Impossible Coin



Join Tegan, Rocky and Brian as they hurtle through keeping up with modern video games. They'll cover big games, indie games, mobile stuff, good games and bad games. While they're at it they'll also spend time trying to figure out where games fit in our rapidly changing world. Also cheap jokes.


  • Brian Did Nothing Wrong

    02/03/2017 Duration: 03h37min

    Rocky, Tegan and Brian struggle with the bullet pointed agenda item of building a connection with the audience. We found out later that you don't necessarily need to build a connection with the audience when you are juicin' to get those drops or buying imaginary Magic cards for your phone. IMPOSSIBLE COIN digs into their favorite games for the Wii U in preparation for Nintendo Switch which includes a reflection on why Sonic Racing Transformed is kind of sad. The crew also veers off topic and spends like a good 20 minutes talking about how hyped they are for Get Out. The most important lesson from these artisanal show notes is don't search for D. Va on DeviantArt. Don't search for anything on DeviantArt.

  • Something Fun To Listen To That Isn't Dumb

    17/02/2017 Duration: 02h26min

    Join us as we kick off this craziness! It's the first episode of IMPOSSIBLE COIN! Rocky, Tegan and Brian discuss objectives for the new show and come up with the best purpose statement ever. They dig into what they have been playing which includes some gacha goodness from Nintendo, cat collecting and yet more Hitman. They pick apart some recent news events and discover that all of Gamestop's problems can be solved with couches. However Evo's problems can not be solved with a couch. Enjoy!

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