Alice Springs Baptist Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 28:47:38
  • More information



Listen to all the latest sermons from the team at Alice Springs Baptist Church, located in the heart of Australia.


  • From Small Acts A Kingdom Grows - The Gospel of Mark

    22/09/2024 Duration: 29min

    (Mark 4:26-34) Today as we continue our journey through Mark's Gospel we encounter 2 parables that Jesus tells to help describe the Kingdom of God. Both of these parables take the opportunity to highlight the idea that from small acts, big things can grow. Join us as Iain unpacks some lessons that we can learn about God's Kingdom from these examples that Jesus provided.

  • What About Me? - Deep Truths: Romans

    22/09/2024 Duration: 30min

    (Romans 9-11) As we continue our journey through the deep truths found in the book of Romans we encounter chapters 9-11 where Paul is unpacking a similar idea to the Jewish Christians, and also us. Join us as Gavin unpacks what Paul's warnings around misdirected zeal looks like for the Jewish Christians, and for us today.

  • Learning To Listen Deeply & Share Effectively - The Gospel of Mark

    15/09/2024 Duration: 24min

    (Mark 4:1-25) As Megan continues our series on Mark looking at the Words, Ways and Works of Jesus we encounter an example of Jesus using parables to teach the people. While the parable is important by itself, Mark takes the opportunity to share Jesus' words about why he teaches in this way. Join us today as we look at what we can learn about Listening Deeply, and sharing effectively to Good News of God's Kingdom.

  • Formed, Fought For & Held - Deep Truths: Romans

    15/09/2024 Duration: 28min

    (Romans 8:28-39) Join us tonight as Iain unpacks some incredibly famous verses from Romans 8 that help remind us of the hope we have in Jesus. In Romans 8 Paul reminds us that God is actively at work for our good in all the circumstances of life. Whether they are good, bad or just ordinary. We then take the opportunity to look at the end of Romans chapter and see 3 ways in which God is working for our good.

  • A Question Left Hanging - More Than A Fish: Lessons from The Prophet Jonah

    08/09/2024 Duration: 37min

    (Jonah 4) As we come to the end of the book of Jonah, Gavin takes the time today to celebrate that this book is part of our Scripture as it encourages us to take a look at the way we respond to God's character. Today we see a conversation between Jonah and God as they consider the Ninevites who have repented and Jonah's response to this news is... underwhelming. Join us as Gavin unpacks the 3 questions that God asks Jonah, and that we need to reflect on ourselves.

  • Dysfunctional Messengers - Apply Within - More Than A Fish: Lessons from The Prophet Jonah

    01/09/2024 Duration: 38min

    (Jonah 3) Who is God, and what is He like? The answers to these questions affect the way in which we view the world and the way in which we go about life. Today Simon Duke is taking us through Jonah chapter 3 and we get a chance to see God's heart at work, and learn some important lessons about what that means for us.

  • Emotion & Desperation (PM) - More Than A Fish: Lessons from The Prophet Jonah

    25/08/2024 Duration: 34min

    (Jonah 2) Today Gavin and Tim take the opportunity to theologically reflect on Jonah's response in Jonah chapter 2. Here we see Jonah expressing some deep and incredible emotions in his desperate situation. These emotions can sometimes make us feel uncomfortable, and yet learning how to care for and support others through these emotions is an important part of helping to be Jesus to the people around us. Please note: that Tim was interviewed in both services, and each one was different. They are both available on our Youtube Channel. AM: PM:

  • A Chosen and Redeemed Failure - More Than A Fish: Lessons from The Prophet Jonah

    18/08/2024 Duration: 28min

    (Jonah 1) Today we launch a new series across our AM and PM services looking at the Book of Jonah. Just a warning - Jonah is NOT the example we are called to follow. Instead, as we relate to Jonah we see this book demonstrate God's character, love and mercy. Join us today as Iain unpacks Jonah's disobedience and God's faithfulness in spite of it.

  • Forgiveness: Break The Cycle - Spiritual Disciplines: Attention With Intention

    11/08/2024 Duration: 28min

    (Matthew 18:21-22) As we continue our journey through some Spiritual Disciplines this year, we come to the discipline of Forgiveness. Here we see that forgiveness is a choice to break the cycle of revenge. Join us as we learn what this discipline is for, and how we can practice it according to the way of Jesus

  • Groaning, Hoping and Living - Deep Truths: Romans

    11/08/2024 Duration: 26min

    (Romans 8:18-27) As Dave Clark continues our exploration of the Deep Truths in the book of Romans we come to a point in which the early Church were asking the question... What are we meant to do with all that? Here Paul shares about the tension between groaning with the suffering around us, hope for what is to come and the role we as the Church have to live out God's Kingdom here and now. Join us as Dave unpacks this passage and encourages us to find the hope in this tension.

  • Confession: No More Pretending - Spiritual Disciplines: Attention With Intention

    04/08/2024 Duration: 27min

    (Psalm 51) *Please note the message started with the following clip; * This Sunday Gavin takes the opportunity to unpack a Spiritual Discipline that is often misunderstood - Confession. While some other Christian traditions have more experience with it, it is an intentional practice that helps us to redirect our attention to God. Join us as Gavin unpacks some of the dangerous alternatives to this discipline and then examines an example from a man after God's own heart - David as he engages in the discipline and practice of confession.

  • Opposition and Distraction - The Gospel of Mark

    28/07/2024 Duration: 32min

    (Mark 3:20-35) We continue our journey through Mark's Gospel with a challenging passage. Here Jesus is in full swing, preaching to repent, for the Kingdom of God is near. Yet it is into this success that Jesus encounters two parties of resistance. His family, and the Teachers of the Law from Jerusalem. Jesus here needs to consider, what is an opposition to be engaged? And what is a distraction that needs to be dismissed? Join us as Gavin unpacks this message today.

  • Simplicity - Spiritual Disciplines: Attention With Intention

    28/07/2024 Duration: 19min

    (Genesis 13:1-18; Matthew 6:19-24; Philippians 4:10-13) Today Gordon continues our Spiritual Discipline series with another discipline - simplicity. In the world today it can be incredibly overwhelming trying to deal with all the things around us, clamouring for our attention. So much so that it leads us to ask - Do I own my possessions or do they own me? Join us as Gordon unpacks what simplicity means and what the Bible says about it.

  • Global Christ Like Expression - The Gospel of Mark

    21/07/2024 Duration: 38min

    (Mark 3:7-10; 3:13-19) Today we continue our journey through Mark's Gospel in a different way. We have Steve from BWA being interviewed by Gavin around the work of BWA and how it relates to Jesus' ministry. Join us as Steve shares about the attractiveness of God's Kingdom, the need for discernment in sharing and the importance of empowering others.

  • Trust God to Bring Justice - Complex Parables

    21/07/2024 Duration: 21min

    (Luke 18:1-8) Tonight Katherine (Kat) Shields picks up our Complex Parables series with the Parable of the Persistent Widow. While this is another parable that Jesus shares the reason for which he speaks it, it is a parable with some important truths and reminders about the character of God that we can cling to in hard times. Join us as Kat unpacks this parable tonight.

  • Love Completes The Law - The Gospel of Mark

    14/07/2024 Duration: 33min

    (Mark 3:1-6) As we continue working our way through the Gospel of Mark we come to another occasion in which Jesus and some of the religious leaders of the time clashed over the Sabbath. In today's passage there is a man in need of healing, and an argument over whether this is an acceptable piece of work. Join us as Gavin unpacks what was going on in this situation, and challenges us to consider the ways in which we might emphasise law over love.

  • The Pharisee and The Tax Collector - Complex Parables

    14/07/2024 Duration: 30min

    (Luke 18:9-14) As we continue our series on Complex Parables - The picture stories that Jesus told to teach and challenge the people listening, we come to one called The Pharisee and The Tax Collector. Here Iain unpacks how while this might at first seem to be a parable of God's mercy shown to everyone, it is actually a warning about the way we approach God. Join us as this confronting parable is unpacked and we are urged to examine our own attitudes towards God.

  • And His Companions - The Gospel of Mark

    07/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    (Mark 2:23-28) As we continue our journey through Mark's Gospel, today Gavin unpacks a situation in which Jesus' disciples are in the firing line. As the disciples 'harvest' some grain to eat on the Sabbath they are challenged by the Pharisees. How does Jesus respond? He defends the disicples, and encourages them at the same time. Join us as Gavin shares some truths that are relevant to us today.

  • The Shrewd Manager - Complex Parables

    07/07/2024 Duration: 39min

    (Luke 16:1-13) As we pick up our series on Complex Parables from last year, today's parable is one that has largely defied Christian interpretation. The Parable of The Shrewd Manager. Is Jesus inviting us to cheat our bosses? Is Jesus telling us to use unethical practices? Or is something else going on here? Join us today as Gavin unpacks this perplexing parable and helps us to understand what is being asked.

  • Sabbath Rest - Spiritual Disciplines: Attention With Intention


    (John 5:16-19, John 15:1-8) Gavin invites us to reconsider the role that rest and abiding plays in the expression of our faith each day, asking the question "Are you working from a place of healthy rest or are you being forced to rest from a place of unhealthy work?" Jesus lived and taught the true purpose of Sabbath - a command that was given for our good. Only by abiding in him first, will we produce fruit for God's glory.

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