Ralph Avenue Baptist Church



Louisville, KY


  • Grateful for Grace, Part 1 | 1 Corinthians 1:4-9


    Paul shares is continual prayer for the believers at Corinth. We learn from his prayer that God has graciously acted to save, we are to be grateful, and God is faithful to complete what His act of grace has begun in those who have responded to the call to be in fellowship with His Son, […] The post Grateful for Grace, Part 1 | 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Called | 1 Corinthians 1:1-3


    We begin a new series in the first letter that we have that Paul wrote to the church at Corinth to encourage them and us to live their lives according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We learn that God has called and sanctified a people for himself to experience His saving grace and peace […] The post Called | 1 Corinthians 1:1-3 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Disgrace, Part 2 | Judges 19:1-21:25


    We end our series in Judges being warned that if we live like we are not God’s people we are in danger of being treated like we are not God’s people and the consequence are devastating. We see our need for King Jesus to save us and empower us to do what is right in […] The post Disgrace, Part 2 | Judges 19:1-21:25 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • The Superiority of Christ | Hebrews 1:1-4


    We learn from the writer of Hebrews of Jesus’ superiority over all things as the ultimate revelation of God and what implications that bears upon us as believers. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More messages at https://www.ralphavenuebaptist.com/messages/ The post The Superiority of Christ | Hebrews 1:1-4 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Disgrace, Part 1 | Judges 19:1-21:25


    What happens when God’s people are just as morally corrupt and sinful as the unbelieving world around them? We learn answers to that question and more as we examine the complete chaos in the life of Israel at the conclusion of the book of Judges. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and […] The post Disgrace, Part 1 | Judges 19:1-21:25 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • In, But Not Of | John 17:6-19


    We hear the heart of Jesus for His followers as we listen in on Jesus’ prayer for His disciples as He leaves by the way of the Cross to go back to God the Father. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More messages at https://www.ralphavenuebaptist.com/messages/ The post In, But Not Of | John 17:6-19 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Religion My Way, Part 2 | Judges 17:1 – 18:31


    We learn a lesson from some stolen silver that we as God’s people too often try to approach God on our own terms rather than according to God’s terms that He has laid down for us in His Word. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More […] The post Religion My Way, Part 2 | Judges 17:1 – 18:31 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Glorify the Son | John 17:1-5


    We learn from Jesus’ prayer to the Father that the Father’s shared glory with the Son is at the center of His work and the eternal life He came to give that ultimately allows us the opportunity to know Him and enjoy Him forever. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow […] The post Glorify the Son | John 17:1-5 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Religion My Way | Judges 17:1 – 18:31


    As we look at the confusion in the life of God’s people in the book of Judges as they do what is right in their own eyes, we learn that we are in danger of trying to relate to God on our own terms rather than on His terms. We need a King who will […] The post Religion My Way | Judges 17:1 – 18:31 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Overcoming the World | John 16:25-33


    Jesus prepares his disciples for the new dynamics in teaching and prayer that will take place as He goes back to the Father. He encourages His disiciples to remain in Him because he has overcome the world. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More messages at https://www.ralphavenuebaptist.com/messages/ The post Overcoming the World | John 16:25-33 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • More in Death | Judges 16:1-31


    Examining the life of Samson and his encounter with Delilah we learn that we need a savior who will give himself over to die with sinners to save many. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More messages at https://www.ralphavenuebaptist.com/messages/ The post More in Death | Judges 16:1-31 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Sorrow to Joy | John 16:16-23


    We learn from Jesus how we can be full of deep inward lasting joy that comes through His sorrow on the Cross and His victory in the Resurrection! Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More messages at https://www.ralphavenuebaptist.com/messages/ The post Sorrow to Joy | John 16:16-23 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Ruled, Revenged, & Revived | Judges 15:1-20


    God uses Samson to deliver His people and teach us about taking vengeance and what it will take for His people to be revived, a deliver better than Samson, namely, Jesus! Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More messages at https://www.ralphavenuebaptist.com/messages/ The post Ruled, Revenged, & Revived | Judges 15:1-20 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Hated for Jesus | John 15:18-25


    We learn that just as Jesus was hated by the world, His followers will be hated as well. Believers need to be different from the world because of Jesus and should expect to suffer the hate of the world. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More […] The post Hated for Jesus | John 15:18-25 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • When God Listens | Judges 13:1-24


    We learn from the last deliverer that God raises up in the book of Judges, Samson, that God will ultimately deliver His people through a servant being born miraculously and dying to deliver God’s people. We learn from Manoah and his wife that we are to be faithful to what part God has called us […] The post When God Listens | Judges 13:1-24 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Love One Another | John 15:11-17


    As we continue to hear Jesus as He prepares His disciples for His departure by way of the Cross, He explains to them how to have real lasting joy, the joy found in loving one another as Christ has loved us. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter […] The post Love One Another | John 15:11-17 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • The Enemy Within | Judges 12:1-7


    We learn that even in the midst of victory God’s people are susceptible to division and attacking one another leading to destruction. We learn to avoid division and destructive conflict by putting God’s glory, the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the unity of God’s people above ourselves and our own interests. Like us […] The post The Enemy Within | Judges 12:1-7 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • Abide in Jesus | John 15:1-10


    We hear from Jesus about how we as His followers will produce fruit for God’s glory by abiding in Jesus who is the True Vine, the life source of His followers, the branches. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More messages at https://www.ralphavenuebaptist.com/messages/ The post Abide in Jesus | John 15:1-10 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • A Bloody Vow | Judges 11:29-40


    We look at a troubling passage concerning Jephthah’s vow to sacrifice His daughter. We learn how the passage teaches us the truth that God’s deliverance of His people comes at a high cost. We also see that when God’s people are faithful to God their faithfulness will cost them greatly, as well. Like us on […] The post A Bloody Vow | Judges 11:29-40 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

  • A Parting Gift, Part 3 | John 14:15-31


    We continue to look at Jesus’ teaching concerning the giving of the Holy Spirit to His followers as He prepares to go back to the Father by way of the Cross and the Resurrection. Like us on Facebook at Ralph Avenue Baptist Church and follow us on Twitter @RalphAveBaptist. More messages at https://www.ralphavenuebaptist.com/messages/ The post A Parting Gift, Part 3 | John 14:15-31 appeared first on Ralph Avenue Baptist Church.

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