Divi Chat



A Divi & WordPress Podcast


  • Ep 272 – Preparing to Buy or Sell a Web Business with Kristina Romero

    16/03/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Have you ever thought about selling your business or purchasing an agency? Even if this isn't on your To Do list for the near future, understanding what's involved can help ensure you are ready if/when the time comes. In this episode of Divi Chat, we will break this subject down to discuss elements that get your business in a position to be profitably sold, as well as what to look for in a book of business you want to acquire. Our regular panelists will be joined by Kristina Romero, the founder or WP Care Market, and former owner of a web agency, which she sold in 2020. She will share the knowledge she gained from selling her agency, including practical tips for navigating the legal and financial aspects of buying or selling a web agency, how to connect with a buyer / seller, and what she would do differently, if given the chance. The post Ep 272 – Preparing to Buy or Sell a Web Business with Kristina Romero appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 271 – Getting the Most Out of Social Media for Your Web Design Business

    10/03/2023 Duration: 01h28s

    Poll: When it comes to your business, do you view Social Media as (A) a necessary evil, (B) totally pointless, or (C) your biz bestie? (Answer in the comments!)

  • Ep 270 – Making the Most of Google’s (Mostly Free!) Tools

    06/03/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    As web professionals, we rely on a multitude of tools to help us with our work. Pricey or Free, Shiny or Tried-and-true, we all have our favorites...but it's hard to imagine getting by without the powerful suite of tools that Google provides - almost entirely for free! From analytics to search console, from Google My Business to Google Tag Manager, we are all probably more reliant on these tools than we realize. In this episode, our panel will dive into their favorite Google tools, sharing their experiences and best practices for maximizing their potential. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, you won't want to miss this insightful episode of Divi Chat! The post Ep 270 – Making the Most of Google’s (Mostly Free!) Tools appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 269 – How to Master Sales and Negotiation

    23/02/2023 Duration: 01h14min

    Does the thought of "Sales and Negotiation" make you cringe? Do you feel sleazy every time you try to sell your services? That stops now! Sure there are sleazy salespeople, but the act of selling doesn't make you one of them. And it's time to stop underselling or letting the client dictate your pricing. Negotiation can actually be fun! It doesn't matter how amazing your product or service is. If you can't sell it, you will go out of business. Regular listeners know the Divi Chat panel is full of sales experts. Check out this episode where they share their best tips and tricks for negotiating the best price and closing the sale. The post Ep 269 – How to Master Sales and Negotiation appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 268 – How Will AI Tools Like ChatGPT Affect How We Build Websites in 2023?

    15/02/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    Artificial Intelligence has exploded on to the tech scene in the past 6 months and is rapidly seeping into the mainstream. (When your mom starts asking questions about ChatGPT - you know it's officially made it!) How will this technology (and future iterations) affect Web Design, Development, Copywriting, and Analytics? In other words: IS AI COMING FOR YOUR JOB?? The post Ep 268 – How Will AI Tools Like ChatGPT Affect How We Build Websites in 2023? appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 267 – Problem Solving and Troubleshooting WordPress Websites

    08/02/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    As WordPress developers, technology is the love of our lives...and the bane of our existence. On this episode of Divi Chat, we’re discussing what to do when things go wrong. One of the most important things we'll discuss is how to diagnose a problem quickly. We'll share our favorite tactics and tools for troubleshooting, and how to quickly narrow down the cause of an issue. The post Ep 267 – Problem Solving and Troubleshooting WordPress Websites appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 266 – How to Structure a Blog Post for Conversion and SEO

    25/01/2023 Duration: 01h28s

    You already know blogging is critical to SEO success, but more is involved than just pumping out random content. How do you know what to write about, and how can you get the biggest bang for your buck on each post? SEO expert and all around word nerd, Michelle Bourbonniere will be joining the panel to share some tips for how to get the most out of your blogging efforts. The post Ep 266 – How to Structure a Blog Post for Conversion and SEO appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 265 – Voice Assistants: The Next Frontier for Your Content

    18/01/2023 Duration: 01h19min

    Siri, Alexa, and Google are ready and waiting to deliver content to your audience. Do you know how to expand your reach into this vast network? Join the panel as we welcome special guest Chip Edwards, founder of Create My Voice. His tagline is "Your content, but louder." Literally! The post Ep 265 – Voice Assistants: The Next Frontier for Your Content appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 264 – How to Perform a Website Audit (and Why)

    12/01/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    Kick the year off right with a fresh audit of your website (or your client sites!). What exactly IS a Website Audit? How do you do it? How long does it take? Can you charge for this?? Tune in to hear the panel discuss! The post Ep 264 – How to Perform a Website Audit (and Why) appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 263 – 2023 Goals and Tactics to Actually Achieve Them

    21/12/2022 Duration: 54min

    If you are a Divi Chat regular, you know we aren't big believers in overeager "resolutions" that won't make it to the spring thaw. Instead, let's set some realistic goals for our business, and make a plan for hitting the targets. The post Ep 263 – 2023 Goals and Tactics to Actually Achieve Them appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 262 – Setting Priorities and Staying Focused

    18/12/2022 Duration: 01h37s

    Are you the Visionary that has a million ideas, but never finishes any? Or maybe you struggle to remain focused on a single task, bouncing from one to the next and back again. Do you constantly feel "busy" - but not productive? If any of these scenarios resonate with you, don't miss this episode of Divi Chat! The post Ep 262 – Setting Priorities and Staying Focused appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 261 – You Gotta Know THIS to Succeed in Web Design

    07/12/2022 Duration: 57min

    Join us as we explore the cornerstone to success in web design business. The post Ep 261 – You Gotta Know THIS to Succeed in Web Design appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 260 – How to Finish Your Year Strong

    01/12/2022 Duration: 58min

    Can you believe this week starts December already? 2023 is just around the corner. How are you feeling about 2022? Did you hit your goals? The post Ep 260 – How to Finish Your Year Strong appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 259- Win More Business by Creating Compelling Case Studies

    24/11/2022 Duration: 55min

    To have a portfolio or not to have a portfolio on your agency website is an age old debate. Even if you are on the fence about that, consider putting together a few (or even just ONE) solid case study of a project that was a success. The post Ep 259- Win More Business by Creating Compelling Case Studies appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 258- Divi Chat Live Q&A

    10/11/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    We are trying something a little different this week. Today's topic is up to YOU! Listen in as your burning questions about Divi or running your Divi business are answered LIVE by our panelists. The post Ep 258- Divi Chat Live Q&A appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 257- What Would We Do Differently in our Divi Businesses?

    03/11/2022 Duration: 58min

    Hindsight is 20/20, as they say - so why not borrow the glasses of someone farther down the road? We have always approached Divi Chat as "the podcast I wish I had when started out." After 6 years of podcasting and even more years with Divi, our panel has learned a lesson or two! The post Ep 257- What Would We Do Differently in our Divi Businesses? appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 256- Divi Chat Celebrates 6 Years!

    19/10/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    On this anniversary episode, we'll share our experiences and thoughts on Divi Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. - What made this theme so awesome when it was just a baby builder? - How do our businesses benefit from Divi currently? - What is on the horizon for Divi and Elegant Themes? The post Ep 256- Divi Chat Celebrates 6 Years! appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 255- Black Friday Prep

    06/10/2022 Duration: 58min

    We just kicked off spooky szn and turkey day sounds far away, but NOW is the time to start prepping for your Black Friday promotion. Join the DC panel as they discuss their offerings and strategies for the biggest shopping day of the year. The post Ep 255- Black Friday Prep appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 254 – Converting Prospects into Clients

    29/09/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    Is it possible to "sell without selling"? Do you find yourself giving away your strategy for free on "pick your brain" calls? Do you get traffic to your website, but no clients come from it? Get some tips from the DC panel on how they turn their prospects into paying customers on today's episode. The post Ep 254 – Converting Prospects into Clients appeared first on Divi Chat.

  • Ep 253 – How to Get (and Keep!) Your Business Organized

    21/09/2022 Duration: 59min

    Do you feel organized in your business? Chaos is the enemy of productivity. What apps, tools, and/or techniques do you use to keep the chaos at bay? Join the Divi Chat panel as they share their tips for keeping all the plates spinning...and being able to have a life outside of our web world, too! The post Ep 253 – How to Get (and Keep!) Your Business Organized appeared first on Divi Chat.

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