Living Springs Q&a

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 237:24:58
  • More information



The staff of Living Springs take questions from all across the board as we seek to understand God, His ways, His word and how He relates to the world we live in.


  • Q&A #121 - Walking on water, singing, early church, bible's relevance, and non traditional pregnancy

    29/05/2019 Duration: 43min

    Q&A #121 - Walking on water, singing, early church, bible's relevance, and non traditional pregnancy 1. Will you be recording and posting the live Q&A on May 30th to the app as well? I can’t make it but I’d love to hear it! 2. How did Jesus make Peter walk on the water? 3.  I came to this church and heard about this podcast and have a question why is there all the singing and why do people close there eyes its kind of weird. 4. I heard a sermon about how all the miracles and stories of sharing possessions in Acts were not the norm, but the highlights of the church, and that the reality of the early church wasn't much different than ours now. This makes me feel a bit better because when I read Acts I'm pretty uncomfortable with how much they sacrifice for each other and in comparison how little I sacrifice for those around me. What do you think about that view of acts? 5. The bible was written several thousand years ago in a time when things like the Internet, global economics and global warming were not in t

  • Q&A #120 - Angels, budgets, shame and forgiveness

    22/05/2019 Duration: 24min

    Q&A #120 - Angels, budgets, sham and forgiveness 1. What would you think if you saw an angel appear right in front of you? 2. Doug I've heard you mention a budgeting app that you say is so successful and It seems more and more people I talk to at church are using it. Can you give a quick rundown on what you use and what makes it different than other apps? 3.  Proverbs‬ ‭25:21-22‬ ‭NLT “If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat. If they are thirsty, give them water to drink. You will heap burning coals of shame on their heads, and the Lord will reward you.” Are you able to explain v.22 a bit? As Christians, why would we want to ‘heap burning coals of shame on their heads’, is there some cultural practice of the times that I’m missing or is it really saying that we’re to do good to our enemies to shame them? 4. Does forgiveness mean I have to let someone continue hurtful behaviour toward me? If I stop someone from hurting me and put up boundaries, isn't that just dwelling on what they've done in the pa

  • Q&A #119 - Rocks, Friendship, speaking up, cultural norms in church, forbidden questions and Alberta

    15/05/2019 Duration: 38min

    Q&A #119 - Rocks, Friendship, speaking up, cultural norms in church, forbidden questions and Alberta Separation 1. Matthew 16:18 says "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.". Do you think he meant Peter or something else? ie. a play on words between Peter (Petros) and rock (Petra) 2. I struggle making new friends and going to church events with lots of people because I've been really hurt in the past in church social settings. How do I meet new people and go to ministry events and make sure I don't get hurt again? 3.  I have a close friend that is making some really poor decisions that are hurting them and their family. I want to say something but don't know how. Advice? 4. What cultural norms do you see church culture has adopted that are counter to Christ's message, and how do we change that as individuals? 5. Is there a question that you fear being asked? 6. Is there biblical advice for or against a follower of Christ

  • Q&A #118 - Ostriches (again), Jesus' ascension, how to read the bible and Sabbath

    08/05/2019 Duration: 26min

    Q&A #118 - Ostriches (again), Jesus' ascension, how to read the bible and Sabbath 1. Please elaborate on the ostrich story. Was it actually a live ostrich? If so, where did you get it and, how did the parents feel about you giving away an ostrich as a prize?! 2. (from a child) how did Jesus go to heaven in the sky? Could someone in a plane follow him? 3. The more I read the Bible, the more I feel like I need a university degree to understand it properly and take into account all the biblical cultures, the Greek and Hebrew, and all the theological ideas surrounding scripture. How can I read the Bible as an average person and properly understand anything I'm reading? 4. Do you guys keep a sabbath each week? If so what does it look like for you.

  • Q&A #117 - Ostriches, talking sex with your kids, Purity culture, masturbation and LOTS on Innerancy

    01/05/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    Q&A #117 - Ostriches, talking sex with your kids, Purity culture, masturbation and LOTS on Innerancy 1. Does Brock actually have an ostrich in the basement? 2. Any advice on navigating the topic of sexuality with kids as they grow? 3. What is everyone's take on church "purity culture" now that we have a decade or two to reflect on its pros and cons 4. The Bible doesn't say much about masturbation, given it is an almost universal topic, and the church has varying opinions on it from "never ok" to "never an issue". What is your opinion? 5. Feedback on Innerancy * Scriptures for reference in question 5 The bible does in fact specifically claim to be “Beyond Perfection” and “Flawless”, Psalm 119:96, Psalm 12:6 and Proverbs 30:5 (See translation notes for each of these verses regarding the original Hebrew) There are many other verses that speak claims to It’s pervasive truthfulness, that it is eternal, unbreakable, and completely reliable. And that God is watching over it. As Jesus specifically stated

  • Q&A #116 - Biblical Beards, 3 days, inerrancy of scripture, sufficiency of scripture and marijuana

    24/04/2019 Duration: 48min

    Q&A #116 - Beards, 3 days, inerrancy of scripture, sufficiency of scripture and marijuana 1. For those of you with Beards: Have you ever had an urge to have fine oil poured on your head which flows down your beard? (Psalm 133:2) If yes, have you acted on your urge? If no, then do you need to repent of your unbiblical attitude?  2. Why did Jesus have to be dead for three days? 3. What is the definition of “the inerrancy of scripture” - do you believe in this? 4. What is the definition of “the sufficiency of scripture” - do you believe in this? 5. What is the churches stance on both medicinal and recreational marijuana usage?

  • Q&A #115 - Pigs vs Babies, Healing, and LOTS more on the Death Penalty

    17/04/2019 Duration: 01h02s

    Q&A #115 - Pigs vs Babies, Healing, and LOTS more on the Death Penalty 1. Who would win in a fight between a Pig and a baby 2. Kyle, please share your story of healing recently. 3. As a follow up to the death penalty question from last week, someone mentioned that it’s not ok to kill another person as an individual but that the government structures could allow for that. Even if that were the case, in the end it would still be an individual implementing the punishment so given that’s the case, do you think the heart of God would want the government to have the authority to essentially make someone kill someone else? 4. Concerning last week’s argument about what God thinks about the death penalty a couple of responses, thoughts and questions come to mind: a.) The question “What does God think of the Death Penalty” clearly states Death as a penalty: therefore a penalty for something. If, as was implied last time, since Jesus has come and risen from the dead, that God is now against the death penalty, then why

  • Q&A #114 - Praying for government, Are we gods?, Images of God, Faith, and Capital Punishment

    10/04/2019 Duration: 35min

    Q&A #114 - Praying for government, Are we gods?, Images of God, Faith, and Capital Punishment 1. My question was Why don't we have corporate prayer in church for our govt and leaders? Especially since we are told to do so in Timothy and also with everything we are facing here with 2 elections etc. Not to pray a certain party wins but that God would Be glorified in our elections. Just wondering. Thanks! 2. In John 10:34, why does Jesus tell the Pharisees that it is written in the Law that "you are gods"? 3. Exodus 20:4  says -  “You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is on the earth beneath or that is in the water below.”   So is all art and sculpture wrong?  (Except for maybe abstract art) 4. In John 4:46 to 4:53, Jesus’s response to the noble man’s request to come and heal his son seems strange or insensitive, can you explain Jesus’s response? 5. What does God think of the death penalty?

  • Q&A #113 - Pastor title unbiblical, Hippies/Cowboys, John and Prophecy

    03/04/2019 Duration: 23min

    Q&A #113 - Pastor title unbiblical, Hippies/Cowboys, John and Prophecy 1.) -  In last weeks episode Doug stated that it’s not biblical to call everyone in leadership a pastor.  a.) -  Why are you participating in (and perpetuating) something that is unbiblical; especially when you have the power to change it? (or do you not have the power to change it?).  *Comment: I did not grow up in the church and had not heard the term pastor much at all, and very shortly after I was saved I was taught about the 5 rolls of leadership in Ephesians and what it meant to be a true Pastor.  A couple of years after that I moved to North America where virtually anyone on church payroll was referred to as a pastor:  it has always bugged me, especially as back home even those I knew who were clearly a true Pastor did not even call themselves a Pastor. Question b.) -  Why not say for example, something like: - “I’m Doug and I head up the teaching ministry here at Living Springs”, or “I’m Blake and I’m on the pastoral care team her

  • Q&A #112 - Government, games night, David Pawson, Prophecy, Stoning and Last or Least

    27/03/2019 Duration: 34min

    Q&A #112 - Government, games night, David Pawson, Prophecy, Stoning and Last or Least 1. How can I pray for my government effectively? 2. When is the next ladies games night? How can we influence more events like that? 3. What are your views on the teachings of David Pawson? What ASK IT! struck me is what he said about Gods love,its only meant for believers. 4. Hey Is the gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:1) different to the office of prophet? (Ephesians 4:11)   5. But, (speaking of recent history), when a person claims to be a prophet and then the "prophecy’s" don’t happen, shouldn’t they be then put to death? (Deuteronomy 18:20)   In 1 CORINTHIANS 15:9 the word “elachistos”  (ἐλάχιστος) which is often translated in this verse as “Least”.  But from what I can work out this word is usually translated as “Last” in most other locations it is used in the new testament.  I would think that the context of verses immediately before, 15:5 though to 15:8 would support a translation of “Last”.  What are your thoug

  • Q&A #111 - Unique experiences, true repentance, and people walking away from the faith

    20/03/2019 Duration: 26min

    Q&A #111 - Unique experiences, true repentance, and people walking away from the faith 1.) - What’s something that each of you have done that probably no one else in Living Springs has done? 2.) - What is true repentance?  Is repentance something we are supposed to do in our own strength or does the Spirit empower us to repent?   John the baptist called people to repent before the spirit was given, but doesn’t Romans teach me that I can’t repent in my own strength.   3.) - 35-ish years ago I knew quite a few people who were in ministry and seemed to flow in the gifts of the spirit and to genuinely love Jesus, but overt the years many of these people seem to have turned away from God, it’s very discouraging.  Have any of you noticed the same thing in people you knew from the past?  If so, how do you respond to this?

  • Q&A #110 - David, Worship Songs, Church conflict, song lyrics and marital disputes.

    13/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    Q&A #110 - David, Worship Songs, Church conflict, song lyrics and marital disputes. - March 9, 2019 1. when David went to fight Goliath, he took 5 stones with him. If David had faith, why did he bring more than one stone? 2. Should worship leaders lead in the best key for their voice; or should worship songs be led in the key that is best for the majority of the congregation?  3. What is the worst argument any of you have ever had with other members of church staff 4. I was recently listening to “Still” a fairly old Worship song by Hillsong (Reuben Morgan) The Chorus goes: “When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with you above the storm Father you are king over the flood I will be still and know you are God” The problem is that when the oceans rise and thunders roar in my life, I’m anything but “Still”, I would like to be, but I’m not.   Question: is it wrong to sing the song if it’s not true, or is it something to do with “speaking it in faith”? 5. My spouse has no problem at all with letting m

  • Q&A #109 - Narwals, tongues, confessions and loosing our salvation

    06/03/2019 Duration: 26min

    Q&A #109 - March 9, 2019 1. Ok, an orca would totally beat a walrus but who do you think would win between an orca and a narwhal? 2. A few episodes ago you discussed praying I tongues for someone and asking for the interpretation. I couldn’t help but think that often I don’t know how or what to pray and my ability to pray in tongues according to romans 8:26&27 allows me to bypass my own will and thoughts and go directly to the “unspeakable yearnings and groaning too deep for utterance” type of prayer. Where I get out of the way in essence and better am in harmony with Gods will. So I guess I don’t agree that we should or could always get an interpretation just to pacify our need To know. Sometimes we can’t begin to know. Am I wrong in this type of intercession? 3. Just curious as to why catholics confess to a priest, instead of asking for forgiveness from God? 4. Can Christians lose their salvation under any condition? If so, doesn't that make their salvation conditional? Would their sins from before being

  • Q&A #108 - Evil Spirits, possession, God the mother, Tithing, Walruses, Walking on water and the Lor

    27/02/2019 Duration: 48min

    Q&A #108 - February 27, 2019 1. Are evil spirits/demons just fallen angels? If fallen angels are those that chose to go with Satan when he left heaven, is there anything in the Bible to indicate whether there are angels that still make that choice or did they all go when he did? Also, if there is no sin in heaven, how did Satan and the angels go against God? Will we have to fight our sin nature for eternity or is it different for angels because they’re not human? 2. Is there a difference between demonic possession and a spiritual stronghold? and Are the dealt with in the same way? 3. Have you heard of the idea of ‘God the mother’? If so, what are your thoughts on that? 4. My question is - does tything 10% to God include the church and all the charities a person gives to? 5. There are some people in our church that cannot hear the sermon ,due to hard of hearing’. A friend of mine came from a church that supplied head phones. Is this something our church would consider? 6. Who would win, an orca or a walrus?

  • Q&A #107 - Marriage/Parenting resources, insults to pastors, John 12, mailboxes and praying for the

    20/02/2019 Duration: 31min

    Q&A #107 - February 20, 2019 1.) Do you have any good marriage or parenting resources you’d recommend for a couple that is having a hard time getting on the same page, both in general but also more specifically in relation to their parenting styles? 2.) In light of Doug’s comments in a recent podcast, have any of you actually been accused of being the anti-christ?  What is the worst insult any of you have received after preaching a sermon? 3.) What is the point of the story about the Greeks in John Chapter 12? 4.) Is the Canada Post Mail Box outside the church building in the parking lot just for Living Springs, how many individual boxes does the church get? 5.) A person I know with a Catholic background recently told me about a relative of their’s that just passed away, and then they spoke of the need for us to pray for the dead person.  What, if anything, should I have said in response.  Does the Bible say anything of praying for the dead? 

  • Q&A #106 - Hamsters, The Flash, Valentines cards, singleness and adoption!

    13/02/2019 Duration: 32min

    Q&A #106 - February 13, 2019 1. Do hamsters smell? 2. Who would win, flash or reverse flash? 3.  In light of Mark 12:30 and Luke 14:26: it is wrong to buy romantic cards to my wife with the phrase, “I love you with all my heart” written in it, or to sign cards that way?.   (Maybe this question should be deferred until closer to valentines 4. Why did Paul talk about it being better not to marry but isn’t marriage part of what god has for us here? Grows us, challenges us, let’s us live in community to the deepest sense. Isn’t that good for us? 5. As at least 2 of the staff have first hand experience with adoptions, please tell us about it; including some or all of the following questions: • For the person who knows absolutely nothing about it, where do they begin, what are the normal steps involved? • Is it expensive to adopt? • Are there people who absolutely should NOT consider adoption? • Should there be a much greater percentage of Christians adopting children? • What about adopting Older children? • What

  • Q&A #105 - Diversity in our church, Sex, Satan like lightning and Martin Luther King Jr.

    30/01/2019 Duration: 29min

    Q&A #105 - January 30, 2019 1. There is a large group of African Canadian members of our church. Why doesn't the service and worship reflect their culture more than it does? Understand this is coming from a white person who would love to see our church reflect the diversity of worship/theology/ways of life of the membership. 2. Why is sex so taboo in the church? 3. - What did Jesus mean when He said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”? 4. The USA recently had Martin Luther King Jr. Day.   Over the years I have heard many sermons etc, of people praising Martin Luther King Jr. and talking about God’s calling on his life, and all of these have spoken of him as if he was a christian.  However, upon reviewing his very own writings it is clear that he was not a christian as he did not believe in the divinity of Jesus nor did he believe in the resurrection of Jesus.  Questions:  - Is it a correct assessment that a person is not a Christian if they deny the divinity of Jesus and deny the resurrection

  • Q&A #104 - (Laughiest Podcast Yet) More people at church, Church budget, Bible Paraphrase and the d

    23/01/2019 Duration: 21min

    Q&A #104 - January 23, 2019 1. How can we get more people to come to church? 2. Why aren't there speakers in the bathroom 3.  What happens when Living Springs doesn’t receive enough funds in a month to cover the budget?  Is debt incurred or do some bills not get paid or do some people not get paid? 4. Thirty odd years ago it was very common that preachers would quote the JB Phillips paraphrase in there sermons, however it has now been a long time since I have heard anyone quote from it, is there a particular theological reason that the JB Phillips paraphrase has fallen out of favour, or has it just been forgotten? 5.  What is the meaning of the saying "do not go beyond what was written” - 1 Corinthians 4:6  6.  Why do some people claim that Satan is already bound and in the pit, if they are correct how do they explain all the evil in the world?  What comfort does it give them to believe this? 7. Jordan with an Ask question. How do you view the Devil? How active is he in our daily struggles? How much influenc

  • Q&A #103 - Soul Care, Jesus & the Holy Spirit and The "Four Quarters protest"

    16/01/2019 Duration: 22min

    Q&A #103 - January 16, 2019 1.) -  What exactly is “Soul Care”?   Is the idea of “Soul Care” a new thing in Church History? 2.) -  In John 17:3 Jesus prays: “Now this is eternal life – that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.”  Why doesn’t he include knowing the Holy Spirit in the statement; especially after Jesus was just speaking about the Holy Spirit, (as a He,) in chapters 14, 15 and 16? 3.) -  Should Christians participate in the “Four quarters please”, protest campaign once the new “Gay Loonie” is released later this year?        Notes:  a.) - The “Gay” Loonie is a one dollar coin that if set to be released this year to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Canada.    b.) - The idea of the Protest is that people are to ask for 4 quarters rather than accept a loonie that is promoting homosexuality, and the idea of the protest is being promoted by CitizenGo.

  • Q&A #102 - Predestination, Jacob vs Esau, Suicide, rude Jesus and Wrath of God

    09/01/2019 Duration: 42min

    Q&A #102 - January 9 1. In reading Romans 9:17-24, wouldn’t these verses point to the idea of predestination? Based on the entirety of Scripture I believe God has given everyone the freedom to choose him or not, but how do these verses fit in to the greater picture? 2. Another question from our community group:  Why did God choose to make Jacob the father of the 12 tribes of Israel after he so deceptively stole Isaac’s blessing from Esau? 3. What, if anything, does the Bible say about suicide? If a believer dies by suicide, do they still go to heaven or does that final sin separate them from God for eternity? 4. A question that came up in our community group:  Why was Jesus so rude to the woman in Matthew 15:22~28 & Mark 7:25~30?  (As an aside question: are these two passages about the same woman?) 5. What is the nature of the Wrath of God?   Further explanation: I’ve always associated the idea of God’s Wrath with the image of jumping off a cliff and being dashed against the rocks below: Gravity is

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