C3 Fort Worth



Our hope is for people to become fully alive, united, and made in Christ until we see Jesus on every street and in every heart. Welcome to C3 Fort Worth where all are welcome. We are a church for the streets + hearts of Fort Worth.


  • Unexpected People

    18/06/2017 Duration: 39min

    "Our father in heaven" creates identity. When a father knows who he is, then the child will know he they are. God will raise unexpected people who have identity, character and courage and those people will change the world.

  • Mark Kelsey - The Gospel

    11/06/2017 Duration: 39min
  • Where Are You Coming From?

    04/06/2017 Duration: 44min

    A dark horse doesn't play by someone else's rules. That's what gave David the upper hand with Goliath. He knew who he was and didn't let the expectations of Saul, Goliath, or any other soldier change that. He picked up his stones and ran at the giant. Your alleged disadvantage may very well be the greatest advantage you have. You're free to do the unexpected because no one expects it.

  • Innovation in Imitation

    28/05/2017 Duration: 27min

    We love to be us. To be me. To be free. But Paul actually challenges us to a life of imitation. Not to limit us, but to actually set us free. In our imitation of him, we find the ability to truly become who we are in Christ.

  • Crowd or Cloud

    21/05/2017 Duration: 35min

    Are you surrounded by a cloud or a crowd? What's the difference? Everything. Our faith is built by those who have witnessed what God has done. A cloud reminds you of heaven so you can change earth, a crowd reminds you of earth so you forget about heaven. So who are you listening to?

  • Dream Higher

    14/05/2017 Duration: 36min

    Don't dream bigger. Dream higher. For many of you, the solution to your frustration is not to dream more, think more, pray more. It's to dream higher, to think higher, and pray higher. Listen as Pastor Brandon challenges us to fix out thoughts on what is above.

  • Do It Again

    07/05/2017 Duration: 38min

    Habakkuk prays, "Do among us what you did among them." It was a huge prayer of faith and trust. Our desire during this series is that whatGod has done before he would do again... in you!

  • So That...

    26/02/2017 Duration: 43min

    There is a purpose to our unity and our relationship. God desires to use our community as a way to communicate with the world. Through us loving other people will discover and experience God's love for them.

  • Find Your Why

    19/02/2017 Duration: 42min

    Before Paul gets to your calling individually he emphasizes our calling corporately. We believe you won't discover yours if you're not committed to our purpose as the body of Christ. Find out how to discover your 'Y' in 'Our.'

  • Make Every Effort

    12/02/2017 Duration: 44min

    We often do 'Me' better than 'Us.' But Paul often emphasizes the 'Us' part of our faith. So much so that he says we should make 'every effort' to dwell in unity! If we have constant opportunity for division we must have constant commitment to unity.

  • Where God Lives

    05/02/2017 Duration: 46min

    God's intention for us as people is to be a house of God where He dwells? People should encounter God when they encounter us.

  • Speak - Recap Panel

    29/01/2017 Duration: 37min
  • Familiar Voice

    22/01/2017 Duration: 37min
  • Go Up The Mountain

    15/01/2017 Duration: 46min

    Time and place matter. Possibly the most challenging aspect of hearing God is to stop listening to others. Find out how Jesus committed to a life of prayer absent of distraction and how it can help you hear God speak.

  • Our Father

    08/01/2017 Duration: 39min

    Before we get into hearing from God, we want to make sure we know Him. That we do not approach him first to receive, but to relate. Listen in and hear how you can adjust your approach to know your Father who is God when you pray.

  • Dream + Pray

    01/01/2017 Duration: 34min

    We kicked off our year on January 1st praying three key words over our church — momentum, multiplication, and miracles. Hear Ps Brandon encourage us on how to see our life multiply in 2017.

  • Love. Born Unto Us.

    18/12/2016 Duration: 32min

    The ultimate sign of love is not in words spoken but actions taken. Listen and find out why Jesus' birth is actually the truest sign of how much he loves us and let it cause you to live always loved.

  • Joy. It's For All People.

    11/12/2016 Duration: 29min

    Happiness comes when something happens. Joy comes because something has already happened and nothing can change that. Joy is an all the time, every time feeling. How can you live with this type of joy?

  • Peace. All Things As They Should Be.

    04/12/2016 Duration: 52min

    We all have an idea of how life should look and how this world should work. Ultimately, that is what peace is all about. Everything living up to it's potential. All things as they should be. Discover the peace we find in Jesus' birth.

  • Hope. Expect God.

    27/11/2016 Duration: 37min

    Hope might just be the strongest force on earth but only if we understand what it truly means. It's not wishful thinking but rather a confident expectation of God's hand in our lives. How can we all live with more hope?

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