Bionic Planet: Your Guide To The New Reality



Earth. We broke it; we own it; and nothing is as it was: not the trees, not the seas not the forests, farms, or fields and not the global economy that depends on all of these. Bionic Planet is your guide to the Anthropocene, the new epoch defined by man's impact on Earth, and in each episode, we examine a different aspect of this new reality: sometimes financial, sometimes moral, but always practical.


  • 084 | Treeless Neighborhoods and Poverty: the Deadly Link and How to Address it

    18/01/2023 Duration: 37min

    A 2021 study of trees in America showed that poor neighborhoods had far fewer trees than wealthier ones, and that translates into higher temperatures, poorer air, and more deaths. Jad Daley of American Forests explains the Tree Equity Score, what it means, and his organization's effort to plant -- and, more importantly, grow -- 522 million trees across American cities.

  • 083 | Big Bucks and Bad Faith Arguments: What to Make of COP27, with Jos Cozijnsen of Climate Neutral Group

    12/12/2022 Duration: 39min

    Jos Cozijnsen has been working the climate puzzle for decades -- first by helping to negotiate the Kyoto Protocol and then by helping NGOs like the Environmental Defense Fund craft legal policies with teeth. Today, he offers his take on the year-end climate talks (COP27), which took place last month in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. We discuss the Bridgetown Initiative, the African Carbon Markets Initiative, and the new Loss and Damage Fund -- as well as the bad-faith arguments of those seeking to undermine carbon markets by pretending to make them perfect.

  • 082 | Every Tree on the Planet Mapped, with Sassan Saatchi of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.

    22/11/2022 Duration: 58min

    Under the Paris Climate Agreement, countries must document all of their greenhouse gas emissions and sinks, and that means measuring changes in tree cover. NASA Senior Scientist Sassan Saatchi has spent 30 years helping the world’s space agencies and foresters do just that by blending the newest science of the space age with centuries-old practices from ship-building and forestry. Thanks, to him, countries will soon be able track the growth and decay of every tree within their borders. 

  • 081 | How to Build a Methodology, with Max DuBuisson of Indigo Ag

    16/11/2022 Duration: 35min

    Just over four years ago, Max DuBuisson took on one of the most difficult challenges you can imagine: namely, spearheading the creation of a new carbon methodoilogy undr both the Verified Carbon Standard and the Climate Action Reserve. Dubbed the "Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management," it aims to expand the practice of climate-smart agriculture by paying farmers who adopt the practices before their neighbors do. This is the story of the creation of that methodology. Further reading:

  • 80 | Forty Years of Sustainability Finance: Making ESG Work

    04/11/2022 Duration: 52min

    Tim Mohin wrote "Changing Business from the Inside Out: A Tree-Hugger's Guide to Working in Corporations" back in 2012, after three decades in sustainability -- first in government, with the US Environmental Protection Agency, and then at companies like Intel, where he served as director of sustainable development. He went on to head the Global Reporting Initiative, which administers the GRI standards for sustainability. He recently helped launmch ESG data provider Persefoni and hosts his own podcast, "Sustainability Decoded with Tim and Caitlin." We look back on 40 years of sustaiability finance and ahead to the future of Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) reporting -- its potential for driving real change, its prospects for employment, and its inherent limitations.

  • 79 | Clean Water and the Courts: a Pre-History of Sackett vs EPA

    11/10/2022 Duration: 56min

    On October 2, 2022, the US Supreme court heard a case that could impact the quality of water across the United States. Sackett v EPA dates back to 2004, but the forces impacting the case date back to the 1960s and, arguably, centuries earlier.  Today we revisit a 2019 episode, where we dove deep into the history of the US Clean Water Act and the stealth effort to undermine it. 

  • 78 | Helping Farmers Save Forests in Guatemala's Caribbean Coast

    12/09/2022 Duration: 39min

    Marco Cerezo of Guatemalan NGO FUNDAECO explains how he's using carbon finance to help Guatemalan farmers demarcate their land and save surrounding forests. Related Links:

  • 77 | Where Does Healthy Critique End and Cynical Denial Begin?

    29/08/2022 Duration: 39min

    The science-denial movement delayed action on climate change for decades, and now the tropes they used are creeping into coverage of emerging climate solutions. Here’s one way of differentiating between honest inquiry and something more nefarious. Third of a three-part series. All links available at:

  • Six Lessons from 45 Years of Natural Climate Solutions

    08/08/2022 Duration: 42min

    When popular media get natural climate solutions wrong, it’s usually because they’re struggling to understand complex mechanisms that have evolved over more than 45 years. Here is a brief look back on that evolution. Second of a three-part series adapted from Ecosystem Marketplace Click here for the original story and all related links: 

  • Will Coverage of Climate Solutions Suffer the Same Fate as Coverage of Climate Science?

    09/05/2022 Duration: 39min

    News outlets are finally allocating resources to coverage of climate solutions, and most reporters are trying to get these complex issues right. Some, however, are repeating the same mistakes that derailed coverage of climate science itself for decades. Adapted from stories that first appeared on Ecosystem Marketplace, available here:  

  • Why the Global South Needs Voluntary Carbon Markets

    08/03/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    We kick off Season Seven with a look at the  Voluntary Carbon Market Global Dialogue and the six keys to making sure voluntary carbon markets work for the Global South. Guests: Adriaan Korthuis, Paul Butarbutar, Kuki Soejachmoen, and Annie Groth. Related Links:  

  • 073 | Why the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests may be More than Blah Blah, with Frances Seymour

    08/11/2021 Duration: 36min

    A conversation with WRI Senior Fellow Frances Seymour, who says there's plenty of reason to believe the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use could deliver on its high ambition of ending and reversing deforestation -- not so much because of the declaration itself, but because of the constellation of world events that birthed it. Frances is also co-author of the book "Why Forests? Why Now? The Science, Economics, and Politics of Tropical Forests and Climate Change."

  • 072 | Investing in Pure Climate Stocks, with Matthias Krey

    07/11/2021 Duration: 01h05s

    From year-end climate talks in Glasgow: Want to put your money where your mouth is by investing in companies that move us closer to a net-zero economy? Matthias Krey of can help. He's identified hundreds of companies that he call "pure climate stocks", meaning stocks of companies that make 100% of their revenue from products and services that will help get us to net-zero emissions.

  • 071 | The Down and Dirty, Nitty Gritty of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, Part 1

    05/11/2021 Duration: 37min

    On the ground at year-end climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland, Maria Carvalho and Frédéric Gagnon-Lebrun of South Pole Climate Solutions dissect the intricacies of Article 6 of the Paris Climate Agreement. They explain not only how it works, but how it fits into the net-zero movement and the larger effort to meet the climate challenge.

  • Climate Quickie 1: Leveraging Restoration for Net Zero Tourism Worldwide

    04/11/2021 Duration: 06min

    The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which is the United Nations specialized agency charged with promoting sustainable tourism, today unveiled the “Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism” at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) here. The Declaration commits companies to cutting their emissions in half by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, with all residual emissions being absorbed through ecological restoration by 2050 at the latest. More than 300 stakeholders have signed the declaration, including the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), which represents more than  300 companies responsible for more than 70 percent of global tourism. “The commitment is to not only reduce the footprint by changing business as usual operations, but also offsetting…through blue carbon, for example,” said UNWTO Executive Director Zoritsa Urosevic in an interview with Ecosystem Marketplace. “This is going to become, maybe, the new tourism attraction, because it's going to have a value that is m

  • 069 | The False Dichotomy of Reductions vs Removals, with Eli Mitchell-Larson

    16/10/2021 Duration: 01h13min

    We need to slash greenhouse-gas emissions while supporting activities that remove greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere, and carbon markets can both accelerate reductions and ramp up removals. Why, then, is the debate so contentious? For answers, I turned to Eli-Mitchell Larson, a self-proclaimed “Carbon Removal Evangelist” who's helping to build up Carbon Removal Advocacy Europe (CRAE). We had a long and fruitful discussion that I think serves as a sort of reductions and removals 101.

  • 068 | Carbon Exchanges and Green Supply Chains: The Future of Natural Climate Solutions

    14/10/2021 Duration: 01h18min

    Biologists, economists, and environmental activists often seem like members of warring tribes, but Gabriel Eickhoff, CEO of Lestari Capital, says they're more like estranged family members who just haven't started talking to each other yet.  In a wide-ranging discussion, we look at the legacy of the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets, the structure of supply chains, and the interconnectedness of all things. 

  • 067 | Forests and the Billion-Dollar LEAF: New Hope for World Forests

    18/08/2021 Duration: 54min

    Guest: Eron Bloomgarden, Emergent Capital Launched on Earth Day, the LEAF (Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest finance) Coalition aims to double the price of forest-carbon offsets and multiply the amount of money going into forest protection. Heres's how it works. Featuring: Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg; US Climate Envoy John Kerry; UK's Environment Minister Lord Zac Goldsmith; US State Dept Climate Change and Land Sector Expert Chris Dragisic; Amazon Chief Scientist Jamey Mulligan.

  • 066| German Floods and the Futility of Adaptation Without Mitigation

    23/07/2021 Duration: 01h14s

    We cannot adapt our way out of the climate mess, as Allie Goldstein of Conservation International and Mark Trexler of the Climate Web make clear. We discuss the realities of systemic climate risk. Research cited in today’s show: "The private sector’s climate change risk and adaptation blind spots" "Persistent Business Blind Spots on Climate Risk and Adaptation," The Climate Web: Climate Web Roadmaps:    Videos:  Playing Climate Chess using the Climate Web   Actionable Climate Knowledge through the Climate Web Solving Climate Change with the Climate Web  Link to wildfire risk map:  

  • 065 | Carbon Negative Carpets and Interface's Climate Neutral Journey

    06/04/2021 Duration: 41min

    Carpetmaker Interface has won accolades for its carbon-negative carpet, the manufacture of which pulls more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it emits. He're a look back on the company's 20-year journey from plundered of nature to climate leader.  Guest: Buddy Hay, Interface VP for Sustainability

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