Cash Flow King



Cash Flow King Podcast, where we talk about leveraging rental real estate investments to help you get paid and live a lifestyle you actually love! Whether you are an aspiring real estate investor, a newbie, or seasoned vet, this podcast gonna show you how to bust things wide open and be a serious, respected player in the real estate investing game This isnt your average nerdy investor's podcast. This is "The Realest Real Estate Podcast."


  • CFK 127 - Top 5 Side Hustles to Get That First Rental

    25/10/2019 Duration: 48min

    Check out the top 5 sides hustles that you can do right now to help get you that extra cash you need to lock down that first rental property!  Get the full show notes from this episode and other great resources over at Want to watch this episode and all the other great videos we put out? Head over to  Make sure you like, comment, and subscribe while you're over there! 

  • CFK 126 - Become Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

    18/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    You need to become comfortable being uncomfortable. Say what? Have you heard this cliche saying? In the entrepreneurial space, stuff like this is thrown out as advice to young people looking for that edge. But it's only after you have leveled up a couple times do you really understand the true meaning on the journey of life.  Get the show notes and other resources at  Watch the video for this episode at  

  • CFK 125 - Bernie's War on Affordable Housing

    11/10/2019 Duration: 45min

    Politicians believe we are all too stupid to know better or pay attention or both. When you tax something you get less of what you wanted not more. It never works out the way it was intended. Just like $15/hr minimum wage, placing additional taxes on those profiting from housing creation won't help boost the economy or create more housing; it will do just the opposite.  Get the show notes for this episode and a bunch of other great resources at  Check out the video for this episode at  All data and quotes retrieved from  

  • CFK 124 - Massive Due Diligence in No Time!

    04/10/2019 Duration: 53min

    30-60 days for due diligence is pretty standard in the real estate space. Looking at one asset or a couple buildings in this time is relatively easy and could simply be done with one person or consultant. But what do you do when you need to perform a ton of units in a short period of time?  Get the full show notes for this episode at Watch this episode and all the other great video content at  

  • CFK 123 - What Should Millennials Do, Part 2 - Current College Student Advice

    27/09/2019 Duration: 40min

    After the overwhelming outpouring of praise for episode 120 (part 1), we had a ton of people reach out through the website, social media, and YouTube to say "this is what I want my kid to do in... when they are done with school!"  But, that advice what to do when you're done with school! I'd take a different strategy if I was currently in school!  Hop on as Dr. Matt Motil talks to current college students on how to get started building a real estate portfolio right now before graduation! Get the full show notes over at Don't forget you can grab a copy of Matt's best-selling book at  If you want to check out this episode and the other video content we produce, head over to  

  • CFK 122 - Avoid Group Think and Mob Mentality

    20/09/2019 Duration: 34min

    The internet is full of assholes. I mean opinions. The internet is full of opinions. But we all know about opinions... everyone has one.  While it's fine to have an opinion or want to help, there's a better way and we need to be better as a community. Let's chat about group think, mob mentality, and sourcing information.  Get the full show notes for this episode and other great resources at If you'd like to watch this episode, head over to Make sure you like, comment, and subscribe while you're there

  • CFK 121 - We Are Not Equal! You've been lied to!

    13/09/2019 Duration: 26min

    From an early age, we are told that we are all equal. We can be anything we want to be. That if you set your mind to something, you can achieve it. What if we have all been lied to?  Get the show notes for this episode and a bunch of other great resources over at Watch this episode over at Make sure you like, comment and subscribe while you're there! 

  • CFK 120 - What Should Millennials Do? (or anyone starting out)

    06/09/2019 Duration: 21min

    Millennials are waiting until 30 years old to get married, buy their first house, and start a family. So what is happening during the 22-30 year old window? Living at home and saving money? Really?  Dr. Matt Motil breaks down what he would do if he was graduation college at 22 right now in the current economy and market conditions. Follow along while Matt shows you how to build a $100k/year passive income stream AND make your parents happy that you aren't living the basement!  Get the full show notes for this episode and other great resources at the website Check out the video for this episode over at Make sure you like, comment, and subscribe while you're there! 

  • CFK 119 - How to Teach Your Kids (or yourself) About Financial Literacy (money)!

    30/08/2019 Duration: 22min

    One of the greatest failures of the formal education system is the lack of financial education. So how do we, as parents, pick up the slack and have these conversations with our kids? How do we learn this ourselves if we aren't already savvy? Hop on and learn about some resources available, and even a twist on an existing game to help drive one of the lessons home.  Don't forget you can get the full show notes and a free copy of the doctor's best-selling book over at the website Watch the video for this episode and all the other great video content we produce over at  

  • CFK 118 - No More Appraisals! What?

    23/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    The FDIC approved the removal of appraisals under $400k. What did this happen? What does this mean? How does this affect real estate investors?  Grab the full show notes and a bunch of other great resources at Want to watch this episode? Head over to and make sure you like, comment, and subscribe to the channel while you're there! 

  • CFK 117 - Trump, China, Hong Kong, Recession, Yield Curve Inversions...aaahhHH!

    16/08/2019 Duration: 37min

    Are we headed into a recession? Will the universe implode? Will Donald Trump predict the end of the modern world via Twitter?  In all seriousness, there are a lot of factors in motion these days that are signaling that things might be ready to make a shift. What does this mean for today, tomorrow, and next year? What things should we be keeping an eye on?  Get the full show notes for this episode and a bunch of other great resources over at Make sure you check out the video for this episode over at Make sure you like, comment, and subscribe while you're there!

  • CFK 116 - Top 3 Tips to Scaling Any Business

    09/08/2019 Duration: 50min

    Search for scaling a business these days and the online community wants to talk about scaling ads for course sales. But what about real businesses? How do you go from an army of 1 to a corporation of players ready to grow this thing to as big as it could potentially get?  Hop on and let's cover Dr. Matt Motil's top three tips to scaling any business.  Get the full show notes and a bunch of other great resources over at  Check out the video for this episode over at and make sure you like, comment, and subscribe where you're there! 

  • CFK 115 - Top 5 Resources for Remote Investors

    02/08/2019 Duration: 31min

    So you want to be a real estate investor! Awesome! But you want to do it in a market you're not really familiar with... Awesome! Where do you begin in the sea of not knowing what you don't know.  There's lots of guides out there for remote investing. This is hopefully a little deeper dive than what you're used to.  Grab the full show notes and other great resources over at the website  

  • CFK 114 - Passive vs Pactive (Active Passive) Income

    26/07/2019 Duration: 36min

    What is passive income? What is passive income as a real estate investor? What's the difference between passive and active income? What's Pactive income?  All of this and more on this week's Cash Flow King Podcast Get the show notes at Check out the video at 

  • CFK 113 - Insured by Ingram

    19/07/2019 Duration: 32min

    Insuring rental properties isn't sexy, but it's necessary, and if you've been around the block a while you know how difficult getting good coverage that makes sense for your rentals can be!  Ryan Ingram joins the show today to talk about some the challenges facing placing insurance against rentals and houses under construction. The differences between cash value and full-replacement and what that could mean when making a claim.  Get more info on Ryan at and grab a free copy of his best-selling book on insuring rental properties at Get the full show notes for this episode and a bunch of other great resources over at my website Don't forget you can check out the video for this episode at Make sure you like, comment, and subscribe while you're out there

  • CFK 112 - Goals vs Dreams

    12/07/2019 Duration: 28min

    Goals are dreams in work clothes The biggest clarification that people fail to make is that they realize that dreams can become goals with some minor tweaks. SMART goals can easily be turned into plans that can become reality.  We can then deconstruct time to achieve our goals faster than we ever thought possible with the right mindset. Hop on and check this info out!  Get the full show notes and other great resources over at Want to watch this episode? Head over to and make sure you like, comments, and subscribe while you're there! 

  • CFK 111 - Quit Pissing Away Your Freedom!

    05/07/2019 Duration: 27min

    It's time to claim our birthrights, stop living mediocre lives, and take tight hold of your freedom and don't let go!  Get the show notes for this episode and other great resources over at If you want to check out the video for this podcast, head over to  

  • CFK 110 - Reverse Engineer Your Dream Life

    28/06/2019 Duration: 41min

    Ever get that gnawing sensation on Sunday because you're headed back to work the next day? We've all been there. You can change this though, and while it's not easy, it's fairly simple and straight forward.  Everything in your life is your fault. Everything. Getting a grip on this and then taking responsibility is one of the fastest ways to grow and change your situation.  Check out this episode and see if you can implement some mindset shifts in your own life to reverse engineer a life you're excited about instead of a life you dread waking up to!  Grab the show notes for this episode and a bunch of other great resources over at website Don't forget you can watch this episode over at make sure you like, comment, and subscribe to the show while you're out there!

  • CFK 109 - Ross Stryker Interview

    21/06/2019 Duration: 45min

    Ross Stryker joins Dr. Matt Motil on the podcast this week to talk about leaving your job, pursuing real estate full-time, joining mastermind groups and being passive in real estate deals.  Get the full show notes and other great resources over at the website Want to watch this episode? Check out and make sure you like, comment, and subscribe to the channel while you're over there! 

  • CFK 108 - Triple A Adams talks Raising Private Equity

    14/06/2019 Duration: 45min

    Adam "Triple A" Adams from Denver, Colorado joins the show this week to talk multifamily syndications, raising private equity, and the Raising Money Summit taking place in Denver this October.  In this episode, Adam makes an awesome offer towards the end about his event this fall. There are tiered discounts between now and the event. The sooner you take action, the more money you save!  I will personally be at this event in the fall, and I hope you'll make it too if you think raising capital is in your real estate or business future. Go over to and use the code CASHFLOWKING at checkout to claim your discount!  Get the full show notes for this episode and a bunch of other great resources at Want to watch this episode? Head over to and make sure you like, comment, and subscribe to the channel while you're are there! 

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