Immanuel Church Wilmington Delaware



Sermons from Immanuel Church in Wilmington Delaware at 2414 Pennsylvania Ave Wilmington, DE 19806


  • (12-15-19) Our Greatest Christmas Need - Pastor Ryan Diffenderfer

    15/12/2019 Duration: 33min

    Ephesians 2:1-4 As we look at the life of King Ahaz in Isaiah 7, we're challenged to put our trust in God, not in the things of this world. Our sin has separated us from God, but Christ entered the world to bridge the gap between us and God.   

  • (12-1-19) Blessed, Broken, Given - Will Donato

    01/12/2019 Duration: 46min

    Luke 9:10-23 In this passage, we see God do something miraculous with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Jesus blesses the bread, breaks it, and then feeds the 5,000. Our lives can seem mundane and ordinary but in the hands of Jesus, He can do extraordinary things. Will we allow ourselves to be broken, so that life can be given?

  • (11-24-19) Your Seat at the Table - Will Donato

    24/11/2019 Duration: 39min

    Luke 14:15-23 In this parable, Jesus makes it clear that God invites everyone to fellowship with Him. His banquet table is filled with good things. Why do we make excuses not to join Him each day, as well as for eternity?

  • (11-17-19) The Calling to Repentance - Will Donato

    17/11/2019 Duration: 41min

    Luke 15:11-22 As we study the parable of the prodigal son, we're reminded that he was a member of the family, who gave into the temptations of the world. Nevertheless, when he repented, and turned back, the father welcomed him. No matter how far we've strayed, repentance brings restoration.

  • (Jim DiBiaso) - Deadly Drift - 11/10/19

    10/11/2019 Duration: 37min

    As believers, we sometimes get lost in the drift of life, false doctrine, and sin that takes us away from the gospel of Christ. We have an anchor in Christ and must stand watch against the things that attempt to lead us away.  Message from Hebrews Chapter 1 and 2. 

  • (11-3-19) Seeing the Unseen - Jim DiBiaso

    03/11/2019 Duration: 37min

    2 Corinthians 4:6-18 After praying for the persecuted Christians around the world, we learn from Paul's letter to the Corinthians that he endured suffering and persecution by focusing on the love and presence of God, instead of his circumstances. The Lord has promised eternal glories to those who endure.

  • (10-27-19) Safe and Secure - Pastor Ryan Diffenderfer

    27/10/2019 Duration: 33min

    John 10:22-42 Jesus reveals that He is the Messiah, and He tells those listening that His sheep know His voice, He knows them, and they follow Him. He then assures the sheep, " My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand." As believers, sometimes our faith is weak and we may stumble, but we can rest assured that we are safe in the Father's hand.

  • (10-20-19) The Good Shepherd, pt2 - Pastor Ryan Diffenderfer

    20/10/2019 Duration: 31min

    John 10:11-18 When Jesus is our Shepherd, we recognize that we have all we need in Him and are not left wanting. He takes possession over His flock and calls us His own, even to the point of laying down His life. Jesus was others-minded and commands us to love others, as He has loved us. "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." - John 15:12

  • (10-13-19) The Good Shepherd, pt1 - Pastor Ryan Diffenderfer

    13/10/2019 Duration: 33min

    John 10:10 Jesus is the Good Shepherd. As part of God's flock, we are called into relationship with the Shepherd. Often as sheep, we wander off the path, fall prey to another's voice, and tend to be self sufficient. Jesus calls us to Himself and promises to lead us to rest and provision. He has come to bring abundant life.  

  • (9-29-19) The One Sided Contract - Will Donato

    29/09/2019 Duration: 39min

    Genesis 15 We learned about a covenant made with Abraham. We were reminded that, when we are friends of God, that makes us an enemy of Satan, so we must be wary of attacks. Abraham experienced doubts in his journey with God, and we will too. But we are called to stay engaged and keep our faith in the One who is always faithful to us.

  • (09-22-19)- An Active Faith- Pastor Will Donato

    22/09/2019 Duration: 39min

    Acts 11:19-30-- We are called to be active in our faith. We have a call to serve the hurt and needy around us. 

  • (09-15-19)- A Complete Faith- Will Donato

    15/09/2019 Duration: 40min

    We are reminded in Acts Chapter 10 that the gospel reaches all. Our salvation is not our good works, service, or giving, but professing Jesus as Lord. We must preach the gospel, so that others can have a complete faith. 

  • (09/08/19)- Delighting in the Word - Pastor Ryan Diffenderfer

    08/09/2019 Duration: 32min

    Psalm 119 is a reminder that God's laws, statutes, decrees, and commands are good. We as believers are to delight in God's Word, study the Word, and live the Word. 

  • (9-1-19) Repentance Leads to Life - Pastor Ryan Diffenderfer

    01/09/2019 Duration: 48min

    Psalm 51 When David was confronted with his sin, he turned to the mercy of God. If we own our sin, and bring it to the Lord, we are met with His grace and compassion. He creates in us a new spirit. David turned from his sin, and models repentance for us.

  • (8-25-19) How Long? - Pastor Ryan Diffenderfer

    25/08/2019 Duration: 41min

    Psalm 13 At some time, we've all asked "How Long?", where we are seeking God and wondering when we are going to see an end to our struggles. In Psalm 13, we are encouraged in the midst of our questioning, to bring our burdens before a compassionate and faithful God.

  • (8-18-19) Effective Prayer - Jim DiBiaso

    18/08/2019 Duration: 36min

    James 5:13-20 As we finish our study of the book of James, we see the power of prayer and praise. We hear testimonies of God revealing Himself in response to them. The Lord can move mightily if we stay focused on Him.  

  • (8-11-19) Plans, Prosperity, and Perseverance - Jim DiBiaso

    11/08/2019 Duration: 30min

    James 4:13-5:11 As James begins to close his letter, he speaks of God's Justice. The boasters and the rich oppressors will be judged for their pride and selfish living, while the humble who persevere in trials will experience His compassion and mercy.

  • (8-4-19) The Grace of Giving - Jim DiBiaso

    04/08/2019 Duration: 32min

    2 Corinthians 8:7 God's grace enables us to walk out our faith. That grace includes generosity. God invites us to participate in His work by giving our lives and our resources. God meets needs through His people.

  • (7-28-19) Plotting Our Course - Will Donato

    29/07/2019 Duration: 58min

    James 4:1-12 In this passage, James challenges us to choose to avoid the proud ways of the world. If we submit ourselves to God, resist the devil, and humble ourselves before the Lord, He will lift us up.

  • (7-21-19) Living the Good Life- Will Donato

    21/07/2019 Duration: 40min

    James 3:13-18 We look at the characteristics of earthly wisdom and its results, and see how they contrast with the characteristics and results of heavenly wisdom that descends from above. God's wisdom brings peace and righteousness.

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