In The Loop With Andy Andrews



In the Loop with Andy Andrews will expose you to the powerful yet simple principles that, once applied, will change your life forever.


  • ITL268: What Every First-Time Dad Must Know

    14/01/2017 Duration: 25min

    In this week’s episode, a listener asks for Andy’s best advice for a first-time dad. People will tell you they’ll grow up fast…and that’s true. • As an older dad, Andy paid attention to every moment he could—and his boys still grew up fast. “Discipline them while they're young, or you’ll ruin their lives.” – King Solomon • Be harder on your children when they’re little so they know to follow your first request. • This will strengthen your relationship with them as they grow older. • They’ll learn to practice self-discipline at an early age. Tune in this week to hear what Andy always does with his kids every night (even now that they’re older).    You can also hear more from Andy by subscribing to his new podcast, The Professional Noticer. Just go to for details.  Do you have a question for Andy? Call in and your questions might be features on the show! Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY Email:

  • ITL267: How to Figure out if You Should Persist of if God Is Just Closing a Door

    07/01/2017 Duration: 31min

    On this week's episode, we discuss a listener's question on discerning when to persist and when God is closing a door. Persisting without exception means when there isn’t a way, you find a way. The Traveler’s Gift was turned down 51 times before it was finally published. Sometimes all you need is an idea, but you can’t get one if you quit. The quality of your questions determines the quality of your answers. Most people default to 3 main excuses when they hit a wall: money, time, and leadership. God gave you your talents for a reason. When God gives you a vision of how your family is supposed to live, how much money you’re supposed to make, and how much influence you’re supposed to have, He doesn’t change his mind. God doesn’t teach you to swim just to watch you drown. Tune in this week to hear the crazy story of how The Traveler’s Gift finally got published.    You can also hear more from Andy by subscribing to his new podcast, The Professional Noticer. Just go to for details.  Do you

  • ITL266: Questions Without Answers

    24/12/2016 Duration: 26min

    In this week’s episode, we discuss the questions we’ve always wondered if there were answers for. Tune in this week to hear Andy’s take on questions like: • Why are there no B batteries? • Why aren’t there E’s on report cards? • Why does the Easter Bunny carry eggs? • And so much more!    You can also hear more from Andy by subscribing to his new podcast, The Professional Noticer. Just go to for details.  Do you have a question for Andy? Call in and your questions might be features on the show! Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY Email:

  • ITL265: Andy’s Favorite Christmas Memories

    17/12/2016 Duration: 44min

    In this episode, we discuss our favorite Christmas memories as children. Tune in this week to hear about… • When Andy’s family opens presents • Andy’s favorite gift and the story behind it • The role football plays in his holidays • How Andy’s parents did Christmas • Andy’s favorite Christmas movie and why • How different things were when Andy was a child Listen to the end to hear Andy’s favorite Christmas song! Merry Christmas!    You can also hear more from Andy by subscribing to his new podcast, The Professional Noticer. Just go to for details.  Do you have a question for Andy? Call in and your questions might be features on the show! Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY Email:

  • ITL264: Why U.S. History Could Be the Next Subject to Go in Our Schools

    10/12/2016 Duration: 38min

    In this episode, we discuss the reason Andy wrote an article regarding the anniversary of Pearl Harbor.   We study history to learn from our mistakes. It’s vital to see, as a country, what we did right so we can keep doing it—and what we did wrong so we can avoid it. It’s important to teach U.S. History to avoid an undercurrent of misinformation going throughout the country. Imagine the paths people would go down if they were learning from a lie, rather than learning from the truth.   Most of our high schools have coaches teaching U.S. History. Many students across America are taught by someone without a degree or certification to teach U.S. History. A lot of high schools task the coach with teaching history. American History may be the next subject to go in our schools.     Tune in to hear more about Andy’s intriguing article on Pearl Harbor.   You can also hear more from Andy by subscribing to his new podcast, The Professional Noticer. Just go to for details.  Do you have a quest

  • ITL263: What to Say to Someone Who’s in Prison

    03/12/2016 Duration: 24min

    This week, I answer a listener’s question on what they should say to their nephew who has been in prison for a decade. Most people in prison think so much about getting out, they don’t know what to do when they finally are. • This leads to a huge amount of people who end up back in prison. • You can help them plan how they will achieve the life they want. • Let them know the opportunity they have to plan now, before they come back into society. Offer to be their life coach. • Let them know you’re willing to help, but they have to want to improve. • They designed their life in a way that made them end up in prison, so they need guidance. • Urge them to change their mindset and send them impactful books to read. Let them know many people have successfully traveled the path that lies before them. • Tell them you see great hope in their future. • Starting from ground zero isn’t easy, but it can be done. Tune in to hear the three books Andy recommends sending to someone in prison.    You can also hear more from An

  • ITL262: How to Deal with Coworkers Who Feel Entitled

    19/11/2016 Duration: 27min

    In this episode, I answer a listener’s question on working with people on tenure who no longer do a good job. For the future of our country, we have to convince people there’s no free lunch. • Imagine if everyone had a checkmark beside their name so they couldn’t be fired—regardless of their performance. • Some people feel like they shouldn’t have to prove themselves year in and year out, but that’s what everyone else has to do. • While job security and comfort are nice, pressure is where we do our best. Focus on becoming friends with these coworkers so you have a chance to have an impact on their life. • There are two things that make people change: what’s in it for them and proof beyond a reasonable doubt. • Figure out what they want out of life by having conversations with them. • Once you know what they want, recommend resources that can help them see proof that getting where they want to be requires change. Tune in to hear about a crazy conversation Andy had about tenure with someone in the airport.    Y

  • ITL261: How Cindy Monroe Turned a Seemingly Small Idea into a Business That Impacts Millions

    12/11/2016 Duration: 28min

    In this episode, our special guest, Cindy Monroe, reveals the secrets behind her massive entrepreneurial success. Cindy came up with her idea 13 years ago in Hixson, TN. • She saw boutiques popping up all over her town, but noticed they all closed at 6pm—right when women got off work. • She decided to create 31 Gifts, a direct sales company that sells handbags, jewelry, and other gifts for women. She grew her company and built raving fans by communicating her core values. • She wanted to help her family and other families achieve financial freedom. • 31 Gifts helps reverse the effect of the confidence crisis most women experience by showing them their true worth and value. • Cindy gives her sales consultants 25% or greater commission to help their families achieve financial freedom. • Her company takes giving seriously and donates hundreds of millions of dollars to charitable organizations. Cindy did all of this while having a family. • She focused on faith, family, and 31 Gifts—she said no to anything else t

  • ITL260: How to Deal with People Who Hold Grudges

    05/11/2016 Duration: 26min

    In this episode, we discuss the best way to deal with people who are bitter. It’s important to understand the difference between a choice and a mistake. • A mistake is something like turning right at a stop sign when you were supposed to turn left, causing you to arrive late to a meeting. You can apologize for this. • A choice is something that was deliberately done, knowing it was wrong. You can’t apologize for this—you can only ask for forgiveness. After doing all you can do, the best way to deal with a bitter person is to ignore or avoid them. • If you humble yourself and express remorse when asking for forgiveness, you’ve really done all you can do. • We can only control ourselves (how we react to bitterness and how we forgive others). If you are the person holding the grudge, being bitter will only hurt you. • People can sense bitterness in others. • Holding a grudge makes you less effective in business. • If you don’t learn to forgive, your bitterness will last forever. Tune in to hear how Andy’s book,

  • ITL259: How to Prepare for the Biggest Meeting of Your Life

    29/10/2016 Duration: 21min

    In this episode, I give advice to a listener who has a business meeting with a big-time buyer. Most people approach this situation by preparing to talk about themselves or their product. • Whoever you are meeting with already knows a lot about you or your product—otherwise you wouldn’t be meeting with them in the first place. • The person you are meeting with likely has 10 other meetings with people like you every week. People say yes to their friends. • You need to prepare for big meetings by looking for places you can connect with the person you are meeting. • Prepare by spending some time looking them up on Facebook or LinkedIn. • You want to show how you can provide them with value. Tune in to hear how Andy found 3 pages of information on someone his friend was meeting with in 24 minutes.    You can also hear more from Andy by subscribing to his new podcast, The Professional Noticer. Just go to for details.  Do you have a question for Andy? Call in and your questions might be featu

  • ITL258: How to Know When to Challenge Conventional Wisdom

    22/10/2016 Duration: 24min

    In this episode, we discuss when to challenge conventional wisdom and why it’s not always correct.   Be careful believing something just because it’s said a lot. There is never really a time where you don’t want to challenge conventional wisdom, especially if it has been around a long time.   There are several examples of conventional wisdom being incorrect. A popular belief is that someone will forget what you said and did, but will never forget how you made them feel. This isn’t true—people WILL remember because it was your actions that caused them to feel that way. An influential figure in academia said the #1 thing a teacher needs to do is have passion for their subject and convey that passion to their students. This also isn’t true—is it not more important for them to be teaching correct information? A Miss America winner once spoke on a presidential election by saying the candidates should be focused on compromise. The problem is, you can only compromise on opinions—you can’t compromise on principles

  • ITL257: How to Ask for a Raise the Right Way

    15/10/2016 Duration: 17min

    On this week's episode, we discuss how to ask for a raise the right way and whether you should use another job opportunity as leverage. Most people ask for a raise because they’ve been at the company for a long time. • This isn’t why you want to ask—it can make everyone uncomfortable. If you plan on using another job opportunity as leverage, you need to decide if it’s a real or potential opportunity—there is a huge difference. • Using a potential job offer as leverage has a lot of “pot holes” that come with it, because it’s not yet an actual opportunity. • You need to be careful not to make your employer feel backed into a corner. The best way to ask for a raise is to ask how you can increase your value as an employee. • Let your employer know why you want a raise (like because you want to increase opportunities for your family), but keep that part short. • You can never go wrong by showing gratitude to your employer during this process. • If your employer tells you there is no way to increase your value in t

  • ITL256: How You Can Make History Despite Your Circumstances

    08/10/2016 Duration: 28min

    On this week’s episode, we discuss how to overcome obstacles, make your own history, and leave behind a legacy of your own choosing. George Washington Carver accomplished an unbelievable amount during his lifetime—while living in one of the hardest times in history for African-Americans. • He discovered 266 uses for the peanut that we still use today, even though he was born into slavery. • Congress asked him to appear before them to discuss his work with peanuts—which was unheard of for an African-American during that time. • He did everything in his life on purpose and with intention (which is one reason he accomplished so much). Tune in to hear how a shirt Andy was wearing started this conversation on making the history you want to be remembered for. Would you like to run something by Andy? Contact us and your question might be featured on the show! • Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY • E-Mail: • •

  • ITL255: Why You Have to Vote in This Election Even if You Don’t Like the Choices

    01/10/2016 Duration: 35min

    On this week’s episode, we discuss how to vote even when you don’t like either of the candidates.   This election is not about who you will see on TV—it’s about the Supreme Court. The next president, without a doubt, will choose at least 2 (if not 5) Supreme Court Justices because of the ages of these people. How do you feel about abortion or guns? Your stance should decide how you vote. It doesn’t really matter what the candidates say about immigration or taxes because they can’t do that much without the consent of the governed   Voting for the “lesser of two evils” or not voting at all are both bad options. If you use either of these two as excuses, all you’re telling me is you haven’t really thought this through. Everyone has lied and done things they regret, but it doesn’t mean they are evil. Each candidate could lie, but you have to look at who they are surrounding themselves with and make a choice.   Regardless what side you are on, we all really want the same things. We all want the best, but with

  • How to Deal with the “Bad Apples” in Your Workplace (Before They Destroy Your Business)

    24/09/2016 Duration: 21min

      On this week’s episode, we discuss the proper way to deal with employees who bad-mouth a client and why it’s so important to do it quickly.   SO much time and money is lost by people who are too patient with bad apples. Bad apples don’t become good just because they rub up against good ones—just the opposite is true. The client (or customer) is the #1 priority—there is no excuse for employees who complain about, are annoyed with, or bad-mouth them. If it were me, I’d get rid of the bad apples as fast as possible, because this is a nonnegotiable.   You can use these bad apples as a teaching moment for the rest of your team. You can never show enough gratefulness to your client. I would get everyone together and say, “You may have noticed we are down two people, and here’s why…” If you are in a service-oriented industry, bad apples can be the death of you.    Tune in to hear exactly how Andy says he would handle a situation where 2 employees bad-mouthed a client.   Would you like to run something by Andy?

  • ITL253: Are You Damaging Your Mind Daily Without Even Knowing It?

    17/09/2016 Duration: 34min

    On this week's episode, I discuss the importance of the type of things we "feed" our mind.   What we listen to and watch could potentially be damaging. If something is going to be in your mind anyway, why not choose what goes in? Some people don't want to learn—they just want to know what they already know.   If life was a stream, you could go upstream, downstream, or tread water. If you aren't going upstream, you actually are going downstream (whether you are aware of it or not). We want to be the kind of people that other people can learn from, but we can only be that if we are in a state of learning. People who have influence have something other people want.   Tune in to hear how a friend of Andy's started controlling what goes into her mind and the impact it has had on her. Would you like to run something by Andy? Contact us and your question might be featured on the show! Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY E-Mail:

  • ITL252: The Secret to Success in Sales

    10/09/2016 Duration: 36min

    On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question on how to be successful in sales situations.   I want to go to ground-zero with you. If you’re in sales, you have been told by your sales manager that if you build a relationship, you will make a sale. You know it’s true, but you should ask yourself why it’s true. If you build a relationship with someone and they become your best friend, not only are they never going to do business with anybody else, they’re going to talk about you in glowing terms and bulldoze people in your path.   Customer satisfaction is a great concept, but I’m always blown away by companies that build their entire advertising campaigns on this. The truth is that customer satisfaction is the lowest bar that you can possibly hit and stay in business. What you want is a raving fan. Raving fans do not happen because of price and product. They happen because there is a relationship.   Whatever industry you’re in, the real product is you. It is important to get your eyes off yourself a

  • ITL251: The Importance of a Strong Financial Foundation

    27/08/2016 Duration: 29min

    On this week’s episode, a long time listener asks for my thoughts on giving kids an allowance. It is VERY important to give your children a great foundation in finances. • Most people that I see (but not everyone) give their kids a regular allowance because they are a kid and that’s just what kids get. • Some people say that an allowance is for doing chores, but my thought is that my kids are going to do chores because they get to live here. That’s just part of being a member of the family. What did parents of “The Greatest Generation” do to get their children to sacrifice, produce, and become more? • By what standards did they raise an entire generation of kids, that 70 years later we still look back and say, “That’s the best we ever were”? • “The Greatest Generation” had to get up before daylight and go milk the cows, feed the animals, or deliver papers, because families struggled to make ends meet. • Kids back then earned their way into adulthood and what they saw in adults was something they wanted to gro

  • ITL250: The Secret to Never Feeling Stuck at Your Current Job

    20/08/2016 Duration: 20min

    On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question regarding the infamous dead-end job and whether or not it is worth it to take a pay cut for a “white-collar” job.   Times have changed, but people are still stuck in the old way of thinking. Decades of old thinking has made people think they are worth way less than they actually are. People still aspire to have a college education and a desk job, even if it doesn’t turn out to be as profitable as other alternatives. If money wasn’t an object, what would you get up and do every day? Work a job that aligns with your answer to that question.   There is no such thing as a dead-end job. There are so many options and choices out there for you to do if you simply give value to other people. Look at that awesome passion that you love doing and think about what kind of value you can bring to other people with it. When you start creating value for others with your passion, there will be so much demand that you will have to start charging for it.   Tune in to hear

  • ITL249: What to Do When You Feel Purposeless

    13/08/2016 Duration: 21min

    On this week’s episode, a recently retired teacher and principal asks what to do when you’ve lost your purpose. She spends time with her kids and grandchildren, but after 45 years in education no longer feels needed.   By understanding the butterfly effect, you could make a case that an afternoon with a grandchild could make as much difference long-term as an hour with a stadium full of people. Time spent with a grandchild is precious—not just for them, but for all of us. You are shaping the world we all live in.   Create some kind of ministry or business based on passing along the wisdom you’ve accrued. You may find you have much more purpose now because you’re at a point where you have the experience to lay things out. As you lay out what you think people ought to do, fully explain why that is so. Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. So many people forget that some of the greatest businesses and ministries took years and years of preparations before they could make an impact.   If there was no more purpo

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