Two comedians look at a small town, what makes it tick, and a murder that took place there. In depth research, horrible tragedy, and the hosts' comedic spin on the whole thing. New episodes every Thursday!!
#439 - Did The Dog Do It? - Dillsboro, Indiana
16/11/2023 Duration: 02h40minThis week, in Dillsboro, Indiana, when a very tough, but gentle man is allegedly murdered... by his dog, police are suspicious of the story. Detectives are even more suspicious, when they find a coffin sized box, on the property, that the man's wife won't let police search. The question is, was he a nice, gentle man, who was brutally murdered, or did he push her to the brink with his "constant nudity"?Along the way, we find out that it's difficult to cross breed a frog with a golden retriever, that if you handle alligators with your bare hands, you're pretty tough, and that you can't just blame everything on your dog!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other sho
#438 - An Officer & Three Maniacs - Biloxi, Mississippi
11/11/2023 Duration: 01h09minThis week, in Biloxi, Mississippi, when a rough teenaged divorcee/bartender/dancer gets angry about her relationship with a older man not working out, she forms a team, including another teenager, and a man, who lives in his car. This leads to a nightmare of a night, that ends with someone's head, almost removed from their body! The main question is, who will get the death penalty? All, or none?Along the way, we find out that gulf shrimp come from the gulf, that 13 is definitely too young to get married, and that you never know who may be angry at you!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wond
#437 - Sex, Greed & Vice Principals - Toms River Township, New Jersey
09/11/2023 Duration: 02h58minThis week, in Toms River Township, New Jersey, a wild & cruel conspiracy is the only explanation when one member of an important, well liked local couple is brutally killed. An affair with the local high school vice principal is uncovered, along with many insurance policies, and a phone record that leads detectives to multiple other culprits, in another state! Will anyone in this mess get the death penalty??Along the way, we find out that you don't want anyone to tamper with you scarecrow, that you should never open a joint bank account, with the person you're having an affair with, and that sometimes, true killers can go unpunished!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James &am
#436 - The Unraveling Of A Psychopath - Windsor, Wisconsin
03/11/2023 Duration: 01h11minThis week, in Windsor, Wisconsin, it's a huge mystery, when a happy, and successful couple seem to disappear into thin air. While their seemingly clean cut, well adjusted young adult children beg the police for help, detectives use a jealous girlfriend's access to her boyfriend's social media account to crack the case, unravel a life of lies, and literally give them a map, leading to the horribly dismembered bodies!Along the way, we find out that home fireplaces aren't great places to burn corpses, that not having a job at SpaceX isn't a reason for dismemberment, and that you know that you've messed up when even your grandmother wants you in prison, for the rest of your life!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#435 - Laughing, Torture & Lies - Gans, Oklahoma
02/11/2023 Duration: 02h42minThis week, in Gans , Oklahoma, a woman, with a strange past, decides to take matters into her own hands when she believes that her son's ex girlfriend is setting him up to be busted by the cops, or even killed, so a series of events is set in motion that includes as bad as a murder as you can imagine. Torture, mixed laughing, and unspeakable cruelty makes up the basis of this ever so cold blooded murder!!Along the way, we find out that festivals can be very dangerous, that when someone tells you not to get in a car, maybe you should listen to them, and that you shouldn't trust your ex to keep your murder secrets!! Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show,
#434 - A Nearly Headless Horror Scene - Pemberton, West Virginia
27/10/2023 Duration: 01h09minThis week, in Pemberton, West Virginia, a crazy day in a neighborhood of trailers, starting with one man, snorting pills & drinking cheap whiskey, before noon. He ends up at an odd "party", where he gets into an argument, over an alleged debt owed for a semi strip dance that was performed. Next thing you know, the murderer doesn't even remember the brutal way that they almost beheaded their victim, with a buck knife, then continued stabbing!Along the way, we find out that trails that you pay to ride, are not "outlaw trails", that if someone is doing any kind of strip dance for you, you should expect to pay them, and that you shouldn't drink your whiskey by the liter!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#433 - A Ghost With A Samurai Sword - Willington, Connecticut
26/10/2023 Duration: 02h49minThis week, in Willington, Connecticut, a seemingly studious, and polite young man appears to absolutely snap, when he goes on a rampage, across the state, starting with writing odd things on his walls, then carving someone up with a samurai sword! Then, it gets even worse, as he continues to elude the law, terrorizing, and murdering even more!!Along the way, we find out that chili festivals in Connecticut are kept a tight secret, that if you see someone attacking someone else with a samurai sword, you shouldn't get in the middle, and that if you don't sleep for a week, you may start to see cartoon characters!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime
#432 - Broken Trust, Broken Skull - Elko, Nevada
20/10/2023 Duration: 01h11minThis week, in Elko, Nevada, a ranch hand, who everyone calls "Turkey", with a shady history goes missing, and everyone thinks he just took off. Until he's found face down in a river. The evidence says he's been there for a while, and all leads back to a local couple, who may have been collecting people's insurance policies for future murders! But is there enough evidence to actually get a conviction??Along the way, we find out that there are rules to where a brothel can operate, that transient robbers wouldn't neatly put your wallet back in your pocket, and that there are some things that you shouldn't tell your sister in law!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's
#431 - My Daddybrother Did It - Clayton, Georgia
19/10/2023 Duration: 02h53minThis week, in Clayton, Georgia, a family with a violent criminal history seems to explode over some very unconventional relationships, jealously, and custody battles. This results in one of the strangest marriages, that causes much drama within the family. One day, it explodes in a frenzy of violence, and some of the most ridiculous escape attempts, ever, super casual police work, and a family destroyed!Along the way, we find out that having the longest beard in Georgia can earn you a prize, that a 64 ounce ketchup bottle is a strange weapon, and you should never be someone's "Daddybrother"!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Ap
#430 - Naked Aggression & Vicious Violence - Paducah, Kentucky
13/10/2023 Duration: 01h09minThis week, in Paducah, Kentucky, a wild affair turns into an even wilder relationship, with countless stories of strange behavior, including drunkenly running around an RV park, while naked, then attacking the responding cop with a steel rod, and stabbings that almost cause death. This leads to a terribly bloody murder, with neighbors standing by, listening, and an excuse that doesn't quite hold water!Along the way, we find out that Paducah is apparently full of aggressive ghosts, that the best way to start a relationship maybe isn't having someone offer to sell you that person, and some judges may not actually have a firm grasp of the law!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James
#429 - A Clean Cut Serial Killer - Manhattan, Montana
12/10/2023 Duration: 02h58minThis week, in Manhattan, Montana, a series of disappearances don't seem to raise any red flags for the local police. Finally, after the fourth victim goes missing, the FBI decide that it just may be what will soon be known to them as a "serial killer", and put together their first ever criminal profile, which turns to fit one particular person, perfectly. Will they be able to get him to confess, using many different tactics? Along the way, we find out that Montana is very into potatoes, that being "a little bit odd" is reason for suspicion in Montana, and that some people hide their bloodlust better than others!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Cri
#428 - Weak Motives & Wilderness Gangsters - Palmer, Alaska
06/10/2023 Duration: 01h10minThis week, in Palmer, Alaska, a teenager, with a good future, heads to hang out with an old friend, and classmate, but never makes hit home. The whole area searches frantically, but when the teenager is finally found, it's worse than anyone could have thought. This senseless killing makes even less sense, when the facts come out, and the motive seems clouded in mystery!!Along the way, we find out that Alaska grows cabbages that could be used as murder weapons, that smoking a little weed certainly doesn't make you eligible to be murdered, and that it's rare for an equal amount of evil to be spread to a whole group of friends!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's o
#427 - Fat Sam & Crazy Crystal - Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
05/10/2023 Duration: 02h49minThis week, in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, an unlikely, but deadly situation unfolds, after an absolute bloodbath is discovered. There are many suspects, including a slew of local dirtbags, drug dealers, and even the mafia. But some dark secrets are discovered in a trailer's backyard that lead everything toward one troubled person, who happens to be the least likely suspect of all!Along the way, we find out that adults don't enter pageants around here, that just because you did 30 years in prison for a terrible crime, it doesn't automatically make you bloodthirsty, and that once you admit to putting a knife in a dead person's hand, and hiding the evidence, you don't have much of a chance in court!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#426 - The Chief, The Floozie & The Church Lady - Lyons, Nebraska
29/09/2023 Duration: 01h11minThis week, in Lyons, Nebraska, the new woman in town seems to be a non drinking, moralistic church person, until it's revealed that there's also an affair with her neighbor, the Chief of the town's police force, ever since they met at a bar. When one of them ends up dead, naked, and in a field, a manhunt takes place, leading to appearances on Unsolved Mysteries & America's Most Wanted. But will any of this be enough to solve this crazy case?Along the way, we find out that a lot of people who live in Nebraska are from Iowa, that being the Chief of Police doesn't excuse you from being the subject of a murder investigation, and you never want to be known by all your neighbors as just "The Floozie"!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#425 - Strange Morals & Stranger Sexual Needs - Atascocita, Texas
28/09/2023 Duration: 02h56minThis week, in Atoscocita, Texas, new desires, including some odd sexual demands cause a relationship to fall apart, and have the whole thing turn into a ridiculous murder plot. This involves crazy schemes, and many people, including a man, asking seemingly everyone he knows to kill for him. When everything becomes clear, it's one of the strangest murder plots of all time, with some of the weirdest sex ever had!!Along the way, we find out that people in Texas like to yell at each other out of open car windows, that some people are into sexual things that you've probably never even thought of, and that the more people you involve in your murder plot, the more people will certainly tell on you!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#424 - The Bloodiest Present Under The Tree - Crystal, Minnesota
22/09/2023 Duration: 01h10minThis week, in Crystal, Minnesota, an alcoholic couple seem to stumble through each day, before drinking so much, that they pass out at night. This caused some obvious problems, but it all comes to a head, one day, a week before Christmas. A drunken day, turns into a bloody evening, including blood on the Christmas tree, and a dead person, seemingly left as a present. Is there more to this than meets the eye?Along the way, we find out that Minnesota likes to hire local musicians, that the holiday season can be stressful for anyone, and that you shouldn't drink rum, beer, Schnapps, and tequila before noon!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In S
#423 - The Killer Has Something In His Pants - Walsenburg, Colorado
21/09/2023 Duration: 02h44minThis week, in Walsenburg, Colorado, the whole area panics, when a man is found in front of his house, very bloody, and barely conscious. But his real concern is his wife, who turns out to be dead, in the kitchen. He tells a harrowing story of home invaders, tormenting the couple for multiple days. It seems to be a real mystery, until detectives discover the case of another woman, who seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth. Is it enough to put the killer away?Along the way, we find out that southern Colorado is mine country, that there's only so many times you can go to the bathroom in your pants, and that one missing wife is a problem, two is a major issue!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us
#425 - COMING SOON! Your Stupid Opinions
17/09/2023 Duration: 59sJoin comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman with their new podcast as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Get ready for the premiere of Your Stupid Opinions... September 18, 2023.Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
#422 - Dead In A Ditch - Claymont, Delaware
15/09/2023 Duration: 01h09minThis week, in Claymont, Delaware, when a missing man is found, beaten to death, in a ditch, there are some clues, but the case quickly goes cold. Until a tip to detectives unravels a complex plan, involving baseball bats, an intricate scheme, and a man named "Nazi". It turns out to be an absolutely diabolical plot, in a way that no one could have imagined!Along the way, we find out that Delaware doesn't have much of a national identity, that Strat-O-Matic baseball can be a dangerous game, and that you should obviously never trust a man named "Nazi"!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery
#421 - Three Murders & Six Congenital Idiots - Starke, Florida
14/09/2023 Duration: 02h56minThis week, in Starke, Florida, a woman tries to help her sister find someone to scare the sister's husband into an easier custody battle. This leads to an ex-Marine, turned mercenary, who advertises his services in a magazine. Of course, the next thing you know, there are affairs, lust, overprotective mothers, multiple murders in different states, true cousin love, and finally, lethal injection. You may need a scoreboard to figure out who wants who dead!Along the way, we find out that Florida has some very strange murders, that being an ex-Marine, doesn't make you an international assassin, and that being in love with your first cousin can lead to being executed!! Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us