Sermons- Trinity Bible Fellowship Davenport



Pastor Steve offers an enjoyable, real-life application of the Scriptures that apply to everyday life for all.


  • Free from Sin, Free for Christ

    17/06/2024 Duration: 29min

    It’s almost as if this passage is written to say, “Here’s another way you can look at it….”  After an illustration from slavery to explain our freedom from sin, we now have an illustration from marriage.  Having died with Christ, we are free from our relationship with sin, to enter into a relationship without sin.

  • What You Earn and What He Gives

    10/06/2024 Duration: 37min

    There are things we’ve all done for which we are ashamed.  That’s what we’ve earned by our works.  But God gives eternal life. 

  • Dead to Sin, Alive to God

    27/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    When Jesus died, He died to sin, once for all; and the life He lives, He lives to God.  We are supposed to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God; but sometimes, sin doesn’t want to die, and sometimes we don’t want it to.

  • Life Death and Baptism

    20/05/2024 Duration: 33min

    There is a lot of discussion about what baptism is and what it means.  From this week’s passage, it is associated with Christ’s death and resurrection.  And association with His resurrection doesn’t just mean new life in the hereafter, but new life now.

  • The Absurdity of sin

    13/05/2024 Duration: 28min

    Those who take their sin lightly also take their Savior lightly.  This passage addresses those who take grace and turn it into a license to sin, and it says, “Don’t even go there.”

  • Grace Greater than All Our Sin

    06/05/2024 Duration: 25min

    One sin is enough to condemn, but by one act of righteousness Jesus saves after many sins.  We begin to see how great His grace is.

  • Original Sin

    29/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    This passage, verses 12 to the end of the chapter, continues developing the theme of how ‘much more’ Christ did for us (see verses 15, and 17).  But to get there, we have to wade through the difficult and unpopular doctrine of original sin.  Today’s message will look at what the Bible teaches about this, and try to settle the question.

  • Implications of God's Love

    22/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    In this passage, there are two ‘much mores’ and a ‘not only this.’  If God loves us so much that He sent His Son for us, how much more can we celebrate what He does for us?

  • God in Every Situation

    15/04/2024 Duration: 41min

    The word ‘Peace’ (v.1) gives way to ‘Celebration’ (vv. 2-3), and celebration is not limited to just the good times.  The hard times lead us to our third word: Hope.  And Hope does not disappoint.

  • True Peace

    08/04/2024 Duration: 42min

    It is a terrible mistake to be at war with the King of the Universe; and a wonderful thing that Jesus gives us peace.

  • My Lord and My God

    01/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    Thomas was a little late to the party, but he was welcome when he finally joined in.

  • Only Human: The Story of Peter's Failures

    18/03/2024 Duration: 40min

    We’re going to look at Peter’s boast, and then at Peter’s failure, and then at Peter’s failure.  And then we’ll fast forward to Pentecost, and ask, “What happened to Peter?”  And we’ll discuss what the Holy Spirit does for a person.

  • Faith in the One Greater than Death

    10/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    <VIDEO LINK>Abraham was as good as dead (15:19), Sarah’s womb was dead (15:19), but our faith is in the One who raised Jesus from the dead (15:24).  Faith works because our faith is in the One greater than death.

  • Father Abraham Had Many Sons

    03/03/2024 Duration: 36min

    We can debate about the chicken or the egg, but it is clear that faith came before works.  Abraham is the father of the Jewish nation, but he is also the father of the faithful.

  • Forgiven

    26/02/2024 Duration: 38min

    With the example of Abraham, the focus was on faith.  With David, it is forgiveness.

  • Faith, Works, and Righteousness

    19/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    There's nothing wrong with good works, except they look kind of shabby compared to perfection.  Faith, on the other hand, declares us righteous.

  • Saved by the Same Faith

    12/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    There is no hierarchy in salvation, because we’re all saved the same way.  Therefore, there is no room for boasting between believers.

  • Both Righteous and Gracious

    04/02/2024 Duration: 31min

    If God is going to judge us for unrighteousness, He must be righteous Himself.  Today’s passage says He is just that.

  • Satisfied With Us

    28/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    First, Romans demonstrated how lost in sin we are; now it shows that in Christ, God is satisfied with us.  This is truly good news.

  • Finally, We Can Be Righteous

    21/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    It is not by the deeds we do, but by the works Jesus has done that we can be declared righteous; and this is available to us by faith.

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