Network Marketing 2.0 With Ola Tux Abitogun



Ola "Mr Tux" Abitogun is the Creator of myEmpirePRO. We talk about real estate, wholesaling houses, entrepreneurship, building empires and more.He is a computer engineering and engineering management graduate from New Jersey Institute of Technology; class of 2004/5. He was born in Dallas Texas and raised in Nigeria.Today, he is a marketing addict, trainer, marketing and business consultant, real estate investor and all around serial entrepreneur. Most importantly he is husband and father to their 2 Boys.Ola is personally responsible for $3+ Million in revenue within his first 24 months and continues to shatter through caps since. He has also been personally involved in helping 1,000+ entrepreneurs around the world.FREE PDF Download:Empire Lifestyle Secrets


  • How to Get 323% More Clients with AI & Digital Marketing Secrets!

    17/11/2023 Duration: 08min

    I want to give you 5 Steps To Increase Your Clients By 323% With AI & Digital Marketing In the ever-evolving landscape of business, staying ahead is not just an option but a necessity.  If you're wondering how to up your game and boost your clientele, fear not – we've got you covered.  Dive into these five steps that can skyrocket your client base by a whopping 323%, blending the power of AI and digital marketing seamlessly. --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   Step 1: Perform a Market Research and Marketing Audit Before diving headfirst into the digital marketing ocean, it's essential to understand your business's current position.  Conduct a thorough market research and marketing audit.  Identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This groundwork will be the compass guiding your strategic moves. Think of it as putting on your explorer hat before venturing int

  • Rebuilding Trust in Relationships: 6 KEY TIPS AND INSIGHTS!

    14/11/2023 Duration: 05min

    6 Tips To Navigating Trust Issues in Relationships Trust is the bedrock of any healthy, thriving relationship. It's the adhesive that binds love, respect, and understanding. But what happens when trust wavers or crumbles?  Can a relationship survive without it? Let's dive into this complex yet crucial aspect of relationships and explore ways to mend or mitigate the absence of trust. TIP NUMBER 1: The Critical Role of Trust --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   Can a relationship survive with no trust? It's like trying to sail a boat without wind—possible but extremely challenging.  Trust issues shake the very core of a relationship, draining the joy and transforming the essence of romance into a toxic state.  When trust erodes, doubts and insecurities loom large, suffocating the connection that once thrived. TIP NUMBER 2: Addressing the Root Cause What if there is no trust in a relationship? How do you fix it? 

  • Can You Make 6 Figures as a Digital Marketer? UNVEILING LUCRATIVE SECRETS!

    09/11/2023 Duration: 07min

    LET’S Unveiling the Lucrative Realm of Digital Marketing: Can You Hit Six Figures? Digital marketing—just a buzzword?  Nope, it's a pathway to lucrative opportunities, opening doors for that coveted 6-figure income you've been eyeing.  Whether you're pondering a career shift or contemplating how to amplify your earnings, the digital marketing sphere might just be the golden ticket you've been seeking. --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   Here are some 5 to 7 reasons why you should consider shifting careers to digital marketing. 1. Lucrative Potential: Digital marketing is a field brimming with untapped financial potential.  With the right skill set and strategy, it can lead to a 6-figure income, making it an enticing pathway for those seeking substantial financial growth. 2. Ever-Evolving Industry: This arena is in a perpetual state of evolution.  It thrives on innovation and creativity


    01/11/2023 Duration: 05min

    In this video, I want to teach you how to legally make $500 in the next one hour. 1. Learn what it is in this video… in this video, learn how to make $500 in this video and share it with someone how to set it up; charge them $2,000 for it.  It’s worth more because they can use that skill over and over again. --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   2. Learn it and do the work for them; help them set it up and charge them $30,000 for it. It’s worth more because they can use that skill over and over again. 3. Help someone solve a problem that’s actually costing them at least $5,000 every year. Charge them $500 for it. 4. Create a $500 product that serves a need or perceived need and sell it. 5. Help someone else sell their $1,000 product and collect $500, a 50% sales commission.  I know what you are thinking. You don’t know someone else who has a $1,000 product? I will show you where to find th

  • An Angry Husband? 9 Tips for a Happier Marriage

    12/10/2023 Duration: 07min

    Is your husband always angry? I get it—living with a husband who's always angry, negative, or moody can feel like walking on eggshells.  It can put a real strain on the relationship and your own well-being.  But don't fret! We've got some tips and insights to help you navigate this challenging situation and maybe even find opportunities for growth. --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE 1. Understanding the Angry Vibe First off, let's acknowledge that dealing with a perpetually upset husband isn't a walk in the park.  It might feel like you're under attack, and that's totally understandable.  Feeling like you're constantly under attack can be emotionally exhausting. It's like carrying an invisible weight on your shoulders, and it's crucial to acknowledge and validate these feelings.  When trying to understand the perpetually angry vibe, it's beneficial for you to separate the person from the behavior.  Your husb

  • How To Invest in Real Estate

    11/10/2023 Duration: 08min

    Want to learn how to invest in real estate?  Of course, real estate investment is an exciting and potentially lucrative venture. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, there are strategies and approaches that can help you navigate this dynamic market.  --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE In this blog, we'll explore 9 effective tips to guide you on your real estate investment journey. 1. Buy a House and Build Equity Over Time Buying a house is a fundamental step in real estate investing. When you purchase a property, you're investing in an asset that has the potential to appreciate over time, building equity that can be leveraged for future investments. EQUITY: Direct Consequence of Investing in Real Estate When you buy a house, you're becoming the owner of a special kind of valuable thing. Imagine you buy a cool new gadget, like a video game console.  As you use it and enjoy it, other

  • 20 Signs Your Marriage is FALLING APART (4 Flags and 16 Tips)

    05/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    Your marriage is falling apart? We get it—life can throw curve-balls, and sometimes your once rock-solid marriage can start feeling like it's on shaky ground.  It's a tough situation to face, and it can feel overwhelming when your marriage is seemingly falling apart. Whether it's due to a change in lifestyle, the arrival of a new baby, or other reasons, you're not alone in this journey. So, your marriage is going through a rough patch, and it feels like you're drifting further away from your partner.  --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE Maybe it's because your lifestyle has taken a significant turn, and suddenly you're on different paths.  Or perhaps, the beautiful chaos that comes with a new baby has shifted the dynamics of your relationship. Whatever the reason, it's essential to remember that many couples face similar challenges. Most people would just find other people going through the same misery.  And


    03/10/2023 Duration: 07min

      Are you a beginner looking to step into the exciting world of real estate investing but not sure where to start?  You're in the right place! Real estate investing can be a rewarding journey if you approach it with the right knowledge and strategies.  In this guide, we'll explore valuable tips and resources to kickstart your real estate investing journey. --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE 1. Where Should I Start Investing as a Beginner? As a beginner in real estate investing, it's essential to lay a solid foundation.  Start by learning how to find deals through a strategy known as wholesale real estate.  Wholesale real estate involves finding properties at a significant discount and then assigning the rights of those deals, secured with a purchase contract, to other investors for a profit—an assignment fee.  This approach allows you to dip your toes into the real estate waters without the need for

  • 9 Tips to Get Her INITIATING INTIMACY Again!

    03/10/2023 Duration: 11min

    I have 9 Tips to Ethically Seduce Your Wife if She Never Initiates Intimacy.  Welcome, my name is OLA and one half of a life partnership with my beautiful wife, LOLA.  We will bring her into the conversation in a few minutes. --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE Are you wondering what to do when it feels like your wife never initiates intimacy in your relationship? It's a common concern that many individuals experience in long-term relationships. Understanding how to address this issue with understanding is key to nurturing a healthy and fulfilling intimate connection. First of all, let's take a deep breath and acknowledge that relationships are complex, and there's rarely a one-size-fits-all solution. However, we've got some friendly tips and insights that might help you navigate this situation. So, grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage, get comfortable, and let's dive in! Tip N

  • 14 Excuses Why 90% of Millionaires Swear by this Property Investment Method!

    03/10/2023 Duration: 09min

    If you have your eyes set on mastering the art of property investment and diving into the top 1%, you have come to the right place. Investing in real estate is like crafting fine art, and the best artists have their own set of secret brushes and techniques.   --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   Today, we are here to share those brushes with you. Firstly… Knowledge is Not the Key: Applied knowledge is the key. Experience is the key.  Acquiring experience (and not acquired experience) is the key. Successful property investors don't just dip their toes into the market; they dive in headfirst.  They don't wait until they are armed with a wealth of knowledge, but they also tend to leverage the power of mentorship.  Make it your mission to become a real estate connoisseur. Align yourself with a mentor who has experience as you start acquiring experience and not just immersing yourself in endless bo

  • 13 Signs Your Marriage is Causing You Depression

    02/10/2023 Duration: 11min

    Do you even know what depression is before blaming it for an undesirable marriage?   We're diving into a topic today that affects countless people around the world – depression.  We'll be discussing its impact on marriages and exploring how it might not be fair to point the finger at marriage as the sole culprit.  What is Depression? --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   First things first, let's clarify what depression is.  Depression is a mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in daily activities.  It's important to understand that depression is a medical condition that can affect anyone, regardless of their relationship status. Now, here's the big question: Can we really blame marriage for causing depression?  Well, it's tempting to point fingers, but the truth is that depression is a complex issue wi

  • Mastering Communication in Marriage ✅ 11 Secrets to Sizzling Romance

    02/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    Welcome to an extraordinary journey that will transform your marriage forever! Are you ready to dive deep into the secrets of building a lasting connection with your spouse? Buckle up, because today, we're unveiling 11 secrets that will revolutionize your communication in marriage! Alright, let's dive into the first secret that will transform your marriage. --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE Secret Number 1. Active Listening The first secret to successful communication in marriage is active listening. This skill goes far beyond the surface level of hearing words; it delves deep into understanding your partner's thoughts, feelings, and desires. When you genuinely listen to your partner, you not only make them feel heard but also create a deeper connection. Imagine it as a bridge between your hearts, one that allows both of you to traverse the emotional landscape of your relationship with ease. Wh

  • 7 Real Estate Investing Secrets For Beginners (PROVEN)

    02/10/2023 Duration: 14min

    If you've ever dreamt of making it big in the world of real estate investing, you're not alone. Many have turned this dream into a reality, and you can too! The good news is, real estate investing for beginners is actually simpler than most people think. We're here to spill the beans on the seven secrets that will set you on the path to success. --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   I know you've wondered how some people make lots of money by buying and selling houses and properties? It's like a big game of Monopoly, but in real life. This is called "real estate investing," and guess what? You can do it too. Now, let's break it down. Real estate investing is like a grown-up version of that game where you buy and sell real estate properties. Instead of colorful paper money, you use real money, and instead of a game board, you deal with real houses and buildings. People get into real estate inve

  • 7 Essential Real Estate Investment Tips for Beginners

    02/10/2023 Duration: 11min

    Hey there, future real estate moguls! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of real estate investment? Well, you're in the right place because today, we've got something special lined up for you. We're going to unlock the secrets of real estate investing and share seven unbelievable tips for beginners to get you started on your journey to financial freedom. So, stick around because you won't want to miss this! --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   Real estate investment might seem like a daunting endeavor, but it doesn't have to be. Whether you're looking to generate monthly cash flow or build long-term wealth, real estate can be an excellent avenue for investment. In this video, we'll break down the basics of real estate investing and provide you with seven valuable tips to get started on the right foot. At its core, real estate investing is a way to grow your wealth in a manner tha

  • My Marriage is Over

    01/10/2023 Duration: 07min

    "My marriage is over"  You think your marriage is over?  Is it Time to Let Go? 16 Signs Your Marriage Might Be Over Hey there, Today, we're diving headfirst into a topic that might be a bit tough to tackle, but let's face it together. We're talking about a subject that's both delicate and crucial to address: the possibility that your marriage might be heading towards its final chapter.   --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE Welcome back to our channel. If you're new here, consider subscribing and hitting that notification bell so you won't miss any of our insightful discussions.  So, how can you tell if your marriage is on the rocks? We've compiled a list of 16 signs to help guide you through this challenging journey. Let's dive right in! Sign Number 1. Indifference Indifference in a marriage is a sign that the emotional connection and investment between partners have weakened or faded, often

  • Crack the 9 "MUST-HAVE" Codes Inside Contracts for Wholesaling Real Estate

    20/09/2023 Duration: 11min

    The 9 Components You NEED for Real Estate Fortune Inside Contracts for Wholesaling Real Estate! If you've embarked on the exciting journey into the world of wholesaling and understanding the contracts for wholesaling real estate are on your mind, fear not. We're here to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of everything related to these contracts. Let's unravel these mysteries and equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate this exciting venture. But First, What is Wholesaling Real Estate All About? --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   Wholesaling real estate is essentially acting as the middle-person in a real estate transaction. It involves identifying undervalued properties, securing them under a real estate sales contract, and then transferring or assigning this contract to another buyer for a fee.  It's a win-win-wi


    03/09/2023 Duration: 15min

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.   For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook Man of Prestige YouTube -  Facebook -    LOLA and OLA YouTube -  Facebook -  Blog -    Created by myEmpirePRO   FREE Books  Marriage & Relationships →  Smart Real Estate Wholesaling →  Digital Marketing →    My name is OLA and I am your host.   I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society. But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family...  And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships. This platform was or


    01/09/2023 Duration: 15min

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.   For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook Man of Prestige YouTube -  Facebook -    LOLA and OLA YouTube -  Facebook -  Blog -    Created by myEmpirePRO   FREE Books  Marriage & Relationships →  Smart Real Estate Wholesaling →  Digital Marketing →    My name is OLA and I am your host.   I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society. But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family...  And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships. This platform was or

  • Real Estate Investing Demystified: 10 Steps Beginner's Guide!

    29/08/2023 Duration: 07min

    Welcome to our comprehensive guide to real estate investing – the ultimate ticket to financial freedom! Whether you're new to the game or looking to expand your investment horizons, you're in the right place. So let's dive right in! --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE You've probably heard about investment portfolios – those magical collections of assets that can help you ride the wave of financial success. Well, guess what? Real estate is your golden ticket to building wealth that's more stable than your grandma's rocking chair. Now, imagine your investment portfolio as a delicious blend of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and, of course, the superstar of them all – real estate! Balancing potential returns and risks is the name of the game here. And speaking of real estate, it's more than just cozy homes. It's an umbrella that covers everything from skyscrapers to warehouses. Think of it like a puzzle – you've go

  • 6-Figure Gains: 7 Best Wholesale Real Estate Books

    23/08/2023 Duration: 05min

    Hey There.  This is OLA.  Today, we're diving into more wholesale real estate, and I'm here to be your guide. So grab a seat, because we're about to uncover the best wholesale real estate books that will pave your path to triumph. But before we dive into these treasure troves of knowledge, let's break down the basics of wholesale real estate in a way that even your grandma would get it. Imagine you're at a warehouse store, grabbing a massive bag of your favorite chips at a discounted price. Now, picture selling those individual bags to your pals at a slightly higher rate but still cheaper than what they'd pay at a convenience store. Well, that's the essence of wholesale real estate – but instead of chips, we're dealing with houses! Wholesale real estate is a smart strategy. You, yes you, become the middle-person, connecting motivated sellers who need to sell quickly with investors hungry for prime real estate opportunities. Your role is to secure properties at prices lower than what savvy investors would pay,

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