Harbour Church



We are a vibrant & loving people who influence Coffs Coast & our world for the cause of Christ.Based in Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia.


  • The Choices of a King (Palm Sunday) | Faith Family Coffs

    24/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    Jesus chose you above all suffering and pain. On Palm Sunday, we remember the significance of Jesus' commitment to the fulfillment of our restoration. Join us as Pastor Prashan Thevarajah shares a special Palm Sunday message with our Coffs Harbour congregation.

  • Mission Sunday (On Mission) | Faith Family Taree

    17/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    Everyone is in a different place when it comes to the mission of God, but one thing remains the same: we are all called to be on mission. What is the next step God has for you in His mission? Join us as Pastor Rick Brewer shares the third and final message in our annual series, On Mission, where we look to learn God's mission for us, the Church, and how we can practically outwork that mission today.

  • Joy of the Harvest (On Mission) | Faith Family Coffs

    17/03/2024 Duration: 43min

    God sends us to yield the harvest of the work that He has already committed to. Who needs you to respond faithfully to God today so that their future can be rewritten? Join us as Pastor Phil Campbell shares the third and final message in our annual series, On Mission, where we look to learn God's mission for us, the Church, and how we can practically outwork that mission today.

  • Together We Make A Difference (On Mission) | Faith Family Taree

    10/03/2024 Duration: 36min

    The harvest is plenty, but the labourers are few. How can we do our part in the mission of God today? Join us as Pastor Rick Brewer shares the second message in our annual series, On Mission, where we look to learn God's mission for us, the Church, and how we can practically outwork that mission today.

  • Send Me (On Mission) | Faith Family Coffs

    10/03/2024 Duration: 42min

    We each have our part to play in God's mission. How can we get involved? Join us as Pastor Matt Rees shares the second message in our annual series, On Mission, where we look to learn God's mission for us, the Church, and how we can practically outwork that mission today.

  • Light In The Darkness (On Mission) | Faith Family Taree

    03/03/2024 Duration: 24min

    Jesus is the light of our world. Through our witnessing, how can we be the light in the darkness today? Join us as Pastor Jenny Brewer shares the first message in our annual series, On Mission, where we look to learn God's mission for us, the Church, and how we can practically outwork that mission today.

  • Do The Work (On Mission) | Faith Family Coffs

    03/03/2024 Duration: 35min

    We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to witness Jesus everywhere. How does God teach us through His Word to remain faithful and do the work today? Join us as Anton Metekingi shares the first message in our annual series, On Mission, where we look to learn God's mission for us, the Church, and how we can practically outwork that mission today.

  • Pour It Out (Building Breakthrough) | Faith Family Taree

    25/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    Making a difference in the lives of many starts with faithfulness in the life of one. Take what you have, entrust it to God, and in faith, pour it out. Join us as Anton Metekingi shares the fourth and final message of our brand new series, Building Breakthrough, our church's focus for 2024, where we seek God's full transformation in our lives by letting Him build on our lives.

  • Troubling The Teacher (Building Breathrough) | Faith Family Coffs

    18/02/2024 Duration: 50min

    When Jesus is with you, everything will be alright. It's time to trouble the Teacher. Join us as Pastor John Cameron shares the third message of our brand new series, Building Breakthrough, our church's focus for 2024, where we seek God's full transformation in our lives by letting Him build on our lives.

  • Finding Freedom (Building Breakthrough) | Faith Family Taree

    11/02/2024 Duration: 30min

    Reminder: Life is hard! In life, we encounter moments that shake us to the call; yet, as followers of Christ, we are called to find faith even in these moments. How does God lead us back to freedom every day? Join us as Pastor Rick Brewer shares the second message of our brand new series, Building Breakthrough, our church's focus for 2024, where we seek God's full transformation in our lives by letting Him build on our lives.

  • The God of Breakthrough (Building Breakthrough) | Faith Family Coffs

    11/02/2024 Duration: 41min

    Have you ever had a time in your life where you just feel stuck? More often than not, it seems to be a result of a pattern of decisions, rather than one critical moment. What does the Bible show us about the patterns of breakthrough that God has led His people through time after time? Join us as Pastor Phil Campbell shares the second message of our brand new series, Building Breakthrough, our church's focus for 2024, where we seek God's full transformation in our lives by letting Him build on our lives.

  • Know God and Abide (Building Breakthrough) | Faith Family Taree

    04/02/2024 Duration: 32min

    It's the day-by-day, step-by-step disciplines and decisions that determine our destiny. What is our first step in waiting on God to build breakthrough in us?  Join us as Pastor Rick Brewer shares the first message of our brand new series, Building Breakthrough, our church's focus for 2024, where we seek God's full transformation in our lives by letting Him build on our lives.

  • Overflowing Life (Building Breakthrough) | Faith Family Coffs

    04/02/2024 Duration: 41min

    How many of us are trying to build a Christian life...without Jesus? More often than not, it's not that someTHING is missing - it's that someONE is missing. Join us as Pastor Josiah Wall (Pastor of The Way Collective Church - Tamworth, NSW) shares the first message of our brand new series, Building Breakthrough, our church's focus for 2024, where we seek God's full transformation in our lives by letting Him build on our lives.

  • Kids Church Answers (Fresh Air) | Faith Family Taree

    28/01/2024 Duration: 38min

    God, Jesus, and the Bible - pretty much every question in life can find its answer in one of those three places, but we often look in the wrong place and get confused as to why we don't find the right answers. Let's get back to the basics of our faith. Join us as Nathan Aylett shares the final message in our series, Fresh Air, where we seek God through an intentional season of prayer and fasting.

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