FIRED UP! is a weekly radio show that explores the connection between communications and human motivation. The program is dedicated to making professional communicators more effective at motivating people to buy products and services, agree to strategies and business initiatives, and proactively embrace efforts requiring shifts in thinking, feeling, behaving, and interacting.
Employee and Organizational Confidence
06/04/2009 Duration: 43min[Employee and Organizational Confidence with Jeffrey Saltzman./>
Building Character in Communication
30/03/2009 Duration: 37min[Building Character in Communications with Terry McKenzie of Sun Microsystems./>
Random Acts of Kindness and Changing Minds
23/03/2009 Duration: 36min[Author of The Open Mind and editor of Random Acts of Kindness, Dawna Markova joins Gordon./>
Organizational Communication and Motivation
16/03/2009 Duration: 33min[Organizational Communication and Motivation with guest Dr.Beverly Kaye./>