Immanuel Church Wilmington Delaware

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 210:43:46
  • More information



Sermons from Immanuel Church in Wilmington Delaware at 2414 Pennsylvania Ave Wilmington, DE 19806


  • (9-12-21) - Repairer of Broken Walls - Scott Ball

    12/09/2021 Duration: 40min

    Nehemiah 2 Scott Ball, from the Malphurs Group, takes us through the experience of Nehemiah, as he seeks to see the damaged walls of Jerusalem rebuilt. Though the possibility seemed improbable, the Lord provided a way. He promised that, if they would do the work, he would bring success. So we also can know success as we step out to rebuild areas that are broken and need God's restoration.

  • (9-5-21) Truth Telling - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    05/09/2021 Duration: 46min

    2 Samuel 12:1-17 We review the account of David's sins, and his effort to hide the truth. When confronted by the prophet, he admits his sin. Though he and his family suffered the consequences, he still received grace from God. Jesus is found wherever truth is found, and grace must be found where truth-telling is found. The church of Christ should be a community of truth and grace.

  • (8-29-21) Jesus, Prophecy, and End Times, pt.2 - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    29/08/2021 Duration: 50min

    Revelation 21 As we conclude the series, "God, Life, and Our Expectations", we consider John's account in Revelation 21, when he speaks of the Age to come. We see how the Earth (the "city of man") has been filled with sin and evil, but that there will come a day when it will be replaced by the City of God. We should live each day as citizens of that coming kingdom, seeking to draw others in.

  • (8-22-21) Jesus, Prophecy, and End Times, pt 1- Pastor Daniel Nelms

    22/08/2021 Duration: 48min

    Matthew 24 When studying Biblical prophecy, we need to be aware that part of it is directed to those present at the time, part of it is referring to the specific events, and some is directed to those in between time who will be waiting for the fulfillment. In Matthew 24, Jesus makes it clear that we won't know the specific time of His return, but to always be prepared, and to avoid those who deceive.

  • (8-15-21) Expectations of Spirit-filled Community - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    15/08/2021 Duration: 51min

    1 Corinthians 12 We explore the reasons the Spirit of God needs to fill us as a Christian community. Each person has gifts, and the Spirit enables us to be interdependent. It's the Spirit that knits us together as one Body of Christ. The gifts are for the purpose of ministry to others.

  • (8-8-21) Expectations at Work and Home - Elder Stephen Parlow

    08/08/2021 Duration: 49min

    Psalm 127 As we continue the series, "God, Life, and our Expectations", we look at our lives at work and at home. As we seek fulfillment in each part of our life, are we building it with our own strength and desires, or are we leaning on God? Unless the Lord is in it, we labor in vain.

  • (8-1-21) Expectations in Marriage - Elder Joel Porter

    01/08/2021 Duration: 37min

    Ephesians 5:15-33 As Paul exhorts the Ephesian Church to holy living, avoiding evil and being filled with the Spirit, he takes time to address how this can be manifested in marriage. He speaks to the individual responsibilities of husbands and wives, but makes it clear that the underlying guidance comes from the Christian call to humility and servanthood. Each should seek to see the other edified.

  • (7-25-21) Expectations of Christian Witness - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    25/07/2021 Duration: 46min

    Hebrews 12:1-2 What are we to expect of our Christian witness in 2021? Are we admirers of Christ or followers? We look at examples of the three ingredients for a bold witness: faith in His promises, courage despite the cost, and Christ's love for the lost. May we run with endurance as we seek to share the Gospel to the world.

  • (7-18-21) Jesus, Prayer and Our Expectations - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    18/07/2021 Duration: 57min

    Exodus 16 We study the experience of the Israelites in the wilderness as it relates to our interactions with God. If we only communicate in prayer when times are hard, we may have false expectations of what God will do. When they asked for provision, they most likely didn't expect daily manna, yet God provided. If we fellowship with God daily, we will find peace in whatever way He responds.

  • (7-11-21) The Grace of His Word - Will Donato

    11/07/2021 Duration: 53min

    Isaiah 55 We explore the power of the Word of God. As we feed on His Word, our souls are filled with life and joy. His ways are not our ways, but they reveal His mercy and grace, if we're willing to seek after Him while we still can. Don't miss out on His purposes.

  • (7-4-21) Freedom - Elder Jim DiBiaso

    04/07/2021 Duration: 34min

    Galatians 5:13 On this Fourth of July, we reflect on the matter of freedom. The dictionary, and modern society, see it as enabling individuals to do as they please, regardless of the consequences. However, the Scriptures make it clear that we are in bondage to sin and self-interest. By faith in the work of Christ on the cross, we have true freedom and power to resist sin, and to serve others.

  • (6-27-21) Jesus, Worship, and Our Attention - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    27/06/2021 Duration: 41min

    Psalm 115 To what things do we give our greatest attention? Is it our job, family, money, pleasure? We often give our worship to idols such as these, when our full attention should be toward Jesus and His ways. When our sight is on the Light, we see the world as it truly is, and can then positively impact every other area of our life.

  • (6-20-21) The Church as a Local Presence - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    20/06/2021 Duration: 50min

    Psalm 2 We are barraged with national and international news, and we reflect on how the Body of Christ can have an impact. But, as we continue our summer series, we consider the expectations of how the Church is to make an impact on local communities. If we reflect the life of Christ to our neighbors, we can change our local community, which can in turn affect our nation.

  • (6-13-21) Finding Purpose in Our Suffering - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    13/06/2021 Duration: 49min

    2 Corinthians 12:1-10 As we continue the series "God, Life and Our Expectations", we explore the subject of suffering and it's impact on us. Suffering has always been a part of life since the Fall in the Garden of Eden. Jesus experienced God's grace in the midst of his suffering, and thus proved that we too can experience resurrection life. His grace is sufficient for us, and His power is manifested in our weakness.

  • (6-6-21) What Do You Expect of Jesus? - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    06/06/2021 Duration: 46min

    Matthew 16:13-28 We begin a new summer sermon series entitled "God, Life, and Our Expectations". As we look at Matthew 16, we find Peter having an incorrect understanding of who Jesus was. Initially, he did not understand that Jesus was to be a suffering Savior, before becoming a conquering King. In today's world, many err in their understanding of His purposes. We must manifest Jesus as patient ambassadors of the truth, not hammers of truth. Let love reign.

  • (5-30-21) Embracing All of God - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    30/05/2021 Duration: 47min

    Jonah 4:1-11 As we conclude our study of Jonah, we see him experiencing spiritual disillusionment. Though he knew God was real, things didn't happen the way he expected from Him. Instead, God exposed his weaknesses, so he could become more like Him. As we seek to embrace God, we'll find that we may not understand His ways, but we can trust His heart.

  • (5-23-21) Love Your Enemies - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    23/05/2021 Duration: 36min

    Jonah 3:1-10 Once Jonah was thrown from the fish, he obeyed God's command to go to Nineveh to warn them of their destruction, if they did not repent. Amazingly, these hated enemies of Israel, responded by turning from their wicked ways, and God chose not to destroy them. God's desire is to reconcile mankind to Himself. So, we too should love and pray for our enemies, and seek their redemption.

  • (5-16-21) The Severe Mercy of God - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    16/05/2021 Duration: 46min

    Jonah 2:1-10 As we continue the study of Jonah, we find him praying inside the fish. He recounts how God showed His mercy by bringing him low, and then rescuing him. We see elsewhere in Scripture how God speaks and dispels darkness: at Creation, with Jonah, with Lazarus, and at Christ's resurrection. God can speak life into our chaos.

  • (5-9-21) Running From God - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    09/05/2021 Duration: 48min

    Jonah 1:1-17 We begin a series of sermons on Jonah, entitled "God's Relentless Grace". As a prophet, Jonah was used by God to speak to His people, yet we find him resisting God's call to go to Ninevah. Despite this, God pursues him, and still wants to use him. If we run from God's purposes for us, we'll never be satisfied, but His love will always pursue us.

  • (5-2-21) Loving and Serving like Jesus - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    02/05/2021 Duration: 53min

    John 13:1-17 As Jesus gathered with the disciples for the Passover Feast, he began by washing their feet. He wanted to make it clear that this humble act of service was setting an example for all who follow Him. He came to love and to serve mankind, and we should do the same. The world will know we are His followers by our love.

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