Book Club Shmook Club « Talkbomb



Book Club Shmook Club is a weekly comedy podcast where hosts Kristen R Anderson and her brother Will read and analyze books of all genres! Grab a mug of cheap wine and join us! Get involved in the conversations and follow @ChillinKristen, @WillRogers2000, and @TalkBomb on Twitter for more!Book Club Shmook Club is a proud member of Talk Bomb! Find more at!


  • BCSC: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Part 2

    07/08/2014 Duration: 01h38min is the proud home of Book Club Shmook Club!   YouTube! @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045! @WillRogers2000! Facebook! iTunes! Stitcher! See you next week!

  • BCSC: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Part 1

    25/07/2014 Duration: 01h27min is the proud home of Book Club Shmook Club! Hello you lovely Shmooks! We're back in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, talking all about the Half Blood Prince! No surprise here, but we're both incredibly excited to talk about the mysteries, the revelations, and the weird stuff going on in this book, so put on a pointed hat, grab a butterbeer and enjoy! YouTube! @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045! @WillRogers2000! Facebook! See you next week!

  • BCSC: Weird Al's Mandatory Fun - A Review

    17/07/2014 Duration: 49min is the proud home of Book Club Shmook Club! YouTube! @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045! @WillRogers2000! Facebook! See you next week, when we'll be talking about the first half of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!

  • BCSC: Watchmen Part 2

    10/07/2014 Duration: 01h29min is the home of BCSC!   YouTube! @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045! @WillRogers2000! Facebook! See you next week!

  • BCSC: Watchmen Part 1

    26/06/2014 Duration: 01h48min

    WB2045.COM IS THE HOME OF BCSC! TEXT HERE! YouTube! @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045! @WillRogers2000! Facebook! See you next week!

  • BCSC: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Part 3

    12/06/2014 Duration: 01h59min

    For more BCSC, head to! Or go back to Part 1 or Part 2! BLAH BLAH BLAH, I'M KRISTEN, BLAH BLAH BLAH YouTube! @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045! @WillRogers2000! Facebook! See you next week!

  • BCSC: Harry Potter Fan Theories

    05/06/2014 Duration: 27min is the home of Book Club Shmook Club! Welcome, friends!  Join us around the theory table and listen to whoever is holding the Theory Stick as we explore fan theories surrounding Harry Potter.  Is McGonogall a traitor?  Does Neville kick ass?  IS RON DUMBLEDORE?  Explore with us! We'll be back next week on Thursday, June 12 to wrap up Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, so go ahead and finish the book so we can have a nice chat.  Talk to you then!            @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045! @WillRogers2000! Facebook! See you next week, when we'll finish Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!

  • BCSC: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Part 2

    29/05/2014 Duration: 01h14min

    By virtue of Educational Decree Number 666 (eesh), we're back this week to talk about the second part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!  Umbridge is stumping around like she owns the joint, Dumbledore still isn't making eye contact, and Harry is feeling urges he doesn't quite understand.  It's way more dramatic than that makes it sound.  Listen up! The next time we talk about the book will be after we finish it up, so read straight on through to the end and be ready in 2 weeks on Thursday, June 12.  But we'll be back in your brains next week with a little Extracurricular action.  Talk to you soon! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045! @WillRogers2000! See you next week!

  • BCSC: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Part 1

    15/05/2014 Duration: 01h30min

    This week on our Extracurriculars episode we're talking about when narrators insert themselves into the story- particularly when a narrator we're all too familiar with inserted himself into a story we would have been familiar with had we not dropped it like a hot potato.  Take a listen! And we'll be back next Thursday, May 15 to talk about the first 13 chapters (up to page 297 or 32% on an e-reader) of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, so get moving on that if you haven't already.  See ya then, gang! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045! @WillRogers2000!

  • BCSC: The Gunslinger Part 2

    01/05/2014 Duration: 01h18min

    Well folks, looks like us weary ol' gunslingers are at the end of our journey.  Or is it the end of the beginning?  Let's find out!  This week we finish up The Gunslinger by Stephen King, and do some real (and justified) mean girl-ing, get into some existential universe talk, and learn some new words.  Join us! Next book up is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and we're dividing this one into thirds because it's humongous.  So read up to Chapter 14, which is page 278 or at 32% on an e-reader, and be ready to hear us flap our yaps about it on May 15.  Talk to you then!  FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045 @WillRogers2000! FIND MORE LINKS AT WB2045.COM! WE'RE BASICALLY ON EVERY FORM OF SOCIAL MEDIA! You can also email us!! SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!

  • BCSC: Let's Sing Along

    24/04/2014 Duration: 13min

     HEAD TO WB2045.COM TO FIND LINKS TO THE COMPANION VIDEO, OR CLICK HERE: (The best part comes at about 3 minutes, 49 seconds!) This week on Book Club Shmook Club we tell the sordid tale of Let's Sing Along with Brett Ambler, a weird little tape Krissy was in 20 years ago! We're going to contact that charismatic host and see what happens! Anyway, this is also your wake up call: We're talking about the end of The Gunslinger next week! Will Kristen enjoy it enough to read more?? PROBABLY NOT! But either way, the Dark Tower series will appear in the future, trust me!  FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045 @WillRogers2000! FIND MORE LINKS AT WB2045.COM! You can also email us!! See you next week for another new episode of The Shmooks!

  • BCSC: The Gunslinger Part 1

    17/04/2014 Duration: 01h21min

    CLICK HERE TO LISTEN! Parched for another episode, are ya?  Well fill up your water skins and tie your dying mule to our post for our talk about the first half of the first book of Stephen King's The Dark Tower series, The Gunslinger.  We discuss King's American dreams and blue jeans, speculate about what else may happen in the book series to tie loose ends we don't understand together, and Will tweets at TBoz TWICE!  It can't be missed! We'll be talking about the end of the book on Thursday, May 1st so read on through in the next 2 weeks, but we'll be back with a short Extracurriculars episode next week to talk about what we've been up to besides hanging out with ol' Roland.  Please let us know what you think about this book, the series as a whole or TLC's body of work as a whole! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045 @WillRogers2000! FIND MORE LINKS AT WB2045.COM! You can also email us!! Until next time!

  • BCSC: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Part 2

    03/04/2014 Duration: 01h54min

    We are gathered here today to listen to Kristen and William cry like little babies about the death of Cedric Diggory.  Amen.  Join us on a journey through the Triwizard Tournament where we compare the book to the movie and have a great time doing it.  Also, how do we feel about fantastical beasties?  Find out! Next time we'll be talking about the first half of The Gunslinger, which is the first book of The Dark Tower series.  We'll be reading up to page 106 which is at exactly 50% of the book for our e-reader readers, and so stop reading before the section marked "IX."  We'll be back to talk about it on April 17, so get to it if you want to follow along! Follow us on Twitter: @KrissyPajamas! @WB2045 @WillRogers2000! And head to to find more links! Until next time, you can get in touch with us by e-mailing us at   See you shmooks!

  • BCSC: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Part 1

    20/03/2014 Duration: 01h01min

    The Quidditch World Cup!  The Triwizard Tournament!  Games are fun so everything should be awesome, right?  Not if the bad guys have anything to say about it!  This week we're talking about the first half of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as well as juggalo weddings and puppy anniversaries.  It's a celebration!  Come join us. And get ready for our next episode by finishing The Goblet of Fire and being ready to talk about it on Thursday, April 3rd.  And please tweet us @KrissyPajamas, @WillRogers2000 @WB2045 with any thoughts on the show, books, juggalos or puppies, or e-mail us at You can also find more shows and comedy at! See ya in the stacks! (Library stacks.  Sorry.)

  • BCSC: Batman Year One and The Killing Joke

    06/03/2014 Duration: 02h02min

    CLICK HERE TO LISTEN BAM!  POW!  ZOWIE!  This time we're talking about two classic Batman comics, Batman: Year One and The Killing joke, and we have a lottt to say...this show's jumbo sized.  We compare the books' styles to each other, touch on the legend of Burt Ward's dong, and talk about the morality of Commissioner Gordon (which my band's name.)  Enjoy and pass along to your fellow batbuds! Then on Thursday, March 20th we'll be back to Harry Potter talking about the first half of The Goblet of Fire, so read up through the end of chapter 19 and get ready to join us.  As usual, you can always tweet us @krissypajamas and @willrogers2000 (and follow the brand new @WB2045 Twitter!) or email us at if you've got anything to say about what we've read or what you'd like us to read in the future.  Talk to you later!

  • BCSC: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    20/02/2014 Duration: 01h32min

    Hello, magical boys and girls!  I hope you're being careful, there's a madman on the loose...or is there?  Join us this week as we discuss Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.  We get into some deep Harry Potter canon shit by discussing different magical animal breeds and whether The Amazing Johnathan is a wizard. And get ready for next time, where we'll be comparing/contrasting/talking the hell out of 2 big deal Batman comic books- Batman: Year One by Frank Miller, which you can find here, and The Killing Joke by Alan Moore, which you can find here.  We're going to be reading both of them straight through so follow along with us and we'll talk about it on Thursday, March 6. And as always if you have any thoughts on the shows, any of the books we've read, or The Amazing Johnathan, tweet us @willrogers2000 and @krissypajamas or email us at  Talk to you soon!

  • BCSC: Psycho

    07/02/2014 Duration: 01h32min

    Greetings, nutjobs.  You're going to feel right at home this week with Psycho!  Will and I are talking about the book behind the movie, the differences between the two (actually the three, counting the 1998 remake crapfest), and our own darkest fears and nightmares (they're mostly dumb.)  Check it out! Next time we'll be back on the Harry Potter bandwagon with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- just read it straight through so you'll be ready to listen to Will and I talk it up on Thursday, February 20.  It's the first book to kick things up a notch in ol' HP world so it should be a lot of fun! And remember please let us know what you think about all things book and shmook through Twitter, @krissypajamas and @willrogers2000, or by e-mailing us at  Thanks guys!  Talk to you soon!

  • BCSC: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    23/01/2014 Duration: 01h26min

    Greetings, squibs!  Welcome to our discussion of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the second book in the Harry Potter series.  This week we talk about the sadistic sides of the series, different perspectives we'd like to see the story from, a little bit of book vs. movie stuff and how Will and I have been set in our ways from birth- Will can't shut the hell up and I love to stretch out.  Check it out and let us know what you think! Next up we'll be reading Psycho by Robert Bloch, which you can find on Amazon! It's the book the Alfred Hitchcock movie was based on, which you likely automatically flashed to.  It's a pretty short book so we're going to discuss the whole thing in one shot onThursday, February 6th- so get reading!  And in the meantime if you have thoughts on Harry Potter, secret chambers, bedroom chambers or anything else, you can tweet us at @KrissyPajamas and @WillRogers2000, or e-mail us at  Talk to you soon!

  • BCSC: Life After Life Part 2

    09/01/2014 Duration: 01h19min

    CLICK HERE TO LISTEN! [audio] and if you need to play a little catch-up first, Click here to hear Part One! Hey Shmookies, welcome to part two of our conversation about Life After Life by Kate Atkinson.   This week Bobby Koester is back with us to talk about the conclusion of the book.  We have a lot to say about the ways that we expected the book to progress and ways that we wish it had, and it was an thought-provoking convo overall.  Would we recommend the book to a friend?  What did we think about the ending?  WHO'S BRUNO? Click to listen and find out! And while you're clicking, please get in touch with us on Twitter, usernames @krissypajamas and @willrogers2000, or by emailing us at! If you'd also consider casting a vote for us on we'd really appreciate it! We'd love to hear from you! Please let us know what you think of the book! Do you agree with what we have to say about it? If not, why?

  • BCSC: Life After Life Part 1

    26/12/2013 Duration: 01h09min

    CLICK HERE TO LISTEN! [audio] Hello Shmooks, and welcome to Part One of our reading of Life After Life, by Kate Atkinson!   As described by the book's jacket and various sellers, Life After Life is the story of Ursula Todd, a woman who has died many times, yet paradoxically lives on. The people around her are unaware of what is happening to her, as each "new life" of hers is apparently an opportunity for Ursula to learn from her previous incarnation. The book is meant to be one part character study, and one part metaphysical/science fiction adventure, though as you'll here, we debate how true that is. We're joined this week by Bobby Koester (of Will and Bobby Know Everything and Studio Rejects), and while we are all at odds in the beginning of the episode, we all eventually come to view the book in a similar way. It's a terrific conversation, so I hope you'll enjoy listening in! And in the meantime, please get in touch with us on Twitte

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