Dewey Bertolini's Podcast



By harmonizing the four Gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- we will study the life of Christ in chronological order, from the first utterances of the angels heralding His birth, to His crucifixion and resurrection. It is our sincere hope and expectation that as we immerse ourselves in Jesus' life and ministry, we will fall more deeply in love with Him, and become more and more like Him.


  • Jesus in HD (Bonus Podcast) -- We Must Never Forget!

    15/07/2013 Duration: 52min

    I woke up this morning with these words ringing in my ears, “We must never forget.” Our salvation was paid for with Jesus’ blood. That we will never forget. But there is a whole heavenly host of precious committed Christ-followers who have gone on before us, without whose testimony we would never have heard about Jesus’ shed blood. They shed their blood too. And that, we must never forget. So in that sense, our salvation was paid for first and foremost by Jesus’ shed blood. But by the shed blood of countless saints who are in Heaven today -- men, women, and children who shed their blood rather than renounce their faith; men, women, and children who passed their spiritual legacy onto us. Of them it must be said, “We must never forget.” You are about to hear a bonus PODCAST, a message that I gave two summers ago at a very special place, a place near and dear to my heart: Hartland Christian Camp. The audience consisted of the most wonderful high school campers you’d ever want to meet. The theme of the eveni

  • Jesus in HD (Part 33) -- A New Day Has Come!!!

    08/07/2013 Duration: 53min

    I’ve got some great news for you. The best news, really. Courtesy of Jesus, and the 3 Gospel writers -- Matt, Mark, Luke -- who recorded these precious, life-giving, spirit-refreshing words. In this PODCAST, we are about to consider together one of the most exciting sayings of Jesus in the entire Bible. Quite a claim, I understand. But I am confident that in the next few minutes, you will see that this passage here in Mark will indeed live up to its advance billing. Trust me. If you have ever felt spiritually burdened, weighed down by your inability ever to be good enough to be loved by God, or to enjoy His pleasure, this is for you. May you find great refreshment for your some-times-troubled soul. I sure did. Please Note: Depending upon your web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to begin to play. HAPPY LISTENING!!!

  • Jesus in HD (Part 32) -- Jesus Heals a Parent's Broken Heart

    01/07/2013 Duration: 01h01s

    Here, in this PODCAST, is some much-needed hope for every brokenhearted mom. Not to mention every brokenhearted dad. This hope comes courtesy of a man named Levi, though you’d never know it by reading his account of Jesus’ life and ministry. While there is scant little detail in the Bible regarding this remarkable man (Levi is mentioned by name a grand total of only 5 times), scratch beneath the surface and we could write a book about him. Levi deserves our focused attention, and we will be all the richer for having had this discussion. A polarizing figure, Levi was. They either loved him or hated him. Or to put an even finer point to that: The religious hated him; Jesus loved him. And in loving him as Jesus did, Levi becomes a living, breathing canvas on which the heart of Jesus is painted in vivid colors and bold relief. Please Note: Depending upon your web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to begin to play. HAPPY LISTENING!

  • Jesus in HD (Part 31) -- Jesus on the Outside Looking In

    24/06/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    The time bomb starts ticking. A time bomb that will one day detonate, the concussion of which will reach around the world and throughout human history. An explosion that will result in Jesus’ execution. It all starts here in this story that you are about to hear. There is so much going on here that I cannot possibly even begin to tell you about it with these written words. You’ll just have to listen to this PODCAST to take it all in. Believe me, it is quite stunning. Please note that depending upon your web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to begin to play. HAPPY LISTENING.

  • Jesus in HD (Part 30) -- Straight Talk about Sickness and Disease

    17/06/2013 Duration: 01h08min

    Time for us to have a vitally important conversation. A discussion about a topic that touches each of our lives in a profoundly personal way. Tonight, courtesy of a leper, of all people, we are going to develop a theology of sickness and disease. Don’t let that word, “theology,” throw you. It’s a compound word, theology is. Theos is the Greek word for God; logos is the Greek term for word. “Theology” refers to words about God. So in this PODCAST, we will have a discussion about sickness and disease, one that includes God. Because trust me, God very much wants to be included in this discussion. And God needs to be included in this discussion. We’ll look together at exactly what happened. Then we’ll make some observations about what happened. And finally, we’ll draw some very important and practical conclusions about how this story impacts our lives, especially when we are sick. PLEASE NOTE: Depending upon your web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to play. HAPPY LISTENING!!!

  • Jesus in HD (Part 29) -- The Day That Peter Got Saved!

    10/06/2013 Duration: 56min

    It's a wonderful little chorus, the wonder of which is found in its repetition: "I have decided to follow Jesus. I have decided to follow Jesus. I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No turning back." In this PODCAST, you will hear about the day that Peter first sang that song. And even though this happened to Peter a-way back then, his story has so much to say to us today regarding our stories. Please note that depending upon your web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to play. HAPPY LISTENING.

  • Jesus in HD (Part 28) -- Jesus Took the Morning Off (And the World Did Not Implode!)

    05/06/2013 Duration: 52min

    Does the word, “boundaries,” mean anything to you? As in establishing boundaries, and not feeling guilty about that? If not, it will in just a few brief  minutes.  How about the word, “No”? As in saying “No” to someone, and NOT feeling guilty about that? How about purposefully leaving some things undone, leaving some needs unmet, just because you need a break, and not feeling guilty about that? My goal in this PODCAST is pretty simple and straightforward: To absolve you of guilt. To lift off of your sagging shoulders a weight that far too many of us having been carrying for far too long. You are about to get a glimpse of Jesus -- under enormous strain and a crushing pressure -- that might just surprise you. And when you do, it will be life-changing. Please note that depending upon your web browser, it might take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to begin to play. HAPPY LISTENING!

  • A Pastor's Highest Calling -- The Charge (Challenge) I Gave to My Son on the Occasion of His Ordination

    03/06/2013 Duration: 08min

    Today was a day that I will NEVER forget. Nor will our son, Dave. Nor will our family. My son was ordained to the ministry today, in an age-old tradition that dates all the way back to the first days of the Early Church.  We read in Acts 13, "(The church leaders) placed their hands on Barnabas and Saul to show that they had been appointed (by God) to do this work."  Today, church leaders placed their hands on my son. I was given the unspeakable privilege of giving to Dave what is commonly called "the charge," or challenge. A term taken from such Scriptures as 1 Timothy 1:16, "This charge I commit to you, son Timothy..." I offer it here to you because a charge to an ordination candidate is equally a charge to the church he serves, as well as to the Church as a whole. I hope that you will find it inspiring and edifying to your life and your faith. Please note that depending upon your web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to play. HAPPY LISTENING!

  • Jesus in HD (Part 27) -- WE WIN!!! Our Victory Over Satan, Demons, and Demon Possession.

    27/05/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Welcome to the world of spiritual warfare. A world in which you and I live and -- frankly -- battle each and every day. This one incident in the life and ministry of Jesus raises for us all sorts of practical spiritual questions, questions that we need to answer. Questions that we will answer in this PODCAST. Fair to say that Satan would prefer to remain in the shadows and work behind the scenes, rather than to be brought front and center like we are doing in this study. He does not want to be exposed. He does not want to be understood. Out of sight, out of mind. So if I may be blunt and to the point: Satan does not want you to hear this podcast. Which makes me all the more thankful that you are listening in. PLEASE NOTE: Depending upon your web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.

  • Jesus in HD (Part 26) -- The Day They Nearly Killed Him...

    20/05/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    REJECTION. I can hardly bring myself to say the word sometimes.  REJECTION: A word loaded with searing memories, deep scars, and jaded emotions. REJECTION: Is there anything more painful? Is there anything more devastating than loving someone who who spurns your love? May I get personal with you for a moment? May I have your permission to ask, Have you ever felt the betrayal of rejection? Have you ever loved someone or someones, only to have him/her/they walk out of your life, perhaps forever? Have you ever loved, only to have your love spurned? Loved with what the poet might call an unrequited love? Trust me: You are not alone. As you will be reminded in this PODCAST. Welcome to a day in the life of Jesus. No Saturday in recorded history ever began so wondrously. And no Saturday in history ever ended so tragically. And no Saturday in recorded history has ever had so much to say to so many of us, including you. And even including others about whom who care so much. Please note that depending upon your web bro

  • Jesus in HD (Part 25) -- WWJD, What Would Jesus Do?

    13/05/2013 Duration: 52min

    WWJD? That is the question we are attempting to tackle in this PODCAST. If I was tweeting this on my Twitter account, I would use #MindBlowing. Yes, what Jesus did was THAT remarkable. Each week, I follow a predictable pattern when I teach. If you have listened to any of these podcasts, you will readily recognize this pattern. Basically, I read the passage, explain the passage, and apply the passage. This week will be one notable exception. I will indeed read the passage. I will then attempt to explain the passage in as clear and compelling and captivating a way as possible. But as for an application of the passage, I will leave that to you. Because, truth be told, I’m really not sure how to apply the passage.  This is one of those times where I am left with more questions than answers. Important questions to be sure. Questions which, in today’s Evangelical climate, we must consider and must answer. Please note that depending upon your web browser, it may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to play.

  • Jesus in HD (Part 24) -- Jesus Meet a Social Outcast

    06/05/2013 Duration: 56min

    The cards were unfairly stacked against her. By anyone’s definition, she was a total loser. This woman was by anyone’s standard the quintessential poster-child of the societal outcast. She lived on the fringes, neglected, or even worse, forgotten by everyone. Forgotten by everyone, that is, but Jesus. This one encounter, between Jesus and this notorious woman, changed her life forever. It might just change yours. You can hear all about it by clicking HERE. Please note that with some web browsers, it might take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to begin to play.

  • Jesus in HD (Part 23) -- "Is the Bible Truly True?"

    29/04/2013 Duration: 53min

    It’s THE question that I get asked more often than any other. And believe me, I get asked all sorts of questions. But in one form or another, I so often get asked some incarnation of the question, Why do you believe that the Bible is true? A perfectly fair question, if you think about it. I mean, the Bible is an ancient book, written from a place and about a place far, far away, and written so long, long ago. It is filled with funny sounding names. Weird stuff (at least what appears weird to us) takes place within its pages. And yet, we are asked to live our lives and to gamble our eternities on the teachings of its ancient texts. So comes the question: Why do you believe that the Bible is true? Ironically, I always find it tremendously challenging to answer that question. NOT because of too little information, but because of TMI -- too much information. It’s like, Where do I begin? It’s like when you walk into a banquet room and walk up to a beautiful, bountiful table overflowing with rich and widely diff

  • Jesus in HD (Part 22) -- The Man Who Came to Jesus at Night

    22/04/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    Have an Android Mobile Device? Get the Safe Haven Android App by clicking HERE! It’s called the most beloved verse in all the Bible, no pun intended as it is a verse about God’s love. It’s called the Gospel message in miniature. It’s the most memorized verse in the Bible, and usually the very 1st verse most of us memorized. John 3:16 is all of that, and so much more. But note this: John 3:16 did not come out of a vacuum. It came out of a singularly important conversation that Jesus had with a singularly important individual -- the man named Nicodemus. Nicodemus: a man we need to meet up close and personal. Nicodemus: a man from whom we will learn some startling lessons. In a very real sense, in this PODCAST we will expose a hidden family secret, one that affects every single church represented by you, my precious listeners. So sit back, open your heart, and spend a few minutes with us as we meet the man who came to Jesus at night. PLEASE NOTE: With some browsers, it may take up to 60 seconds for the

  • Jesus in HD (Part 21) -- Jesus Goes Ballistic

    15/04/2013 Duration: 55min

    It wasn't a pretty picture, the day that Jesus visited the Temple -- His first official trip after the beginning of His ministry to that holiest of all holy places.  But holiness is not what He found there. Not by a long shot. Can I say this reverently? Jesus lost it. He lost it BIG TIME. You can hear all about it by clicking HERE. So here are the 3 questions that we must answer in light of the goings-on high atop the Temple Mount on that unforgettable day: 1. What in the world was going on there that caused Jesus basically to go ballistic?  2. Was Jesus’ reaction to whatever was going on appropriate? Inappropriate? And why?  3. What could this possibly have to do with our lives today? (More than you could possibly imagine!) You’ll discover the answer to all three in this podcast. PLEASE NOTE: Some web browsers may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to play.

  • Jesus in HD (Part 20) -- Jesus Goes to a Wedding.

    08/04/2013 Duration: 56min

    Welcome to a Jewish Wedding!  Not just any Jewish wedding. But THE Jewish wedding! The Jewish wedding where Jesus -- for the VERY. FIRST. TIME. -- chooses to reveal Himself as to the person He truly is: Almighty God in a fully human body. What we call the Incarnation. Deity who took on humanity. Now that is quite a statement. But it is an accurate statement. You can hear all about it by clicking HERE. Which taunts us with this intriguing question: Why in the world did Jesus choose that time, in that place, to do that? Why there? Why then? The answer will amaze you. Because the answer includes you. Yes, you. Trust me: You are in for a treat! PLEASE NOTE: With some web browsers, it may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to begin to play.

  • Jesus in HD (Part 19) -- Jesus in the Passover

    02/04/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    Welcome to our presentation of a Passover Seder, a celebration observed by-our-many Jewish friends, a festival that has been taking place every year for more than 3000 years.  They have done so ever since that defining moment in the book of Exodus when God commanded His chosen people to commemorate their miraculous deliverance from their 400 years of bondage in Egypt. Tonight we are going to connect so many of the dots that we have talked about these many weeks that we have been together, studying together Jesus in HD. As we noted several weeks ago, Jesus celebrated this holy day every year of His life. And even during this past week, millions of Jewish people the world over gathered in their homes, with their families and friends, to celebrate this festival of Passover. In this podcast, we are about to discover in a way that you will never forget that God wove into the very fabric of the ancient Passover story a far larger and greater story of redemption that encompasses every one of our Jewish friends,

  • Jesus in HD (Part 18) -- When Your Faith Falters...

    25/03/2013 Duration: 51min

    OK, be honest. Does your faith ever falter? Would it help if I admitted that at times, mine has?  The good news, the GREAT news, is that if or when our faith falters, we are not alone. You can hear all about this by clicking HERE. In this podcast, you will meet three remarkable individuals, two of whom battled with their own faltering faith. But here’s the thing: While their faith in Jesus may have at times faltered, Jesus’ faith in them NEVER faltered. And that’s the key. Even when our own faith falters, Jesus’ faith in us will NEVER falter. Now THAT’S something worth celebrating. Please note that with some web browsers, it may take up to 60 seconds for the podcast to play.

  • Jesus in HD (Part 17) -- “I’m Not Good Enough.”

    18/03/2013 Duration: 50min

    “I’m not good enough.”  Ever hear those words echoing in your mind? I do. More often than you might think. Certainly more often than I would like to admit. I can tell you from personal experience that those four words are paralyzing. Paralyzing to our Christian walks. Paralyzing to our service to Christ. Paralyzing to our ministry to others. Paralyzing to any expression of joy in our lives. “I’m not good enough.” The devil delights in calling to our minds our past failures. He preys on our personal weaknesses. He is THE master at making us feel insecure or inadequate. Well, we need not feel insecure nor inadequate any longer. Meet Andrew and Peter, blood brothers and the very first disciples of Jesus. As we consider their backstories -- and quite compelling, they are -- you will realize why the words, “I’m not good enough,” NEVER have to vex you again. PLEASE NOTE: With some browsers, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to play.

  • Jesus in HD (Bonus Podcast) -- A Scriptural Snapshot of God’s Amazing Love

    11/03/2013 Duration: 45min

    Welcome to Junior High/Middle School Camp!  I am in Atlanta for training to become a Walk Thru the Bible instructor. So while I am away from my beloved Safe Haven family, I offer to you this bonus podcast, recorded last summer at Hartland Christian Camp.  My goal in this message was to paint a portrait for these precious students of just how much God loves them... AND YOU! To do so, I chose one of the most beloved of all of the parables that Jesus taught. Care to make a guess?  I will dare to make this bold prediction: If you listen in to this podcast, you will come away with a whole new and fresh appreciation for what it truly means to be loved unconditionally.  To be loved by a God who does not love you if... Or love you when... Or love you because... You will hear what it means to be loved by your God who loves you, period. No qualifications. No caveats. No conditions. He just loves you! Which is exactly what it means to be loved unconditionally.  As you can probably tell, I am THRILLED that you ar

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