen horror movies characters may not be the best people to emulate, and that who did the stabbing actually does matter!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us,
#381 - Hunting The Home Hermit - Caledon, Ontario, Canada
27/04/2023 Duration: 02h49minThis week, in Caledon, Ontario, Canada, an odd man, who is described as a loner, with a foul odor, closes his antique shop, to spend his time living in an attic, when he's not living in the woods. He also finds time to go on a crime spree that earns him several nicknames. A nice couple ends up dead, and the police race against time to try to find him, after he's kidnaped several women, and may be holding them, alive!! It's a nail biter, and just a really strange tale, about a really strange man!!Along the way, we find out that Canadians are patriotic about anything Canadian, that when a man's odor can give away his location at 50 yards, it might be time to bathe, and that you can't root any harder than when police are actually racing to save several lives!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Spor