Not Alone



Not Alone is a weekly podcast covering all things mysterious and unexplained. Your hosts, Sam and Jason, have been called 'the Siskel & Ebert of things strange', and others with interest in the paranormal saying that 'as a fellow believer in the weird, it's like coming home'. Join us as we reveal to you the hidden realm of the paranormal, nestled within the so called Real World. From stories you've never heard of, to ones you know by heart, we hope our variety of topics, from Curses to Cryptids to UFOS and back again, will provide something for the True Believer and Diehard Skeptic alike. And until next time, remember. We are Not Alone.


  • S2 Ep3: One Hundred and Twelve: The Miracle of the Sun III - The Patron Saints of the Flying Saucers

    16/01/2020 Duration: 01h18min

    This week, Sam and Jason return to cast a critical eye on the Fatima apparitions. Not as a side-effect of eye damage or mass hallucination, BUT RATHER as a UFO COVER-UP! Sam takes us through some of the discrepancies between the earliest reports of the apparitions and the later, so-called official versions, as well as examining some of the peripheral phenomena which occurred that could very well lend itself to an extra-or-ultra-terrestrial explanation! We hope you'll enjoy! The best resource we have for this episode is this document, 500 pages of eyewitness accounts. It is in Portuguese, so feel free to run it through Google Translator to get the full NOT ALONE RESEARCH EXPERIENCE! Also, the fellows over at Mysterious Universe have a great write up on the Occult connection. Consider donating to our Patreon if you're able!

  • S2 Ep2: One Hundred and Eleven: Miracle of the Sun II - We Were, All Of Us, Bathed In Light

    08/01/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    This week Sam and Jason get to the meat of the Miracle of the Sun, the actual occurrence itself. The day the sun danced in front of 70,000 people in a small Portuguese Village, healing those it came close to, and turning skeptics into believer. The aftermath, both inspiring and tragic. The theory that this all happened because people just looked at the sun for too long. All of this and so much more await. Some of the Primary Sources we used this episode can be found here The translation of the O Seculo article is available here

  • S2 Ep1: One Hundred and Ten: The Miracle of the Sun I - Of Shepherds and Secrets

    01/01/2020 Duration: 01h15min

    For the first series of 2020, Sam and Jason are exploring the Miracle of the Sun, one of the most public displays of paranormal phenomena of the 20th century. We begin the story of the day the sun danced by examining the events that led up to the miracle, which was witnessed by some 70,000 people on the 13th of October, 1917. This is the tale of three young shepherds, who were given a powerful and terrifying secret by a beautiful apparition, and told to guard it with their lives. We hope you'll enjoy! Our main source this episode were the memoirs of St. Lucia herself. Another excellent source is the EWTN write-up of the apparitions, which was compiled as part of the 100th anniversary of the miracle. If you enjoy the show, consider donating to our Patreon!

  • A Brief Announcement, A Plea for Mercy

    12/12/2019 Duration: 10min

    At this most wonderful time of the year, we bring tidings of dread and joy.  TL;DR We are not going to be back in the month of December, but at the start of the year will return to providing weekly episodes on a variety of subjects, from Marian Apparitions to Missing 411, Secret Societies to A History of Witchcraft. Enjoy your holidays!

  • One-Hundred and Nine: Jason Special XI; Alchemy III - IT'S A COOKBOOK

    23/11/2019 Duration: 01h16min

    This week we wrap up our series on Alchemy with an exploration of the physical side of alchemy, led by Jason. We explore the way that, through the ages, the alchemist pioneered scientific process and experimentation. After looking at the historical figures involved with alchemy and how it has been accomplished in the modern day, we then turn our attention back in time, to a recipe called 'A Work of Saturn', and do our best to decode it, using the combined few dozen hours of research we have between the two of us. It does not go well. Regardless, we hope you'll enjoy in any case!

  • One Hundred and Eight: Alchemy II - Philosophers. Stoned.

    31/10/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    This week we dive deep into the hidden meaning that is layered in the emerald tablet, and talk about how it has served as a guide for those in search of that most elusive of all treasures: The Philosopher's Stone. Then, Sam goes off the deep end and yells for about 7 minutes. Then, we end the episode. Enjoy!

  • One Hundred and Seven: Alchemy I - Hermes Tryhardgistus

    03/10/2019 Duration: 01h23min

    This week we start what very well could be the end of us, as Sam and Jason attempt to tackle the massive topic of Alchemy. In this first episode of the series, the emphasis is on context and place setting, with Sam taking us from the creation of the world to the fall of the Ptolemaic dynasty as we search for the truth behind Alchemy's most elusive and fundamental figure: Hermes Trismegistus. This melting pot of God and Man, Philosophy and Myth serves as our jumping off point as we dive into what may be the deepest rabbit hole yet. We hope you'll enjoy

  • One Hundred Six: Betz Sphere II - Join the Navy, Young Sphere

    13/09/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    This week we wrap up our coverage of the Betz Sphere with an examination of the many examinations that have been undertaken of the mysterious object. From the United States Naval to the National Enquirer, the orb has been the subject of scrutiny by a number of organizations. Where did it come from, and why is it here? Is it an alien artifact? A Doomsday Device? A Pokeball? While there are many questions that remain unanswered to this day, there is no doubt this is something more than a simple steel ball. 

  • One Hundred and Five: The Betz Sphere I - Terry's Special Toy

    31/08/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    This week Sam and Jason take a look at one of their weirdest subjects yet! Found unscorched in the remains of a land devouring inferno, the Betz Sphere has fascinated and bewildered skeptics and believers alike since it’s discovery. From autonomous movement which seems to defy the basic laws of physics, to possible attempts at advanced communication, the 8 inch, 22 pound perfectly round stainless steel sphere remains, to this day, an enigma. But what if where everyone is normally looking isn’t the right place to look at all? What other dark secrets may reside in the swamps that produced this haunting orb? We hope you’ll enjoy!

  • One Hundred and Four: The Wildman of China - Near Human Apetelligence

    09/08/2019 Duration: 01h43min

    This week we go over the legend of the Wildman of China, or the Yeren, often thought to be a cousin to the North American Sasquatch. We chronicle it's legendary origins, admiring the monolith of Chinese Myth as we pass it by, and explore some of the accounts of it's salacious activities in years gone by, before turning our focus to the modern day. From Communist Party Secretaries to Peasant Cowherds, we tell the stories that have come out of the 20th century that cement the reality of the Wildman in the minds of the people of China. We hope you'll enjoy

  • One Hundred and Three: The Witchy Wolves of the Omer Plains - Melting Pot of Legend

    18/07/2019 Duration: 01h39min

    This week we highlight a story from the recent release by friend of the show, Linda S. Godfrey. The book is titled 'I Know What I Saw: Modern-Day Encounters with Monsters of New Urban Legend and Ancient Lore' and our subject this week is just one of dozens of excellent stories that are catalogued within it. The Witchy Wolves of the Omer Plain are one part national tragedy, one part spirit guardian, and 100 percent regional folklore at its finest. However, there very well may be more than meets the eye when it comes to these ferocious Spiritual Beings which are said to haunt the graves of fallen warriors. We hope you'll enjoy.

  • One Hundred and Two: A Not Alone Retrospective

    06/07/2019 Duration: 01h54min

    Today we look back, reminiscing as friends and partners, over the first 100 episodes of this ridiculous podcast. We field a few questions, and go on a whole lot of tangents. Thanks for 101 excellent episodes. Here's looking to 101 more.

  • One Hundred and One: Lunar Tales II - Shoot for the Stars and Miss and Die in the Vacuum of Space

    22/06/2019 Duration: 01h42min

    This week we conclude our two partner on Lunar Conspiracy with some of the most notable theories we've ever covered on the show. From attempting to open a channel of communication with a long dead God, to keeping the entirety of humankind under the thumb of our scaly overlords, and so much more, we present a veritable buffet of madness, in honor of that great big, lie in the sky, Moon. We hope you'll enjoy.  Don't forget to submit your questions for our Q&A to in order to have them considered for our next standard episode!

  • One Hundred: Lunar Tales I - Stanley Kubrick, Director of Reality w/ Brian Hastie

    08/06/2019 Duration: 01h52min

    WE DID IT! We make it to episode number 100! Who would have guessed it? Not us. Not us. That's for darn sure. Thank you so much for everyone who has listened! This week we're kicking off our Lunar Tales episodes with a critical, some may say exhaustive, look at the theory that Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing. We examine the narrative of the faking, and then the revelation, to the world, that Kubrick tried to tell us all but we were too foolish to see. We'll point out waaaaay too many things about the Shining, and give you a walk through of film manipulation techniques, like front screen projection, as we try to explore why anyone would think that the moon landings weren't real to begin with, and then that Kubrick was the one to fake them. We hope you'll enjoy. Please head over to to see the photos referenced in this episode.

  • Ninety-Nine: Jason Special X - The Piri Reis Map and other Cartographical Adventures!

    10/05/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    This week Jason, for the tenth time, takes command of the show to educate us all about the highly controversial document known as the Piri Reis map. This piece of cartography, which was produced in the 16th century, has been purported to show the coastline of Antartica as it would have appear without its ice cap, millions of years ago. This has lead to a number of speculations, regarding advanced civilizations surviving apocalypse level events and global ice ages, as well as a transmission of knowledge which goes back thousand of years. We hope you'll enjoy as we dive into the mystery that is the Piri Reis map!

  • Ninety-Eight: The Golem - Mudman, There's No Need To Feel Down!

    26/04/2019 Duration: 01h37min

    This week we dive back into one of Sam's favorite subjects, Jewish mysticism, by way of one of its most fascinating and unique phenomena, The Golem. The clay man, who serves as the supernatural protector of the downtrodden Jews throughout the Diaspora, has long captivated the imagination of the public. We trace it's lineage through the Hebrew Bible, to the Talmud, and then examine it under the peculiar light of the dark ages and renaissance practices of Kabbalah. By the time we're done, we cover everything from Quentin Tarantino to King David. We hope you'll enjoy!

  • Ninety-Seven: Borley Rectory II - Harry Price and the Restless Rectory

    12/04/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    This week we wrap up our two-parter on Borley Rectory by examining the ongoing relationship between it and the grand-daddy of all Ghost Hunters, Harry Price! We start by diving into Price's long and impressive history of debunking suspicious spirits, slandering the good name of one of England's best known novelists along the way, then we turn our attention back to that blasted manor house, Borley Rectory. By examining Price's examination, and then the blowback that followed, and finally the Rectory's tragic, if fitting, demise, we put the whole thing to rest, then unceremoniously dig it back up with more cases of slander. We hope you'll enjoy!

  • Ninety-Six: The Borley Rectory I - The Most Haunted House in England

    27/03/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    This week we explore the history behind the most haunted house in all of England in our first episode on the historic Borley Rectory! From the 11th century building recorded on the site in the Domesday Book, to the stories of haunting that accompanied the generations of Priests who lived in the manor house throughout the 20th century, we'll be exploring the whole story of Monks, Nuns, Headless Horsemen, Disappearing and Reappearing Objects, and Psychic Writing in this location that has over 2,000 recorded instances of Poltergeist Activity. We hope you'll enjoy!

  • Ninety-Five: Olgoi-Khorkhoi - Wriggling, Writhing, and a Lot of Other Terrible Words

    15/03/2019 Duration: 01h27min

    Today we look at one of the grosser and more unsettling phenomena we've ever turned our gaze towards, the Mongolian Death Worm! Often described as having the appearance of a long intestine overflowing with blood, whose movements are almost always characterized by 'writhing' or 'wriggling', it's no wonder we almost couldn't make it through this one. We'll take you on a grand adventure through time in the Gobi Desert, that funhouse of horrors deep in Mongolia. We'll explore the most important people connected with the Worm, this Olgoi-Khorkhoi, as we make our own expedition to get to the bottom of what's really going on around here. We hope you'll enjoy!

  • Ninety-Four: Jason Special IX - A Fairy Frustrating Jason Special

    01/03/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    This week, Jason wrestles the microphone back for another of his excellent specials. The target of his scientific ire this time? Fairies. These ancient, ill-defined, intentionally vague creatures which seem to have somehow slipped into the modern world with alarming ease, sneaking in through our childhood and then hiding in the dark places, across the threshold of civilization, where the wild things lurk. Then Sam waxes a little too poetic about the interconnectedness of all things, Jason talks about King Arthur for much too short a time, and both agree that just because the creator of the most famous detective of all time thinks something is true doesn't mean you should trust him. Then, just like a midsummer's nights dream, it's all over. We hope you'll enjoy!

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