Shepherd Thoughts Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 35:33:56
  • More information



The Shepherd Thoughts Podcast is an audio resource for Christians that encourages biblical thinking for biblical living as you follow the Lord Jesus Christ, your Good Shepherd. For more helpful resources online, visit"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." (Philippians 4:8)


  • Episode 52: The Math of Marriage

    21/06/2016 Duration: 13min

    Did you know that the Bible teaches some important math principles that make a strong marriage possible? Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and even a little bit of algebra and geometry, it's all there! Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller for a few moments of learning some important marriage counseling principles.

  • Episode 51: Needs or Wants

    21/06/2016 Duration: 12min

    What do you think about the minimalism trend? Can you describe the difference between a need and a want? Are you overwhelmed in life with wants that you mistakenly identify as needs? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to consider what the Bible teaches about a more simple, balanced life that avoids the trap of materialism, excess and overload.

  • Episode 50: Using Commentaries in Bible Study

    27/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    Is it appropriate to consult commentaries when you study the Bible? If so, how should you use them. And how should you approach your Bible study in general to be a responsible, spiritual student of the Word of God? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller for some simple, practical advice on this important topic.

  • Episode 49: Keep Yourself in the Love of God

    27/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    Anger and frustration fills the headlines and permeates the world we live in. And sadly, it characterizes the children of God as well. Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to identify why God's children become angry rather than loving, and learn how to keep yourself in the love of God.

  • Episode 48: The World is Falling Apart

    27/05/2016 Duration: 10min

    Jesus, Paul, Peter and John all tell us in the New Testament that the world is falling apart, right before our eyes. That's not very encouraging, is it? So what should we do about it? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to learn how the Bible tells us to respond to this present temporary world.

  • Episode 47: All Glory to God

    14/05/2016 Duration: 12min

    You may easily overlook the final chapter of the New Testament to the Romans, since it appears to be a long list of obscure people. But this chapter teaches some very important lessons for you today, especially in the final three verses. Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller for a survey of this special passage of Scripture and learn the final point that Paul makes to the entire book of Romans.

  • Episode 46: Twisting Scripture

    26/04/2016 Duration: 08min

    Can the Bible say anything you want it to say? Is there a right way to understand the Bible and a wrong way? How can you know the difference? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to consider the problem of twisting Scripture and what the Bible has to say about it.

  • Episode 45: Bad Words, Good Words

    15/04/2016 Duration: 12min

    How do your words affect other people? In a good way? In a bad way? We should never underestimate the power of our words. Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to consider some important thoughts about our words from Proverbs 10, 11 and Ephesians 4.

  • Episode 44: The Most Unimportant Thing

    06/04/2016 Duration: 09min

    What is the most unimportant thing? Jesus tells us that it's money. Do you agree? And how does this fact actually make money very important at the same time? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to hear what the Bible teaches about the Christian perspective on money.

  • Episode 43: Don't Depend on Me

    01/04/2016 Duration: 10min

    When Paul says, "Work our your own salvation," in Philippians 2:12-13, what does he mean? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to discover some important insights that will encourage you to focus on a very important part of your life as a Christian and church member, looking ahead to the judgement seat of Christ.

  • Episode 42: Saving Money for the Future

    01/04/2016 Duration: 12min

    Should a Christian save money for the future? What does the Bible teach about trusting God with your finances and your future needs? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller as he introduces six Bible principles about Christians, faith, finances and the future. Shout out to David Frost, who submitted the topic for this episode!

  • Episode 41: The Power of the Resurrection

    23/03/2016 Duration: 05min

    Do you agree with Paul in Philippians 3:10 when he says that every other goal in life is no better than sewage compared to discovering the full significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller as he highlights eight points regarding the theological significance of the resurrection.

  • Episode 40: When Jesus Died

    23/03/2016 Duration: 12min

    Have you taken time recently to reflect upon the amazing significance of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross? When Jesus died, He performed the greatest rescue effort of all time. Pause for a moment to consider the powerful truth of Galatians 3:13 and rediscover the incredible thing that Jesus did on the cross.

  • Episode 39: When I Don't Confess My Sin

    14/03/2016 Duration: 10min

    What happens when I don't confess my sin? What does it mean to confess my sin? And if I am a born-again child of God, do I need to confess my sin? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller for a quick, helpful look at these very important Bible questions.

  • Episode 38: Homes for Jesus

    07/03/2016 Duration: 13min

    Is your life, family and house devoted to serving the Lord? If you have a desire to partner with your church to advance the kingdom of God, you can learn some simple, valuable lessons from Aquila and Priscilla. Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller in looking at how this husband and wife gave themselves to the work of the ministry.

  • Episode 37: Shine Like the Stars

    01/03/2016 Duration: 12min

    The Old Testament book of Daniel ends with a stirring promise. "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever (Daniel 12:3)." What does this mean? How does it apply to your life today? Join Pastor Overmiller in taking a closer look at this very special verse of Scripture.

  • Episode 36: The Warning Passages of Hebrews

    23/02/2016 Duration: 15min

    The book of Hebrews gives severe warnings to believers to remain faithful to our profession of faith in Christ. Do they also teach that unfaithfulness will cause our relationship with Christ to end? If not, what is the better way to understand and apply these difficult passages to our lives? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to consider these crucial questions. For more related info, including a very helpful PDF article by Dr. Rodney Decker, visit here.

  • Episode 35: Stop Comparing Yourself

    10/02/2016 Duration: 11min

    Do you struggle with comparing yourself to other people? Do you realize that comparing yourself with other people is dangerous and wrong? Thankfully, there is a better way! Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to learn what the Bible says about this damaging problem.

  • Episode 34: Looking for Lydia

    02/02/2016 Duration: 10min

    Do you realize that God brings people into contact with you because He has prepared their hearts to hear biblical truth? But how do you meet these people and discover who they are? Together with Pastor Thomas Overmiller, consider a simple approach from Acts 16:13-14 that leads to divine appointments.

  • Episode 33: Praying in Public

    02/02/2016 Duration: 11min

    Is it appropriate for a Christian to pray in public, not just in a church setting, but at work, at restaurants and stores, at school and in the community at large? Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to consider how Acts 27:35 answers this important question.

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