Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 56:39:42
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Welcome to Playing Full Out with Rita Hyland, where youll discover tips to break through the personal and professional barriers in a hectic world that are preventing you from leading your optimal vision of life at work and home. This is the podcast for passionate life travelers and leaders who want to live a deliberate, confident and fulfilling life, and change the world while they do. In each episode, well expose you to something new in the areas of passion, performance and psychology that you can immediately apply to grow your life, love and leadership.As a Business and Life Coach, Rita Hyland works with highly motivated professionals who, despite their level of success and achievements, are not happy or satisfied. Often, theyre successful by traditional standards, yet unfulfilled based on their own. They know they want more and are ready to have it.Visit to get the Playing Full Out Accelerator - Four Steps to Identify, Plan & Take the Leap to Your Optimal Vision of Work & HomeWithout the Second Guessing.


  • 36. Before Success: The Hidden Key To Peak Performance and a Well-Lived Life with Bruce Ross

    01/10/2020 Duration: 48min

    Do you know the precursor to those days when you have your highest levels of motivation, performance and engagement? In this interview, New Zealand leadership expert, Bruce Ross, explains why energy is always before productivity, creativity and courage. Ross, reveals practical, actionable strategies to unleash your dormant reserves of energy especially needed when others may be draining yours.   For more resources and full show notes, head to You can connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching!

  • 35. Two Words To Quiet the Noise and Finish 2020 Strong

    24/09/2020 Duration: 23min

    It's not the quality of your vision that holds you back. It's the quantity of visions you have that does that. Discover the most common visions distracting and depleting well-intentioned, talented leaders -- and the TWO WORDS you can use to eliminate the noise -- both internal and external.    For full show notes, head to 

  • 34. Growing Our Teens To Be Leaders

    17/09/2020 Duration: 41min

    As the world has been rearranged many teens today are dealing with additional uncertainty and challenges. In this episode Rita shares an inside interview with a unique young adult. Listen as Kate, a rising senior, shares how she manages her mind when it comes to making decisions, turning challenges into opportunities, transforming self-doubt and negativity and even how to become a better leader.   For full show notes, head to! 

  • 33. 3 Things To Get Right In Order To Get Your Vision Down

    10/09/2020 Duration: 28min

    The critical first step to taking action in line with your values and doing what you want, is and ALWAYS will be to create and maintain a compelling vision of the future. Then why do so many go without one? This episode will show you how to avoid the biggest mistakes when getting your vision down, what you need to get it right, and the three simple steps to write your aspirational vision in the next 24 hours.   For full show notes, head to 

  • 32. Your Team Is Better When You Talk Less

    03/09/2020 Duration: 18min

    One of the most immediate ways you can care for and serve in the interaction right in front of you, is to listen. In fact, accurately being heard is one of the greatest gifts you can give another. Unfortunately, the research shows that most of us are not very good at it. We actually only remember 25-50% of what we hear. That may be surprising, but the research shows it’s true. We all have a desire to be seen and heard. Powerful connections are made when we are. It makes sense then to learn how to deliberately improve your own active listening skills so you can improve the quality of your interactions in business, leadership and other important relationships.   For full show notes, head to 

  • 31. Move From Struggle To Ease With One Smart Question

    27/08/2020 Duration: 27min

    Our culture teaches us from an early age, that life is hard. Struggle makes you strong, gives you a purpose, something to do.  Yet resisting ease and being attached to struggle causes so many a great deal of stress, worry, and pain. The real problem is you can’t have a great life in struggle.  You can build a great business in struggle. What’s important to know is that in many cases this difficulty and struggle is totally self-induced and unnecessary.  Discover how you can move from struggle to ease and perform and feel better by asking one smart question. For full show notes, head to You can connect with me on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching. 

  • 30. 3 Steps To Move You From Exhausted To Energized As You Serve

    20/08/2020 Duration: 26min

    There’s this thing that some leaders do that ultimately prevents them from growing their impact and building something great. They avoid serving more people because they feel they might not be able to handle the increase. It’s the mindset of “more clients equals more time and responsibility, which leads to exhaustion”.  In short, they worry that expanding their leadership and serving more will deplete them. Here’s the secret: leadership is NOT meant to be exhausting IF you are doing it the right way. Leading and serving isn’t what’s exhausting you. Find out what is and the three ways to approach serving others that will energize you.  Not only will you see your business grow when you do, you won’t be able to keep people away.    For full show notes, head to 

  • 29. The Real Reason You Aren't Increasing Your Clients

    13/08/2020 Duration: 21min

    Think about your current client list. Are you searching for ways to expand? If you’re viewing the problem of your lack of client growth as the problem, then you are approaching this in the wrong way. Do you want to know the REAL reason you aren’t increasing your clients? Hint: it has NOTHING to do with you not having the right strategy. In this episode I’ll give you a clear understanding of why your client list isn’t at the level which you desire, and specific steps on how to push past the fear, grow, and feel confident while doing so.   Head to for full show notes! You can connect with me on Instagram at @rita_hyland_coaching.

  • 28. Why You Don't Do What You Say You Want

    06/08/2020 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever wondered why even when you KNOW what to DO you don't do it? There's a science-based reason for it and it has nothing to do with a weak strategy or your action. In this episode learn four steps of the Nueroleadership Growth Code to identify EXACTLY why you don't do what you want. More importantly, learn the specific steps (in the right order) to create whatever it is you do want. This is so fundamental, practical and PRECISE you will wonder how you ever got along without it, and why it is taught in NONE of our schools   Head to for full show notes!

  • 27. The #1 Mistake To Setting Great Goals And How To Overcome It

    30/07/2020 Duration: 18min

    There's a big mistake many when it comes to setting great goals. It keeps individuals from their dreams, teams from unlimited potential, and businesses from radical growth.  It's the thing that those who are living lives they love, showing up to the call, and making an impact DON'T do when they set goals.  Discover what that is and TWO words that can change your approach to setting and pursuing without hesitancy.

  • 26. Four Questions When You Have A Big Decision To Make

    23/07/2020 Duration: 24min

    Decisions determine the quality of life and yet the brain is hardwired to resist the inherent uncertainty that comes from making them. As a result, decision anxiety is common for many. So how do you become a more confident and bold decision-maker? The truth is ANYONE can learn how to become a bold decision-maker when they use the two key mindset shifts and FOUR simple questions shared in this episode.

  • 25. How To Do Less Better

    16/07/2020 Duration: 19min

    Are you a smart, highly-functioning, and talented leader spending your time on tasks that are not moving the needle in your business and life? Are you aware of which activities are responsible for your greatest personal and professional successes? If your answer is “no,” you’ll want to listen to today’s episode where I share how to identify your “vital few” activities so that you can increase your productivity while you do less.

  • 24: Focusing On What You Need To Do Is Keeping You Stuck

    09/07/2020 Duration: 26min

    Do you ever feel your days are busy, but you don’t feel like you got stuff done? If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. 2020 has been a uniquely disruptive year on productivity. In today’s episode, we discuss the three steps productive individuals do that those who are busy do not, and how you can start producing twice as much as you currently do.

  • 23: You Don't Need to Do More. You Need to Do More of What Matters to You.

    02/07/2020 Duration: 16min

    A mistake many high-functioning individuals make is not spending their days aligned with what really matters to them. Interestingly, those interviewed in their last 8-12 weeks of life report it's their #1 regret. Many never work this out. If you never stop to ask yourself what really matters to you, you'll unconsciously organize your life around things that matter to bosses, parents, mentors, and culture as a whole. In this episode I discuss why and how to avoid this mistake with a two-step exercise that will leave you 100% clear-minded of your fulfilling work and life over the next 10-20 years. Download the companion piece to this episode! 

  • 022: Why What You're Bypassing Is Likely Blocking You

    16/06/2020 Duration: 23min

    If you've recently felt unsettled, agitated, drained, or sad you are not alone.   Discomfort, negativity, and uncertainty are emotions that are common and have only been amplified in light of today's global pandemic, national civil unrest, and economic disruption.  And I've felt them too. While these feelings are common, the counter-intuitive process I share to support you in dropping the fight with these feelings is not.  In this episode, learn how to use a strategy to release the stress and to stay connected to yourself without numbing out or running so you can breakthrough.  I even share a personal story to show you how this looks

  • 021: Using Hypnosis to Overcome Your Blocks in Business

    26/05/2020 Duration: 47min

    Have you ever experienced a sudden block in decision making, follow-through, focus, or procrastination — even when you know what to do? It’s like there’s part of you that won’t let you move forward?  In this show, I interview Penny Chiasson, a professional hypnotist who helps multi-6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs and business leaders break through subconscious barriers to their next level of success. We talk about how a block is created, the ways they show up in your business and 3 strategies to overcome them. You’ll discover how you can go deeper when you haven’t been successful using your conscious, analytical mind to overcome what’s previously kept you stuck in your work and business.

  • 020: Navy SEAL Shares Relief Tactics For Managing Stress And Failure Even In The Toughest Times

    19/05/2020 Duration: 40min

    Have you ever wondered how one of the world's most stressful professions manages stress and remains resilient even in difficult times? In my interview with Chriss Smith, former Navy SEAL, he discusses the stress relief tactics he and the Navy SEALS swear by. He also shares his personal stories with setbacks and failures and how you can move through both.

  • 019: 5 Questions for the Emboldened Leader in Uncertain Times

    09/04/2020 Duration: 51min

    This is a roadmap for leaders in uncertain times. Today's roadmap is going to support you if are a person who wants to move from being concerned and worried to an emboldened leader. 

  • 018: When Good Is Better Than Great

    06/02/2020 Duration: 17min

    In this show you’ll l learn the difference between incremental and exponential results.  It’s what separates 6-figure earners from 7-figure earners and those who are surviving from those who are thriving. Find out the one action that has been responsible for significant growth, profits and contribution in my business over the past two years and those of my colleagues, friends and coaching clients.  The best news is you can start applying this one tool to do the same for you –today. Are you on the Playing Full Out Transformational Coaching Group waitlist?  If not, click here:

  • 017: How to Raise Your Frequency to Radically Improve Your Life

    10/12/2019 Duration: 41min

    In today’s podcast episode, I’m going to share with you the secret that few understand and know how to use when it comes to influencing others, and operating in a way to achieve their goals or anything else they desire. Whether it’s landing your next job interview, talking to your boss or positively influencing a sales process most don’t understand the power of their frequency. That might sound strange, but when you get this and learn how to raise yours, you’ll take the guesswork out of creating what it is you want. The best part of this is it’s not me championing philosophy. This is physics and when you understand this, and know how to apply it, you’ll see the profound effect this has on your results and influence.

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