University Baptist Church (UBC)



University Baptist Church (UBC) Podcasts


  • The Unencumbered Way 11 am (Audio)


    Following Jesus means traveling light. We turn loose of certain things that weigh us down, so that we can keep up with Jesus in the places He is going. This Sunday we'll talk about what it looks like to live "unencumbered" as followers...

  • The Unencumbered Way 9:30 am (Audio)


    Following Jesus means traveling light. We turn loose of certain things that weigh us down, so that we can keep up with Jesus in the places He is going. This Sunday we'll talk about what it looks like to live "unencumbered" as followers...

  • The Narrow Way 9:30 am (Audio)


    When's the last time your feet were on a narrow, rocky path? Those pathways are hard to walk if we're honest, but down deep we know the path is leading somewhere we really want to be. Jesus is inviting us to walk that path with him. Are you...

  • The Narrow Way 11 am (Audio)


    When's the last time your feet were on a narrow, rocky path? Those pathways are hard to walk if we're honest, but down deep we know the path is leading somewhere we really want to be. Jesus is inviting us to walk that path with him. Are you...

  • Step Back to Leap Forward 9:30 am (Audio)


    Sabbath is less about the absence of work and activity than it is about opening ourselves up to the presence of God. And if we don't slow down, every once awhile, then when God shows up in the life of a someone who crosses our path, we'll...

  • Step Back to Leap Forward 11 am (Audio)


    Sabbath is less about the absence of work and activity than it is about opening ourselves up to the presence of God. And if we don't slow down, every once awhile, then when God shows up in the life of a someone who crosses our path, we'll...

  • Sabbath Rhythm 9:30 am (Audio)


    There is an underlying rhythm to life created by God. If we'll let it, Sabbath can teach us how to feel that rhythm and live accordingly.

  • Sabbath Rhythm 11 am (Audio)


    There is an underlying rhythm to life created by God. If we'll let it, Sabbath can teach us how to feel that rhythm and live accordingly.

  • Be Still and Know 9:30 am (Audio)


    Sabbath isn't primarily about what we don't do. Sabbath is primarily about what we remember, that there is a God that we can trust, a God that loves us.

  • Be Still and Know 11 am (Audio)


    Sabbath isn't primarily about what we don't do. Sabbath is primarily about what we remember, that there is a God that we can trust, a God that loves us.

  • A Whole New World 9:30 am (Audio)


    When God says "I am making all things new," there's an important clue in that word "all." If you want to experience renewal, it almost always will happen not off by yourself but in relationship with others.

  • A Whole New World 11 am (Audio)


    When God says"I am making all things new," there's an important clue in that word "all." If you want to experience renewal, it almost always will happen not off by yourself but in relationship with others.

  • Cross Training 11 am (Audio)


    Sometimes the pathway to newness of life is a hard one. No one wants to suffer but Jesus teaches us that no one gets to resurrection without a cross.

  • Cross Training 9:30 am (Audio)


    Sometimes the pathway to newness of life is a hard one. No one wants to suffer but Jesus teaches us that no one gets to resurrection without a cross.

  • Fixer Upper 9:30 am (Audio)


    Have you ever heard the phrase "a whole new you?" We're all aware of things we wish were different about ourselves, and some of the time that awareness comes from comparing ourselves to other people. But God doesn't think that way...

  • Fixer Upper 11:00 am (Audio)


    Have you ever heard the phrase "a whole new you?" We're all aware of things we wish were different about ourselves, and some of the time that awareness comes from comparing ourselves to other people. But God doesn't think that way...

  • All Things New 9:30 am (Audio)


    If there's ever been a time we were more eager to say goodbye to the old year and say hello to the new one, it's this one I think. But what if we could see this moment as more than just "getting back to normal." What if we set our...

  • All Things New 11 am (Audio)


    If there's ever been a time we were more eager to say goodbye to the old year and say hello to the new one, it's this one I think. But what if we could see this moment as more than just "getting back to normal." What if we set our...

  • From Weary to Well 11 am (Audio)


    At the end of a wearying year, we have a pause to reset, recollect, and reconsider how we are doing. It is okay to be weary, Jesus got weary in soul and life, how he found ways to restore can be helpful for us in our pause between years. One example...

  • From Weary to Well 9:30 am (Audio)


    At the end of a wearying year, we have a pause to reset, recollect, and reconsider how we are doing. It is okay to be weary, Jesus got weary in soul and life, how he found ways to restore can be helpful for us in our pause between years. One example...

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