Ham Radio 360

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 110:56:59
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Exploring the Hobby in Every Direction


  • The End of the Beginning…

    26/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    Thank You Very Much for listening to the Ham Radio 360 Podcast. In this real quick, last episode, I take the opportunity to 'say' good-bye. I appreciate the opportunity to have served you and the Amateur Radio Community over these last few years. 73 Y'all Cale/K4CDN 2-10-18 Friends, In 2011 I achieved a nearly lifelong goal; I became an Amateur Radio Operator. In 2014 I began, as a means to scratch an itch, an Amateur Radio Podcast. The podcast, then named ‘Fo Time’ was never supposed to succeed. I had no intention of releasing any more than 5 to 10 programs. Almost 4 years later, 90+ shows, and over a 3/4 million downloads, I’m still wondering how I got here. Through that time, I was a small part of promoting the Amateur Radio Hobby via the medium of podcasting. What began as an experiment soon became a platform for a New Ham Operator to learn the ropes. Along the journey I was blessed with the opportunity to connect with and learn from some of the most brilliant and entertaining people on the p

  • Ham Radio 360: Faraday RF – Open Source Digital Radio

    07/01/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    The Salmi Brothers are back (don't miss their initial interview) to teach us about their Educational Development Radio Company-Faraday RF and some of their Outer-Space Creations! In this Nuts and Volts episode we get into the minds of Brent (KB1LQD) and Bryce (KB1LQC) as they break down the ins and outs of their Ham Radio venture.  More than just building a SDR; Faraday RF looks to expand the hobby for tomorrows operators. Join us as we pull back the veil and get a glimpse of the future..."Challenging the notion of making a contact" Show Links and Mentions Faraday RF AMSAT Faraday RF Blog Posts: More Than Radio - AMSAT MPPT Faraday RF Telemetry Telemetry.FaradayRF.com Faraday goes UP! (HAB) Delayed Tolerant Networks What is MPPT?  Maximum Power Point Tracking Previous Podcast Episodes regarding AMSAT Connect with the brothers: @FaradayRF @kb1lqd @KB1LQC Faraday RF on Facebook

  • Ham Radio 360: Millennial Falcons-KB1LQC & KB1LQD

    07/01/2018 Duration: 35min

    As you might imagine Twin Brothers Bryce and Brent have a great deal in common.  Both are Millennial Ham Radio Ops, Developers and Rocket Scientists just to name a few shared interest! The Brothers Salmi drop in for a conversation about their vision for the future of the Ham Radio hobby.  Raised as inventors and tinkerers these guys are poised to take that to an entirely different level with their educational development company, Faraday RF.  But before we get into the 'what' we get into the 'why' as we look back to a childhood filled with promise, learning and dreaming to a present full of building, making, and doing! If you're searching for proof that your beloved hobby will outlast your days-give this show a listen to be challenged and encouraged for tomorrow! Show Notes and Mentions Faraday RF- Master Plan (Start Here!) Blog Post: Millennials are Reinventing Ham Radio N0SSC - Blog Post: Millennials Are Killing Ham Radio KC5ESS.us  Resistor Value Color Codes K2GXT - RIT Radio Club SpaceX  RARA

  • Ham Radio 360: 88 New Year – New Rules

    07/01/2018 Duration: 30min

    Hey Y'all, Happy New Year! Once again, here we are.... I've been to the future and now I'm back behind the mic, in the shack, to bring you another episode of Ham Radio 360 Podcast.  Thanks for tuning in to my return.  The break was a great refresher and in this 'different' show I break down what I learned and where I'm going!   Show Notes and Mentions Bruce Arians Retirement Presser Ham Radio 360 Forum *Now Closed* Field Radio Podcast - GoFundMe Hamvention Help IC-7100 Portable Station from KJ6VU IC-7100 from MTC RT Systems Software *Amazing* Contact Links       **please excuse the voice-this dry winter weather has taken a toll on the VOX

  • Ham Radio 360: Shopping Show #4 with the entire 360 gang

    23/11/2017 Duration: 02h13min

    Happy Thanksgiving! George, Jeremy and John pulled me up to the barn just in time to get a shopping show together for your Holiday Listening pleasure!  Actually, we'd planned this all along-knowing that so many of you enjoy the insight and conversation between friends. This is our 4th Shopping Show and it's always the highlight of our yearly podcasting adventures. While we have a load of fun doing these shows;  it's our hope we can help you make informed choices regarding big and small purchases this Christmas Shopping Season! Handi-talkies, Mobiles, Portables and Packables all get time in this episode along with some insight on budget and starter gear.  There's room for everyone, even if you're still stuffed full of turkey! So, take us along as you brave the crowds for overnight shopping!  Plug us in one ear while you're forced to sit through another lame 3-hour Commercial..I mean Thanksgiving Parade.  Share us with the in-laws, you know they love hearing about your 'weird' radio hobby!  Whatever-just do

  • Ham Radio 360: Lessons from Irma and My Vacation

    19/09/2017 Duration: 22min

    It's doubtful that you haven't been affected by the recent hurricanes, no matter where you reside.  Here in the Upstate of South Carolina-we were indeed touched by Irma and in this episode of the Ham Radio 360 Podcast, I share some of my lessons learned. Following that, I break the news that as of this episode, #87, I will be taking a much needed vacation from the Podcast grind.  The Workbench and Field Radio Podcast will stay on schedule-but HR360 is hanging up the vacation sign and going away for a bit.  3+ years of creating content and full-on engagement has taken a toll on my balance of life so I've decided to step away, with a potential return in January 2018.  A big thanks to all who helped take a 'joke' and turn into 'something'! The recent storms seemed to reignite the ever-smoldering embers of Ham Radio's place in EMCOMM.  No surprise to see the many hams out in force debating the relevance of Amateur Radio in an Emergency.  Since we've never settled the no-code or Chi-com debates....what's anoth

  • Ham Radio 360: FSQ, Linux & YouTube with Kevin, KB9RLW

    05/09/2017 Duration: 51min

    I was introduced to Kevin, KB9RLW, by my friend Julian OH8STN and his postings on Instagram/Twitter.  A few months back FSQ was a 'new' mode and some were excitedly giving it a go.  Julian had posted a link to a video on FSQ and it I knew this was a mode I was very interested in learning about!  Enter the 'Old Tech Guy' on Youtube and here we are! Kevin and I set about determining the compatibility of schedules and just last week we were able to connect via a wonky Skype call and get this information together for you.  While we do spend some time discussing the FSQ mode, I also discovered Kevin is a die-hard Linux user.  Kevin fills us in on his Linux use for Ham Radio and his YouTube Channel creations. *I've noted on the socials a few times last week that I did indeed mispronounce the insanely popular digital mode FT8; for whatever reason I referred to it as JT8 four different times in this show. **Additionally, I have utilized the FSQ mode since recording this conversation with what I'd consider Success!

  • Ham Radio 360: Extra Class Upgrade with W4EDF

    22/08/2017 Duration: 01h36min

    Ed Bradshaw (W4EDF) recently upgraded his Ham Radio ticket to Extra Class and he wants you to know-You Can Too! Former show guest and current Kenwood TS480 owner, Ed decided he wanted a bigger slice of the pie and set his sights on passing the Extra Class Exam.  Having put a great deal of effort into his studies and methods, Ed offered to come on the show to share what worked for him in hopes that you (and I) would get ourselves motivated to study-and Pass! Question pool: ARRL Link ARRL Extra Class License Manual, 11th edition Gordon West, WB6NOA, 2016-2020 Extra Class FCC Element 4 Ham Extra by James Thomas Ham Study (Signal Stuff) QRZ Practice Tests ARRL Find an exam ARRL What to bring Dave Casler YouTube Extra playlist - Here Alan Wolke, W2AEW YouTube Must watch: Here W4EDF: Previous Show Appearance #37 Others Recommend these Books/Aides: K4IA Pass, the Easy Way KB6NU No Non Sense Guide Extra Flash Cards Thanks for listen!!! 73 Y'all, Cale

  • Ham Radio 360: Author and Amateur Don Keith N4KC

    08/08/2017 Duration: 57min

    Don Keith is a long time Ham Radio Operator who combined his love of RF and conversation into a writing career that spans nearly 40 titles.  He joins me on this episode of the Ham Radio 360 podcast to talk about his latest novel- Dial Dancing, some his other titles, copying 35 wpm CW, and more! Don went all the way, in an effort to encapsulate the entire spectrum of ham radio magics with the sub-title of his latest work! Dial Dancing..... Link to Don's Books on Amazon DonKeith.com N4KC.com It's always fun to chat with another 'radio' guy, especially those who can stay one step ahead!  I hope you enjoy our conversation!  73 Y'all!

  • Ham Radio 360: Fox Hunting (Transmitter & Bunnies too)

    25/07/2017 Duration: 58min

    Larry Jacobs, WA7ZBO, is my guest this time on the Ham Radio 360 Podcast.  Larry is a long time Transmitter Hunter who offered to help me understand what is involved in Fox Hunting aka Bunny Hunting. From the premise of the hunt to the gear involved- the in's and out's and best practices, Larry shares his experiences of almost 50 years! in a show 'first' Larry produced this Bonus Video to help further describe the equipment and theory of use mentioned in this episode! (links and further mentions listed below) Bonus Video! Book: Worlds Best Hobby-Dave Bell SoCal Transmitter Hunting ARDF  Homing In.com PiCon from Byonics Book: Transmitter Hunting- J.D. Moell Tape Measure Yagi- KB9VBR CCARS Instructables OSCAR-6 Arrow 4 MHz. Offset Fox Hunt Attenuator SDR-Direction Finding VK3YNG Sniffer 4 ______ TMR Scouting Special Event: Will be operating an anniversary celebration station, W2T, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Ten Mile River Scout Reservation (known as TMR in the Scouting world) in

  • Ham Radio 360: Field Radio Podcast Intro & Scouts on the air

    11/07/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    New Podcast Alert! This week on the Ham Radio 360 Show we discuss his upcoming Field Radio Podcast launch with John Jacobs (W7BDO)!  The Field Radio Podcast is set to premiere this Thursday (July 13 2017) on your favorite podcast player! The Field Radio Podcast is dedicated to exploring the amateur radio hobby through the lens of getting you and your gear outdoors. Your host, John W7DBO, will explore what gear works best, how to deploy in the field, and most importantly how to have fun! The podcast will also explore what you can do with your gear once deployed; Including emergency communications, contesting, event support, and of course Field Day. Subscribe On Android Find In iTunes @fieldradiopod on Twitter fieldradiopodcast on Facebook Field Radio Podcast RSS Feed *** Field Radio Podcast on Youtube John's email contact here Field Radio Podcast Show Discussion in the HR360 Forums ____________________________________________ Getting Scouts On the Air! Following the new show announcement I'm joined by

  • Ham Radio 360: 13 Colonies Special Event and recent appearances

    27/06/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    A few weeks back in our Facebook Group, Curtis Williamson (W4HCW) mentioned he'd like to hear me do a show about the 13 Colonies Special Event.  I connected with Bob, ND7J, the webmaster for the event as well as an event operator from the state of North Carolina. I feature our conversation in this episode of HamRadio 360. The 13 Colonies Special Event is held during Independence Weekend each July and began in 2009, as a 'One Time' event.  After logging over 12,000 contacts with just 13 operators, it's founder Ken, KU2US, discovered he was onto something.  Since it's inception the event has grown exponentially with many more state operators and a network of help that spans the globe. This is one of my favorite contests to participate in each year!  Thanks to Bob for coming on to help us learn more, and I hope you all get a chance to participate and get a clean sweep!  To learn more about the Event, Logging, Certificates and more visit the 13 Colonies Special Event page at www.13colonies.net (28:30) Recen

  • Ham Radio 360: ADS-B with Nick, KK6LHR

    13/06/2017 Duration: 01h07min

    In this episode of the Ham Radio 360 Podcast, I'm joined by Nick, KK6LHR to discuss ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast).  Known around here as "Tracking Airplanes with a SDR"...there's a lot more to it than that, and Nick helps me understand the ins and outs plus getting started in ADS-B. Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast (ADS–B) is a surveillance technology in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked. The information can be received by air traffic control ground stations as a replacement for secondary radar. It can also be received by other aircraft to provide situational awareness and allow self separation. *wikipedia Nick is more that just a nosy guy wanting to see what's flying overhead, he was determined to get the best signal down the line into his shack.  From Homebrewing LNA'a to Amazon he's compiled the gear and knowledge to help us make the most of our efforts! Thanks for coming on Nick,

  • Ham Radio 360: Wrapping up Hamvention with a New Hams Perspective

    30/05/2017 Duration: 55min

    We've talked a great deal about Hamvention over the last few weeks, and we're gonna wrap it up here today! Chris Purdy and I have been friends for years and he surprised me a few months ago when he volunteered to tag along on the drive to Xenia. Chris is a Shiny New Ham Radio Operator, and he'd never been to a hamfest before...so why not Hamvention! Maybe a little overwhelmed at the onset, he quickly came around and is now making plans to go back next year! Give the show a listen for a "New Guys" perspective on the event. From initial impressions, things learned and friends made, Chris and I break it all down for you including some insider info from behind the scenes of the Ham Radio 360 Hamvention Team.             I finish up with some final thoughts on the event, the location, new sponsors, and next years plans. Icom: Hams to Japan 4Z1UG-Eric Guth, QSO Today Podcast Linux in the Hamshack = Cale Crashes Live Recording! Bob and Gordo on Ham Nation AREDN Katie Allen WY7YL Neil Rapp Ham Talk Li

  • Hamvention 2017: Day 2 Review

    21/05/2017 Duration: 02h28min

    Day 2 was another Great Day at Hamvention and we're going to bring it to you right here! Blenheim Ginger-Ale Linux In the Ham Shack Podcast CommsToGo Signal Stuff (HR360 coupon code) HamStudy.org KF7IJZ Channel George Built it Powerfilm HamSci RSGB AREDN RIGOL TEquipment.net/RIGOL Dealer Alpha Antenna VideosbyMike BioennoPower HamSource AIRSPY.us Radio-Relay Int'l Messaging RFinder/AndroidRadio Connect Systems Gordon West Ham Nation DVMega   Thanks for listening! 73 y'all      

  • Hamvention 2017: Day 1 Review

    20/05/2017 Duration: 01h06s

    Day one is officially in the books for Hamvention 2017. A new look with a familiar feel in an all new Venue...and it was really a good day! Vendors were swamped and so were we. The Workbench Project Boards are a Hit, and our booth was very busy all day long!  We hope you enjoy the interviews we snagged today during the show! We love the opportunity to see our listeners and friends face to face and today was AWESOME! Thanks for making today the best first day of Hamvention for the HR360 Team! A Special Thanks to all who participated with us, please give their links a peek! Total Mast Solutions Hobby PCB SatNOGS Vibroplex BridgeCom Systems Comms To Go NorthWest Digital Radio thank y'all for listening and sharing!  See Y'all tomorrow! 73, Cale/K4CDN  

  • Ham Radio 360: Hamvention 2017 – Ham Radio Unhinged

    15/05/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    Yes, this week is #Hamvention; and Yes, it really is that big of a deal!  It's the Largest Ham Radio Event-Worldwide and we're gonna be there!  Unless you've been living under a rock, you are well aware of the yearly event in Ohio hosted by DARA and it's new venue!  The upcoming 2017 Hamvention will be held in Xenia Ohio this year at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center.  *Special Announcement: Hamvention Parking Hacks!!!! Talk-in and Info Bulletin Parking/Shuttle Service The fellas and I catch up (during a deluge in SC) on the ins and outs of our plans for Hamvention 2017.  What will the guys buy this year?  Who will we talk to and what does the future hold for HamRadio 360? And before you ask: yes we plan to release a daily re-cap podcast just like last year! Booth 6501-6502 (in the big tent) HR360/WB Forum: Room 2. 2:45pm Saturday! Hamvention 2017 Program (Food on pg. 19) Stuart (KB1HQS) Review of Packtenna Our Past Shows on Hamvention! Subscribe to the show Here We'll See Y'all There! 73

  • Ham Radio 360: Julian, OH8STN- Max Capability – Minimal Gear

    02/05/2017 Duration: 01h07min

    Julian, OH8STN, is just like most of us; he loved radios and electronic toys when he was a kid!  (Are you seeing a pattern here?)  While Julian isn't a kid anymore, he spends all of his free time 'playing radio' out in the Frigid North of Finland! Wanting to share his experiences and ideas for portable/emergency comms he set off to create content for the Amateur Radio Community.  Known around the globe as the Survival Tech Nord, Julian takes his viewers on all sorts of excursions where they can learn along with him. Licensed since 1999, SurvivalTech Nord (OH8STN) focuses on emergency Voice and Data field communications, sharing knowledge & ideas relevant to the modern survival minded comms communities. In addition to Youtube videos, Julian also Blogs about his success and failure in the differing situations he places himself in.  An devoted Android user; he is serving the Amateur Community in a real and transparent way. Wolphilink Digital Interface Yaesu 817 RaDAR Google+ Group ZS6BNE RaDAR Blogger Last we

  • Ham Radio 360: Winlink, Winmor & RMS Express (an Introduction)

    18/04/2017 Duration: 01h24min

    It usually begins like this "Cale, when are you going to do a show on....?"  This time, it was Wayne (K4SPA) and he was again, asking me about doing a show on Winlink. I've too been wanting to learn more about Winlink since first trying my hand in it back in the Fall.  While I've had limited (NVIS) success, I'm far from a 'user' or even half-way proficient in the mode.  So I did what I do best;  I found someone to help me further understand it, and I bring you along to learn with me! Brett Smith (KE0EWY) is a Friend, Listener and Long-time Supporter of HR360.  He's also quite fond of Winlink and someone I consider an Elmer for me in that field.  I invited Brett to visit with us here to help you and I both learn more about Winlink, Winmor and RMS Express. from SV8CS blog linked here This isn't a deep-dive into all things Winlink, but more of an Introduction to give us an idea of what it is, and what is necessary to get started with this really cool mode of communicating with our radios and computers. It d

  • Ham Radio 360: A New Ham Surprise, Our Community and a SK

    04/04/2017 Duration: 53min

    In this, the 75th installment of Ham Radio 360 Podcast we talk Community. You hear me harp on community almost daily.  It's real to me, and I hope this program helps it continue to grow.  While there are tons of negatives in our hobby, I always stretch to find the high points.  One of those highs came to me a few months back.  A gracious listener charged me with finding a New Ham that needed some help getting started with quality equipment.  I assumed this would be an easy task with so many new hams flooding in...it was a little tougher than I had imagined! It seems that most new hams are hitting the ground running and purchasing big items straight out of the gate.  That was until I met Josh Hunley, KD9GOT.  I won't spoil the story because I want you to listen to him tell it!  We surprise Josh with some really cool gear purchased by our Gracious Listener and supplied by MTCRadio.com! We carry on to the #KX2forCale!  Yes, I have an KX2 in the shack-sent over from Elecraft to demo this Spring as I begin to e

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