Busy Ladies

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 42:46:59
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Busy Ladies offers a unique and personal perspective on how to handle family, work, health, happiness and life in general. We share with you how we begin each new day trying to be the best we can be. We talk to women about what matters most in their lives. If you want to learn or share some new and different ideas then join the Busy Ladies! Hopefully in the process we can also entertain you!!


  • Are you prepared for an emergency?

    05/11/2015 Duration: 42min

    Anaya and Debbie discuss what you should have in the event of an emergency. There are a lot of emergencies that you can prepare for like earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, fires, mudslides. Do you have an emergency plan for your family?

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    15/10/2015 Duration: 34min

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Anaya and Debbie discuss getting a yearly mammogram and doing monthly self checkups if you are under 40. Early detection can help in treatment and take the time to ask your doctor questions. There are new treatments and drugs being invented everyday to combat this horrible disease. Listen in as we tell you some of the ideas to show your support during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Be sure and be there for a family member or a friend as we don’t want any of our Busy Ladies to go through anything like this alone.

  • Generosity Philosophy And George The Generous Giraffe With Kim Trumbo

    07/09/2015 Duration: 52min

    Debbie is joined with Kim Trumbo from the Generosity Philosophy Podcast. Join us as we listen to her story on how she got into podcasting, her love of podcasting, and how her show provides her the opportunity to share the generosity of others. She shares with us how her podcast highlights the heroes who live to give and age is never a factor.

  • Your Body Relationship With Lemuela Christina Duskis

    14/08/2015 Duration: 40min

    Debbie is joined with Lemuela Christina Duskis the author of Your Body Relationship - Overcoming Weight Obsession. Lemuela explains why she decided to write the book so let’s follow her journey to where she is today. She has a fascinating personality and shares it with us through our conversation all on the Busy Ladies show.

  • The Power Of A Strong Work Ethic

    16/07/2015 Duration: 38min

    What exactly does work ethic mean? From the dictionary it is defined as a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character. On this episode Anaya and Debbie talk about how to have a strong work ethic. Some of the characteristics you should have are integrity, a sense of responsibility, discipline, teamwork and and emphasis on quality.

  • The Perfect Houseguest Or Host

    14/06/2015 Duration: 43min

    The Busy Ladies bring up the topic of how to be the perfect houseguest or host/hostess. Have you ever been a houseguest?  Have you ever been the host/hostess? Were you a good houseguest or were you one of those that will never be invited back? Do you know which one you are?  We let you in on a few secrets on how to be the best houseguest to ensure you are invited back.  

  • Communications Before Social Media And Smartphones

    11/05/2015 Duration: 32min

    The Busy Ladies discuss communication and how it has evolved over the years. Today, we can talk to our friends, family, and practically anyone we want to at the click of a button, but of course it wasn’t always that easy. Today we are going to take a look back at how we kept ourselves connected in the age before social media and smartphones.

  • Spring Cleaning And Organization Tips

    01/05/2015 Duration: 41min

    As busy women, family time is essential. We discuss how to incorporate your family into the cleaning and organizing process. This will help you complete the task faster and instill habits in the whole family helping keep your house feeling neat, tidy, and calm. Explore as the Busy Ladies share websites to help in your quest. These sites include checklists to help guide you in the right direction. Remember that while organizing you don’t have to get rid of something that is really special to you. Many times, once you’ve cleaned up, there is a new special place freed up to keep the heirloom.

  • Glam It Up Ladies

    06/04/2015 Duration: 43min

    Join the Busy Ladies as we discuss how everyday women like to glam it up. Most of us don’t dress up for work on a daily basis so for those days when we need to take it up a notch, we may need some assistance.  We talk about the things we do to pamper ourselves and feel a little more taken care of. It doesn’t matter if you wake up every morning and spend an hour in the bathroom or 20 minutes getting ready.  What matters is how you feel about yourself when you leave the house. You have to be content in your own skin. Love yourself and make sure you feel important from the inside out.

  • Achieving Milestones and Show 100 Celebration

    24/03/2015 Duration: 33min

    Have you set your goals for the year? When you accomplish that goal do you automatically make another one? We try to be the best we can trying to better ourselves from support of our family, friends, and coworkers. We can achieve anything ladies! Make sure when you set your goals they are reachable so you can accomplish that specific milestone. Laurin and Anaya discuss what they have managed to accomplish while working and raising a family. Debbie talks about her fitness plan and what milestone she has accomplished.

  • A Day In The Life Of A Busy Lady

    14/03/2015 Duration: 44min

    We are all busy ladies. Each one of us has our own version of crazy and hectic that we embrace and vent about sometimes. It’s so important for us as women to support each other in our crazy lives and not hold competitions about whose life is busier or more important. It was really interesting to hear about women in different walks of life and their daily routines.

  • The Power Of Motivation

    16/02/2015 Duration: 35min

    Do you currently lack motivation? How do you change that in your life? Are you able to motivate yourself or do you wait for others to motivate you? Learn how we motivate ourselves so we can better inspire others. You must decide to commit in order to succeed at motivation. Life can be difficult and we sometimes feel as if failing if we aren’t motivated but is it okay sometimes to do nothing and just let life go by. Listen in as we discuss our struggles, our failures, our successes.

  • Potlucks and Party Foods

    01/02/2015 Duration: 32min

    So you’re invited to a party and you’re asked to bring something.  The panic sets in.  Your hands start to sweat.  Then, the questions come: how many people do I have to make food for?   Will they like what I bring?  Should I try something crazy, creative, and different? Why did I agree to bring something????  Debbie and Anaya discuss how they handle coming up with something to take to a potluck they have been asked to attend.  

  • Choosing Your One Word

    19/01/2015 Duration: 32min

    Debbie and Anya discuss how they came about with their new year intentions and with insight into what they believe is the difference between a resolution and an intention. Can just one word change the way you feel about your day? Do you want to be held accountable with others? Is it easier if you have someone you can talk to? Try this... The ladies think you might find it easier than trying to keep a resolution! Be positive and don’t be hard on yourself you have each new day to try again. Wait for the change that people will notice in you!

  • Being Positive At Work, Home And In Public

    29/11/2014 Duration: 29min

    Positivity is vital in the workplace, at home and with the public. Debbie, Laurin, Colleen and Anaya share techniques with you how they work to be positive in these different environments. Do you try to keep your family life positive? Do you try to treat others as you would like to be treated? As we discuss ways to achieve being positive, see if any of the items we list will help you in everyday life. It really doesn’t matter how old you are everyone needs to be encouraged every once in a while. Share with us some of your ideas so we can use them also.

  • Action for Austin Foundation

    14/11/2014 Duration: 44min

    This is an incredible story of hope, love, loss, happiness, sadness, and faith. With the loss of their newborn son Austin, Stephanie and Geoff Kallenberger established a non-profit organization, Action for Austin, to spread hope to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit children and families. In this episode of Busy Ladies Debbie talks with Wendy Sides the grandmother of Austin. Learn how this foundation came to be and why it is so important to the families of this adorable little boy they lost too soon. Over the past two years the Action for Austin organization has provided gifts of love and encouragement to those facing very difficult times.

  • The Busy Ladies’ Favorite Apps

    29/09/2014 Duration: 36min

    Colleen, Anaya and Debbie each talk about their five favorite apps they just can’t live without. The ladies cover how each app works and its use throughout the day. Do you have a specific app you use everyday and can’t live without. Please let us know your favorite ones so that we can check them out!

  • Food Allergies And Your Family

    12/09/2014 Duration: 26min

    The ups and downs of having food allergies and how it affects your everyday life. Listen in as we discuss how those food allergies affect our children/grandchildren and ourselves. Hopefully we can give you some helpful hints and tips in your journey to see if you may have any food allergies.

  • Back To School And Keeping Your Sanity

    21/08/2014 Duration: 32min

    Laurin and Debbie discuss how they set up their back to school schedules. Debbie will tell some hints from when her kids were in school back in the day!!  Laurin will share with a more up to date version! Do you find it stressful or joyful when your kids go back to school? Do you ever feel lonely when they are all in school? Does family time become more important?  How do you squeeze in school sports, after school programs and homework? Does your house stay cleaner now or is it messier? Do you need some breakfast and lunch box ideas?

  • Emergency Preparedness For Home Disasters

    03/08/2014 Duration: 24min

    Have you ever had a home disaster? Has your house or apartment ever been flooded or had a kitchen fire? Has it been damaged by an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, or a typhoon? Believe me it can be downright scary!

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