Wheaton Bible Church



Our mission as a church is that more and more people would love God, grow together, and reach the world.


  • Follow Me


    Mark 10 records a conversation Jesus had with a rich man, who asks Him, "What can I do to be saved?" Sadly, the man turns away when Jesus tells him to give away all his possessions "and follow Me." Reflecting on that story, Pastor Rob shares five important observations about how our possessions, our money, and our desire for status become idols that control us and keep us from treasuring what really matters.

  • Follow Me


    Jesus, Mark 10 tells us, has a special love for children—and for all who come to Him as children do, with simple trust and wholehearted devotion. It is that kind child-like faith that the ushers both young and old alike into His eternal Kingdom.

  • Follow Me


    When scheming religious leaders questioned Jesus on the subject of divorce, He responds to their trickery by teaching about God's beautiful plan for marriage.

  • Jesus Lives


    In our Easter Sunday message, Pastor Rob examines the Resurrection of Jesus—the most important event in human history and the cornerstone of the Christian faith—and the well-documented factual support for the biblical account of Jesus' victory over death and the grave.

  • Jesus Came


    In His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem—what we commemorate on Palm Sunday—Jesus demonstrates that He is the King, that He is infinitely loving, and that He brings peace to those who will embrace Him and swear allegiance to His Kingdom.

  • Follow Me


    In their confusion over who Jesus really was, Jesus' disciples were also confused about their own role as followers of a suffering Savior. Caught arguing over their own greatness, Jesus begins to teach them about His Kingdom's counter-cultural dynamic, where those who want to be first must be last and the greatest are the servants of all .

  • Follow Me


    When Jesus' disciples experience significant spiritual failure, He teaches them—and us—the true source of spiritual power and how to access it.

  • Follow Me


    When Jesus says "Follow Me," He is calling us as His disciples to forsake the American dream and embrace the Kingdom dream–living lives of radical discipleship that transcend adversity and transform a "Why me?" perspective on suffering and pain.

  • Follow Me


    During Jesus ministry, He amazed the crowds who were drawn to Him – causing the blind to see and the deaf to ear. "Everything He does is wonderful," they said. In this text, we see how Jesus excelled in caring for individuals in need, for the masses, and for His disciples.

  • Follow Me


    In this fascinating interaction between Jesus and the Gentile woman, Pastor Rob uncovers a story of remarkable faith—the kind of faith and dependence on Jesus that brings freedom and transformation in hearts and lives.

  • Follow Me


    In these verses Jesus addresses the traditions of the Pharisees and teachers. Pastor Hanibal explains that traditions can be beautiful and dangerous. He suggests three ways to avoid making them dangerous: 1.) Confront with the truth 2.) Acknowledge our reality 3.) Believe the Good News.

  • Follow Me


    Jesus and His disciples are worn out and depleted. He is grieving the death of John and the disciples have just returned from their two-by-two missions trips. Along with the twelve, we learn two powerful lessons: 1.) We can't live the Christ life unless Christ is living it in us. 2.) The law of God and the will of God is meant to kill any notion in us of self reliance.

  • Follow Me


    We learn two significant truths about Jesus' rescue plan for the world as we read about the sending of the twelve and the death of John the Baptist: 1.) Jesus' strategy, His call, is disciple making, people reaching people. 2.) There is a cost to the call.

  • Follow Me


    After demonstrating His power in Galilee, Jesus returns to His hometown and is rejected as the Messiah. Pastor Lon encourages us to keep praying for family and friends who might reject faith and to remember that although people might reject Jesus, He doesn't reject people.

  • Follow Me


    In the three stories told in these verses we see Jesus delivering people from demons, healing from sickness, and raising from the dead. Pastor Rob explains that all three stories describe how faith overcomes fear and that no one is beyond the power or love of Jesus.

  • Follow Me


    Everyone has a problem with fear. Pastor Lon examines how Jesus addressed the fear of His disciples during a storm and that although fear always will be present in life, we can embrace the truth that faith is the antidote to fear.

  • Follow Me


    Pastor Rob continues our study in the Gospel of Mark, examining three brief parables that Jesus used to teach us about the Kingdom of God, about Himself, and about how He would have us live in order to align ourselves in the days ahead with His purposes and plans.

  • Follow Me


    Jesus tells a parable about seeds and soils to describe the impact of the Gospel on a person's spiritual growth and transformation. In light of the importance of the soil (the heart) to growth, Pastor Ted asks us, "What is the condition of our hearts?"

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