New Rustacean  learning The Rust Programming Language



A podcast about learning the Rust programming languagefrom scratch!


  • e002: Something borrowed, something… moved?

    12/10/2015 Duration: 17min

    Something borrowed, something… moved? Subject: The struct data type constructor, and the basics of Rust’s “ownership” concept and “borrowing” and “moving”. Follow/Support New Rustacean: Twitter: @newrustacean @newrustacean Patreon Email: Chris Krycho Twitter: @chriskrycho @chriskrycho Notes Today’s episode discusses, and the associated source code demonstrates, a few basic behaviors of structs… including borrowing! After taking a short look at one of Rust’s basic approaches to creating new types, we dive into a fairly thorough overview of how borrowing works in fairly run-of-the-mill Rust code. This is a basic introduction, and as such I’m not getting into things like heap-allocated memory (Box) or dealing with move semantics with threads or closures. (I haven’t actually figured those out well enough yet to write something like this for them!) As usual, you’ll want to have the src open to see what I’m doing with the components documented below. Links rustfmt – a

  • e001: Document All the Things

    03/10/2015 Duration: 17min

    Document all the things! Subject: Documentation in general, and rustdoc and cargo doc in particular. Follow/Support New Rustacean: Twitter: @newrustacean @newrustacean Patreon Email: Chris Krycho Twitter: @chriskrycho @chriskrycho Notes This is a mostly-empty module, and it is intended as such. Why? Well, because almost all the sample code exists in these comments, which serve as the show notes. If you listen to the episode or take a look at the source files, you’ll see how it works! The components below are included solely so you can see how the docstrings work with each kind of thing. Make sure to click on the names of the items: there is more documentation there. Again, take a look at the source to see how it looks in the context of a file module. Note that this module-level docstring uses rather than `///`-style comments. This is because this docstring is documenting the item which contains it, rather than the following item. Per [Rust RFC 505][1], the prefer

  • e000: Hello, world!

    24/09/2015 Duration: 17min

    Hello, World! Subject: The host, the language, and the show! Today’s show is pretty meta. You can skip it if you just want to start with something more technical, but I thought listeners might want to know a little about the origins of the show and my own background, so that’s what you get today. Next time, we’ll be tackling the rustdoc command in some detail. This is an almost-empty module: we aren’t doing any fun code samples yet. I included the standard “Hello, world!” example, because how could I not? However, at some point in the future, there will be much more detailed code samples available: in the GitHub repository for the show in the show notes attached to each episode Hopefully, the result will be a pretty helpful bunch of side content along with the audio of the podcast itself.

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