Radiant Church Newport



Radiant Church is all about connecting anyone, anywhere with a life-changing relationship with Jesus.


  • Home Grown

    23/06/2018 Duration: 40min

    Gen 29:16-18, 22-30. There are some expectations that only God can meet.

  • Home Grown

    09/06/2018 Duration: 44min

    Genesis 35:1, Genesis 35:15-20, Genesis 35:27-29. The story of Jacob. The greatest gift a parent can give their child is see God's purpose in them and say it over them.

  • Free Reign

    02/06/2018 Duration: 38min

    Final message in series. Gal. 5:2, Gal 5:16-28, I Thess. 5:23-24. The best way we stay free in our spirit is being linked with His. Where are you? Where do you want to be? What is your Isaac? God's calling you to let go because he wants to provide something so much more.

  • Guest Speaker Greg Strannigan 5-19-18

    19/05/2018 Duration: 39min

    The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Life is finite. Humans cannot deal with this mindset separate from God.

  • Free Reign

    12/05/2018 Duration: 45min
  • Guest Speaker Jason Roeder Pt 1 5-5-18

    05/05/2018 Duration: 41min

    Part 1 - There are twos times in the Bible where Jesus is amazed.

  • Guest Speaker Jason Roeder Pt 2 5-5-18

    05/05/2018 Duration: 21min

    Part 2 - There are two times when Jesus is amazed.

  • Uphill Habit

    20/01/2018 Duration: 59min
  • Uphill Habit

    13/01/2018 Duration: 47min

    So many of us have uphill dreams but downhill habits. Discover how we can charge the hill of our dreams & hopes by developing some holy habits in life.

  • Some Assembly Required

    04/11/2017 Duration: 40min

    Most of us think that church is something that we do, a place that we only go to on the weekends.  But what if I were to tell you that church is so much more than that?  As for so many of us it’s the missing piece when it comes to breakthrough & growth in our lives. The church isn’t a person, it’s a people. Ps 92:12-15, Matt 16:18, Heb 10:24-25. Ekklesia: a group that’s called out for God. Excuses…I’m waiting on the perfect church, I don’t like the people, fear of commitment. God loves to use imperfect people to carry out His perfect plan. Commit to a soil. Get beyond the surface. Grow roots.

  • Lumberjack: Dealing with Lifes Wouldve

    07/10/2017 Duration: 45min

    As we look to tackle the issue of regret...maybe the regret of a missed opportunity, a failed relationship, or what felt like an epic failure.  Unpacking what the Bible has to say about how we can move beyond a place of regret to a place of redemption.   Just as there’s no such thing as an overnight success, there’s no such thing as an overnight failure. Luke 22:54-62. Your greatest regret won’t be the things you did but wish you hadn’t. Your greatest regret will be the things you didn’t do but wish you had.

  • James - Blue Collar Faith Part 6

    30/09/2017 Duration: 48min

    This is the final in a conversation on the Book of James.  Together we'll discover a "faith that works" for everyday life. Part 6

  • James - Blue Collar Faith Part 5

    23/09/2017 Duration: 39min

    Join us over the next six weeks as we dive into a conversation on the Book of James.  Together we'll discover a "faith that works" for everyday life. Part 4 James 4:1-10 GOD OPPOSES THE PROUD BUT SHOWS FAVOR TO THE HUMBLE. Pride is when we think of ourselves as more than we really are, and God as less than He really is.

  • James - Blue Collar Faith Part 4

    16/09/2017 Duration: 48min

    Join us over the next six weeks as we dive into a conversation on the Book of James.  Together we'll discover a "faith that works" for everyday life. Part 4 James 3:2-8. It’s the little things that no one sees that result in the big things everyone wants. What’s the book you are writing with your life by what you are speaking? Your words have the power to direct, destroy, and define. 7 day challenge to #nixthenegativity. Eph 4:29.

  • James - Blue Collar Faith Part 3

    09/09/2017 Duration: 45min

    Join us over the next six weeks as we dive into a conversation on the Book of James.  Together we'll discover a "faith that works" for everyday life. Part 3 James 2:14-20. So you see, faith in itself is not enough. James was martyred as a follower of Jesus. While they couldn’t agree with what he believed in, they couldn’t argue with how he lived. Jesus didn’t just save us to get us to heaven. He saved us to bring heaven down to earth. Apathy is the assassin to the assignment of God in our lives. The root of apathy is a lack of hope. Apathy befriends apathy. Apathy always makes excuses.

  • James Blue Collar Faith Part 2

    02/09/2017 Duration: 40min

    Join us over the next six weeks as we dive into a conversation on the Book of James.  Together we'll discover a "faith that works" for everyday life. Part 2. James 1:19-27. Matt 7:24-27. We can trust God's word.

  • James Blue Collar Faith part 1

    26/08/2017 Duration: 40min

    Join us over the next six weeks as we dive into a conversation on the Book of James.  Together we'll discover a "faith that works" for everyday life. Part 1 James 1:1-12. What is really going on? Stop asking God to save you from the very thing he is trying to use to save you. How is my attitude? The problem isn’t the problem, the way you respond to the problem is the problem. Have I asked God for help? James 1:13-16. God allows trials to pull out the bad in us, while the devil brings temptation to bring out the bad in us.

  • God At The Movies Part 9

    19/08/2017 Duration: 44min

    People love movies. Whether it’s sci-fi, fantasy, romance, or action, a good film cannot only entertain you, it can mark you. The most epic films are filled with epic truth that can help you live an epic life. I John 4:8. God equals love. A lack of love (God) results in selfishness, unforgiveness, rejects help, doubts things can change. I Cor 13, Luke 98:23, Matt 6:14-15, I John 4:19. When you truly understand the extent of God's love for you, you can't help but give it out to others.

  • God At The Movies Part 7

    05/08/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    People love movies. Whether it’s sci-fi, fantasy, romance, or action, a good film cannot only entertain you, it can mark you. The most epic films are filled with epic truth that can help you live an epic life. Life is not as it should be. You don't have to go on a pursuit to be found. Luke 19:10, John 15:16. Adoption: Act of leaving one's natural family and entering into the privileges and responsibilities of another. Rescued people, rescue people. Eph. 2:10, Luke 15:17-24. You are created for something bigger than you.

  • God At The Movies Part 6

    30/07/2017 Duration: 41min

    People love movies. Whether it’s sci-fi, fantasy, romance, or action, a good film cannot only entertain you, it can mark you. The most epic films are filled with epic truth that can help you live an epic life. Gen 2:15-22, Deut 5:12-15. God has a part and you can't do God's part. When we rest, God works! We have a daily sabbath, a weekly sabbath and a personal sabbath.

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