Cairns Lutheran Parish



Podcast of sermons recorded at Trinity Lutheran Church in Cairns, North Queensland, Australia.


  • Use it or lose it

    13/11/2011 Duration: 16min

    What do you see when you look at the talents God has entrusted to you? Are you quick to spot all the flaws and faults that couldn't possibly benefit the Kingdom of God? Today God is offering fresh opportunities to see things from His perspective. Today God invites you to jump off the bank of negativity and into God's flowing river of grace!

  • A wedding not to be missed

    06/11/2011 Duration: 18min

    Oil is essential to our lives in this world. The hunt for an alternate source of energy is on because our supply of oil won't last forever. There is an unending supply of oil that comes from God. We can't run our cars on it, but it will sustain us and cause us to stand both now and forever when Jesus returns. Come and find out about the oil God wants to fill our life with. [Edited for Distribution]

  • Reform, Revive, Renew

    29/10/2011 Duration: 20min

    Reform, Revive, Renew – biblical principles of a Reformation Church.

  • People made Holy for holy purposes

    23/10/2011 Duration: 19min

    Q: What does it mean to be holy?

  • Unbound allegiance to God

    16/10/2011 Duration: 19min

    Is it ever wrong to return property to its rightful owner? Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what is God's. Where does your life fit into this picture?

  • Open invitation to the Royal Wedding Banquet

    09/10/2011 Duration: 16min

    If you were invited to a Royal Wedding – would you RSVP 'yes' or would you prefer to sit on the couch or go to work instead? Inside is an invitation to a Royal Wedding banquet beyond compare. Will you come to the banquet?

  • God is no slumlord

    02/10/2011 Duration: 18min

    Opportunity: Take up residence in a beautiful vineyard with the best wine you've ever tasted and continual celebrations of magnificent proportions. Interested?

  • Reaching out from Grace filled hearts

    24/09/2011 Duration: 17min

    Can a person be very religious, but not have saving faith? Today we're exploring how the condition of our heart relates to how we connect with others for the sake of the gospel.

  • Fair - or more than our fair share?

    18/09/2011 Duration: 16min

    Do you think God's grace is fair as you look out into the world we live in - or do people sometimes receive more than their fair share from God?

  • Forgiveness flowing from joy-filled hearts

    10/09/2011 Duration: 15min

    How many times should we have to forgive someone before we can write them off as a hopeless case? Jesus has the answer we all need to hear.

  • Your life's true delight

    04/09/2011 Duration: 18min

    Are you trying to suck moisture out of dry sand or drinking from God's River of Delights? Come and see why living as a disciple of Jesus and seeking your greatest joy are not in conflict.

  • Under New Management

    28/08/2011 Duration: 19min

    What's the difference between calling Jesus 'saviour' and acknowledging that He is 'Lord and King' of your life? Today we'll explore what Jesus means when he calls us to take up our cross and follow him. Recorded at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Atherton

  • Lord Have Mercy!

    13/08/2011 Duration: 15min

    Are your hands empty or full - and what does this have to do with faith? Come and explore just how counter-cultural 'great faith' looks in the Scriptures and how you can be a part of it.

  • Called out of your cave

    07/08/2011 Duration: 20min

    Where do you go when you're under pressure or frightened? The Bible tells of Elijah who ran all the way to Mount Sinai and sat in a cave feeling frustrated and frightened (1 Kings 19). Perhaps the question for us today is what does it take to draw us out of hiding? When our lives look really messed up, is God even capable of helping us sort out the mess?

  • Real food for your soul

    30/07/2011 Duration: 16min

    We live in an epicurean society. Food has to look spectacular, taste even better and suffer the scrutiny of people who make a living as food critics! The thing is, there is an invitation with your name on it to a banquet that puts the finest restaurant cuisine to shame. Come to the markets and taste the best food you'll ever eat.

  • Receiving wise and discerning hearts

    23/07/2011 Duration: 16min

    What is wisdom and where does it come from? Is wisdom the product of multiple university degrees or years of life experience in the world? Today we learn what real wisdom is, as we hear a word from the Wise One. Come and listen as the Bible outlines how real heavenly wisdom is central to Jesus and His cross, and how we receive its manifold blessings in our lives.

  • 100% accuracy - every time

    17/07/2011 Duration: 18min

    What can't we live without? As we consider this question an even greater one arises: do we trust in these things more than we should? God has powerful answers to our big questions. Today God paints a picture that addresses these challenges with nothing less than 100% accuracy!

  • The battle raging within

    03/07/2011 Duration: 17min

    We all go through varying degrees of conflict. It happens both internally, within ourselves, and in our relationships with other people. What the world can't seem to clarify is why this happens. Today we'll listen to the Apostle Paul and look at the root cause of such conflicts and the difference Jesus makes to this issue we all struggle with.

  • The walls won't cave in on you

    25/06/2011 Duration: 16min

    What do itching ears and false prophets have to do with each other? It sounds like a joke, but the consequences can be catastrophic for the people of God. Today we will explore how the power of Jesus frees us from the captivity of sin and the lies of false prophets.

  • Connected, Charged and Sent

    19/06/2011 Duration: 17min

    There's something missing at the scene of Jesus' "Great Commission." There are only eleven disciples instead of twelve. One is physically absent, but who else is missing? Come and explore Jesus' call to His church and how God's power is made perfect in our weakness.

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