No Format



Trying to explain what this podcast is about would be like trying to teach grandma how to send an email. It seems easy enough at first but you'll soon find it an impossible task. No Format is not a nerd-cast; we're clearly two social, pleasant, good looking gentlemen (ep. 28). No Format is not a comedy-cast; we never joke about the topic at hand and take our jobs very seriously as distributors of internet content (ep. 15). No Format is not a videogame-cast; Josh has only beaten 6 out of 8 Zelda games and we rarely play videogames while podcasting (ep. 7). No Format is not a science-cast; the occasional episode on nuclear fission and mathematical proofs will appear now and then, but all together we are not great sources of information (ep. 11 & 39). And lastly, No Format is by no means a film-cast; we just happen to know someone who makes movies (ep. 27). It also just happens that we have excellent taste and never come to dissagreements on movies (ep. 42). So what would one expect from a typical episode? We don't really have a format. Chances are if you have a mustache, play(ed) with Ninja Turtles, own a telescope, hate ugly fonts, have a friend from Korea, enjoy a good scotch, have a favorite dinosaur, wished you could golf better, prefer the original theatrical Star Wars, or in general read Wikipedia articles at least 3 times per day, you'll probably find what you've been looking for all along in this, the No Format podcast.


  • 042 | Prometheus

    15/06/2012 Duration: 01h08min

    Warning! If you have not seen the newly released movie Prometheus, DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE! We go to town on the spoilers holding NOTHING back. That being said, if you have seen Prometheus, you are in for a heated disscussion between none other than the self proclaimed movie buff himself (Josh), the renowned water critic Jason, and the No Format record holding "most guest appearences" Gene Lee. Strap in, cause you're in for a ride to another planet. Or moon thereof.

  • 041 | Acqua Panna

    09/06/2012 Duration: 49min

    Jason talks water. Joshua talks Transit of Venus. And I don't feel like writing any more description because I'm posting this at like 2:30am.

  • 040 | Toothbrush

    01/06/2012 Duration: 47min

    You may be extremely bored during this episode. Then again, it's no different than any other episode we've done. So if you've invested in us this far, you may as well keep going.

  • 039 | Artheology

    25/05/2012 Duration: 01h04min

    App. Space. Math. Book. God.

  • 038 | Avengers Roundtable

    18/05/2012 Duration: 43min

    Gene is back from Korea and joins us once again, this time for a roundtable discussion of important stuff. So you should probably listen to it. Cause it's important. Oh, and if you haven't seen The Avengers yet, I suggest you put this episode on hold. Unless you have no interest in The Avengers. But then you might not want to listen to this episode anyway.

  • 037 | Movie Buff

    09/05/2012 Duration: 01h12min


  • 036 | Duck Duck Go

    04/05/2012 Duration: 58min

    This episode is not for the feint of heart. Do not listen to this episode alone or even in the dark. It is my recommendation that, if you plan on listening to this episode, you keep a guard dog by your side at all times. You are warned.

  • 035 | Damn it Feels Good to be a Gangsta

    29/04/2012 Duration: 01h21min

    Andrew Eller and Tim Karabian join us this week to do nothing more than shoot the breeze. Topics include Speed Runs, Whether or not Josh is a move buff, gadgets and much much more. PS I'm a movie buff.

  • 034 | Vegas

    23/04/2012 Duration: 01h03min

    One of us was traveling, the other was just lazy but we came through with this episode after all was said and done. Hope you enjoy!

  • 033 | Star Wars

    13/04/2012 Duration: 49min

    Something I forgot to mention in this week's episode: This might be old news, but if you haven't yet, check out this guys treatise on the order in which you should watch Star Wars (the old and the new). It's super long but I read almost the whole thing cause it's interesting. Not that the guy has any authority on the subject. Just some guys thoughts. Anyway here it is.

  • 032 | Taxman

    06/04/2012 Duration: 34min

    Jason, myself and friends finally went golfing 6 episodes later. We cringe at the imminent tax deadline and we shoot the s**t in general.

  • 031 | Colonization

    30/03/2012 Duration: 01h10min

    Do you think you have what it takes to make the cut? Would your skill set be of use on another planet? Find out in this installment of No Format where we discuss yet another topic regarding something about which we know nothing. Do not listen to this episode if you are at all skittish about bees or other flying insects. I'm just sayin'.

  • 030 | Papyrus.ttf

    24/03/2012 Duration: 40min

    Whatever you may hear in the intro, this episode is indeed our thirtieth. Somehow Jason and I are always oblivious to the number of episodes we have recorded and this time is no exception. Listen to this episode if you currently wear a mustache and possess a burning hatred toward papyrus font. We don't talk about the former but I figure if you got a mustache you're bad ass enough to like our show.

  • 029 | The Lego Store

    17/03/2012 Duration: 43min

    After a one week sabbatical Jason and Josh are back with the podcast that happened after our cameras overheated and stopped recording. Who likes candy? Let us know.

  • 027 | Always Learning

    02/03/2012 Duration: 42min

    Robert Krakower talks about his upcoming movie, Always Learning, which premiers March 9th at 9:30PM at the San Jose Repertory Theater.

  • 026 | Golf Swing

    24/02/2012 Duration: 51min

    Ryan DeOcampo joins us for a discussion on the future and golf, but not the future of golf. Just the future in general.

  • 025 | Episode 25

    18/02/2012 Duration: 31min

    Another live stream for ya guys! This episode literally has no direction therefore it gets no title. Sorry for the late post, but to make up for it, we've made this an enhanced podcast! Hope you enjoy the pictures : )

  • 024 | No Format LIVE

    11/02/2012 Duration: 45min

    This week we go live on Ustream! If you missed it, and I'm sure you did as we announced it the day we broadcast it, you can catch up on all the mayhem here. Enjoy! And don't forget to post you wallet on

  • 023 | Play Count

    03/02/2012 Duration: 01h01min

    I hope you like heavy metal. And low bit depth music. That's all I have to say.

  • 022 | Puzzle

    23/01/2012 Duration: 46min

    We talk...lots of stuff. No topic in particular.

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