Love Life With Matthew Hussey

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 224:25:52
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Matthew Hussey is the worlds leading dating expert for women. He is a New York Times bestselling author, a monthly relationship advice columnist for Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the resident love expert on The Today Show. Love Life is a 360-degree approach to guaranteeing success in your love life, with a focus on Dating, Relationships, Career, Confidence and Family.


  • The Most Attractive Way to Initiate (and Exit) a Conversation

    26/02/2016 Duration: 06min

    When you’re out socially, one of the worst feelings is to be approached and feel like you’re “trapped” in a conversation. Today, I have some great tips, both for body language and what you can actually say, to gracefully enter and politely exit a conversation. I’ll even share a trick that allows you to approach a group of guys and then turn the tables, leaving them wanting more so they are desperate to reengage with you!

  • Should You Offer to Pay on a Date?

    24/02/2016 Duration: 06min

    It’s a delicate dance… You’ve had a romantic dinner with the guy you really like and then the check comes to the table. Do you reach for it? Feign searching in your handbag for your wallet? Let him pick up the tab so you don’t bruise his ego? And if you’ve been dating for a while, does this change the dynamic? I’ll share the secret thoughts men have on this issue that they would never tell you, and give you specific advice of when and how you should “treat” your man.

  • 3 Flirty Texts That Drive Men Wild

    22/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    Flirting over text message is a great way to connect – and amp up your sexual chemistry – with that guy you like. But what exactly do you say? You want to come off as fun, confident, playful and not at all needy. In this episode of LOVE Life I’ve got you covered… I’m literally going to have you take out your phone and type in foolproof texts that are guaranteed to drive him wild. He won’t be able to get you off his mind!

  • Why Rejecting a Man With Kindness Attracts the Guy You Really Want

    19/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    When a guy you’re not into hits on you, what should you do?  You don’t want to waste precious time in a lame conversation and, worse, you don’t want to give him the wrong idea that he has a chance with you. But wait—before you give him the cold shoulder, there’s something you need to know.  How you handle this situation could have a huge impact on whether that hot guy across the room you’ve had your eye on ends up approaching you, or dismissing you altogether. I break it down in today’s episode of LOVE Life.

  • How to Get the Hottest Guy in the Room to Approach You

    17/02/2016 Duration: 06min

    How do you get a super hot guy – or any guy in general – to approach you? If you’re not the best looking woman in the room, do you even stand a chance? You might be surprised by my answer. Hint: Your competition is not as threatening as you think it is, and I’ll show you the one thing that will win a guy’s interest over looks any time.

  • How to “Work It” With Your Work Crush

    15/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    Uh oh… you have a crush on a guy from work.   This could get tricky… Should you try to ignore your feelings and keep it professional?  Hope he makes the first move?  Make a pass at him in the elevator?  My answer is “none of the above.”  In today’s episode, I’m going to give you some practical, risk-free tips for you to test the waters and see if he’s ready to move out of the “work zone” and into the “flirt zone.”

  • The More You Like Him, the More He Pulls Away

    12/02/2016 Duration: 08min

    You’re dating a great new guy.  Things couldn’t be going better.  You start to really feel yourself falling for him and then – all of a sudden – he starts to back off and act strange and non-committal.  What’s going on here, and how can you reignite his interest?  I share the secret to becoming the sexiest woman alive to him, and it’s not what you’d expect.

  • Quick Tips to Enjoy (a Misery-Free) Valentine’s Day

    10/02/2016 Duration: 06min

    Valentine’s Day masquerades as a holiday of love and romance, but for many of us it’s actually filled with pressure and disappointment. No matter what your situation – single, dating, in a (complicated) relationship – I have tips for you to actually enjoy this day (which is JUST, by the way, A DAY…) and how you can use 1% shifts in your attitude and behavior to guarantee it’s filled with love.

  • The Perfect Answer to “Why Are You Still Single?”

    08/02/2016 Duration: 04min

    It’s the question every single woman dreads.  Even if the guy asking means it as a compliment (“How is it that someone great like you doesn’t have a boyfriend already?”) it’s still a loaded question and if you don’t answer it skilfully you could end up sending the wrong message that you’re desperate, jaded, or undesirable.  In this episode of LOVE Life I’m giving you the exact words to say to communicate that you are high value, in demand, and any man would be lucky to win you as his girlfriend.

  • No More Awkward Silences (My #1 Tip for Amazing Conversations)

    05/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    What’s your biggest fear when you think about striking up a conversation with a man you’re attracted to? That you’ll run out of things to talk about, of course. We all feel that way. In today’s LOVE Life I’m going to give you 3 tips for becoming an amazing conversationalist – including my #1 tip that guarantees you’ll never have another awkward silence again.

  • How to Talk to a Ridiculously Hot Guy

    03/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    Chill for a minute… So that guy you want to talk to is super hot.  Before you let your nerves get the best of you, leaving you a giggling, babbling mess, listen to today’s LOVE Life.  I’m going to tell you how to take your power back and remain in control of the conversation.  That’s right – YOU are going to set the pace and tone with this guy, which will make you seem confident and magnetic on the outside (no matter how nervous you are on the inside).  Who’s the ridiculously hot one NOW???

  • 4 Dynamic First Date Ideas

    01/02/2016 Duration: 06min

    Dinner?  Movie?  Dinner AND a movie?  What makes a great first date?  None of the above!  In this episode of LOVE Life I’m going to give you 4 fresh ideas for a dynamic first date that encourage connection, intimacy, flirtation and fun, and explain exactly why they work.  Try one of these out next time you meet a guy you really like and you’ll get a second date, guaranteed.

  • How to Protect the Emotional Energy of Your Relationship

    29/01/2016 Duration: 06min

    No relationship is perfect. You’re going to have your ups and downs, your disagreements and your rough patches. At times, you may feel the need to talk to someone outside of your relationship to get emotional support or even just another point of view. So what’s the appropriate way to do that without being disloyal to your partner or souring others’ opinion of him? Let’s dig into this delicate topic together and I’ll give you my two best pointers to protect the emotional energy of your relationship, even in its most precarious moments. 

  • What REALLY Makes a Man Commit

    29/01/2016 Duration: 08min

    In today’s episode of LOVE Life I take a fascinating call from a woman named Kailani who wonders if there’s a reason why the modern man has so much trouble committing to a relationship. I dig in deep to reveal some powerful truths about the way men think about commitment – including the real reason why a guy can meet his “dream woman” and still not be able to settle down.  I give one of my most important pieces of advice so that you’ll never waste your time again on a guy who’s not ready to get serious, and I tell you the exact questions to ask to find out if he is.

  • The Risk-Free, Rejection-Free Way to Get Him to Ask You Out

    27/01/2016 Duration: 07min

    If a guy is interested in you, he’ll ask you out, right?  Not necessarily. Some men – especially if they’re shy – are waiting for a sign that you like him, too.  In today’s episode I’m going to teach you a playful way to give that shy guy a little push to ask you out. The best part?  There’s zero risk of rejection.

  • My #1 Tip to Crush Your To-Do List

    25/01/2016 Duration: 03min

    Would you like to get more done in a day?  How would it feel to accomplish all of your biggest goals before everyone else has had a chance to down their morning coffee?  I’ve got a simple secret to smashing through distractions, making the most of your energy, avoiding “decision fatigue,” and earning yourself some much-deserved downtime.  I tell you how in today’s LOVE Life…

  • When Should You Change Your Facebook Status?

    21/01/2016 Duration: 05min

    It’s the modern dilemma all daters must face: “When should I change my Facebook status from ‘single’ to ‘in a relationship?’  And how do I bring it up to my guy without looking needy?”  I’ve got the answer for you in today’s LOVE Life, and I give you a clever way to say it that actually shows your loyalty and encourages him to change his status without ever having to ask him to do it.

  • The No-Ultimatum Way to Get Him To Commit

    20/01/2016 Duration: 06min

    Here’s a little secret about men: More often than not, we want to be in a committed relationship.  We just want to believe that it was our idea in the first place.  That’s why putting pressure on a guy or “selling” him on the idea of exclusivity will only push him away.  In today’s episode I’m going to hand you the exact words to say to a guy to let him know you’re interested in something more serious without sounding like an ultimatum. This allows you to show your standard and send the subtle message that if he doesn’t make up his mind he risks losing you forever.  Chances are, after this talk, HE’LL be the one asking YOU for the commitment. (He’ll only think it’s all his own idea!)

  • Why Men Freak Out and Pull Away

    18/01/2016 Duration: 07min

    You’ve just started seeing a guy you’re really into.  You just can’t get enough of each other. You spend night and day together.  You cancel plans with friends so you don’t miss a chance to see him.  Before you know it, you’ve got a toothbrush and a drawer of clothes at his place, and you’re wondering whether to say “I love you” (even though it’s only been a whirlwind few weeks).  Then suddenly, out of the blue, he starts ignoring your texts and phone calls.  He ditches plans with you to go out with the guys.  You can feel the shift: he’s starting to pull away from you.  In today’s LOVE Life I’m going to explain exactly WHAT is going on inside his head, WHY this is happening, and HOW you can get through this tricky phase with your relationship intact.  I’ll even give you a script of what to say to reverse the situation, create more attraction, and make your relationship even stronger than it was before.

  • The Surprising Secret to Leading an Extraordinary Life

    15/01/2016 Duration: 04min

    Is Facebook killing your confidence?  Making you feel like everyone else has a perfect relationship?  Chances are it is without you even realizing it.  In today’s episode of LOVE Life, I tell you why comparing your life to others’ seemingly perfect existence is a dangerous game…and how you can create an extraordinary life no matter how ordinary your circumstances.  Stay tuned to the end because I’m going to leave you with a brilliant quotation that will remind you why your happiness should never be measured against anyone else.

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