Uk Law Weekly



A weekly podcast on recent legal decisions and news.


  • Akers v Samba Financial Group [2017] UKSC 6

    06/02/2017 Duration: 07min

    Shares worth more than $300m were transferred to Samba Financial Group from Al-Sanea who held those shares on trust for Saad Investments Co Ltd. The problem was that Saad Investments Co Ltd had alreadyy gone into liquidation six weeks prior. In examining whether this transaction was void the Supreme Court had to consider international law, Saudi Arabian law and the law of the Cayman Islands. What does this perspective tell us about our own English legal system and its role in the world? Music from

  • FirstGroup Plc (Respondent) v Paulley [2017] UKSC 4

    30/01/2017 Duration: 05min

    Most people would vacate a space designated for a wheelchair user on a bus but what powers does a bus driver have if a person refuses to move? To what extent should the government step in to legislate on this? Music from

  • Brexit: The final decision on Article 50 [2017] UKSC 5

    24/01/2017 Duration: 07min

    In R (on the application of Miller and Dos Santos) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2017] UKSC 5 the Supreme Court gave the final word on the process that needs to be taken for triggering Article 50 TFEU and getting Brexit underway.

  • Government on Trial? [2017] UKSC 1, 2, 3

    23/01/2017 Duration: 09min

    In the first three cases of 2017 the Supreme Court made some major decisions on the liability of the UK government for actions committed abroad in pursuit of the foreign policy at the time. Music from

  • R v Docherty [2016] UKSC 62

    16/01/2017 Duration: 08min

    Docherty was convicted in a criminal trial and was considered to be a 'dangerous offender'. He was sentenced to imprisonment for public protection (IPP) under the old sentencing regime of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 but argued he should have been sentenced under the new regime to an extended determinate sentence (EDS) under the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012. In this podcast we explore the decision by the Supreme Court as well as the implications for criminal and social justice. Music from

  • R v Golds [2016] UKSC 61

    09/01/2017 Duration: 05min

    This criminal law case revolved around the interpretation of the phrase 'substantially impaired' in the context of a murder case and the purported diminished responsibility of the defendant. The underlying issue goes much deeper however and addresses the role of judges and juries in trials. Music from

  • Makhlouf v SoS for the Home Department [2016] UKSC 59

    01/01/2017 Duration: 05min

    How do the courts balance the need to deport foreign criminals against their right to see their children? Music from

  • R (Carmichael and Rourke) v SoS for Work and Pensions [2016] UKSC 58

    27/12/2016 Duration: 08min

    The bedroom tax has proved to be one of the most controversial policies in recent times. In this judicial review the Supreme Court examined whether the impact on a range of vulnerable people breached their human rights. Music from

  • R (Johnson) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] UKSC 56

    19/12/2016 Duration: 09min

    Johnson has spent almost the entirety of his life in the UK but after he was convicted for manslaughter the Home Secretary tried to deport him as a 'foreign criminal'. Johnson appealed this on the basis that the current immigration rules discriminated against him because his parents were unmarried. Music from

  • R v Mitchell (Northern Ireland) [2016] UKSC 55

    12/12/2016 Duration: 08min

    What happens when the prosecution wants to prove that a defendant has a propensity towards violence during a trial? After a rather vague direction in this Northern Irish case the Supreme Court had to decide how propensity works and the burden of proof required from the prosecution. Music from

  • Brexit Case - Gina Miller's Arguments

    08/12/2016 Duration: 06min

    In this second special episode reporting on the Brexit case being heard in the Supreme Court we focus on the arguments of the respondent and analyse how well they hold up before concluding on their chance of success when a decision is handed down in January.

  • Brexit Case - The Government's Arguments

    06/12/2016 Duration: 10min

    The Brexit case concerning the triggering of article 50 is underway at the Supreme Court and in this update episode we look at the government's arguments and consider just how convincing they are.

  • R (Ingenious Media Holdings plc) v Commrs. for HMRC [2016] UKSC 54

    05/12/2016 Duration: 08min

    Should HMRC be allowed to disclose information about a company's tax affairs as part of a campaign to name and shame tax avoidance schemes? In this judicial review application the Supreme Court took a slightly unique approach. Music from

  • MB v SoS for Work and Pensions [2016] UKSC 53

    30/11/2016 Duration: 10min

    At the time of this case men in the UK retired at age 65 and women retired at age 60. At what age should a woman who was born a man retire? And what happens when the Supreme Court can't make up its mind? Music from

  • Moreno v The Motor Insurers' Bureau [2016] UKSC 52

    23/11/2016 Duration: 07min

    Ms Moreno was involved in a serious accident with an uninsured driver when on holiday in Greece. Should the compensation she is owed be based on UK or Greek law? The Supreme Court resolves an apparent contradiction between UK and EU law. Music from

  • The Christian Institute v The Lord Advocate [2016] UKSC 51

    15/11/2016 Duration: 11min

    The Named Person Scheme in Scotland has proven to be a controversial policy. Some argue that it helps vulnerable young people while others see it as a further intrusion by the nanny state. This judicial review case challenged the legality of the Scheme. Music from

  • R(Miller) v SoS for Exiting the European Union [2016] EWHC 2768 (Admin)

    09/11/2016 Duration: 20min

    In one of the most high profile cases of the year the High Court had to decide whether the government could use the royal prerogative to trigger Article 50 TFEU following the EU referendum in June 2016. Music from

  • Hastings Borough Council v Manolete Partners Plc [2016] UKSC 50

    31/10/2016 Duration: 08min

    Despite Winter setting in we are off to the seaside this week. After Hastings Borough Council had to shut down their pier in 2006 one of the companies who owned an amusement arcade and bingo tried to claim compensation under the Building Act 1984. However would their alleged infractions of the Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 and Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 work against them? Music from

  • Hayward v Zurich Insurance Company plc [2016] UKSC 48

    24/10/2016 Duration: 07min

    If an insurer is sceptical about the extent of a claimant's injuries can they later set aside a settlement that has been reached once they have more evidence of the deceit? Music from

  • #KillerClowns - Legal Perspectives from the UK

    19/10/2016 Duration: 07min

    The killer clowns craze is sweeping the nation and the police are threatening to charge those caught with public order offences. What exactly does this mean in the context of the legal system in England and Wales? Music from

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