Etsy Jam



Insights and actionable advice for Etsy Shops from hosts Richie, Gordon, and Kevin of Marmalead. Lessons learned, seller Q&A, and guest chats with shops are all things you can look forward to on Etsy Jam. Tune in if you're ready to take your shop to the next level!


  • What Do Customers Think of Your Etsy Shop? With Carly from PendantPlaceStore

    12/02/2018 Duration: 30min

    They say you can get a good look at a T-bone steak by….oh never mind. But you CAN get a good look at a shop by experiencing it from a customer’s perspective. And that’s exactly what our guest Carly from PendantPlaceStore did this last holiday season. Stick around to hear the things she loved about shopping at other Etsy shops and the things she...well...didn’t love as much!

  • How to Parent Yourself with Carly from PendantPlaceStore

    05/02/2018 Duration: 28min

    Do you have a secret technique for staying focused on your shop and keeping life’s relentless onslaught of distractions from tugging you off course? In this episode we chat with Carly from PendantPlaceStore about how she parents herself by holding herself accountable for the things she knows she needs to get done. We also talk about how she’s iterated through different Etsy shops, her experiences with promoted listings, and more! Join us next week for part 2 of the conversation with Carly where she shares results from an interesting experiment she did this last holiday season!

  • The Secret Promotion 99% of Etsy Shops Are Missing with Julianne from TheGarterGirl

    29/01/2018 Duration: 32min

    Are you taking advantage of this GREAT opportunity that Etsy provides to all sellers free of charge? With about 30 million active shoppers, Etsy brings a huge audience to your doorstep if your SEO is lined up, but if you want to go above and beyond and pull in even MORE customers, Julianne from TheGarterGirl is here to tell you exactly how you can make that happen. Stick around to learn all you can about affiliate marketing on Etsy in this week’s Etsy Jam!

  • Affiliate Marketing and How to Get Your Etsy Shop Featured on a Blog with Julianne from TheGarterGirl: Part 1

    22/01/2018 Duration: 22min

    Get ready for two awesome back-to back episodes with Julianne from TheGarterGirl. In this episode, Julianne talks with us about blogging, staying in your niche, the importance of great photos, and more! Then next week, in part 2, we will take a deep dive and explore affiliate marketing, a promotional opportunity available to ALL Etsy sellers that hardly anyone is taking advantage of. Continue reading for the first installment of this two part Jam!

  • It’s Time to Get Serious About Your Shop with Paula from CLNandDRTY

    08/01/2018 Duration: 54min

    Is your shop a side hustle or a full-time focus? When will you cross the threshold into your newly built handmade or vintage business? This week we talk with Paula from CLNandDRTY about when that time came for her, the decisions she made which helped set herself up for success, one of the top simple things she does to nourish a healthy community and some tricks she’s found to help overcome the challenges she’s faced with time and money.  Sit back and crank up the volume for another great Etsy Jam.

  • Get Picky with Your Time with Caitlin from MoxieAndOliver

    26/12/2017 Duration: 51min

    Like most Etsy sellers, you probably have a ton of things competing for your time. How well do you defend it? How picky are you about where you sell online and what shows you go to? This week we chat with Caitlin from MoxieAndOliver about some key decisions she’s made to defend her time. Caitlin talks about leaving her full time job, being diligent about where she sells online, what shows she participates in and how she found and hired her assistant. Join Caitlin, Richie and Gordon for another informative Etsy Jam.

  • The ~ BEST - Way, to : Separate / Your | Title // Keywords

    11/12/2017 Duration: 30min

    How do you like to break up the keywords in your listing titles? In this episode Richie and Gordon chat about the most popular keyword delimiters among sellers and share a sweet suggestion for which one will give you the BEST results for Etsy’s SEO. Find out if you are missing out on ranking for hidden keywords in your title. This is one Etsy Jam you don’t want to miss.

  • If You Listen to One Holiday Episode Let It Be This

    27/11/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    The Holidays are fast approaching. Is your shop ready? Join us as we follow a fresh Facebook holiday guide and make it relevant to Etsy sellers. Get a better understanding of timing, audience, engagement and delivery so that you can prepare your shop for success.

  • Turn Your Shop Around with Positive Outlook with Mavis Stevens from MissMavisFunHouse

    06/11/2017 Duration: 01h35s

    Would you believe you could land more sales at your shop just by having a more positive outlook? This week we chat with Mavis Stevens from MissMavisFunHouse. She tells us how having a more positive view completely shifted the success of her shop. Mavis also talks about consistency, photos, meeting her assistant in a cemetery, showing gratitude and MORE!

  • SEO for One-of-a-Kind Sellers with Tara Jacobsen

    30/10/2017 Duration: 01h14min

    Are you or do you know a vintage or one-of-a-kind seller on Etsy? Feeling a little forgotten by Etsy’s last round of sales, leaders in the Etsy space, and online seller groups? Well boy do we have an episode that’s tailor made JUST for you. Tara Jacobsen from Marketing Artfully and So Glamorously Vintage joins us today to cover everything you need to know about vintage and one-of-a-kind SEO. Tara is a true leader in the SEO space - she’s joined us before on the podcast - and we are super excited to have her back today to focus on vintage SEO.

  • Lose Your Big Buts with Kara from A Cake To Remember

    17/10/2017 Duration: 01h28min

    Are you spending too much time worrying about things you can’t control? Falling into the trap of blaming Etsy? This week we talk with Kara from A Cake To Remember about the things you CAN control. Kara covers a great list of ways to make sure your listings stay active on Etsy. She also talks about some of the common problems she’s seen on the Etsy forums when sellers are complaining about having low sales, and what they could do to get rid of their big buts.

  • Social Media and Your Shop with Natwar from

    10/10/2017 Duration: 59min

    This week we take our first ever deep dive into social media with Natwar from Natwar shares insights into the big social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter but it doesn’t stop there. We also chat about how to find and learn from your customers, making a transition from corporate job to self employed and much much more. Stick around for another great Etsy Jam!

  • Jade from Marmalead

    03/10/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Are you making the most of the visual tools Etsy provides you to tell your shop’s story? In this episode, our very own Jade has some great tips for your cover photo, shop icon, about page and more. You may recognize Jade as the author of our Etsy Jam blog post each week - but she helps us out with a ton of other things including graphic design - which she clearly has a passion for. Stick around to get to know Jade a little better and learn how you can do a quick self assessment on your shop’s visual storytelling.

  • Pivoting to Follow Your Passion with Toni from UnderTheVeil

    26/09/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    In this episode we talk with Toni from UnderTheVeil. Toni is a singer, seamstress, and Etsy seller extraordinaire. She talks with us about selling on eBay before Etsy was a thing, her live handmade boutique, legal issues with copying by one of the largest wedding companies in the world, and her pivot from aprons to weddings to teaching! And as we sometimes do, the pre-conversation for this Jam rolled right into the actual Jam conversation. So hold onto your hats because we’re gonna drop you right into it! Enjoy!

  • Pivoting to Follow Your Passion with Toni from UnderTheVeil

    26/09/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    In this episode we talk with Toni from UnderTheVeil. Toni is a singer, seamstress, and Etsy seller extraordinaire. She talks with us about selling on eBay before Etsy was a thing, her live handmade boutique, legal issues with copying by one of the largest wedding companies in the world, and her pivot from aprons to weddings to teaching! And as we sometimes do, the pre-conversation for this Jam rolled right into the actual Jam conversation. So hold on to your hats because we’re gonna drop you right into it! Enjoy!

  • Are you an amateur or a professional?

    12/09/2017 Duration: 39min

    How serious are you about your Etsy shop? Would you consider yourself an amateur or a professional? In this jam, we look at 14 different opportunities for self reflection which will help you have a better understanding of yourself and take your shop to the next level.

  • 800% Sales Increase with Rachel from IndigoTangerine

    05/09/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    We are super excited to have Rachel join us again from IndigoTangerine. Rachel chatted with us back in Spring of 2016. Since then she’s been super busy working on her shop and one year later she’s seen an 800% increase in sales. Stick around to hear about Rachel’s Etsy specific product development srategy, why she doesn’t have her own website, the challenges of scaling an Etsy shop, and some tools outside of Etsy that she has found super useful!

  • Shop Fitness Calculator Extravaganza

    22/08/2017 Duration: 50min

    In this episode, Richie and Gordon dive into Marmalead’s Shop Fitness Calculator. They discuss what it will cost (spoiler alert - it’s free) and what sort of information you’ll get from it (spoiler alert - a pretty decent amount). So read on for this next episode of Etsy Jam!

  • Episode 57: Great Keywords Delivered Weekly

    15/08/2017 Duration: 30min

    In this episode, we have a handful of different ways that sellers are using Marmalead’s High Engagement Keyword emails to improve their listings and their shops’ success on Etsy. If you’re a Marmalead entrepreneur, or you’ve been thinking about becoming one, and you’re looking for some fresh ways to use your weekly list of the highest engagement keywords, read on!

  • Keyword Decision Tree

    01/08/2017 Duration: 01h49s

    So you’re working on your SEO and you found a keyword. Is it a good keyword? Will it work for you? Will it end up with sales? In this episode, we walk you through Marmalead’s Keyword Decision Tree and show you 6 steps you can follow to decide if a keyword will work for you.

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