Two Cities Church - Fresno/clovis, Ca



We are the church unchurched people love to attend and our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.


  • Most Wonderful

    04/12/2016 Duration: 30min

    For many, the Christmas season is complicated. It's a reminder of broken relationships, unmet expectations, and missed loved ones. But no matter your circumstances, Christmas can also be a reminder of the light that overcomes the darkness.

  • Invitation of a Lifetime

    27/11/2016 Duration: 34min

    You have the power to change the trajectory of someone’s entire life. All it takes is an invitation.

  • Becoming a Citizen

    20/11/2016 Duration: 41min

    You voted. The results are in. You've done your part. But it doesn't stop there. What does it really take to become a good citizen?

  • Shine Like Stars


    You voted. The results are in. You've done your part. But it doesn't stop there. What does it really take to be a good citizen? Find out in this two-part message series: The Good Citizen.

  • Be Rich


    “Command those who are rich in this present world . . . to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” 1 Timothy 6:17–18 In this #BeRich2016 season, we are challenging the church to Give.Serve.Love. our Two Cities. If you would like to help Feed Our Future Fresno feed chronically hungry kids in Fresno County text "BR (instert amount you'd like to give)" to 559.745.7009. Thank you for participating in Be Rich.

  • If I Were You


    You can say, "I do." But can you follow through? A promise - even a promise as big as a wedding vow - doesn't mean anything without preparation to back it up. In this message, we talk about a "to do" list that will prepare you to one day say "I do" and mean it. *We apologize for the camera framing.*

  • Designer Sex


    Culture convinces us - and sometimes we convince ourselves - that sex is only physical. But if that is true, why is the pain of sexual sin so deep? Because sex is not just physical. It was designed by God to be so much more. In this message, we address common myths about sex outside of marriage and has two specific challenges going forward. *Please note, this message is not appropriate for all ages. Parental guidance is suggested.

  • Gentlemen's Club


    Are the Bible's teachings about women relevant? In this message, we explore Jesus' teachings about honoring women that were extremely counter-cultural in the first century. They remain so today. So Christian men especially need to transform their thinking. And there are two simple steps to start with. *Please note, this message is not appropriate for all ages. Parental guidance is suggested.

  • The Right Person Myth


    When I meet the right person, everything will be all right. This way of thinking creates trouble in our dating lives and sets us up for trouble in marriage. In this message, we are challenged to ask ourselves Am I the person the person I'm looking for is looking for? And he previews God's list of behaviors that will lead to success in dating and marriage.

  • Two Year Anniversary


    Celebrating two years, Micah Foster reframes and clarifies the vision of Two Cities Church.

  • Messy-er


    When you have a mess to address, first options aren’t usually the best options. First options often make messes messier. In this message, Andy explores an approach that can take the -er out of your messy situations.

  • Move Toward the Mess


    Jesus told us to love our neighbors as ourselves. But that’s easier said than done. What are the limits of our responsibility to others? The answer may surprise you.

  • Inside Out


    A common misperception is that the Christian life is all about avoiding messes and staying out of trouble. But following Jesus isn’t about avoiding something; it’s about becoming something.

  • Best Mess Ever


    I know a mess when I see one because I am a mess. When we acknowledge our messes, we're a baby step away from acknowledging God. Your mess has the potential to bring God near you.

  • The Mess in the Mirror


    Whether we’re religious or not, we’ve all been in, are in, or are only one decision away from a mess. But there’s a powerful connection between your messes and your relationship with God.

  • Preventative Circles


    Why is it some people go through extraordinarily tough times and are broken, while others are not? Check out this secret to weathering the storms of life.

  • Tear the Roof Off


    How should you respond when others face a bottom-of-the-9th moment? It's not about saying something or doing something. It's about being someone.

  • Game Over


    What happens when there is no bottom-of-the-ninth comeback? What happens when you lose? Where can you find hope when hope disappears?

  • Remember


    When you're facing a bottom-of-the-ninth moment, doing this one thing can bring light to the darkness.

  • Stepping Up to the Plate


    Have you ever felt behind financially, relationally, or emotionally? What do you do when you feel like your life is trailing in the bottom of the ninth?

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